
Chapter 176 Fight with the sky, I set the sky! (!)

Western Region, Beiyuan.

In a very gorgeous palace, a handsome teenager in gorgeous clothes, about 16 or 17 years old, was scolding angrily at a middle-aged man kneeling in front of him.

"A little girl can't even stare at it! What's the use of you!! "

The teenager looked very angry. As soon as he finished speaking, he kicked the middle-aged man angrily!

The teenager's legs are a little strange and mechanically stiff, but his feet are unusually fast, fierce and accurate!

"Bang! "

A low and dull sound.

There is a clear footprint on the chest of the middle-aged man, and his clothes are blown in the direction of the teenager's feet by the strong wind.

However, even so, the middle-aged man's figure is motionless, like a fixed pile! His eyebrows have not changed at all, but his face is calm! There is no response to the teenager's insult to himself.

"The young master, Miss Su Su's own strangeness, subordinates and others really can't stop them. Please punish them! "

The middle-aged man lowered his head slightly and pleaded guilty to the teenager.

If you are wrong, you are wrong. In front of the master, no matter what you are wrong, the master says wrong is wrong! Must be wrong!

"Oh, you have made progress! Punishment?! You have said Su Su's weirdness, and you still punish him?!! "

The teenager sneered with a trace of sarcasm in his tone, but he didn't know whether he was mocking his incompetence or self-deprecating his own disability.

After a word, the teenager did not embarrass the middle-aged, but moved forward a little unnaturally. The teenager's right leg was a little stiff, as if he had lost his toughness and was completely a stiff leg.

Slowly moved to a collapsed place, and the teenager bent down slowly and sat down.


, the faces of middle-aged people remained unchanged, and there was no abnormality or anxiety! It seems that you are used to the scene in front of you.

However, when the teenager turned around, there was a trace of pity and a sigh in the middle-aged man's eyes!

God is unfair!

Thinking of what happened to the young master, middle-aged people did not resent the young master's angry kick, but felt very unfair to the young master who regarded him as himself in the bottom of their hearts!

17 years!

Since I was born as a teenager, except for a maid who took close care of the teenager, I have been waiting beside him. Since the birth of the young master, I have watched the young master grow up little by little and become the proud son of heaven in the eyes of everyone!

He is smart! He is gifted! He cultivates his physique beyond ordinary people!

Since he began to practice at the age of five, he is not born with all kinds of elixirs to wash his body and cultivate the foundation of cultivation!

However, it only took him three years to set foot innately at the age of eight! Then, in the late 10th birthday! Eleven-year-old is congenitally successful! At the age of 11 and a half, he broke through the congenital shackles and reached the rank of a scholar!


Fourteen years old is the ten heavens of the sergeant rank, the peak of the sergeant rank!

14-year-old scholar-level peak monk!

What an impressive achievement!

What an enviable and shocking cultivation talent!

In the whole family, ordinary mortals such as homeowners, elders, slaves and subordinates are extremely shocked!

However, the birth of the young master is not good. A young master of the collateral line has no status in the family. Moreover, his parents were also poisoned by outside monks because they went out to earn some cultivation resources for the young master after his birth. Instead, they were killed one after another. Passed away.

This leads to the status of the young master not much better than that of some domestic servants! What's more, there is no family supply of cultivation resources!

However, the young master is not moved at all. He is not only talented, but also makes him praise himself!

No matter cold or heat, he never relaxes his practice! He is hardworking! In the family, he is sure that no one can work harder than the young master! He doesn't care about his birth! Since he was five years old, he has embarked on the road of practice, countless days and nights, forgetting to sleep and eat!

He is a servant in the family, so he was assigned to the young master when the young master was born. Although the young master is only a subordinate young master, although there is no supply of cultivation resources for the young master in the family, it is still not stingy to give each young master a practice tutor!

However, the cultivation of the tutor depends on his identity. Whether the direct line and the collateral line are powerful or not, financial resources will naturally affect it! He is a practitioner of seven heavens. When the young master was born, he was eight heavens, and 17 years have passed. Every two years, his cultivation has increased by one heaven!

17 years, he watched his growth, and he was gratified! Because he did not rely on anything, he made this indifferent family gradually pay attention to himself. He changed his fate with his own efforts!


But God is unfair!

When he was preparing to break through the rank and reach the rank of a teacher, a sudden incident completely changed his life!

He hates this family!

Yes, he hates this family that can easily destroy his family!

In the clan, because the master's wife died early, the young master has no status in the eyes of other princesses and young masters as soon as they are born!

He was bullied by them, and he was looked down upon by them!

The young master has never complained! He gritted his teeth and persisted!

But! Those bastards who destroy humanity!

When the young master broke through the master's level, they released a demon pet with the peak of the master's rank to attack the young master!

Isn't it because the young master taught a lesson when a collateral disciple insulted Miss Su?!

But the guy actually relied on his good relationship with a young master of the direct line. When Master Chen broke through the master's rank, he deliberately released a demon pet to destroy the young master's cultivation, and also seriously injured the young master! One leg was attacked by the strange spirit of the poisonous snake, causing its leg to lose its intelligence! What's more, it makes the young master's cultivation strange and no longer grows at all!!!

The young man's name is Chen Yun, and his family name is Nie's family. He is a medium-sized family in Beiyuan in the Eastern Regions!

There are 12 direct three generations in the family, and nearly 100 collateral three generations.

What happened to the young master, due to the deliberate misinterprehension and deterrence of the direct young master, the things that happened to young master Chen finally ended, and they were sent by the family to such a desolate and remote mountain for cultivation and recovery!

Cultivation? Recovery?!

Oh, don't you want to kick the young master out of Nie's house?! Cultivation cannot grow, and a useless person at the peak of the morale is dispensable in the family! Moreover, it will also stain the sight of some people!

The middle-aged man's name is Chang Ping. At this time when Master Chen was sent, he also came here.

"Well, her girl... It's not your fault. Forget it, you and them go out quickly to find that girl. Don't let anything do anything! Remember! Remember! "

The young man sighed, and the previous anger on a very handsome face dissipated, but a worried face!

Yes! Young master, but..."

Hearing Master Chen's order, Chang Ping answered, but a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face!

"What? "

Chen Yun's eyes drooped and did not look at Changping, but spoke out.

"Miss Su Su, will you sneak out this time..."

Chang Ping said in half a word of worry.

Hearing the words, a trace of coldness flashed away in Chen Yun's eyes, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth was very cold! A pair of eyes opened! After a little meditation, he narrowed his eyes and said, "It's okay, go and do your thing well!" "

Yes! "

Chang Ping raised his eyebrows slightly and then said solemnly.

Since the young master has said something, he naturally can't say more. Chang Ping is very relieved about the young master's ability to deal with things!

Otherwise, how can the direct young master in the family be let go so easily?

Chang Ping stood up, saluted Chen Yun slightly, and immediately turned around and walked out of the door.

Uncle Chang! "

Suddenly, the voice of the teenager behind him sounded.

Chang Ping turned around puzzledly and was about to speak, and another sentence penetrated into his ears.

" just now... Sorry! "


Chang Ping's body is stunned!

Looking at the thin sitting figure, the raised sincerity, still young face, and the eyes with strong apologies, Chang Ping only felt that an unspeakable emotion suddenly surged up in his heart!

His body trembled slightly.

His eyes were slightly moist.

He knows him!

He is just a teenager, but he has suffered so much. He is too tired...


Hearing these three words, he heard the infinite guilt in his heart for himself, 17 years!

A touch of kindness appeared on Chang Ping's face, grinned, smiled silently, and said, "Young master, I know you as much as you know me. Therefore, Uncle Chang won't blame you. Young master, I remember what the master said before... Man is safe, heaven settles people, man fights with heaven, and man settles heaven!! "

Looking at the teenager who fell into the memory, Chang Ping smiled happily and suddenly turned around and strode out.

"People are at peace with their lives, people are determined by nature, people are determined by nature, people are determined by heaven... Man and heaven fight... People... Set... tian..."

In the simple palace, a teenager muttered in a low voice, and on his immature face, he resolutely and slowly climbed up his face.

For about a long time, a sound of shouting came from the palace.

"I will fight with the sky, and I will fight with the sky! "

PS: I was too tired yesterday. I worked at night and had something to do during the day. I just got two or three hundred words, but I suddenly fell asleep and broke the update. Sorry! Two more today! Make up for yesterday's update!

For only one update, I'm really sorry. Every day, with the rest time during work, I have to work 12 hours of night shift. In this state, I can only update once. During the Spring Festival, all updates will be made up! The grades of this book are very poor, but I believe in my book. Although the grades are poor, I won't give up! If you insist on watching it, I believe it will only become more and more wonderful in the future! It won't disappoint everyone!

I'm working at 8 o'clock tonight. I can still write a chapter and continue to code words with my mobile phone...