
Chapter 231 Heaven's talent is not as good as strange goods!

In the Danding Hall, Bai alchemy and many disciples looked extremely wonderful at this time!

In summary, what happened in the temple at this time really made it impossible for everyone to calm down!


Bai alchemy stared at the scene in the hall at this time, and the old man trembled at this time, showing how unquietate his heart was!

"What are these two little devils doing, grandma, they won't want to demolish my old man's Danding Hall..."

Bailian's face murmured unnaturally.

At this time, there is no longer a little movement in the hall!

Suddenly! Suddenly!

A rolling spiritual power stirred the hall with a sense of depression.

It is the two extremely eye-catching places in the field that cause such a scene!

And these two places are the place where Zimo and the wheat girl are.

Within three feet of their bodies, there was no one. Everyone divided into two strands and looked at Qi Mo in consterren.

The big tripod in the hall has also changed at this time. Originally, there were 50 big tripods, of which 49 big tripods are scattered in various corners of the hall. Another white tripod, which is different from the previous 49 bronze four-corner elixirs, is like a huge square seal, which is a very calm town in the hall. Medium!

On top of these fifty tripods, there is a white flower about the size of a human palm, and at the corolla in the middle of the white tripod, there is a milky white elixir the size of a longan lying quietly in it.

However, what is really amazing is that these 50 white flowers are divided into two parts with a wisp of white silk-like spiritual power above the flowers!

50 wis of white exercises are combined, all rushing to the one with milky white pills at the middle corolla, and then half of them rushing towards the upper eyebrows of the wheat girl, and the other half drilling towards the upper eyebrows of Zimo!

However, the two strands are not even, and it seems that they are slightly better than Qi Mo in the wheat girl!

Like the white flower on the white tripod like the commander of the battlefield, the two forces continued to flow. After passing through their cages, they immediately separated again and rushed to Qimo respectively.

Looking at this scene, when the alchemy heart was shocked, my heart was extremely entangled!

Because he can't be more clear about these white flowers!

Fantasy flower!

Five fantasy flowers have reached 800 years old, and one of them has reached 999 years!!

In it, there is an illusion elixir that has reached level 7!!!

But what's going on now?!!!

The fragrance of the magic heart in the hall has disappeared, but Bai alchemy knows that the power of the magic heart flower has not disappeared, but all converged to form that white practice!

"So absorbing the power of the fantasy flower... Damn, which one are the two little guys playing?! You won't play too much, will you??? Why don't I take action? What about not going? Or won't you take action?! Your grandma, the two little bastards are really worried about me!! "

When the magic of alchemy began to pour into the bodies of Qimo, his face changed instantly and was about to take action, but he thought that if the two of them were dealing with the heart demons, I'm afraid it would be even worse!

I had to pinch the little mustache while being extremely anxious, and the thoughts in my mind turned sharply to consider countermeasures!

Compared with the burning forehead of Bai alchemy, the hall is in full swing!

"Wo! "

The speed of endless white horses pouring into the eyebrows of the two people suddenly increased!

Suddenly! Suddenly!

After about a pillar of incense, the illusion flower in the middle suddenly trembled!

At the same time, the other 49 phantom flowers all trembled at this moment and stopped output! Then it slowly fell down and fell to the bronze tripod, and the brilliance on it was much darker. It seemed that the previous crazy acceptance was also extremely lost!

However, the one in the middle did not fall. On it, the milky heart magic elixir kept spinning, and the wisp of white silk-like spiritual silk line visible to the naked eye on the magic elixir was divided into two parts, stretching towards Zimo and the wheat girl respectively!

At this time, there was no wisp of phantom fragrance pouring into the eyebrows of the two. However, it can be seen from their anxious faces that Zimo and the Mai color girl seem to be... Fight!!!

"Your grandma, no way?! Do you still want to absorb the magic elixir?! "

Hundred alchemy's eyes stared violently, and with the trembling eight-character beard, he looked like a miser, and his next performance also confirmed this...

"Grandma's, no, no, I can't stand it anymore! Just rob my old man's phantom heart flower. Grandma, you can't do it!! "

At this moment, Bai alchemy has also figured out. Looking at the faces of the two little bastards, they will definitely not be cheated by the magic heart elixir, and looking at their posture, it seems that these are like supplements for those two guys!

Grandma, this is unbearable, aunt can't bear it, he can't stand it!

You know, for these fantasy flowers, it took 50 years to decorate it!!

Those phantom heart flowers have lost their general spiritual power, and the alchemy can be tolerated, but the phantom heart elixir, which exists as the center of this "psyched heart destruction array", must not be lost!

It's not how difficult it is to find. With the strength of Bailiandan, not to mention Huanxindan, even if it is a higher grade, for Baidan, it is just raising hands! But after more than 100 years of running-in, through the promotion of this magic heart elixir, the medicinal power of the magic heart flower can play an almost 100% effect!!

Dan is not expensive, but time is precious!! Naturally, Bailian Dan can't tolerate the loss of Huanxin Dan!

"Two prodigal things. "

When such an idea flashed in the mind of Bai alchemydan, two wisps of the essence of the magic elixir on the white magic heart flower were pulled out, and it was only a foot away from the eyebrows of Qi Mo. The shocked Bai alchemy quickly shouted in a low voice, stared at his eyes, and an invisible power of divine consciousness turned to the Huanxin Danbao. Wrap it up!

In an instant, I saw the essence of the elixir that had been slowly stored, like a choked throat, and immediately stopped moving forward!

"back! "

With a soft drink, Bai Alchemy's lips buzzed.

" "

In the surprised eyes of Chen Yun, Tian Feng and others, the Huanxin Dan fell back to the corolla of the Huanxin flower. Then, some faint Huanxin Dan slowly fell back to the white tripod!

"Wow, grandma, it hurts my old heart and liver, but..."

Bai Alchemy patted his chest with a happy face, but when he saw Zimo and the Mai color girl present, his eyes suddenly lit up!

"However, Tianzong's talent is not as good as strange goods!! Haha!! "

In the hall, the headless laughter of alchemy resounded.

PS: Let's watch "Extermination" the next day, because I really can't guarantee the update time... I sweat... Anyway, the amount of a day can't run away, and it's the same the next day.