
Chapter 321 The ability of dragons to grow twice!

Yunfu, in Lanyuan.

Zimo slowly put down the "Complete Collection of Poisonous Beasts" in his hand, and the color of enlightenment flashed in his eyes.

Through the "Collection of Poisonous Beasts" in Lal's storage, Zimo also has some knowledge of the hundreds of bottles and cans in the storage bracelet.

It turns out that these are all kinds of poisonous beasts collected and cultivated by Lar in the past few years!

Poisonous beasts, in fact, are just ordinary monsters, not different from the four categories of beasts, monsters, spirit beasts and mythical beasts. They are just some slightly special monsters, and their common point is that they are all poisonous!

There is another very special group of existences on the continent of Chen's tomb. They are poisoners. The division of poisoners is also the same as that of alchemists and refiners, with one to ten stars. However, they are different from the division of alchemists. They are not like the three stars of alchemists and refiners. , which is also a big realm.

The existence of poison refiners is extremely special. They have been accompanied by poisons all year round in their lives. The rise of the star rating of poison refiners is also defined by the poisonous beasts they can cultivate. The higher the star level of poisons, the higher the star rating of their poison refiners!

Of course, some people will say that if a poison refiner has a monster that surpasses his own star, won't his own star level be upgraded? This is not good. Only when the poison beasts of the poison refiners are raised by themselves through cultivation and mental spirit can they be used as a standard to define stars.

Each poisonous beast has a soul mark, that is to say, their existence is that they already have a master. When they become the price of poisonous beasts, they become the puppets of poison refiners.

On the continent of Chen Tomb, the existence of poison refiners is extremely annoying. They are dirty, evil, vicious, and... Powerful!!!

A poison refiner with a powerful poisonous beast is extremely feared and disgusted by many practitioners. Generally speaking, an alchemist is a good existence for practitioners, while a poison refiner is far away and annoying!

However, there are exceptions to everything. Some powerful poison refiners are still extremely popular among some major forces. In such a world where strength is respected, as long as their strength is strong, the treatment will not be bad!


Looking at the hundreds of crocks in the storage bracelet, Qi Mo's heart also rose a trace of heat, because in those ancient books, Zimo also found something that made his heart beat faster!

That's an extremely thin ancient book with only a few sheets of paper - "The Secret of Beasting"

According to its records, in fact, poisonous beasts are not only poison refiners. In fact, as long as their spiritual power is strong enough to ensure the anti-control of monsters that their consciousness will not control, then master some more methods can successfully control poisonous beasts!

Although poisonous beasts are monsters, poisonous beasts are different from demon beasts. They are not like monsters. Their spiritual knowledge can be increased, but poisonous beasts can't. Once they are refined and cultivated into poisonous beasts, their consciousness is to only retain the aggressive and fighting methods in their nature. They will not consider life and death, they will not Afraid of pain and pain, and therefore, they have no scruples!

Qimo's expression moved, opened the beast control formula, and then read it carefully for a while. After about Mo's incense, he closed the beast control formula, and the look in his eyes was a little strange.

Because... If you want to practice the beast control formula, then in addition to the poisoner, the alchemist, the refiner must reach the spiritual level!

Of course, there is no need to say that the poison refiner has requirements for alchemists and refiners, that is, it must reach the four-star level!

For alchemists, what they need to practice is the cultivation of spiritual power. They must temper their consciousness, so that they can do a good job of perfection on alchemy.

And the requirement of this beast control formula is that the alchemist can withstand the anti-eating power of poisonous beasts only when he reaches the soul strength of four stars!

The anti-eating power of poisonous beasts does not mean that the more powerful the poisonous beasts are, the greater the counter-eating power they give to their controllers, but when non-urban cities want to successfully control poisonous beasts, what they suffer is really terrible compared with real poison refiners.

Poisonous beasts, whether it is a star or three stars, when they are forcibly mastered, they will leave a trace of self-mark in the owner's consciousness, so that not only can the controller control the poisonous beast as if they command their own arms, but also make many alchemists, refiners and practitioners The reason why people hate these poisonous beasts is that these shallow consciousness is likely to become the most scourge in the breakthrough in the consciousness of the controller!!!

Zimo narrowed his eyes and had a little hesitation after reading the last part of the reminder. Now that his cultivation has been achieved, Qimo also doesn't want to joke about his life. After all, in case he puts himself in because of these little things in the future, it is too unworthless!


Qi Mo exhaled heavily, and his heart was also extremely contradictory and entangled.

Bad guy! Ben Longlong wakes up!"

Suddenly, when Qi Mo fell into meditation, there was an extremely childish but familiar call in his mud pill palace.

“...... Dragon?

Zimo was stunned, and then he didn't pay attention to the beast control formula in his hand, but sank his consciousness and entered his mud pill palace.

After absorbing the wisp of divine consciousness of the dragon dragon, after waking up, it hurriedly drilled into Qimo's mud pill palace to practice. The details of Qimo is not clear, but after all, the dragon is still in his mind, and he also noticed something that can be felt on the dragon. Changes.....

"Hee hee, bad guy!"

When Longlong's consciousness projection in Qimo just entered the Niwan Palace, his small body turned into a white light and drilled into Qimo's body, and a puppy's face was full of joy.

"Huh? You little guy, you are very happy. Why, what have you gained after absorbing the consciousness of Xiuxi?

Zimo curiously asked the little guy with a proud face on the protagonist's shoulder.

Previously, after the first growth, the dragon had the ability to judge the danger, within a radius, and its cultivation did not exceed the existence of the dragon's own cultivation as two major realms, as long as its meditation induction can be felt. This also makes Zimo extremely happy and admired.

After all, this is a super practical ability to save lives!

Zimo's current cultivation is not high, so in front of many beings that are much stronger than himself, Zimo can more or less experience restraint.

However, this time, Qi Mo vaguely sensed that it is very likely that Longlong's change this time will be more severe than last time. There is no reason. This is a feeling. After all, now the two of them are not exaggerated to talk about their hearts to some extent!

And, in this different world, Longlong is the only companion from Shenzhou.

After hearing Zimo's words, the little guy raised his head and climbed proudly on his face.

"Hee, Longlong has grown up again. This time Longlong has mastered an extremely powerful ability!"

Long Long shook his little head and said proudly.


A trace of curiosity flashed on Zimo's face.

"This time Benlong has learned a super** ability!"

Longlong didn't say it immediately, but it was a trick.

This made Zimo roll his eyes, and he simply didn't ask directly, this little guy...

Naturally, the patience of the little guy Longlong is completely comparable to that of Zimo. After a short time, he burst out anxiously.

"Oh, I knew you couldn't guess..."

Longlong's little mouth is spleen.

Zimo rolled his eyes, and this little guy is really...

However, it is obvious that the attitude of Qimo, the second master of the alien world, is completely not cared by the dragon. The little guy opened his mouth and continued to say, "Hee hee, bad guy, let me tell you, this dragon can control everything that is not a mythical beast!!!"

Hearing the words, Qi Mo's eyes suddenly stared!

All the orcs that are not Protoss?!!!


Zimo's first thought came to his mind at this time - the hundred poisonous beasts have owners...