
Chapter 334 Legendary Prague. Yu


As soon as Lian's voice fell, Qi Mo shouted out.

"Hmm. What? Do you know?"

Lian was also a little surprised by Qi Mo's attitude and couldn't help looking at Qi Mo with surprise.

After being stunned, Qi Mo also reacted and shook his head slightly without answering Lian's question.

However, at this time, it is for the so-called legendary Prague in his heart. Yu really became interested, because things like reform are something that can only be done by real people with big ideas in Qimo's eyes, and now according to Lian's description, Prague. Yu seems to be just a young man in his early twenties, reform?! Zimo's face was strange, and an idea suddenly came into his mind - this guy is not also a traveler, is he?

There is no need to explain the time traveler's ox pen. If so, then it is understandable that this guy made such a so-called legendary deeds in his early twenties.

"It's okay. Can you continue to talk about reform? I'm really interested in it."

Zimo temporarily suppressed his thoughts and said with a smile.

"Are you interested?"

Lian looked at Zimo's face a little strange.

"Yes..., poo... Well, you won't have a good masculinity in your world, will you???

Seeing the strange look in Lian's expression, Qi Mo couldn't help rolling his eyes and asked in real shock.

"Male style?"


"That's... People who like men?"

Zimo explained shamely.

"Oh.... Do you like men? By the way, our world?!"

I have to say that sometimes a woman's thoughts are really difficult to figure out, and at the same time, the degree of her mind is delicate enough to make people sweat on their foreheads!

Lian Xiu's eyebrows thickened and asked Qi Mo, with a strong curiosity between his eyebrows. After all, what Qi Mo just said was not only too ambiguous, but also the sentence in the words caught the loophole in the moment!

Your world?! Say it as if you are not in this world! Of course, if Lian really asks this question, there is really no guarantee that this guy Qimo will jump out - Second Master, I'm really not in your world!

Okay, this is impossible, so let's not talk nonsense...

Of course, at this time, Qi Mo also sweated more on his forehead. It was not the words that he liked men, but the four words "your world" that he inadvertently said, and it was not blamed that Lian made such doubts.

Zimo's face has not changed, and his mind changed sharply. On this, Qimo does not want his identity to be exposed. This is what everyone will choose in such a situation. After all, in a completely strange environment, out of self-protection, before there is absolute strength, That's the choice.

"Haha! How can I like men? This joke is not funny at all. As for whether I am from this world or not, Miss Lian, guess?

Zimo's tone is extremely calm, but it is quite meaningful in his eyes looking at Lian.

On this, Lian smiled and did not struggle with this topic, but said, "He is quite legendary, and his reputation is not in vain."


nodded, and Zimo did not question it.

"At the age of three, he was literate and wrote at the age of five. At the age of eight, his poetry stunned his teachers. At the age of 13, he suppressed all cabinet bachelors. At the age of 14, he made a sensation in the world. At the age of 15, he began to participate in political affairs. At the age of 16, he put forward the "reform theory". At the age of 17, he was adopted. Now it has been five years, and the political situation in Liuyun country is very good."

Lian said admiringly, thinking about it, Prague. What Yu has done is indeed extremely amazing.

Hearing Lian's words, Qi Mo also sighed very much in his heart. Whether these deeds can be done by ordinary people is also worthy of the word 'legend'.

However, Zimo also has a lot of doubts in his heart.

"Then he didn't encounter any setbacks during this period? Participate in political affairs? The prince Prague. What about Feng? Moreover, what was Liuyun Kingdom like in the past?

"Of course, there are setbacks, and it is precisely because he can break those setbacks. His deeds are legendary. Well, your questions will soon be answered. Now, what do you think about my help?"

Lian's words turned, and her beautiful eyes stared straight at Qi Mo and asked.


Zimo was a little hesitant and his expression was a little hesitant. Just now, from Lian's story, he was also able to experience Prague. Yu is not a simple character, not only the third prince, but also makes Qi Mo a little afraid that it is absolutely not easy for this person to do so at a young age.

"Why did you refuse?"

Zimo asked questions.

Hearing the words, Lian was stunned. Why did she refuse?!

Without saying anything, Lian looked at Qi Mo with a little shame in her eyes, which also had a strange meaning.

"Ha ha, I can guess one or two."

Qimo said with a slight hook at the corners of his mouth.

"Oh? What do you say?"

Lotus's face showed curiosity.

"One, with your heart, you should not be willing to have that kind of feelings that are not your choice. Second, in the eyes of these three princes, I'm afraid it's not just because of their admiration for you. Third, your family will not allow such a situation to happen. Fourth, when mentioning your mother, your look told me, maybe, and... Our in-laws, right?

Zimo looked at Lian without dodging at all and said with a smile on his face.

As soon as Qi Mo's words fell, an incredible color appeared in Lian's eyes. I have to say that for what Qi Mo said, he can naturally distinguish right from wrong in Lian's heart! It can be said that what Zimo said is all recognized by him, and these are indeed the ideas that have turned in his heart.

Of course, what Zimo said can't be completely like this. For Lian, for Prague. Yu's approach is completely impossible for him to accept. She has been extremely independent since she was a child. At the beginning, when she chose to go to that place, Yunyi almost locked it up. In the end, under Lian's tough attitude, she also had to choose to compromise.

"You are extremely smart. I don't deny what you said, and none of the things you said are wrong. It seems that you are not a simple guy to be able to analyze this at your age."