
Chapter 363 God!

So you are waiting here!

Zimo thought.

He guessed the beginning, but not the end.

Although he knew that he would not be idle at this so-called 'talent wine party', he did not expect that he would stand on the front line so quickly.

Moreover, Zuo Qing's disruptive behavior at the beginning made Qi Mo a little depressed. Now it's good to stand directly at the front desk all of a sudden!

Feeling the strange eyes swept away, Qi Mo's heart also smiled bitterly.

Actually, he really wants to say something... Please! Second master, I haven't had a glass of wine yet....


"When I was in Yunfu, I experienced my brother Qi's talent. At that time, I was in Prague. Yu just wants to have a good heart and impatient to study with Brother Qi. It's rare to have this opportunity now. Brother Qi, what do you think?

The third prince said expectantly. In the eyes of the audience, it is indeed the same, but their eyes towards Qi Mo have changed. Can this boy be comparable to the third prince???

Well, I have to say that Zimo has been seriously questioned again...

Who doesn't know the legendary reputation of the three princes???

Lian's face was in a hurry and wanted to open his mouth.

However, Zimo once again made him want to kick him to death!

"Good! I can't ask for it! However, Qi has a hearty invitation.

Zimo said with a strange expression.

"Brother Qi is really happy! OK! But it doesn't matter."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the third prince. He was once again blocked by such a cheerful answer by Qi Mo, and in his eyes, he also gave him a definition - brainless!

He thinks this is very suitable for Zimo!

Don't you know my reputation in Prague?!

Don't you know that I'm a genius in this field?!

Don't you know that even those old students who dare to compete with me for most of their lives are not there?!

Well, it's really a... Brainless and young guy....

And it's not just the Three Princes Prague that thinks so. Yu alone, the same thing, even Yuntian's guy standing on Lian's side at this time is full of pity for Qi Mo. Is this guy completely a sadomasochist?

What a self-knowledged boy...


"Hey, this boy is such a fool!"


"Stupid! Don't you know that the third prince is a famous genius in Liuyun!"

"Is there a society?"

"What is this??? What are you talking about?? Please! Knowing that this is his best strengths, he seems to be just a newborn boy, but he competes with the third prince to learn. What do you mean by not being stupid?!"

"Oh... That's right. But..."

"But what?"

"I think he can win..."



"?... You are also a fool!!!"


Except for the only voice praising Zimo, everyone present was mocking Zimo and doing such a stupid thing!

However, Zimo is serious... Is that so?


"Ha ha, in fact, it's nothing. It's just that we are competing in this aspect. I heard that the third prince is extremely good at politics. Qi is not talented, and he also wants to experience it."

Zimo said with a smile, with a natural expression.


However, after he said this, the voices that were whispering to Zimo quieted down at this moment...

"Brother, he... He... What did you say???

A voice stammered.

"He,,, he,,,, he said... Talk about politics with the three princes!"

Another voice staunted.


Two voices sounded in the hearts of these two people at the same time.


This voice rings in many people's hearts! It also includes... In the mouth!


The third prince was also stunned.

This product.... What do you mean?!!!

He couldn't help looking at Qi Mo in surprise. Obviously, Qi Mo made the third prince excited.

"You... Do you want to discuss politics with me?

The third prince asked uncertainly.

"Well, what, is Liuyunguo's rule that it can't talk about politics?"

Qi Mo said with a faint regret that it seemed that it was an extremely regret that he could not discuss politics with the three princes.

"Of course not. Since Brother Qi is interested, why not!"

The third prince's eyes moved, and he responded in a refreshing voice.

For Zimo's small request, Prague. Yu is extremely willing to complete it!

This is completely about the protagonist!

At first, when Zimo agreed so cheerfully, his heart was also flinty. There was nothing he could do. What this guy said was too natural!

This makes the three princes doubt that Zimo is extremely prepared!


When Zimo talked about politics compared with himself, he was not worried!

If what you are good at is compared with a hairy boy, then what do you still have the face to have the title of 'legend'?!

Well, Prague.yu has to admit that he is really at ease.


In the fairy building, in the hall.

At this time, it's not like when Zimo and the others first came here. The people present are no longer chatting in twos and threes, and there are less plots of you pursuing me and I pursue you, but everyone present is all divided into three parts!

Part 1!

Three Princes Prague. Yu's loyal fans and seekers in plain and secret!

Well, I don't dare to confirm whether there are any loyal friends among them....

This is part of the largest number of people! It accounts for two-thirds of the number of people present!

This also makes Zimo a little dissatisfied. These guys are really... Hey! Blind mass flow.....

Part 2!

Supporter of Zimo!

This.... Zimo counted over and over again, and after several confirmations, he finally confirmed that there were four people behind him...

The first number is naturally Lian. If she doesn't support Qi Mo, I don't know if this guy will suffocate.

The second is Yuntian. Well, I have to admit that although they don't know each other, they are barely getting to know each other! At this time, because of Lian, he naturally stood in the place of Qimo.

The third is Zuo Qing! Well, this guy stood behind Zimo in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth kept moving. However, after Zimo glanced at the guy and saw that he was still standing in his camp, he did not care.

And the fourth..... That's the only guy who thinks that Zimo can win!

The thick guy was staring at Qi Mo's back, muttering to himself with bright light in his eyes.

"Tut... At first glance, this guy is a Bi god with a nose plugged in green onions!