
Chapter 484 Qi (Cold) Mo (Xi)!

Mo family, in the council chamber.

Zhao Yuanlao looked at the stunned patriarch with a happy face. This patriarch, who had always been a strong woman with emotions rarely expressed on his face, but at this time, he trembled slightly all over.

Yes, you're right!

Of course, please don't get me wrong. This is a sign of excitement and joy.

At the same time, Zhao Yuanlao is also extremely excited and has to be excited! Mo Xu, who has always been a duffian in his eyes, unexpectedly came back to bring them such a big surprise this time, which really made Zhao Yuanlao smile happily. There is no reason for the old man to be unhappy!

"Pear, don't wander around. If you want to see it, just go and have a look!"

Looking at the trace of worry and strong joy hanging on his beautiful face, Zhao Yuanlao pinched his beard with a cheerful smile on his fat face.


Hearing the words, Mo Xi suddenly paused, suddenly looked up, spit out and wanted to speak. However, it seemed that she suddenly thought of something and couldn't help climbing up the color of worry again. Her tongue was knotted and she didn't say anything more.

"Haha, these always need to be faced, patriarch, go!"

Zhao Yuanlao's face did not have a floating smile this time, but said full of kindness. Mo Xi and Mo Xu can be said that he grew up. These two little guys, because Mo Xu's evil is unreliable and likes to be funny, which makes old people like Zhao Yuanlao not very fond of it. The old people don't like to jump out of character. Young people, because they are too impetuous. However, in addition to his later feelings, everything from childhood to large has satisfied Zhao Yuanlao. After inheriting the position of patriarch, it has made the situation that the Mo family has separated and collapsed more stable and eased, which makes a group of Zhao Yuanlao and others who support the Mo family more respected.


Mo Xi is still full of hesitation. Although she is moved by 100,000 points, but... I really don't know how to face it.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. You haven't seen that little guy. Even my old Zhao has to praise him. With a few words, his face turned pale, haha! OK! OK! At that time, it really made me an old man happy!"

Zhao Yuanlao said, and his words were full of praise.

Hearing this, Mo Xi is also very happy. Which parent doesn't want others to praise their children??? In particular, Mo Xi has always been full of guilt for Qi Mo and has hardly fulfilled his mother's duties. Zhao Yuanlao's praise really made Mo Xi happy.

At the same time, I feel more guilty about Qi Mo and his son.

"Zhao Yuanlao, he... Did he mention me?

Mo Xi's eyes were full of warm love. After listening to Zhao Yuanlao's words with a smile, he immediately hesitated and said.


Zhao Yuanlao's tone stagnated.

Mo Xi's expectant eyes made Zhao Yuanlao sigh slightly.

"Pear, Xiaoxi, the child didn't mention you..."

There was a sigh in Zhao Yuanlao's eyes.

However, at the end of his words, Mo Xi's expectant eyes were filled with a trace of disappointment, self-reproach and gloomy.

Looking at Mo Xi's gray eyes, Zhao Yuanlao was also extremely unbearable. His eyes lit up and said, "Xiaoxi, you, you, you are not as good as me at this time. Although the child did not speak to talk about you, he and Mo Xu returned to Mo's house and still appeared at Li Yuan Lao. You Don't you understand this? That child has you in his heart!"

I have to say that Zhao Yuanlao's words still worked. After listening to it, Mo Xi's eyes lit up again. Yes, since he has returned to the Mo family, then naturally...

Thinking of this, Mo Xi couldn't help feeling much better.

"And, do you know what the child's name is?"

When Zhao Yuanlao saw Mo Xi's face, he said again with a smile on the corners of his mouth.


Mo Xi raised her eyebrows and showed curiosity.


Zhao Yuanlao's voice is very flat.

However, this ordinary sentence made Mo Xi's body suddenly condense.

"Zimo... Qi Tianhan, Mo Xi... It's cold, Zimo..."

Suddenly, Mo Xi's eyes were filled with tears, and two bean-sized crystal tears rolled down from her delicate and white cheeks.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuanlao shook his head slightly, but his eyes were full of kindness. He did not disturb Mo Xi and retreated softly. There was only Mo Xi left in the council hall.

He knew that at this time, the girl needed to be quiet alone for a while. She needed such a quiet moment. She needed to figure out, digest and overcome her psychological obstacles.


Mo Xi unconsciously stepped back and sat on the chair, holding the handle of the chair with both hands. Her eyes and pupils were dilated, but tears seemed to be free, constantly rolling down, which made a beautiful face, like flowers falling on a rainy night, which was pitiful.

"It's cold, Moer, I'm sorry..."

I don't know how long it took, Mo Xi muttered unconsciously.

Time flows slowly, like the tears of the broken line, and I don't know when it will end.

I don't know how long it took, Mo Xi's face left tears, but the tears had already dried up. Her lax eyes were also full of brilliance at this time. Obviously, she had come out of endless self-reproachment and sadness, because the top priority at this time was not to lament the so-called fate alone, because, too Too many things need to be changed, instead of powerless swearing and condemning self-blame.

"Zimo, my child, my mother will not let you down again! Our family will no longer be cut off by any resistance!"

Mo Xi said coldly, and then his body flashed and disappeared in place.

After a fragrance, Mo Xi's figure appeared outside a forest. With the rotation of his eyes, his eyes kept glancing at the cabin in the woods.

On his face, without any hesitation, his body flashed and walked towards the cabin.

After he took ten steps, a blocking array loomed. With a frown, Mo Xiyu raised his palm and wanted to forcibly destroy it. However, when he was about to do it, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

And this hesitation did not last long, and her eyebrows were relaxed, because the array in front of her had disappeared.

Exhaling, Mo Xi hooked the corners of his mouth slightly and continued to step forward.

" girl, come in... Hey, our father and daughter haven't seen each other for more than ten years..."

Suddenly, a vicissitudes of speech sounded in the wooden house, which also made Mo Xi's moving body stagnate, and then trembled slightly.