
Chapter 529 I also feel bad

"Moer, be careful!!"

"Bad boy, pay attention!!!"

"Oh! That monkey, let go of your claws!!!"


At the time of Tianji Jingzi's yin, all the people exclaimed in unison.

Because, when the change in Tianji's eyes just appeared, they, as masters, naturally noticed it, but it was too late...

Tianji Kyoko's strange eyes penetrated directly into Qi Mo's eyes, and at this moment, a wisp of blue and black appeared on Qi Mo's forehead.

"All stop!!! Otherwise, I will kill him!!"

A quick roar of Tianji and then stopped the elders who were about to rush forward, and Mo Xu and Mo Xi also looked at each other and stopped their bodies. Mo Xu's face was extremely ugly, because he found that at this time, there was a blank look in Qi Mo's eyes. At the same time, the whole person's movements were It became stiff.

And Mo Xi's face was already as pale as paper.

"How dare you! If you dare to touch his hair, it's not just you today, I will definitely destroy your Dong** clan!!!"

Mo Xi said with a very cold face.

Some people say that maternal love is as big as a mountain, and some people say that maternal love is as deep as sea. In fact, if a woman with maternal love is touched by reverse scales, it is absolutely crazy and terrible! Just like Mo Xi, the face was still smiling in the spring breeze at the previous moment, and this moment was as cold as ice!

And this sentence was also cold and cold, which made Tianji Jingzi shiver. However, it is naturally impossible to scare Tianji Jingzi with one sentence. This guy sneered and said, "Well, then I don't care. All I know that if you dare to move again, this The boy will not survive the next moment!!!"

Kyoko Tianji also knew that he had no way out. He could only get out with Qi Mo as a bargaining chip. He was gambling. He knew that if he didn't gamble, he would definitely die. What excited him was that he had bet right. This boy was indeed a family captive waste. It's just that. Although the speed is very fast, this kind of boy only deserves to play with his fists and embroidered legs. On this kind of life-and-death battle, he is just a skinned lamb!

To be honest, after his success, he looked down on Mo Xi and Mo Xu. In his eyes, these two are not hairy little boy like Qi Mo. This boy can agree with his ability. Isn't this a lack of brain?

Now that I know I'm in a hurry, what did I do???

Of course, thinking so, it is not that Tianji Kyoko is complaining about their mistakes, but the self-comfort in this guy's heart about the harm he has just suffered. Of course, it is also a shock in his heart.

Despised them, and as expected, it made Tianji Kyoko feel much more comfortable.

Sure enough, after he finished saying this, Mo Xidang's face became stiff.


Looking at the almost fire-breathing face of Mo Xu and others, he glanced at Qi Mo, who had been completely hit. Tianji Jingzi was very proud. Originally, he thought he would die, but at this time, he was very alive. At this moment, hell and heaven made Tianji Jingzi want to die. At this time, his heart was excited. The mood is all floating!

After laughing wildly, Tianji Kyoko said proudly, "Let me go, and I'll let this boy go!"

"That's right, don't want to play tricks. To tell you the truth, this boy is the master and servant of my big day pross secret art. At this time, his consciousness is all under my control. If I want him to die, it's just a momentary thing.

Tianji Kyoko added.

As soon as his voice fell, he snapped his fingers, and then Qi Mo's body suddenly trembled, as if it had been clicked, even if it looked slightly narrow.

Seeing this, Mo Xi and Mo Xu's worries continued to increase.

Seeing this, Tianji Kyoko was even more proud. This guy had a life-saving charm in his hand, and he also spoke confidently.

"Hmm! Give you three breathing time, or he will die if I die! Or, if I don't die, he won't die!"

Kyoko Tianji put pressure on Mo Xi and others. He knew that he must not delay for a long time. First, the secret skills he used will not last long, and the controlled people will also resist more and more fiercely. Therefore, Kunji Kyoko would quickly coerce Mo Xi to agree.

In fact, Tianji Jingzi's cultivation is not weak, but the combat effectiveness of the Mo family present is really not something he can withstand alone!


After Tianji Kyoko finished speaking, regardless of whether Mo Xu and others agreed or not, he put up an ugly finger and began to count. Well, please forgive this guy's mathematical ability...

Mo Xi's eyes were cold and piercing, and Mo Xu's eyes appeared with anger. However, he was not like Mo Xi, but looked strangely at Qi Mo, who was a few feet behind Tianji Jingzi.

Because he always feels that Zimo's eyes are extremely strange, numb, er, why... Is there a trace of purple in his pupils? Moreover, Mo Xu always has a feeling that that is... Zimo is pretending???

Well, that's what I think! Because Zimo used to give himself the feeling that this guy looks ordinary and messy, but he can often do things that make himself unexpected!

Thinking this way, Mo Xu is not so anxious. In a bloody sentence, that is, I guessed the beginning, but I always can't guess the ending...


Tianji Jingzi has been immersed in the good feeling of himself, and naturally he will not pay attention to Mo Xu's expression, and Mo Xi's performance made him very happy. The more Mo Xi hates, the more angry he is, the more peaceful he will be!

This proves that he didn't choose the wrong one!

Just now, he was still worried that Mo Xi would abandon Qi Mo, but now he is not worried!

Looking at Mo Xi's eyes and tears, the ** light flashed again in Tianji Jingzi's eyes, and he secretly said in his heart that it was a pity that such a beautiful woman seemed to be unlucky.

"There is one last voice. If you don't agree, I will die with him!!! One......"

Tianji Kyoko understood that Mo Xi's psychological defense line had fallen to the lowest at this time, and Tianji Kyoko did not mind beating it again.


Sure enough, as soon as his words fell, Mo Xi shouted hurriedly.

"Hmm! Little beauty, Uncle Tianji, let's talk about the ideals of life next time. In this case, you all retreat and contact the power of retreating the courtyard!"

Kyoko Tianji hummed proudly, and then said 'command' with high temperament.


Mo Xi said without any hesitation. And his eyes are still full of worries.


Several elders took out a token together and threw it separately, and a light flew out and fell into several corners of the courtyard. Then, Tianji Jingzi felt that his whole body and mind were light, which made him happy. He gently touched the ground with one foot, and most of his feet sank into it.


With a wild laugh again, Tianji Kyoko was very sure that escape was the most reliable escape method.

"Gone Moer!"

Mo Xi said coldly.

"Is it released? Haha, Chief Mo, are you insulting my IQ, or are you looking down on your own IQ? Now it's released. Aren't I looking for death???

Hearing the words, Tianji Jingzi pulled out a sarcastic smile from the corners of his mouth.

"What do you want?"

Mo Xixiu frowned and said, it seemed that she was willing to agree to Tianji Jingzi's conditions. She did not dare to gamble by strong means, because she was afraid that Qi Mo would hurt at all.

Tianji Kyoko did not answer Mo Xi's words, but looked at Qi Mo, who had become stupid. His eyes moved and called, "Kid, come here."

After hearing Tianji Jingzi's words, Qi Moguo came over obediently without any resistance, which made Mo Xi's worries more sufficient.

Within a few steps, Qimo came behind Tianji Jingzi like a puppet, standing obediently, with no vitality in his eyes.

Tianji Jingzi was quite proud of this and waved his palm and said, "Little beauty, I need to take him out of the Mo family. As long as I leave the Mo family area, I will definitely let people go, how about it?"


You must let people go, or I will be your hostage."

Mo Xi refused, but then said the 'condition' that made Tianji Kyoko almost flow.

It's spicy!

Tianji Kyoko is happy, great! If possible, if Mo Xi is a hostage, not to mention anything else, even if it can be oiled, it will be happy!

For a while, the ** light in his eyes was Dasheng, staring at Mo Xi's exquisite and unique body with a perfect mature woman, and the ha lazi was about to stay.

"Good....... Oh! Not good!! No way!!!"

Kyoko Tianji was about to agree, but suddenly woke up and hurriedly replied.

Spicy, I'm really dizzy, taking Mo Xi as a hostage??? I don't want to live!!

I have to say that Tianji Jingzi's head is still very good. As he thought, Mo Xi had this idea. When exchanging hostages, she took action. You know, as the head of the Mo family, although she is not the strongest, she has a lot of means.

However, I didn't expect that the 'fake devil' in my son's mouth was very cunning!

"I don't feel good either."

Suddenly, behind Tianji Kyoko, a joke sound came out, and in an instant, Tianji Kyoko's hair was upside down. The next moment, he only felt a pain in his chest, and suddenly pain in his sea of anger!

"Because in that case, it's not easy for me to help you stab..."

Zimo held the ghost dagger in his hand and said with a trace of evil in his smile, there was no previous dullness and numbness.