
Chapter 582 Repair!

After learning about the relationship between the five unique doctors and talking with each other, Qi Mo and others did not hesitate much, and returning to the Eastern Regions as soon as possible became the most urgent thing at present.

is not only the tomb peak, but also because of the great disaster of the Dark Warcraft, the whole eastern region is no longer peaceful. According to the account of several people in Dongfangwen, the Eastern Region is extremely dangerous at this time. Although there are big forces such as Ghost Dantang and the Monsters who are maintaining the situation, after hundreds of years of rest and recuperation, the Dark Warcraft How can a sudden outbreak be simple!

Dongfangwen and others have been out for half a year. Half a year ago, the situation was worrying. Now it is really impossible to know how it is, but no one's heart is full of gloom.

Then, under the leadership of Mo Cai, Qi Mo and the five doctor saints went towards the transmission array. As for the sad Mo Yulang, who had been carried down for treatment, Mo Cai, who had been worried, also eased his breath, and the shadow in Hua Xinyan's heart had long dissipated.

The transmission array is a long-distance transmission array, so its consumption of crystal nuclei is extremely huge. Generally speaking, it will not be opened in Mojia Town, unless some large chambers of commerce, they do not care about this loss under the absolute interests. In the transmission array in Mojia Town is laid in the center of the whole town, the Mo family The town is not very large, but the area is not small. The town is a huge square, and there is usually no one to take care of it. After all, in the town, under the eyes of everyone, no one dares to make trouble. Of course, because the transmission array has no benefits.

For many practitioners, a good transmission array can give them a little psychological comfort. After all, this thing can save lives in times of crisis.

Although this place is in the middle of the town, few people usually approach it.

However, there is a craze in this place today.

Because some people in the town suddenly found something extremely strange and explosive!

That's - Mocai, the old class of the hegemon of the fortune restaurant in the whole Mojia Town, was servile and leading the way for several young people!

Look at the flattering smile, look at the arched back, look at the gesture in front of the lead...

"When... The world has changed???

A monk who watched this scene muttered a little distracted.

This scene made people who learned of Xiaomo's position in Mojia Town astonished. This is undoubtedly a breaking news with super bombing ability!

The appearance of the overlord can't help guessing the identity of Qi Mo and others.

However, there are naturally some slightly informed people...

"Huh? Isn't this the woman that Mo Yulang, the young master of the Mo family, coveted before?

A monk was surprised when he saw Hua Xinyan beside Qi Mo.

"Yes, yes! And the man in white is the man who was with this woman before.

Another socket is surprised.

"Well, and the thick man and the little boy, it's strange!"

I saw the two people muttering, and a practitioners came by.

"What's strange?"

The previous two looked at the person who interrupted.

"It's strange how the big boss became the second child who led others, isn't it..."

"Is it???"

"Was Boss Mo conquered by this woman?"


"I wiped it. What's your IQ?"


"Look at Boss Mo, it looks like he was conquered by a woman?! Also, I didn't see the woman following the man next to him with a warm face! I told you that I obeyed your white pig's brain!"

The two of them despised together.

"Cut, I'd rather kowtow to such a beautiful little beauty!"

The man retorted.

"......... Don't talk to me, shame!"

The two disliked it.

"What do you think? What's going on?"

The man was also not angry and said curiously.

"There is no need to think about it. Obviously, the identity of this group of people is extraordinary!"

A person's face has an unfathomable meaning.

"What's so extraordinary?"

The despised goods looked at the man who spoke eagerly.

"Do you know who is * in Mojia Town?"

The man said mysteriously.

"Cut! What a brain you! Mojia Town is naturally Mo's! Forget it, I won't talk to you and insult my IQ. Obviously, those people have something to do with the Mo family!"

The despised guy said with contempt, and as soon as he finished his words, he left with a smile on his face and caught up with Qi Mo to watch the bustle, leaving two people with a stunned face.

"Damn it!"


Looking at the guy who left, the black line on the forehead of the two people who almost had internal injuries exploded!

I have to say that Qimo and his party caused a sensation in the whole town of Mojia, and everything that had happened in the fortune restaurant before also came out.

While countless people were shocked, they were also sighing - the Mo family is indeed the Mo family, and any one of them is so awesome!

In any era, never underestimate the power of gossip. Before long, Mo Yulang and Qi Mo were spread gossip news...

(Okay, okay, let's skip this...)

Looking at the front and back, left and right, the group of practitioners watching the lively, Qi Mo only felt a touch of fun in his heart. Sure enough, this onlooker psychology is applicable in any era...

In this regard, Mo Xu's expression remains unchanged. He has long been used to such scenes, and it is not surprising that he is not disgusted.

And Mo Cai, who led the way, also looked peacefully, and seemed to be a little embarrassed because of his humble appearance. This made Qi Mo take a look at this person and become the leader of such a place of visitors everywhere, which is also extraordinary!

The five doctor saints are also following in the help of Xiaosheng. For the elderly who are a little inconvenient with their legs and feet, many onlookers rarely pay attention to the light. Obviously, this ordinary old man, except for Qi Mo and others, few people can feel the extraordinary of the expiration.

Well, Zimo didn't notice it at first...

The speed of the march of the crowd is not slow at all. Although there are many people watching, after all, there are not many stupid people, but they leave a huge aisle in front of them, leading to the transmission array in the center of the town.

About a bing of incense, Zimo and others arrived at their destination.

It is a huge open space, and there are countless cylinders surrounding the whole site, on which a huge energy mask lights up, and there is a touch of electric light from time to time. It can be imagined that such a scene must be a wonderful scenery at night.

Of course, at this time, Qi Mo and others were not interested in waiting until the night to enjoy it.

After learning that the five doctor saints were actually eight-star doctors, they were all overjoyed, because I'm afraid they didn't need it at all at this time. You know, eight stars! This is very different from six stars! Although two six-star alchemists are the foundation, an eight-star is one hundred six-stars, so it is unnecessary for Qi Mo to plan to go shirtless before.

There is nothing we can do. One person can take care of the five unique doctors, and the five unique doctors also said that the time of a cup of tea can be completed.

Zimo and Mo Xu are naturally in favor of this. The sooner you go back, the better.

When he arrived at the outside of the center of the huge field, Mo asked for instructions from Zimo and Mo Xu, and then he raised his back and gently patted his palm twice.

After a while, a strange figure emerged from the center of the venue.

Zimo and Mo Xu were not surprised by this. Obviously, they have already been aware of this.

However, Dongfangwen and several people's eyes are condensed, because the cultivation of this person is definitely around the middle and late incarnation, and such cultivation is not weak!

After the figure came out, he glanced at everyone curiously, and then when he saw Mo Xu and others, his eyes suddenly condensed!

Because he actually found that he couldn't see through some of them!

"Aru, come and meet the young master."

Mo Cai said to the man who came out with a trace of solemnity in his tone.

Hearing Mo Cai's words, A Ru was stunned, young master?!

However, this stunnedness is only a short moment, and the only thing that can be called a young master by Mocai is... Looking at Mo Xu's appearance, he also seems to have found a sense of familiarity...

"Aru, the guard, I have met the young master."

Aru, who figured it out, bowed down.

In this regard, Mo Xu motioned to Qi Mo, but said nothing.

Mo Xu's 'lazy' once again made Qi Mo roll his eyes.

"Get up."

Zimo said lightly.

"Thank you..."

Aru is a little embarrassed, please! He worshiped the young master. Why did this young man interrupt???

"This is the young master."

Mo Cai reminded softly.

I was stunned again.

However, he knew that no matter how many questions he had, he had to suppress it. Anyway, it was impossible for him to harm himself.

"Thank you, young master."

After saying that, Aru wanted to speak, but when he saw Mo Cai shaking his head slightly, he retreated.

"Senior, please."

nodded and ignored A Ru. Qi Mo made a gesture of invitation to the five doctor saints.

Seeing this, the five doctor saints also did not hesitate and walked forward slowly. In a pair of eyes full of vicissitudes, silky light lit up.

At the same time, Mo Cai also came forward and took out ten five-level demon nuclei, which is used to supplement the energy of the transmission array.

The five doctor saints didn't even see it. The demon core in Mo Cai's hand flew out of the air, and then flew towards the teleportation array, and the transmission array that had been silent also suddenly lit up. Qi Mo and others were solemn!