
Chapter 27 Boulder Monster


Finally, the three famous people, just after landing, found that the surrounding walls were a little loose, and the three people took the opportunity to lie on the ground. Then, a strange wind sound was heard.

Some stones were originally embedded in the surrounding stone walls. Suddenly loosened, as if it had been given magic, and it shot up into the sky in an instant.


Almost in the blink of an eye, the original hole was sealed again. And the three people below, even with their physical cultivation, can only see clearly in the dark cave, only within ten meters away!

" boss, it's so dark here! Let's hold up the Zhenyuanli light mask!" In such a strange place, Doudou dares not use spiritual knowledge to transmit sound when speaking as usual.

But the first one said dissatisfiedly, "This place is really strange. What if it is dangerous because of the conspicuous light mask of Zhenyuanli?"

Although what the first candidate said is very reasonable, Doudou is still very unaccustomed to such an environment. Although he is a rat monster, he is quite familiar with this environment. However, no matter what kind of creature it is, does it not like sunshine?

"It doesn't matter. The danger that can exist in such a painted black cave must also have the function of night vision! What we need to do is to ensure the brightness of our surroundings! Only in this way can we be brought to an equal position with each other. If the enemy has come to us and we haven't found it at that time, it is the most dangerous!"

When the famous said, his body surface had already propped up a layer, emitting a translucent color mask. This is the original light mask on the body of a famous person. If a trace of fire attribute energy is used, the mask on his body will turn fiery red!

"The boss is right!" Doudou laughed and sat on the shoulder of the famous. At the same time, he made a grimace at the first wait next to him.

Duan celebrities smiled, but carefully observed the surrounding environment.

The stones in this cave are almost the same as those outside, all made of snow-white stones. Here, celebrities also have the opportunity to get close to this strange stone.

Occasionally, I picked up a scattered white stone from the ground and explored it with divine knowledge, but found that the material of the stone was extremely special. Even with the famous people's understanding of the energy of soil attributes, you can't see the materials inside in a short time!

Moreover, this kind of stone is very hard. At least, when Duan Mingliu waved his knife and cut it down with all his strength, he could only leave a shallow trace on the stone.

Doudou touched the stone walls in surprise and muttered, "This is the first time I have seen such a hard stone. I believe that even if there are gems inlaid in it, I can't dig them out!"

When the first candidate and Duan Mingliu heard such words, they couldn't help laughing. This bean's little head really can't be judged by normal people's thinking!

After walking for so long, Duan celebrities still didn't find any abnormality. The entrance when they came down from above has been blocked, and it is impossible for them to get out from nowhere. In fact, even if it is not blocked, they dare not go there. After all, there are hundreds of dragons waiting on it!

Even in such a place with poor vision, you can see hundreds of dragons on it. What if the line of sight is normal? Duan celebrities dare not imagine! Because now, his back has sweated coldly!

There is a misty fog outside, which hinders the sight. Unexpectedly, the cave is full of Qingming! Of course, except for this strange darkness.

However, when the true force shield of the famous fluid watch is held up, it is like a small light, which has illuminated all three miles within two miles of them. And, more importantly, there is a little reflective on the white stones around! Make it brighter around them!

The more you go inside, the more spacious this underground passage will be. Even now, even if they walk 20 people side by side, it is not a problem.

But looking at the natural shape of the surrounding stone wall, there seems to be no trace of chiseling, as if it was formed naturally!

What they don't know is that it's on the road they just walked. Suddenly, a huge face was formed on the white stone wall. When that face is fully formed. What we see is a monster's face!

His eyes are very small, almost disproportionate on his huge face. But there is a sharp horn on his nose. Moreover, there are sharp thorns on his fists, knees, legs, elbows and back.

It's just that the thorn on the back is the longest. Of course, on his back, in addition to the long thorn, there are also some dense small thorns, completely dense on his back, in the naturally formed turtle shell-like lines.

Yes, those lines are indeed very similar to those on the back of the turtle shell, but compared with the turtle shell, their lines are more complicated. Moreover, the crisscross lines, combined, actually formed 81 grids.

Moreover, at each intersection, there is a spike inserted in it. However, the length of the spikes is different.

After they quietly appeared, they disappeared quietly.

The whole body slowly returned to the stone wall and regained its calmness, as if it had never appeared.

Strangely, Duan celebrities don't know anything about all this. I didn't realize that there was such a huge danger around them. They still hold the Zhenyuan light mask and keep moving forward!

And this strange road seems to have no end, guiding them to go...

"You little guys are so bold that they came to my side!" Suddenly, a tender voice sounded. It's like a child's voice. The voice is tender and lovely, and contains endless majesty.

Even if you can hear it, the other party's voice is very immature, but everyone present dares not face it easily!

Duan celebrities were even more shocked and suddenly looked around nervously. At the same time, it also covers the surrounding area with divine consciousness. Unfortunately, it's fruitless. They didn't find anyone. No creature was found around them.

Except that there is no fog, the rest, like the outside world, is full of endless gravity. This kind of gravity makes them unable to fly with swords at all. Even the normal speed has dropped a lot!

"Who are you?" Duan Ming opened his mouth and asked.

The other party sneered disdainfully and said, "You are not qualified to know my name. Now, I declare that you can die!"

As soon as these words came out, the famous Duan was suffocated. A bad feeling surged into his heart. Doudou's hair stood upright, standing on the shoulder of Duan Mingliu, looking around nervously.

In the first hand, a black stick had already appeared, and two pairs of small eyes stared around closely. Be ready to deal with possible dangers.

"Haha! Guys, kill me! Kill them all!" Suddenly, the childish voice, with an order, all the surrounding stone walls began to move faintly.

The cave that could accommodate 20 people walking side by side has suddenly expanded countless times. While the stone wall, which was originally at rest, moved, a giant monster with a height of five meters appeared in the sight of the celebrities.

Looking around, there are more than hundreds of stone monsters around here.

What's more, their bodies are all made of very hard white stones. The hardness alone makes other celebrities feel their scalp numb. What's more horrible is that the other party has a small leader.

Even if you only hear the voice like a child, you can't believe that the little leader will be less powerful than these giant monsters!


With a roar. The continuous shouts of killing resounded throughout the cave. The small eyes of the huge monster suddenly lit up with excitement. After being lonely here for too long, they can finally find something to play. How can this not make them excited?