
Chapter 44 Zhu Xi and the Three-eyed Bull

It was very abrupt that the fantasy door closed in an instant! In a blink of an eye, the whole auspicious cloud disappeared!

This mythical beast hasn't come out yet. Is this summoning over? Duan Mingliu and others were stunned!


At this moment, the loud roar once again appeared in everyone's hearing range! Duan Ming looked around and found that a fiery red figure suddenly appeared at their feet!

It's like a fire shooting star, rushing from under the cliff towards Duan Ming.

The figure was solid, and the celebrities saw it clearly. In front of him was a three-long-horned, cow-like monster. It's not surprising to say that he is a monster. He not only has three horns on his head, but also three eyes, and only three legs!

With a height of more than ten meters, it is definitely a giant. And on his back stood an old man with a rosy black beard. The old man holds a long sword in his hand! Seeing the surprised appearance of Duan celebrities and others, the old man laughed and said:

"Duan Mingliu, I didn't expect that you still have the courage to come back. I'm Zhu Xi from Luo Shuten. You have been waiting here for a long time!"

Hearing that the other party reported his life, Duan Mingliu raised his eyebrows. Suddenly, I felt a sense of difficulty. Not to mention that the monster he** is the momentum emitted by Zhu Xi himself alone, and it can be concluded that this person's cultivation is unfathomable.

"People from Luo's Gate? Humph, I'll kill one, and I'll kill one pair if there are two!" Duan Mingliu's face was cold, and a red ice knife with blue-red light had appeared in his hand. On the cold knife, the alternate gorgeous light shines brightly on the whole body of the famous people.

"Ky, your tone is crazy!" Zhu Xi sneered and continued, "However, I just saw that you didn't even recruit a mythical beast. If my three-eyed cow hadn't come out and roared twice, I'm really afraid that your boy would be angry to death!"

Although Zhu Xi's face is kind, every word is like a steel needle, fiercely inserted into the hearts of celebrities!

"This stinky old man!" Doudou roared angrily and was about to rush to him, but was pulled by the first wait.

"Don't be impulsive, we are definitely not Zhu Xi's opponent!"

After listening to the first words, Zhu Xi was slightly stunned, then turned his head and said with an expression of appreciation: "I didn't expect that this monkey still had some eyesight! Haha, you can consider coming with me. I've decided to take you in!"

"Bah, old man, get out of here! Don't make me unhappy!" Doudou had been angry for a long time. If it hadn't been for the first time, he would have rushed over. If you can't take action, you can always curse a few words to relieve your anger!

"Hmm, looking for death!"

Zhu Xi's face turned cold, and the true vitality in his body quickly rolled out and condensed into a fiery red true vitality light on the surface of the sword body. The pressure emitted by the already fierce fairy sword is even more frightening!


There are strong winds around the world, and many strong winds have actually formed large or small whirlpools in the world. Anyone who is involved in this whirlpool has almost no ability to resist.

And in the whirlpool, in addition to the sound of the stingling wind, there are also some sound of branches breaking!

Duan celebrities are a little surprised. How can this fire attribute energy be displayed, an attack move similar to wind energy?

At the moment when Duan Mingliu just thought about it, the fairy sword had turned into a huge sword, with unmatched power, and hit Doudou fiercely.

At this moment, it was as if the sky and the earth were still.

The whirlwind, which was constantly rotating, suddenly stopped. The snowflakes that were falling in the air also tend to stagnate at this moment. More importantly, Doudou's whole body is as if he has been fixed.

No matter how powerful his speed is, at this moment, all of them tend to stand still except for the rapid cold sweat on his body!

Is this time stationary? No, this is not. This is just touching the edge of time still. Time is divided into three types, the simplest is the acceleration of time; the second is the rest of time; and finally, the regression of time!

If the acceleration of time is only to understand the most shallow law of time, then time is still, which basically proves that you have understood one-third of time! And when you understand the whole time, it will be time backwards.

Huh? But in an instant, the celebrities found that this was not the real time stillness. If the real time is still, then at this moment, the celebrities can't even move their bodies. But now, this is obviously not the case!

Doudou waited for a pair of small eyes and looked at the coming sword in horror.


A khaki mysterious light swept everyone in an instant. The strong sword, which was originally falling, actually slowed down sharply after being covered by this earthy yellow light.

Zhu Xi's eyes are full of horror. He has never seen anyone who can apply gravity to such a strange realm!

And then, something more strange happened to him. The gravity that originally exerted upward force actually turned to the right in an instant!

These two sudden changes made Zhu Xi a little unprepared. And because of the interference of gravity, the fairy sword also lost its accuracy!


In the scope of gravity, the body of Duan Mingliu is not affected at all. Even if he barely accelerated himself, he only resisted the fairy sword with a red ice knife before the fairy sword fell!

After a heavy intersection. Duan Mingliu's red ice knife was finally shot out and hit Doudou!


After flying far away, the place on Doudou's body, which was hurt by the red ice knife, has faintly penetrated blood stains! First and Rong Feixue ran over in a hurry and took care of him! Doudou is a spiritual voice to a famous person - boss, I'm fine. You should be careful!

After Doudou was patted away, Duan Mingliu finally felt that the matter was difficult. Zhu Xi is far more powerful than he imagined!

"Ky, that's good!" Zhu Xi gently stroked his black beard and said with admiration to the famous Duan with a smile.

Duan celebrities closed their momentum and stood still, and also said coldly, "You are also good!"

"Haha. Look at the trick!" Zhu Xi reminded him, and his whole body ran quickly towards the famous Duan. Seeing him running fast, Duan Mingliu was shocked and suddenly changed the direction of gravity down.

And Zhu Xi also deviated from the channel at the moment of running. This scope of gravity is really annoying!" Zhu Xi said, and the fairy sword in his hand suddenly waved and chopped down fiercely towards the ground of gravity!

"Bang!" The original extremely hard gravity range actually glowed with a strong earthy yellow light when it was cut off by Zhu Xi's sword. There were many cracks in the attacked place!

It's not good!

The famous stream quickly controlled the energy flow of soil attributes. At the same time, the red ice knife in his hand quickly cut towards Zhu Xi.

When Zhu Xi faced the famous people, he not only did not dodge, but also cut down more quickly.


The originally faltering gravity space suddenly shattered. At the same time, the red ice knife of the famous also suddenly came!

Hmm, this knife on your body will definitely cut you seriously. Duan Mingliu's cold eyes flashed, but the steel knife cut down faster towards Zhu Xi.

Abruptly, at this critical moment. The three-eyed cow with three horns suddenly rushed out. After a roar, the hard horns instantly touched the red ice knife of Duan celebrities!


The powerful impact can't help shaking the famous people back several steps! The tiger's mouth in the right hand oozed a trace of blood and pain.

This horn is so hard!

Look at the horn again, there is no scar! Duan Mingliu was completely speechless this time. I didn't expect that this cow's horn could resist his strong attack! Moreover, it can be done without any injury!

"You are very strong!" Duan Ming said sincerely.

"You are not weak. I didn't expect that I needed the help of the three-eyed cow to break your gravity space!" Zhu Xi also sincerely admired! At this moment, these two people actually have a feeling of cherishing each other!

Zhu Xi waved the fairy sword in his hand, and a fiery red light and shadow flashed in front of him and soon disappeared.

The fairy sword was raised on his left shoulder with both hands.

In the hands of Duan celebrities, there was a sudden clashing moon hand. The moon split hand, which emits a light silver-white light, seems to have not used any weapons when worn on its hand! But only those who really see how powerful the moon splitter can understand how strong this pair of gloves is!

The continuous true power in the body began to gather quickly towards the palm of the hand! Since drinking purple fruit wine, the meridians in Duan Ming's fluid are all smooth, and each meridians is much wider than before!

It's like a river. After being dredged and widened, the water flow will certainly become very strong! Just like the water that originally took three days to complete can be completed at this moment, or even half a day.

Looking at the famous two-handed sword, the fiery red fireball is getting bigger and more solid! Zhu Xi still looked at him indifferently without making any stop, but looked at the scene in front of him indifferently!

Ready to attack at any time to break the other party's strong attack!


The countless true power is integrated into the fire snake, and then all entangled and merged into a huge round ball. The ball has a hot flame and is constantly burning, almost to compare the sun in the sky.

The surrounding goose feather snowflakes have not yet fallen. When they just approached this huge fireball, they were actually roasted and melted directly. Around the body of Duan Mingliu, the temperature suddenly rose several degrees.

"Fire Tree Silver Flower!"

Duan Mingliu shouted loudly, and the big ball in his hand suddenly threw it forward. Where the ball passed, even the air was sting. That space was burned into a vacuum area in an instant.

Behind the fireball, it naturally followed a long tail and hit Zhu Xi!

Zhu Xi's face is still cold. Even in the face of such a powerful pressure, he still has no action. The whole face is cold, as if it is going to freeze!


That sword hit the fireball! The fireball, which originally existed with hot and strong energy, was split by him with a sword. Like a split bomb, it actually exploded in front of Zhu Xi!

How can Zhu Xi have space to dodge at such a distance?

After a moment, the fireball exploded and formed ten thousand rays of steel needles, all shot at Zhu Xi and the three-eyed cow!

"Roar!" The angry roar of the three-eyed cow sounded!

And the Zhenyuan power mask on Zhu Xi's body covers the shooting of most steel needles!


But even so, the fragile Zhenyuan power mask on his body, which had already been shot, suddenly broke open. The rest of the needle-shaped energy shot directly on Zhu Xi's body!

"Ha!" At this time, Duan Mingliu, who was not far away, shouted fiercely, holding a red ice knife in his hand and cutting it fiercely. Although Zhu Xi was seriously injured, his mythical beast three-eyed cow, whose solid skin and flesh, effectively resisted most of the powerful attacks!

"Roar!" The fierce light burst out of the three-eyed cow's eyes. He no longer avoided those vigor at all, but suddenly spread his cow's hoofs and rushed towards Duan Mingliu! Each step is a distance of more than ten meters. Such a speed makes the original distance between them negligible!

Just as he was approaching Duan Mingliu, the vertical eye in the middle of the forehead of the three-eyed cow suddenly opened and reflected brilliant light, all of which shot into Duan Mingliu's body!


This move came so suddenly that it hardly gave Duan Mingliu any time to react. In this way, the light invaded Duan Mingliu's mind as if no one else could react. It's like a devil holding a blade at the moment when he gets into the minds of celebrities.

Waving the spears in his hands with teeth and claws one by one, suddenly stabbed the soul of the celebrities!

At the same time, the three true forces that were originally protected around the soul began to form a huge protective cover. I want to protect my soul. Unfortunately, those little devils are too difficult to deal with.

Tightly for a round, the three-color true power light in the minds of celebrities gradually faded. Moreover, the protective mask originally formed dissipated in an instant!


A small fork suddenly stabbed into the depths of the soul of Duan Mingliu!

"Ah!" After Duan Mingliu screamed in pain, his whole body was dizzy and fell from the air!

Doudou, Rong Feixue and the first wait were all shocked after seeing this scene!