
Chapter 54 12580

Just as Pipi looked over and wanted to identify the figure, Duan celebrities became nervous. However, after Pipi looked at the other side carefully, he shook his head and said, "I don't know this person."

This sentence is undoubtedly a basin of cold water, all poured on the heads of the rest of the people.

After that, not only the celebrities, but also Rong Feixue prepared nervously after this moment. The jade snow sword with silver and white light appeared in his hand, and he nervously looked at the man in armor standing in front of them.

"Hey!" After listening to Pipi's words, the man in armor not only did not have any tension or fear, but also sighed helplessly. Then, he slowly faded the armor originally wrapped around him. While taking it off, he said in a hoarse voice, "Lord General Manager, it's me."

When he heard that the other party called him the general manager, Pipi was shocked. This name has not been used for a long time. Since the death of the previous owner, the name on Pippi has gradually disappeared.

After a long time, I even began to forget.

However, after hearing this name, Pipi saw it again, and the other party finally took off all his armor. And I saw that the man's whole body was actually full of hard armor.

On the armor, it has a harder and dazzling metallic luster. Especially on his head. The hard and cold layer of armor looks particularly strange. And that huge flat mouth and a pair of small eyes. On the mouth, there are two small, bulging noses.

When he opened his mouth, those sharp teeth appeared in front of everyone. When they saw this scene, Duan celebrities and others even had the impulse to take a cold breath.

No wonder the person in front of him wants to arm all the armor to his teeth. It turned out to be because of his current image. They clearly saw that the monster had a crocodile head, but a fierce human body.

Even if you stand there alone, the momentum naturally emitted from your body is more frightening than the hundreds of thousands of crocodiles below.

Pipi's eyes were even more round. She didn't expect to see these guys after such a long time. And these guys have become as strong as they are now. At the beginning, when the former owner was alive, they were just small pets in various places.

Even now, the crocodile that appears in front of them is raised in a small vessel. It is one of the immortals that I don't want to die, and I like very much. Unfortunately, they have never wanted to see each other since the master's accident.

I didn't expect to meet you in this place today.

"Well, you are 12580!" Pipi was a little puzzled, and an excited voice sounded. The huge crocodile face opposite was obviously very excited after hearing the code name, and even his body couldn't help trembling. Then he nodded hurriedly.

But these dialogues were confused by celebrities and others. What is "12580"? Also, what is the specific definition of fairy pet?

When I was very confused, I finally couldn't help asking, "Pippi, what is '12580', and what's wrong with the fairy pet?"

Although the guy in front of me just now has told what the fairy pet means, Duan Mingliu and others are still not really clear about the meaning contained in it.

"This '12580' is the former owner, giving us fairy pets a code name. Among them, the strength of this number also determines whether his number is at the top. The '12580' in front of us is one of the fairy pets.

Of course, I'm just a fairy pet raised by my master. However, they are monsters from all planes, or other rare beasts. And I'm just a computer-synthesized image.

To put it bluntly, the fairy pet is a pet. It was the strange monsters collected by the former owner who went to other planes when he had nothing to do. Some of them are very beautiful and cute, some have special abilities, and some have strong cultivation.

The former owner likes to play with them when he has nothing to do. Recreation time. However, since the owner's accident, some of these tough pets have also been taken away. Some of them escaped and lived a free life from then on.

After all, the contract between them and their master is gone. From then on, I became free. However, when an ordinary fairy pet appears in front of me, I should still be able to know each other. After all, it was me who had been taking care of them all the time.

At this point, a trace of pride suddenly appeared on the kitten's face. Because he is made by immortals, he naturally has absolute loyalty to immortals.

"Cut, don't come. Didn't you just recognize him?" At this time, Doudou did not forget and would squeeze the annoying kitten in front of him.

"Oh, after so many years, not to mention that '12580' is wearing such a strange thing, how can I suddenly recognize him? What's more, there are so many fairy pets, and I can remember all of them. It's already very good. Pipi's face turned slightly red, which helped him defend himself.

After listening to Pipi's words, everyone admired the immortals even more.

But Duan Mingliu still had a question in the depths of his heart, so he opened his mouth and said, "So many monsters, I don't know how the immortal Xuanxian concluded a contract with them one by one?"

As we all know, among human practitioners, whether it is a master-servant contract or an equal contract, only one human being is allowed to conclude with three monsters or mythical beasts at the same time. If there are too many, it cannot be concluded.

However, immortals can actually conclude contracts with so many monsters...

"That's the magic power of the former master. He can write a seal by himself and burn it when he wants to conclude a contract. Even if you don't use the power of the soul, you can also conclude a contract. But later, the former owner didn't even bother to conclude a contract with them. When he met some mediocre monsters, he just played with them and couldn't even conclude a contract.

After Pipi finished speaking, Duan Ming and others sighed again. It seems that this person is strong to a certain extent and can regard all the planes as playgrounds. Whether it is the divine world, the human world or the underworld.

Where you want to go, you are free and will not be bound by anything. If you like any monster, you will directly accept it and ask him to be your fairy pet. Even the incomparable crocodile in front of us used to be numbered 12580.

There are many monsters in front of him, and there are more monsters behind him.


Oh, the gap.

"Now you believe what I said." At this time, 12580 finally spoke slowly.

Duan Mingliu looked at the others around him, and then turned his eyes to Pipi. Pipi nodded secretly and said, "This guy's character is still good. Besides, master, even if you want to escape now, it is impossible. It's better to gamble."

When he heard this, Duan Mingliu also nodded, and then a book suddenly appeared in his hand, which said "Difling the Sky" on the cover. Then he threw it out casually, and flew to 12580.

It's strange that the glass that was originally blocked in front of Duan Mingliu and others seemed to have disappeared at this moment. The book actually flew towards that person without hindrance.

When he saw the book flying towards him, 12580's eyes showed a trace of excitement. He stretched his hand forward and took the book in his hand. At this moment, the feet of Duan Mingliu and others suddenly became empty.

This group of people actually fell down from mid-air without any suspense. Oh, my God, under them, there are hundreds of mouths and sharp fangs waiting for them. If they really fall, it will undoubtedly become a delicacy in the belly of crocodiles.