famous son-in-law

Chapter 70 Aunt Pang

Youhan and Chu He came back almost at the same time. They looked at each other and seemed to have gained something. They hurried in and reported to Shaohua.

"One by one, I'm stunned by what you say." Shaohua put down his face, and both of them stuck out their tongues and blinked their eyes. Shaohua said with satisfaction, "Chu He, you said first that you saw Aunt Pang in Taoyuan, and then what?"

"This aunt looks like the third lady, which is simply printed in a mold. It's just that my aunt is tall and strong, almost as big as two third ladies. Chuhe vividly introduced Aunt Pang's appearance before getting to the point. "I led the woman over and wanted to go in, but the doorkeeper's mother said that Mrs. Third and Aunt Pang were talking. I waited and let people inform, but Aunt Pang only let Xiaohong in, but let the woman wait outside.

Chu He's words aroused Shaohua's curiosity. He couldn't help sitting up straight and his whole ears stood up. I think it's strange to let my wife wait in the yard. It's freezing. What if I freeze her? I asked the little lady to hide in her ear, but she refused and asked me to come back first. I saw that the woman was still kind, so I asked someone to bring her a hot tea, so as not to get cold. I hid in my ear under the pretext of looking for Fanger to speak and talked about a cup of tea. When the woman stood in the yard for a cup of tea. Until thechou mother who went to the room called Fang'er into the room to serve me, I couldn't wait any longer, so I had to get up and leave. I happened to see Xiaohong coming out with my aunt. Then I don't know what she said to the little lady, she nodded and followed Fang'er into the house.

"What did Fang'er say?" The more Shaohua listened, the more confused she became. Such a cold day made a woman blow in the yard, and she actually stood obediently without running around.

"Fang'er said that her aunt came early in the morning and had never come out of the third lady's room. Later, somehow the second young master came back and took the lady out. But the second young master seems to be very unhappy. Chu He shook out everything he knew.

Shaohua listened and bent the corners of his mouth gently. It was normal for Li Sinian to be unhappy. Suddenly, he was called back, and it seemed that he was forced to give him a daughter-in-law. This future daughter-in-law may still be unfavored, maybe a concubine.

Thinking about this, Shaohua suddenly opened his mind. No wonder he decided that Xiaohong and Zhuang Xiuniang were very awkward. Maybe it's because Xiaohong serves Aunt Pang, and Zhuang Xiuniang is just a concubine. Not every wife can be as favored as Jinhua. Some concubines and even Langjun may not have a higher status at home than the maids who serve the wife of the main room.

However, will Pang let his son marry a concubine and unfavored woman in his sister's room? Even if Li Sinian is a step-born and has no deep relationship with Ponzi, at least he inherits the incense of the third wife.

"Of course, the second young master is not happy, because the second young master doesn't like this lady at all." The young said with a disdainful face. I went to ask my godmother. My godmother said that since the second young master came back last year, my aunt has brought people here every three or five times. Every time I came, I asked the kitchen to prepare a lot of delicious food. I couldn't finish it and packed it. Once Xiaohong ran to the kitchen and ate ginseng black chicken soup for the old man. She insisted that the third lady asked her to bring it to her aunt. The ginseng soup was stewed for four hours, but the aunt came less than an hour. Ha ha, I also asked my godmother to prepare another for the old man. She was so angry that the godmother pulled her to go to the garden to argue with the third lady, and then she fled in frustration.

"It's not only that, it's okay to eat. It is said that if there is anything good in the third lady's room, she will come and cry and then go. Because the third lady is not in good health, our wife has given a lot of precious medicinal materials to make her body. Guess what? Youhan deliberately picked everyone's appetite.

Chu He asked nervously, "What's the matter?"

"She even smoothed the medicinal herbs and said that she would mend her uncle. If Mother Qiu hadn't said that the prescription could only be given to women, and men would not eat it well, and it would have been for the third lady to nourish her body and grow flesh, she would have taken it. Looking at the stunned appearance of the two, the young man sneered repeatedly.

Shaohua was stunned. She thought that she was strange like Yichen and Yan Sui, but she didn't expect that there would be more strange ones. At least the Liu family came to the Li family, which was also polite and regular. Although the lion opened his mouth on Yan Sui's marriage, anyway, it was because of the fetters between the ancestors of Liu and Li. But Aunt Pang and the Li family, at most, are in-laws and aunts. They follow their husband's family and come to their sister's house so shamelessly.

"Is that how the third aunt is up to her?" Shaohua is curious about what Ponzi thinks.

Do you also subsidize your mother's family like Liu? No, Liu's subsidy is at least his brother, and Aunt Pang has married outside and is not his mother's family.

When Chuhe heard this, he sighed, "I heard that this aunt and the third lady have been in good relationship since childhood. After Mrs. Pang, the old man did not continue the string. The third lady grew up with her. Later, my aunt also married the youngest son of the Anle Marquis for the Pang family. However, the old marquis passed behind and the title was not renewed, so the Hou family was taken back by the court.

"Which version did you listen to? It was clear that the old marquis looked at the third lady, but Mrs. Pang refused, and the aunt married herself. At that time, our old lady also went to Pang's house to visit. As soon as the aunt heard that the third master was sick, she immediately changed her face and said that she was uncomfortable and did not want to see guests. The young man said angrily, "I think it can only be blamed on herself. She is just afraid that the benefits will be robbed by the third lady, and the Pang family is depressed again, so she climbed the high branch by herself. Now that the third lady is doing well, I come to take advantage of the third lady.

The enemy camp of Youhan is very clear. No matter how close they were, now Pang is from the Li family, which is different from Aunt Pang.

Shaohua was ignorant, but he barely knew why Li Sinian threw Zhuang Xiuniang, a hot potato, to her so eagerly and fled.

I was adopted to the Li family, and I was a little emotionally estranged. My father passed away and left a sick mother. Now an unrelated aunt wants to marry his wife, and she doesn't want to think about what Li Sinian is. Even the Langjun of an ordinary family will not be willing to be manipulated like this, not to mention that many people in Beijing want to recruit him as a son-in-law.

However, now Li Xunzhuo has been implicated by the Metropolitan Inspectorate, which has caused Sui Fenglou to be sealed up. No matter how good the relationship between her and Li Sinian is, she will definitely not help him here. Therefore, Shaohua told Chuhe and Youhan not to pass on today's biography, and Quandang had never met Zhuang Xiuniang. Anyway, as long as she lives in Taoyuan, Shaohua will never meet her.

She is now more worried about whether the seizure of Suifeng Building will be involved in her own home.

Suddenly, she understood what Mama Rong had said to her in North Sichuan, "If possible, I think the general and his wife would rather let Mrs. Mo and Mrs. Xuan reconcile." General Dingxi raised Xin Zixuan into a standard lady, so that they knew that the court would not let their family completely stay in the north of Sichuan. In other words, there must be a wife who will return to Beijing and even go to the palace.

Therefore, Xin Zixuan has been cultivated in the way of raising a woman in Beijing since she was a child, while her youngest daughter Xin Zimo is as lively and active as Lang Jun because of her mother's exotic appearance. I didn't dare to let her step into Beijing at all. Unexpectedly, she finally folded on the road in Beijing. Perhaps, if the two develop the same nature, there will be no Li Shaohua now.

"Mom, what did Dad hear?" Wanhua found that Li Xunzhuo did not return to Xiyuan, but went to Huansiyuan, and he was a little unhappy.

"How can it happen so soon?" Ling doesn't look as nervous as in the morning, and seems to have other plans.

Shaohua thought of Zhuang Xiuniang. If she really lived in the Li family, it was estimated that she might come to Xiyuan in the next two days, so he wanted to remind Ling.

Unexpectedly, Ling himself said, "If you meet the people in the garden, please avoid them."

"Why?" Wanhua immediately reacted, "Did Dad and his second brother fall out?"

Ling nodded Wanhua's head, "Don't always say that. If your father hears it carefully, he has to scold you again." Although she doesn't like Li Sinian, Simo has become more and more intelligent recently, which makes her see the hope of the future champion, and her admiration for Pang is also less.

"I didn't say anything." Wanhua flattened his mouth.

In fact, Shaohua understands that Wanhua's prejudice against Li Sinian comes entirely from his childhood memory. Because Li Sinian didn't adopt until he was sensible. He raised his biological parents for many years, and also raised some local and wild. For Wanhua, who has been a child, she is somewhat unhappy to call such a teenager brother. What's more, because of the arrival of Li Sinian, Wan Hua retreated one in the ranking, and it was even more unpleasant to feel that there were more people pressing on her.

"I heard that the in-laws of the third room came again and planned to kiss your second brother." Ling's tone is obviously disdainful.

Shaohua thought Wanhua would be happy. In her opinion, Li Sinian was not comparable to them, which just matched Zhuang Xiuniang's identity. Unexpectedly, Wanhua frowned and got angry, "Well, even the banker's direct wife is not worthy of the second brother, let alone a concubine!"

"Third sister, don't you mind the second brother?" Shaohua asked curiously and immediately got a chestnut.

"Can this be the same? Even if the second brother is not from the third aunt, how can he be compared with those who are not good people? Wanhua has a clear definition of identity.

"The banker was also Houfu in those years." Shaohua whispered in a low voice.

"The Hou Mansion that has been handed down for three generations can also be called Hou Mansion?" Wan Huadao.

Shaohua is silent. It seems that Li Sinian's luck is not so bad. At least their house is still on his side.