famous son-in-law

Chapter 93 Ling's move

In order to regain Li Xunzhuo's attention, Su began to get sick again and had to ask Li Xunzhuo to come over in the middle of the night. He was scolded by Ling: "How old are you? Qi Niang is almost able to kiss and play these tricks. It's not shameful. It's just a cold. Just call a doctor to have a look tomorrow. Do you have to call the master over in the middle of the night? If Taiheyuan knows this, do you want to say that my daughter-in-law is not strict with her family, or does the master spoil his concubine and destroy his wife?

Li Xunzhuo rarely hears his wife's tone without being angry, and he thinks it's true. Although he loved his concubine, the impulse of his youth had long been gone. He still had to live a down-to-earth life, and it would not be a matter to get sick for three days. Then she returned to the maid and asked her to take good care of Su. Tomorrow, she will invite the doctor to the house to see Su.

I thought that Li Xunzhuo would come here immediately when he got the news that she was not feeling well, and Su had prepared a spring night incense account for this. As a result, she was so angry that she tore two clothes.

The next day, Ling heard the news that Su was really sick and confused.

"Then let her get sick. How many times have she given birth in so many years? She should have gotten used to it." With the gradual grinding of the couple's temper, Ling gradually no longer pays attention to Su, but it is still very taboo for Li Xunzhuo to run to Huan Siyuan.

She knew that when Li Xunzhuo was in Xiyuan, he might have been provoked by her to stop paying attention to Su. But when he really saw Su's face, even if she was not sick, Li Xunzhuo's heart would soften a little. He couldn't stand the plea and would stay. In the next few days, Ling's family would not want to see him again.

However, Ling didn't expect that in addition to getting sick, Su would also have other talents, such as Fuqin. In the middle of the night, the faint sound of the piano can always flirt with people, and the seemingly absent sound always rings when it is about to fall asleep, like a lullaby, whispering gently in people's ears, recalling infinite memories. Before Ling's anger, Su seemed to know that Ling's would make people scold again, and he put it away after three days.

Li Xunzhuo is very familiar with that song, because Su used to play it for him, but he remembers a total of four paragraphs. He listened to three paragraphs in the first three nights, but there was no sound of the piano on the fourth night. Finally, he couldn't stand it. On the fifth day, he went to Huansiyuan to visit Su. As soon as he passed, he was scared by Su's pale face.

Li Xunzhuo asked her why she didn't finish the song. Su threw herself in his arms and cried. The maid was so confused last night that she didn't have the strength to play the piano at all.

"I also said that the master really doesn't pay attention to my concubine anymore." Su's crying look was very charming, his eyes were empty, and tears flowed. The expression was desperate, and his eyes were full of sadness, but full of small expectations. He bit his red lips and couldn't bear to open his mouth and wanted to talk back.

Su, who is over 30 years old, not only maintained a beautiful figure, but also her appearance has not changed much. The years have only added charm to her face. Li Xunzhuo really can't resist her **. It's only good to comfort. Looking at the beautiful woman in her arms, she is so beautiful and delicious. How can she live up to the beautiful scenery and beautiful spring? Li Xunzhuo, who left the next day, looked particularly energetic and couldn't wait for a longer night. Before going out, she told Su Shisheng to take care of herself and go back to Huan Siyuan to accompany her after dinner. Su's little daughter-in-law nodded shyly, which made Li Xunzhuo happy.

A few days after, Li Xunzhuo bought several things, sent them to Huansiyuan, and even bought two gouache shops for Su outside.

Ling knew it and patted the table angrily, "This fox spirit knows some tricks that can't be seen."

In fact, Ling is jealous that Su can still have such a figure and appearance at this age. Although she does not look old, she is still rich after all. Shaohua comforted her: "This is the appearance of Mrs. Zhengfang. She looks so light and mean at first glance." Wan Hua retorted that she made an excuse for her failure to lose weight, but it still made Ling feel better.

"Mom, Dad is just nostalgic. If there is someone younger and more beautiful than her, how can you think of her?" Naturally, Shaohua is not easy to suggest that Ling learn from Su. Not to mention that she can't learn, it's useless to learn. Judging from her figure, Ling has been defeated by Su, but Ling's biggest advantage is that no matter what she looks like, no one can move. The reason why Su is so arrogant is that she relies on Li Xunzhuo as a concubine. Ling is not very generous. Naturally, she will not take the initiative to take a concubine to Li Xunzhuo. Su does not want anyone to compete with her favor. On this point, Ling and Su are on the same position.

"What a bad idea you have!" Ling stared at her, and her heart was a little smelly. How can you arrange your father's daughter like this?

"I'm a considerate little cotton-padded jacket, and it's good for me to live a good life. In fact, my mother doesn't have to care. She doesn't have to lift her aunt, so she just takes two intimate maids to put her father's side. It's not easy to send her nameless. At least it's better than Dad's heart on Aunt Su. Shaohua held Ling's arm and acted coquettishly. In her parents' camp, she was definitely on Ling's side.

Ling thought about it and felt that it made some sense. In these years, Li Xunzhuo had only one wife and one concubine. Ling's temper is so bad that he wants to quarrel with Li Xunzhuo from time to time. If Li Xunzhuo is angry, he will run to Huan Siyuan, which is completely looking for Su's opportunity. If Li Xunzhuo had had more concubines at the beginning, at least he would not have spent so much time on everyone.

In the end, Ling still adopted Shaohua's opinion. However, she did not arrange the maids around her, but directly chose the newly bought maids, which was exactly like the maid who served Li Xunzhuo with Su. When Li Xunzhuo came back for dinner in the evening, Lingshi excused that she had something to discuss with Pangshi, and then asked the new maid Wen Xiang to take charge of Li Xunzhuo's living.

When she came back, Li Xunzhuo had left. Lianxiang reported that Li Xunzhuo did not go to Huansiyuan, but took Wenxiang to the back room.

Ling pretended not to know and continued to live. A few days later, Lianxiang pretended to find out about Wen Xiang and Li Xunzhuo. Ling's posture was to chase Wen Xiang away. Li Xunzhuo opened his mouth to protect her and take her as his concubine. Ling made a face like pounding her chest and stamped her feet and scolded bitterly, "You careless girl, I raised you by my side. I wanted to let you learn the rules and serve the third lady to go out in the future. Why do you think about climbing into the master's bed?"

Wen Xiang cried with tears and kowtowed desperately to beg for mercy. Li Xunzhuo looked at it and felt distressed, but he also felt sorry to know that Wen Xiang was originally going to dowry her daughter. He had to fall down and show his goodwill with Ling and promise that he would not treat Wan Hua badly when he got married. Seeing that Ling was still angry, Li Xunzhuo even raised a lot of Shaohua's dowry, so Ling nodded reluctantly and admitted Wen Xiang's identity. Let Wen Xiang continue to live in the back room, stay for a few days, have free hands, and then pick up the house for her. Wen Xiang naturally burst into tears of gratitude. Li Xunzhuo finally got a new concubine, and he was also happy.

The only unhappy thing is Su Shi, especially knowing that Wen Xiang looks like Ping'er, and he also knows that she and Ping'er were both Li Xunzhuo's good wishes at the beginning, and it was her own trick to let Mrs. Li send her away. Therefore, when Li Xunzhuo saw Wenxiang, he couldn't help but miss Ping'er and loved Wu.

Shaohua couldn't help but be shocked when he heard what Youhan asked. Was this still the Ling family who quarreled with Li Xunzhuo at the beginning? Obviously, her scheming was very good, which made her worry for nothing and thought she had cleverly come up with a lot of ideas for her.

With Wen Xiang taking care of her, Ling was also happy to let Li Xunzhuo out of her sight. After the vassal family wrote a letter and agreed on the date, Ling immediately decided to take Wanhua to Guoan Temple to ask for a spiritual signature.

The signature is valid, which is also one of the reasons why Guo'an Temple is very popular. Almost at the beginning of each year, from the beginning of the first month to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, there are a steady stream of people going to Guoan Temple to ask for a safe annual visa, so that they can turn bad luck throughout this year. If you ask for a signature, you should add oil on the spot and sincerely worship and plead for a solution.

However, as soon as they stepped out of the house, they received the news that Mrs. Zhongyi went to the Li family to see Li Sinian.

Wanhua screamed, grabbed Shaohua's arm incredulously, and looked at her threateningly. What the hell is going on?"

Shaohua was shocked by her and said depressedly, "What's going on?" She looked around and saw someone next to them casting curious eyes at them, twisting her body and breaking away Wanhua's hand.

Wanhua was alerted by his overreaction, pretended to tidy up his hair, and breathed down. His eyes still didn't let Shaohua go: "I mean, why did Mrs. Zhongyi Hou come to see his second brother?" Why didn't Zhou Yan tell her that Zhongyihou was satisfied with this marriage?

Although she can't say that she is not high-hearted, she always feels uncomfortable. Obviously, she and Zhou Yan are good sisters who have known each other for many years. However, Zhou Yan seemed to prefer to stay with Shaohua. Even when she fell in touch with Li Sinian, she told Shaohua first, and finally Shaohua secretly told her. If Shaohua hadn't opened her mouth, I'm afraid she wouldn't have known that Zhou Yan liked Li Sinian until now.

Because he heard that Wanhua was not optimistic about Zhou Yan and Li Sinian, Shaohua also saved bad luck, but secretly asked people to pass the news to Zhou Yan. After the two handed back a few letters, Zhou Yan told her that Mrs. Zhongyi finally couldn't beat her and decided to come and see Li Sinian.

Shaohua is still quite confident in his brother. He should have appearance, figure, and future. Although he is a low-born heir, his future is boundless! Besides, he has now inherited Li Zhuoyue's incense, and it doesn't matter who his biological parents are.

"Isn't that good? Sister Yan falls in love with the second brother, and the second brother also likes sister Yan. Shaohua is really happy for Zhou Yan and Li Sinian.

Especially from the meaning expressed between the lines in Zhou Yan's words, Zhou Yan fell in love with Li Sinian at first sight. Although Li Sinian didn't say anything, he would come to inquire about the Zhongyi Houfu from time to time, for fear that good things would not happen.

Looking at Wanhua without saying a word from the beginning, Shaohua sank down and asked cautiously, "Is the third sister unhappy?"

Wanhua shook his head, "It's nothing." She couldn't say why she was depressed. It was always like a big stone, heavy pressing on her chest, making her breathless. Shaohua was attracted by the koi in the pond and ran over excitedly. Wanhua's eyes chased her figure, and suddenly there was an inexplicable sadness, and for a moment, he understood Jinhua's previous annoyance. It seems that Shaohua will eventually replace her position in the hearts of everyone. I really hope she didn't come back or die in that illness.

Finding that he had such a terrible idea, Wanhua nervously grabbed his chest and forced himself to wake up and return to his senses.

"Come here, burn incense quickly, and then go back." Ling greeted them.

"Good." Wan Hua immediately ran over. Now she just wants to go to the Buddha to repent of the evil idea.