famous son-in-law

Chapter 137 Yiren Hongshang

Xin Zixuan's words pulled Shaohua back to reality, like a basin of cold water pouring down from the top of her head. She remembered that she had already lost her face. She was afraid that if she saw them, she could only watch from afar.

She hesitated for a while before she came up with a sentence to comfort Xin Zixuan, "Don't think too much, sister-in-law. She and she will definitely be happy for you and the baby." But her heart was very bitter. She wanted to say that she was around, but she was afraid that it would scare Xin Zixuan. Looking at the little life in her belly, Shaohua chose to be silent when she thought that Ling said that the birth was unstable in the first three months.

However, the arrival of General Dingxi's family still made her very happy. She opened her smiling face and asked excitedly, "When will they come?" Where will they live then? How long will you stay? Are you still leaving?"

Xin Zixuan thought it was funny, nodded Shaohua's forehead and smiled, "Why are you more anxious than me?" After thinking about it, he said, "There are about two months left. I will come back before the Mid-Autumn Festival. I don't know how long I will live. It depends on the determination of the long live master. Youning is also 17 this year. Maybe his father will find a marriage for him in the capital.

She selfishly hopes that her parents will go back to Beijing to live and stop going to the north of Sichuan. Her father is not young. In case there is a real war at the border, the first one will come to him. Without eyes, she has never been as yearning for life on horseback as her younger brother and sister. Perhaps she has been taught to be a lady in the capital since she was a child, and Wanhua prefers a peaceful life.

Two times three years ago, some people have said that the barbarians were in trouble. Xin Zixuan lives in northern Sichuan. Naturally, she knows that if the barbarians really wanted to make trouble, they would have come in long ago. How could it be so delayed? But the stability of the four seas is not the same. In recent years, the Central Plains has been dry for years, and it was not until a heavy snow last year that the disaster changed, otherwise the world would have been in chaos.

The Central Plains is like this, and how can the north of Sichuan be better? Although there are icebergs and snow water, those who can't moisten the vast grasslands, cattle and sheep have no food, and people are also hungry and thirsty. Moreover, today's foreigners, like the Central Plains, are also facing the problem of competing for the crown prince. However, the throne of foreigners has always been beaten out. Unlike the Central Plains, whoever succeeds to the throne depends on the emperor's words. Therefore, they must first strive for a crown prince who convinces the people, then ascend the throne, and then they may consider war or minister or alliance against the Central Plains.

The generals who followed General Dingxi have gradually aged, and the new troops have long been flattened after so many years of stability. Even if General Dingxi has training soldiers every day, he is at peace after all. I'm afraid that if he really goes to the battlefield, the victory or defeat is unpredictable. Xin Zixuan knows that she is selfish, but as a daughter, she doesn't want to go to the war one day, and her elderly father has to go to the battlefield. In fact, it is not that there are no new soldiers in the court who can support this position, but the emperor refused to let him go and insisted on putting him outside the plug. If Xin Zimo hadn't pointed to the married son, I'm afraid that some people in the court would inevitably think that General Dingxi was just a pawn forgotten by the emperor.

"So fast." Only then did Shaohua suddenly realize that Youning has also reached the age of starting a family and career.

Xin Zixuan shook her head and didn't stay on this topic for too long. "It's not fast. It's seventeen. By the way, I heard you say that you want to pull the red cloth to make a skirt. What kind of skirt do you want to make? That day, she looked in the suitcase for a long time, but found a red cloth, but a red skirt, which was quite old, but brand-new.

Shaohua did not dare to speak bluntly and only took out Ling's set of words. No, no, the lady said that a woman who didn't go out can't wear a red dress.

She can't say that she wants to make a dress exactly like that in those years, just to remind Yan Kaizhi of what happened back then.

Xin Zixuan frowned and said, "Where is this? In northern Sichuan, there are many women who haven't gone out wearing red skirts or bright red, which is beautiful. Moer also likes the red skirt best, and then rides on her white jade and runs around, and you can see her figure from afar. Han Baiyu is Xin Zimo's favorite white horse. Yiren's red makeup white horse looks very amazing in heaven and earth. Xin Zixuan saw that Shaohua seemed to be interested, so she ordered Hongling to look for it. "I have another one here. She gave it to me at the beginning, and I have kept it. Hongling took the skirt to the fifth lady.

Shaohua was shocked and quickly waved his hand, "No, this is for you by the imperial concubine." She didn't expect Wanhua to be with her all the time.

But when Hongling picked up the red skirt, her expression was stunned. This fabric used to be her favorite. She would make an identical skirt almost every year and then ride around on a white horse. Many people think that she just loves to be beautiful, so they wear this skirt, but they don't know, just because someone once praised her, "Iren is red, and the country is beautiful."

Xin Zixuan was a little reluctant, but she still handed the skirt to Shaohua, "I don't like to wear a red dress, and it's useless to keep it. However, I'm afraid you have to change your size. Mo'er is taller than you and has wider shoulders than you. She used to envy such a small and exquisite woman as you. Afterlooking Shaohua's figure, Xin Zixuan smiled and urged her to change into a skirt to try her figure.

Shaohua looked at her skirt and then looked at herself with a bitter smile. She had never envied the current short figure, but she envied the previous slender and tall figure. After being urged by Xin Zixuan, she had to hold her skirt to change behind the screen. Her waist circumference was almost the same, but the skirt was mopping the floor, as if a little girl had stolen her mother's clothes, and her sleeves were half a foot long. When she dressed and came out, Xin Zixuan's eyes lit up. This set of skirt had a different style on Shaohua.

Hongling immediately clapped his hands and praised, "Ah! The fifth lady looks beautiful in red clothes. Her skin is white, her eyes are black, her mouth is red, like a human face, and she is very beautiful. She couldn't think of any good words, which were already described by the best words she could think of. She was also a little surprised to see Youhan, so she smiled and said, "Youhan, your wife is beautiful."

Youhan didn't expect Shaohua to be so beautiful in a red dress and nodded, "Well, it's just that the clothes are a little bigger."

Shaohua stared at the young man, and then fiddled with his dress awkwardly, but he was very excited. Xin Zixuan looked at her wearing a red dress, which was quite beautiful. She nodded and praised: "It's okay. The clothes are big and can be changed to smaller. I think Wu Niang is quite suitable to wear our clothes.

Although Shaohua and Xin Zimo looked completely different, Xin Zixuan was in a trance for some reason and thought that Xin Zimo was standing in front of her. After sett down, I thought it was probably because of this skirt, so I was a little sad.

Hearing this, the young Han asked curiously, "Huh? Madam, is this dress only available in northern Sichuan? Xin Zixuan nodded, and the young man walked over and touched the material of the skirt and the pleated needles of the skirt, which was a little surprised. The Fifth Lady has been talking about it before. I have never thought of what the style she said. Looking at it today, it seems to be the same as what the Fifth Lady said.

Xin Zixuan heard the words and glanced at Shaohua. She said embowenly, "I, I have also seen people wear it and feel beautiful, but my sister-in-law knows that I don't know how to make clothes, so I have to play with them by myself."

Xin Zixuan smiled and said, "That's true. If you hire a master outside, you may not be able to make this skirt. Change it. I'll send it to you after I change it. Shaohua saw that she didn't ask deeply and immediately got up and went back to change it, but the skirt was so long that she almost tripped. Shaohua thought depressedly that he used to be so tall, why did he still trip when he wore it now?

However, Shaohua completely ignored age and heredity.

She changed back to her original clothes, came out from behind the screen, gave the skirt to the young man to fold, and then handed it to Hongling. Then there will be your sister-in-law." This saves her a lot of trouble.

"Stupid girl, say something else." Xin Zixuan smiled and asked Hongling to put away her skirt. Looking out of the window, he asked, "Do you have lunch here?"

Shaohua remembered Ling's words, so he got up and said goodbye. No, I have to go back. My mother said that my sister and brother-in-law can't stay for dinner when they come back. Xin Zixuan retained them, nodded, and asked Hongling to send them away.

When Hongling came back again, the smile on Xin Zixuan's face had faded and changed into a solemn and serious look, so that Hongling did not dare to take it lightly.

"Hongling, go and ask a doctor to come back and show Aunt Qing." Xin Zixuan opened her mouth and didn't forget to tell him, "Remember to go to the side door. If anyone asks, say that it's a safe pulse for me."

"Yes, young lady." Hongling cautiously agreed.

Xin Zixuan nodded and her expression was a little relaxed. "Also, the girl in the yard just sealed my mouth." The beautiful eyes opened and swept over Hongling. "You should also restrain yourself. Next time, I will definitely not forgive you." Xin Zixuan pointed out that Hongling had just said something, but fortunately Shaohua didn't pay attention to it.

"Young lady, please don't worry, Hongling will save it." Hongling replied tremblingly.

"Go ahead and call Xu Qing's wife in by the way." Xin Zixuan waved her hand to let Hongling retreat, thinking that the people who had followed since childhood were still reliable, or she had to let Xu Qing's daughter-in-law come into Li's house to help. He reached out and stroked his flat belly, and the expression on his face became soft again. He said silently, "Thank God for letting you come. Although it's a little late, it's not tight. You grow up well, and there are other aunts to settle down for you."

When Shaohua came out of Xuyuan, he seemed to be particularly happy, and even his footsteps were much lighter, which made the young Han a little unable to catch up.

"Five ladies, you seem to be looking forward to the arrival of General Dingxi." The young man looked at Shaohua's happy expression.

"That's, General Dingxi is our great hero, which frightened the enemy and kept the four peace and long-term." Shaohua mentioned General Dingxi, and his whole eyes lit up, as if he had seen the god in his mind. What, is it strange?"

Youhan smiled and said, "It's nothing. I think the fifth lady and the third lady are so different. There is nothing similar at all."

Shaohua was puzzled, thinking about Wanhua's temperament in her mind, and then shook her head. Such a reserved and face-to-faced young lady's temper was probably something she would never learn in her life. Thinking that from today, Ling's attention was about to turn to her, and the pace of going home suddenly became heavy.