famous son-in-law

Chapter 161 Heroine

Shaohua and Jinhua's carriage followed Pang's carriage, followed by the domestic slaves' cart and some luggage. The horse thieves are very discerning, and they can tell at a glance those carrying people, those goods, and which carriages are sitting in the master. When the four came forward to rob Shaohua's carriage, the others besieged the truck behind them.

After listening to Jinhua's words, Shaohua has been worried that even Li Ge has made such an arrangement. Presumably, the situation in the court must be more dangerous than she thought.

But nowadays, there are not only Yan Kaizhi in Beijing, but also Xin Maoshan. If the situation is really so urgent, will they be dangerous, especially Yan Kaizhi? Thinking of Hongyi, who had always been at peace with the eldest prince, and Yan Kaizhi was a loyal second prince, Shaohua thought all the way that the cold weather would make him sweat.

With Cui Hanlin's scream, before Shaohua could lift the curtain, she only felt a bump in the carriage, which made her want to vomit. With a sudden rush, Jinhua's whole body was not sitting firmly and immediately stumbled on her. Before they could sit up straight, the carriage suddenly ran wildly, and then the loud horseshoe sound behind him was quickly replaced by Jinhua's screams.

Shaohua was shaken and dizzy in the car, but Jinhua screamed tirelessly, making her eardrums hurt. She heard a strange man outside the carriage roar: "If you scream again, throw you out!" Jinhua was frightened and quickly covered his mouth with his hands. His red eyes were full of fear and panic, and he looked at Shaohua helplessly.

Shaohua's heart sank and thought that he would not meet the bandits to seize the car again.

But this time, she didn't dare to take any more risks. Last time, it was not to say that he was lucky. After all, he was just a man who committed a crime, and he secretly changed the driver. This time, he robbed openly, which was more ferocious than the previous robbers. And listening to the sound, I don't know how far they ran from the convoy. It was so bumpy that she sat in the car and was shaken against the wall, and she couldn't distinguish her surroundings at all. Yiliu and Youhan were knocked unconscious from the beginning, and now they are still unconscious in the car.

"Daw! Where have people gone? Won't they all be lost? There was a curse outside the car and a cry. Shaohua listened to the noise vigilantly. It seemed that the other party and his accomplice had separated, and she couldn't help but feel a burst of joy.

The curtain was suddenly lifted, revealing a pair of small eyes wrapped in a headscarf. The thief's eyebrows and mouse eyes looked very obscene. Jinhua shrank and immediately hid behind Shaohua.

"It turned out to be two little women, really handsome, just in time to take them back to warm the quilt." As soon as Jinhua heard this, he was immediately scared to cry. The intermittent sobs made Shaohua irritable and excited the man outside the car.

Compared with Jinhua's timidity, Shaohua's disgusting look made the man more proud. Looking around, there is a vast expanse of whiteness, and there is no one else at all. A trace of evil thought flashed in his mind, rubbing his palms, pulling off his turban, revealing an ugly face with a smile. The man struggled to climb into the car and stepped on Yiliu's hand. She screamed and woke up in pain.

The man was shocked by her screams and was stunned. Shaohua took the opportunity to kick the man out. The other party staggered and fell out of the car.

Probably he didn't expect that a little lady raised in a boudoir would have such a domineering move. She fell to the ground and didn't recover for a moment. She saw a figure jump off the car and throw him down again. He shook his head and didn't see the person clearly. A sharp object tried to insert it into his neck. The man opened his mouth painfully and reached out to grab Shaohua. Shaohua was in a hurry, pulled out his hairpin and stabbed it down. The pain made him stop to cover the wound. At this time, Shaohua completely hardened his heart, closed his eyes, clenched his hairpin in his hand and poked it in, until he fell into the pool of blood without resistance.

After a while, she felt that there was no movement from the people under her before she opened her eyes. Looking at the other party's white eyes, Shaohua forced to tremble and reached out to his nose to make sure that he was dead. Her tight heart loosened. She looked down at the blood-stained hands trembling with fear. She staggered up, retreated several steps, and stared at the body lying in the pool of blood.

Although it was just out of the instinct of self- Protection, it was not until Shaohua recovered that he found that he had killed someone. When she was in northern Sichuan, she fought a lot with people, at most until she broke and vomited blood, but she never thought that she would kill people one day. The disgusting and panicked feeling, accompanied by the smell of blood lingered in her heart, with a lingering fear.

"Ah!" Yiliu's scream pulled Shaohua back from his confusion.

She turned around and lost a sharp eye knife, which just hit Jinhua when she heard the sound. Jinhua was also scared and turned pale by everything in front of him. A girl with her hands stained with blood stood in the silver and white snow, and there was a man who had just died not far away. The man's figure was twice as tall as a girl, and the undry blood stains soaked in the snow, which looked very dazzling. Jinhua felt a stagnation in his chest and thought that Shaohua almost strangled her in the palace that day and shouted tremblingly, "You, you witch! You actually killed people, and you actually killed people with your own hands.

"Shut up!" Shaohua roared sharply, and his eyes were colder than the ice and snow. Jinhua fell half a sentence in his throat and dared not shout.

Thanks to Yiliu's scream, she pulled her back to her mind, otherwise she would almost be entangled by her own heart demon. She finally calmed down, boldly, clenched the hairpin, walked over carefully, and kicked the body on the ground to make sure that the other party would not move again. She turned her head and looked around. There was silver everywhere, and she couldn't distinguish between east, west, north and south.

"Five ladies!" Youhan also woke up. She got out of the car and was shocked by the body on the ground, but it was not as big as Jinhua's master and servant's reaction. Instead, she jumped down and ran to Shaohua's side. Are you all right? Did you get hurt anywhere?

Youhan's concern warmed Shaohua's heart. She shook her head, caught a glimpse of Jinhua and Yiliu hiding in the car, and said coldly, "Come down and help me bury the body." Such ice and snow, the bright red blood stains are too eye-catching. If you don't wait for the rescuers, it will be miserable to attract your accomplices.

"I, I don't want it, my wife is terrible." Jinhua replied tremblingly.

"Otherwise, you have to be like him!" Shaohua sneered.

Jinhua was still awkward and was roared by Shaohua. He was shocked and immediately jumped down and almost fell down. Shaohua only dared to shout this because she regained her senses. Just when she came to her senses, she was so scared that she was powerless and did not commit magic.

At Shaohua's order, the four masters and servants jointly buried the bodies and blood stains on the ground. Seeing that no one passed by, Shaohua advocated that the other three people collect all the valuable things together and took the cloak from the car. He picked up the hairpin that had just stabbed the horse thief to death and stabbed the horse's leg fiercely. The horse ran forward in pain.

Jinhua saw that the carriage ran away and shouted anxiously, "You're crazy! The carriage ran away, what should we do!"

Shaohua glanced at her, "Do you think if someone catches up with them, are they looking for a carriage or someone to run?"

"Of course... running for the carriage." Jinhua thought for a moment, "But what if their father comes? It's freezing. Where are we going without a carriage? Jinhua can't imagine how far they can go by relying on the four little ladies raised in their boudoir alone.

Shaohua turned around and pointed to a wisp of cooking smoke not far away. "There should be someone there. Let's wait there. If Dad finds it and can't find the carriage, they will naturally come back here and look for the smoke to ask people.

"What if it's a thief?" Jinhua felt incredible. She didn't expect so much at all.

"The thief will not hit the door by himself." Unless they fall into a thief's nest.

Shaohua didn't dare to say this sentence, afraid that Jinhua would not stand it, so he went crazy. She didn't know whether Li Xunzhuo and the others would catch up with him. She didn't know what had just happened. Was there a horse thief robbed, or did Jingli run out to catch them? Shaohua doesn't know which of the two situations is better for their current situation. All she knows is that if she stays in the carriage again, she will be more likely to be found. Although it may be a rescuer, if it is not a rescuer, or something else. Shaohua shivered. She couldn't guarantee that she would be as lucky as she was just now.

What's more, she can ride a horse, but she can't drive. Now it's snow everywhere, and she can't tell the direction. Instead of being carried away by such a big target without purpose, it is better to lead the carriage elsewhere. Presumably, if it were Li Xunzhuo and others, if they found that there was no one in the carriage, they would definitely find their footprints. If not, she can only pray that Li Xunzhuo and the others are safe, and the rest is at fate.

In Xiyuan, Jinhua can have all kinds of tricks, but after the Li family, Jinhua has no idea at all. She would only show off her clever talents in that small world, and she didn't expect that one day she would encounter such a dilemma. Even when the man struggled to get into the car, Jinhua once wanted to push Shaohua out and block the man. She didn't expect that if Shaohua was captured by the other party, she was afraid that neither of them could escape now.

The young man did not expect that her wife would have such a strong skills. Although she was also scared by Shaohua's bloody scene, she was used to killing chickens and ducks in the kitchen, so she forced herself to think that Shaohua had just killed a chicken. It's just that the chicken bleeds a little more, so it looks a little scary.

"Five Lady, what shall we do now?" After the body was buried, the young man had recovered his panic. He saw Shaohua take out the silk, wiped off the blood stains on his hand and hairpin, and threw it to the ground in disgust.

"Let's go, we have to get out of here quickly, or even if no one pursues us, we will freeze to death." Shaohua sighed. She didn't know why her life pattern was so difficult this time. She had to scare her once every three days, thinking that she had never seen so many violent and bloody scenes in the army.

"Five Lady..." Youhan looked at her side face and shouted softly.

"What's wrong?" Shaohua looked back at her, saw the strangeness in her eyes, and smiled bitterly in his heart, "Do you also think I'm a witch and a murderer?"

Youhan immediately shook his head and replied seriously, "I feel that the five ladies seem to have changed, just like those chivalrous women flying around in the sky in storytelling."

"That's called flying eaves and walking around the wall." Shaohua laughed.

"Yes, yes, that's right, it's just flying around!" Youhan's eyes suddenly lit up and said excitedly, "It's the kind of hero who robs the rich to help the poor and shouts justice." Unfortunately, Chu He couldn't come with them, otherwise he must have thought the same as her and would definitely worship Shaohua like a god.

Shaohua was a little moved. At least he didn't regard her like a snake and scorpion like Jinhua and others.

Suddenly, she looked back at each other to help each other and deliberately left their masters and servants a few steps away. She smiled sarcastically, "If you walk slowly and are caught, I won't save you." She is a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and she can't protect herself.

This sentence is really useful. Jinhua, who was scared to keep a distance because of Shaohua's behavior, immediately stepped up a few steps.