famous son-in-law

Chapter 248 Qingyue Palace

The breeze brushed the leaves, and the red flowers were enchanting. Although the sun was shining outside, I stepped back in front of the eaves, as if I didn't dare to disturb the conversation between the two owners of the harem in the house. The sandalwood in the room was fragrant and comforting. The Empress Dowager He leaned on the soft couch with a tired face, closed her eyes and enjoyed the light and moderate kneading of the maids around her, and there was a slight sense of comfort between her eyebrows.

Good things are unparalleled, misfortunes do not come alone, and troubles come one by one.

Empress Dowager He couldn't help doubting whether Shaohua was in conflict with the palace, and always felt that every time she entered the palace, she would inevitably make some waves. As long as she touched the mechanism and slipped into the dark road, it was enough to give her a headache. She hasn't touched it for two or three years, and I don't know how many bones are tired inside. If she moves the fetus, I'm afraid that Mrs. Yan will really fight with her.

I just wanted to use her as a threat to restrain some of Yan Kaizhi's hands and feet, and I had to avoid the secret stumbling of the emperor's son. It turned out to be good. Things didn't work out. On the contrary, there was a feeling of stealing chickens and rice. Mrs. Yan, who had always stood on her side, almost fell out with her, and the queen also came to add obstacles for her.

Empress Dowager He raised her hand and motioned the maid to retreat. Looking at the beautiful young woman sitting in gorgeous clothes sitting in front of her, her noble and elegant temperament had already disappeared in the loneliness of the deep palace. The good face also looks thin, not at all like the queen of the mother of the world in the imperial edict ceremony.

He Wanru saw that the Empress Dowager sat up, quickly got up to help her, put a soft pier on her back, and heard her say quietly, "It's not your fault, but it's a pity that you didn't have enough means and almost made a pit."

"But..." He Wanru breathed a sigh of relief and frowned and hesitated.

Empress Dowager He obviously didn't want to listen to listen to her nagging anymore and said impatiently, "Well, just drive them out. I don't care who the seeds in their stomachs are, and they are not allowed to keep any of them."

Hearing the maid of honor say that He Wanru came to see her in a hurry, she thought something had happened. As a result, after listening to He Wanru's words, the Empress Dowager He couldn't help laughing.

The emperor's wedding has been many years, but He Wanru's belly has not moved. The imperial doctor consults almost every day, and Hongyi has also rested in He Wanru's room most of the time, but he can't even jump out. Empress Dowager He couldn't help suspect that there was something wrong with her son, but a maid who was accidentally lucky was actually pregnant with a dragon seed at one time and was even promoted to Wanyi.

Empress Dowager He finally turned her eyes back to He Wanru's belly.

She knew that as the queen, if she could not conceive the eldest son of the emperor, it must be extremely troublesome.

Fortunately, Wanyi gave birth to only the princess, and Hongyi did not spoil her anymore, but there were many concubines in the harem, and she could prevent it once and could not prevent it so many times. And the children of other concubines are always secretly, which will only make the royal family more childless.

The Empress Dowager He had no choice but to let He Wanru lift the people around her and take her up when the eldest son of the emperor was born. But I didn't expect that in the harem, you have a good plan, and I have a wall ladder. He Wanru's intention was known by Concubine Yu, who followed suit and tried to conceive a dragon seed earlier than the queen.

"Yes, please rest assured. I have told you to pull out of the capital before dark." He Wanru's tone is firm, and she must not tolerate this matter. So while dealing with it, thinking that the carriage should have been out of the city by now, He Wanru came to cry with the Empress Dowager's aunt.

Empress Dowager He's eyes became sharp and sneered frequently: "This concubine Yu is really amazing. You just want to conceive a dragon seed, but she even brought the seed. Humph! If you want to change the civet cat for the prince and find a wild seed from nowhere, she can figure it out!"

He Wanru just wants the maid around her to be pregnant with Hongyi's child, and then leave her son to the mother and raise the child under her knees. But at least the child's father is definitely Hongyi, but Yu's concubine actually asked the pregnant maid to invite Hongyi to favor in an attempt to emulate Zhao Ji. Unfortunately, the emperor's favor didn't wait, but the secret was discovered and told the queen. As soon as He Wanru knew it, he was immediately scared to start a thorough investigation of the maid of honor who was not a virgin, but she was sent out of the palace if she was pregnant.

"Yes, if I hadn't found it early, I'm afraid it would be difficult to clean up." He Wanru said it and felt a lingering palpit.

"Is it difficult to clean up? Then don't clean it up and keep it. The Empress Dowager He snorted coldly and patted the table again. The muffled sound of the jade bracelet tapping on Nanmu made He Wanru immediately straighten her waist.

She hurriedly sat down and replied, "What A Niang said is very true."

So many things happened in a day alone, and the Empress Dowager He also looked very tired and told him, "Pay more attention to your own body, and you should take less medicine. Otherwise, you are not the only wife of the He family."

At this time, He Wanru had to answer with twelve points of spirit: "My daughter-in-law knows."

They all know that the queen must be the He family, and the prince must be the He family, but the He family is not only He Wanru, but she is the most suitable candidate.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were silent with their own thoughts, and suddenly heard someone exclaiming and ran in: "The Empress Dowager is not good. Something's wrong!"

The nerves that the Empress Dowager He had calmed down were immediately tightened again. She was so angry that she grabbed the bean green lotus plate that had just stood after the rain on the shelf and smashed it without thinking about it. Shut up!" She was not scared enough, and she dared to shout so much in the Empress Dowager's bedroom.

Hearing the words, the Yingshang Palace stood at the door and saw the broken porcelain pieces on the ground, and the trembling maid kneling on the ground, and immediately asked someone to come to clean the porcelain pieces. He Wanru was also scared to stand up and looked at the scene in front of her. It seemed that it was rare for the Empress Dowager He to be so irritable and impulsive. She hesitated and bowed to the Empress Dowager He.

Empress Dowager He didn't stop her. She'd better not come to bother her now.

When He Wanru left and Yingshang Palace came in to serve, Empress Dowager He said angrily, "Get in and talk."

The servant almost crawled over. He had just been scared to death in the dark way. Now he escaped from the dark way and made the Empress Dowager drink angrily. He almost felt that he saw the impermanence of the locked soul passing by the window.

He didn't dare to look up, his whole body trembling, and staggered to report: "Go back to the Empress Dowager's mother, mother, haunted, haunted, Mrs. Hou is gone."

Now I had to wait for the Empress Dowager He to speak, and the Ying Shang Palace was angry. She came over and kicked the waiter and shouted, "Dabai God's haunted, talk to me!"

The inner servant swallowed a few mouthfuls of water and said again, "It's really haunted. I just asked Pingshun to take the two of them down, but I waited for a long time and there was no news. The slave asked someone to have a look again, but as soon as he went down, he found that Pingshun had broken his bones and fainted on the ground, and the other two were nowhere to be found. Thinking of the situation that I had just gone down to check, the waiter was almost not scared to pee in my pants.

"What about that man?" Empress Dowager He was a little shocked and her expression became fierce.

"People are also dizzy, but Mrs. Hou is gone." The waiter almost cried out.

"Have you all looked for it?" The Empress Dowager He asked.

The waiter was about to bury his head in the ground. He trembled and cried, "No, it's haunted. I dare not go down."

Ying Shanggong sensed that the Empress Dowager's face was unhappy, and immediately came over, raised the servant's face, and slapped hard. "Useless things, where did you come from? Immediately roll down and find people."

The servant's legs on the ground were soft and he couldn't stand up at all. "Empress Queen Mother, I really didn't lie. I went down in person, but I saw the Empress Yi!" The servant's lost scream made the Empress Dowager lose a beat in her heart, which made Ying Shanggong quickly go over to her. "It's true that the Empress Yi was still wearing Mrs. Hou's clothes and smiled at the slaves, so I ran out in fear."

If you are not afraid, it's a lie. They know what this secret road is for, and the body has been carried in and out several times. But since the Yifei was closed, no one has gone in. It's been so long. If what he just saw is not a ghost, what else can it be? Moreover, she is still wearing Shaohua's clothes, and the waiter dares to go in to find someone. In her heart, she mourns for this lifeless Mrs. Hou.

"Impossible!" Empress Dowager He recovered and shook her head to herself.

Yifei was imprisoned by herself. More than two years have passed, and she can't still be alive.

However, she can't just put Shaohua in it. Even if there is only a body left, she must carry it out. Otherwise, not to mention that Mrs. Yan wants to fight with her, I'm afraid Hongyi will not let go so easily.

The Empress Dowager He's whole heart was in a pot of porridge, the blue veins on her forehead loomed out, and her eyes were ferocious and bleeding, making people look more terrible than ghosts. She pressed her chest with one hand to try to appease her restless heart, but the trembling on her body reminded her of futility.

In the past, some palace people said that Qingyue Palace often heard cries and calls for help, but she never cared. Because the exit of the secret road was under the back room of the Qingyue Palace, she asked people to seal the palace. Because no one went in and out, the Empress Dowager He felt that the people below took this to blacks and spread it. But if it's really Yifei, I'm afraid it's hard to say about the haunted Qingyue Palace.

The Yingshang Palace looked at her pale face and shouted worriedly, "Mother, are you all right?"

Empress Dowager He recovered and calmed down. Her eyes suddenly regained their brightness and quickly calmed down their majesty. "Sent me more people. No matter who are ghosts, don't stay!" Ying Shanggong understood what the Empress Dowager meant. It would be better if it was just haunted. If Concubine Yi was really alive, she was afraid that there would be more trouble.

At the beginning, in addition to being implicated by Liu Shangshu, only Empress Dowager He knew that Concubine Yi was neglected for poisoning the emperor. Otherwise, with her favor at the beginning, even if her brother fell, she would not have fallen to this level. The late emperor did not believe that Concubine Yi would poison, but the Empress Dowager He couldn't help believing it.

"What about Mrs. Hou?" Ying Shanggong felt that he had asked a stupid question.

Empress Dowager He raised her eyes coldly and spit out a sentence: "If you want to see people alive, you want to see corpses when you die."

Originally, she asked someone to carry Shaohua out and planned to leave her in the Qingyue Palace, just as if she had mistakenly entered. As for whether it is haunted or not, whether something will happen or not, she can ignore it at that time, but the premise is that she must find Shaohua first.