famous son-in-law

Chapter 278 People are panicked

As soon as Xu Xinru left, Yan Kaizhi hurried back from the outside. As soon as he entered the house, someone had already told him about the powder ball. He strode back to the house and saw Shaohua shaking his sleeping son. Then he was relieved and walked over and lowered his voice for fear of waking up his son.

Looking at the quiet sleeping face, Yan Kaizhi frowned slightly, "I heard that this boy just cried fiercely. What happened?"

Shaohua laughed at the fact that he always kept away from his son. In fact, he was very nervous, so he told him, "Xu is coming."

Sure enough, Yan Kaizhi's face darkened and his tone became fierce, "What is she doing here?"

Shaohua lightly brought down what happened just now, "Nothing. I guess he knew about the Xu family and said he wanted to see Xu Erlang and asked me to give it back." At this time, the wet nurse came over and took the powder ball, owed them a debt, and then left.

Seeing that Shaohua didn't say much, Yan Kaizhi did not hesitate to investigate. Seeing his son go away, he said, "This jux can't let her get into trouble again. The second master has sent troops to thoroughly investigate Pingzhou, and there is also a lot of trouble with the palace.

When there is a disturbance in Pingzhou, it is bound to affect Xu He's background. Xu Ziang in the Xu family was pinched by the emperor and naturally could not move. The He family could have left. Anyway, there was a queen and the empress dowager in the palace, but the Xu He family had long been grasshoppers on the same line. Even if the He family wanted to leave, the Xu family had to hold on. Hongyi wants them to hold each other so that they can start from it.

Of course, the two owners of the He family will naturally not sit idly by, but Hongyi set up two noblemen, a concubine, and the three of them were pregnant at the same time, which calmed Queen He's momentum. The Empress Dowager was stable, but she was depressed by Rouwan's previous events and had migraines from time to time. Hongyi was so angry that the Empress Dowager almost jumped her foot on the grounds that she let the Empress Dowager recover from her illness.

Shaohua asked in surprise, "Is it really Mrs. Wan's tomb?"

Although Yan Kaizhi pretended to be ill and did not go to the palace, he could not be idle at home. Hongyi was just an excuse for him to secretly move freely. Therefore, he was not in Pingzhou, but the news of Pingzhou was squeezed in his hands word for word. He thought for a moment, "Listen to the news from Pingzhou, there is indeed something fishy underneath, but it doesn't look like Mrs. Baoyun's tomb. Maybe there is really treasure."

"How rich Uncle Xiao was at the beginning." Shaohua's words made Yan Kaizhi's serious work, and he shook his head and smiled at her nonsense. Shaohua also knew that his focus was wrong, but he retorted unrelentlessly: "What are you laughing at? Isn't it? How much was donated to the treasury at the beginning, and how many are there for charity? If there are still treasures. Oh, my God, my God, I can't even imagine it."

Yan Kaizhi replied with a smile, "It's not yours. What dare you think of?"

Shaohua thought about it and was a little disappointed, "That's right, it's not mine. What a pity."

Yan Kaizhi glanced at her listless appearance and straightened his attitude. "Yes, I told the people in the house not to go out if they had nothing to do. I heard that there was a place in Luyang that caused smallpox. Many people died, and the place could not be suppressed. Some people escaped and didn't know where to go. Don't go out to provoke some unclean things back. "

This is what worries him more. He hasn't heard the name for a long time, and now it has emerged for no reason, and he doesn't know where to start.

Shaohua knew smallpox. She had seen two close friends die like this, so as soon as she heard Yan Kaizhi's words, her heart thumped and her nerves immediately tightened. She restrained the joke and said seriously, "Luyang? Is it still far from here?"

Yan Kaizhi nodded, "That being said, some people have escaped, and I don't know if these people are sick. Both Heyang and Pu'an have children with high fever. Although they don't know if it is, they still have to be more cautious. These news have been blocked, and people in Beijing have not received the news, but if Heyang and Pu'an's illness is confirmed to be smallpox, the capital will be dangerous. There is no need for a large army to invade. It's almost a gust of wind. No one knows what will be infected next, and most of the sick children can't escape.

The reason why he was so nervous was that he had a wife and a child. He specifically inquired about it, and Shaohua did not have smallpox, which made him more worried.

There were many sorrows in his heart. The man put his hands behind his back and his eyebrows were locked, which made him look very irritable. If this is really smallpox, it will be terrible. The matter of Pingzhou is not over, and King Dora can't survive this season. This series of things happened too quickly and is too strange.

Yan Kaizhi looked at the void and said to himself, "Is this array really activated?"

The army is easy to stop, and serious diseases are difficult to prevent.

Yan Kaizhi warned Shaohua not to go out casually after receiving the news. Soon after, he received the news that he wanted to close the city gate. As soon as she heard the lockdown of the city gate, Shaohua immediately felt that her head was bulging. In her memory, every time she heard the lockdown of the city gate, it was not a good thing.

Xiao Liuzi became Shaohua's most trusted ears and eyes. He inquired about the news from the outside and immediately reported, "Madam, it seems that two foreigners came to Beijing to see a doctor, but they died in the inn. Some people said it was smallpox. I heard that Jing Zhaoyin sent people to surround the inn and burn the bodies. Now the gate is closed and looking for people everywhere.

Chuhe and Xiaohan were also scared by the name smallpox. Although they had never seen it, they also heard how terrible the smallpox was.

Shaohua calmed down and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Xiao Liuzi answered truthfully: "I heard that he had a fever, cough, itching and rash. In short, those who were in poor health were arrested."

Bidie was so scared that she lost her face and stapt a little, "Is it so serious?"

Xiao Liuzi nodded and said, "How can it not be serious? I heard that these people will be executed tomorrow."

Chu He lost his voice and shouted, "What?!" Unexpectedly, the extent of the death of patients everywhere, Chu He subconsciously hugged his arms tightly and felt goose bumps all over his body.

Youhan couldn't help but be surprised and asked curiously, "What's none of their business?"

Xiao Liuzi shrugged his shoulders and disdained their performance: "Who knows? In short, the imperial doctors have been out of the palace, saying that it's okay if they are diagnosed with smallpox, and if so, they will all be executed. This is not a joke. There are nobles everywhere in Beijing. If they bring them the disease, the imperial doctors will lose their heads.

"What if the doctor's diagnosis is wrong?" Yu Chan asked in a low voice next to her, and immediately received three pairs of white eyes, and she hurriedly lowered her head.

Little Liuzi glanced at Yu Chan and sneered, "Don't you listen to kill? At this juncture, who cares whether the diagnosis is wrong or not." Looking at Shaohua who didn't say a word, Xiao Liuzi immediately closed his mouth for fear that she would be powerful.

Who doesn't know the horror of this smallpox, but what's more terrible is the rumor. If you talk nonsense everywhere and make people panic, you will fall first and be taken away as a disease.

Xiao Liuzi's silence made others notice Shaohua's ugly face. Look at me and I look at you. It was not until Shaohua opened his voice that they were relieved.

Shaohua took a deep breath and told him in an orderly manner: "Don't discuss it. You all order it. Anyone who has been out recently must be notified. If you are not feeling well, go to see a doctor immediately and go home to rest without concealing it. In addition, except for you, none of the maids in the yard are allowed to go out and don't let anyone in. It's important to take care of the two young masters. Let people boil more hot water and cook all the kitchen utensils. All those who come back from the outside must be clean to enter the second door. Chuhe, take someone to the warehouse and find out if there are any medicinal materials that can be detoxified.

"Yes, madam."

Everyone has a surprisingly tacit understanding and immediately split up after agreeing.

However, it was not only Shaohua's family who received the news, but also the people in the capital began to get nervous. Although everyone didn't say it, they all knew it. The Fan family also immediately sent someone to take Wanzi back. Shaohua did not object, and she knew that Wanhua was also worried. Although Wanzi was not happy, he still left with the comfort of Shaohua.

Just as she was directing her servants to work enthusiastically, Yan Kaizhi and Song Yu came back.

But before they stepped into the door, they saw a group of people washing and burning incense at the door. Seeing them, someone immediately rushed up and brought hot water to wash their hands and rub their faces. Song Yu was shocked by them and looked at Yan Kai in astonishment. He looked at his blank face, obviously without knowing it.

He raised his eyebrows amusedly and joked to Yan Kaizhi, "When is your rule? Do you have to burn incense when you enter the door?"

Yan Kaizhi was teased by Song Yu, and he couldn't lose face. He cursed the doorkeeper and wanted to go in. But they didn't dare to let go, so they had to reply tremblingly: "My lord, it was my wife's explanation. Everyone who comes back from the outside must do so."

Yan Kaizhi frowned, but he was quickly relieved and nodded to let people bring up the towel basin.

Song Yu looked funny, "Hey, she's really interesting. What's the use of doing this? She will still come." With that, he pushed the washbasin open with a fan and made a posture to go in, but Yan Kaiyi caught it and dragged it back.

He looked back at Yan Kaizhi with dissatisfaction and listened to him say coldly, "Come in after washing."

Song Yu complained, but he still did it obediently: "Well, why do you believe this?"

When Yan Kaizhi saw that he followed, he did not embarrass him, but whispered, "My son is still young." Then I strode home.

Song Yu was almost choked by his words, and his hands were not dry. He waved a few times casually and complained about the pace of catching up with Yan Kaizhi. "Really, it's great to have a son." His mother urged him to give birth, but this was not what he thought. Staring at Linlan's belly and there was no news, she immediately took two concubines. As a result, Linlan and she were unhappy, and she was not human in front of her parents. It was not easy to make their wives and concubines happy, and one of them was also pregnant, but she had a minor birth in less than two months and had another trouble.

He used to like romantic, but he didn't want a group of women to chat with him, crying and complaining all day long.

Sometimes it is easy to see Yan Kai, marrying a wife and giving birth to a son. Even without a beautiful concubine, he is happy and quiet.

When Yan Kaizhi saw that he suddenly slowed down two steps, he turned around and provoked him, "It's more amazing than you. If you have the ability, you can have one."

Song Yu was extremely painfully stepped on by his foot. He stared at him fiercely, strode over him and walked to the front first.