famous son-in-law

Chapter 285 imaginary rival

The wind blows the willows, stirring up the calm lake and stirring circles of ripples, like the people's mood on the shore, giving rise to many troubles for no reason. The water wave is calm, reflecting a beautiful face, willow eyebrows like the moon, cherry lips like vermilion, indifferent and majestic, cold and delicate, beautiful peony, better than the orchid. The fairy who was supposed to go to the meeting in Yaochi fell into the mortal world and still couldn't hide the enchanting of this body.

The maid standing not far behind her secretly raised her head and looked at the figure of the woman in front of her. There were endless praises in her heart, but she couldn't say it for fear of alarming her meditation. She has been in the royal palace since she was four years old. She has seen all kinds of beauties from the wife of the royal palace, but she rarely sees such a beauty in front of her. Although she has not seen the queen's appearance with her own eyes, in her opinion, such a beautiful woman who feels not angry and majestic from a distance is not too much to make her mother honor the world.

"Master, this Mrs. Xingyonghou is really arrogant. You have posted four times before she lazily agreed. She doesn't pay much attention to you." Standing behind the woman, a round-faced girl opened her mouth, full of complaints and contempt. Seeing her master silent, she chattered endlessly. At least you are the concubine, the niece of the Empress Dowager, and the cousin of the Empress Dowager. She is just a marquis.

He Shaoqing sighed deeply. She didn't know how she could tolerate such a noisy person as Lingdang. Maybe she is afraid of loneliness, and multiple voices are also good.

Since the Empress Dowager gave her marriage, the whole family has been so happy that she has been praised to heaven, but she, the person concerned, feels that it's just living in another place.

Hearing a lot of news about the son, He Shaoqing didn't think she could force his favor. How could she accept such a proud son as him? Although her family comforted her with the face of a cousin who is far better than her mother, Hongfang's wife is a peerless woman. Even though she has a powerful mother's family, the so-called third prince's status is extremely noble.

Therefore, it was also expected that she was ignored by him after the wedding. She tried her best to be a princess and a daughter-in-law. But in exchange, Hongfang took five aunts in a row, and they were all pregnant. She was so angry that the third princess called the couple in front of them and scolded them fiercely.

"If you want children, just raise them in front of you after they give birth." Hongfang was so ridiculed that He Shaoqing was not angry. On the contrary, the bell was so angry that he shouted for the third princess to complain.

"What can the princess do if he doesn't want to?" Obviously, Hongfang just doesn't want her to have children.

It's just that as the main room has no children, but the concubines are all pregnant. How ironic and humiliating it is. In the face of Wuzitang after each **, He Shaoqing only felt ridiculous and sad. She did not dare to take risks. She didn't know what Hongfang would do if she secretly conceived a child.

"Even so, the prince can't humiliate you so much, and you are right to do something!" Naturally, the bell did not dare to complain.

This is the Three Kings Mansion, which is the territory of Hongfang. Even if they return to Shangshu Mansion, they can't help. He Qianqing is the direct wife, but she is not the only wife of Shangshufu, not to mention that her mother has long died. Therefore, Shangshu Mansion is just a home she has lived in before, and she can't even say her mother's family.

He Qianqing didn't say much to Lingdang. She knew that Lingdang's heart was very good, but her mouth was open. If she hadn't grown up with her when she was a child, she really didn't want Lingdang to come into the royal palace. In her opinion, Hongfang's antipathy to her was probably due to the fact that this marriage also meant in the palace. Although after Xin Zimo's death, the late emperor also let Hongfang marry by himself, but the late emperor died, and the Empress Dowager He stuffed Hongfang over on the grounds that she was not young. The princess is quite satisfied with her, but the parties are not happy, but relatively speaking, she is easier to accept the reality.

"Bell." He Qianqing's voice was like her appearance, elegant and slightly cold, which was also the reason why Empress Dowager He finally gave up on her and chose He Wanru.

"What's the matter, master?" The bell beat a thrill and was as excited as a rabbit.

"I'm thirsty." He Shaoqing's words were like pouring cold water on the bell, making her excited.

She turned around and told the little maid to pour tea for He Qianqing, and then pouted and complained dissatisfiedly, "Master, I haven't been thirsty after saying so much. Did you hear it?"

He Qianqing looked up at her bulging little face and smiled, "I was thirsty and said that I didn't stop you from drinking water."

The bell retorted and blushed and hurriedly defended: "That's not what I mean!"

"Princess, Mrs. Xingyong is here."

The timely report interrupted the gossip between the master and servant, and the two of them put away their jokes. Lingdang followed He Shaoqing and held an impeachment for her in his heart. Obviously, his master was smart and beautiful. It was okay if the prince didn't know the goods, and even Mrs. Hou didn't pay attention to her. Lingdang suddenly had a bad idea in her heart. She wanted to see what kind of three-headed and six-armed Mrs. Xingyong Hou looked before she dared to put on such a big airs.

And Shaohua, who had been waiting in the flower hall, was also equally uneasy. She temporarily made up for He Shaoqing's family background and knew that she and the queen were cousins, and her fathers were ministers of the Ministry of Household. I heard that the Empress Dowager He had hesitated between her and He Wanru for a long time. Although the final choice was He Wanru, it was obvious that the Empress Dowager He had a higher evaluation of her and praised her for her nine-day phoenix posture.

Shaohua was curious about why the Empress Dowager He had such a high evaluation of He Shaoqing, but did not choose her. Yan Kaizhi's explanation was that He Wanru's eight characters were much more noble than He Qianqing.

Although Shaohua has no opinion on such a mysterious thing as the eight characters, he can't help but be a little worried when he thinks that the person he wants to see is almost the lord of the harem, and he doesn't know what she is looking for.

"The princess has arrived."

When Shaohua heard the words, she hurriedly got up and looked down at a lotus-green curved gold smoke brocade skirt passing by. She slowly looked up and happened to see He Qianqing turn around gracefully. Shaohua was attracted by her reserved and dignified temperament in an instant. If Wanhua's temperament is as gentle as everyone's beauty, He Qianqing is natural and elegant. She suddenly understood the Empress Dowager's praise for her, which was not exaggerated or even regretful.

Just as Shaohua marveled at He Shaoqing's temperament, He Shaoqing also looked at Shaohua's elegant behavior. The story of Shaohua and Yan Kaizhi can be said to have spread all over the capital, and He Qiangqing is no exception. She has long been full of admiration and curiosity for this dareful woman, but she did not expect that such a free and unrestrained woman would look exquisite and lovely, which matches her imaginary chivalrous image at all.

"All the blessings of the concubine." In the face of such a beautiful woman, Shaohua did not dare to be careless and respectfully saluted her.

"Mrs. Xingyong, you're welcome. Please get up quickly." He Shaoqing's attitude is as enthusiastic as if the two have been similar for a long time.

Lingdang looked at Shaohua's salute to He Qianqing and was thinking of finding an opportunity to ridicul her. As a result, after meeting Shaohua, he suddenly felt like they had known each other. Her thoughts flew around, and suddenly she thought of a person and blurted out with excitement. Master, she looks like Yao!"

He Qianqing showed displeasure on his face and immediately interrupted the bell, "The bell must not be presumptuous."

After being drunk by He Shaoqing, Shaohua also sat up straight. He didn't know what medicine was sold in the master and servant gourd. As soon as he hit him face to face, he stood up. But it is undeniable that He Shaoqing's face is indeed very majestic, and even she dares not look bad.

The bell was trained to be gray, and immediately reacted to his gaffe, consciously lowered his head and took a step back. Shaohua looked at He Qianqing's face and made sure that she was not angry with herself. Then she was relieved, smiled and asked softly, "I don't know who Yao is? Does she look like me?"

He Shaoqing glanced at Shaohua and smiled, "Let Mrs. Xingyong laugh. My maid is too presumptuous and I have no way to discipline her."

"It doesn't matter, the princess doesn't have to mind." Seeing that He Shaoqing was not going to say anything, Shaohua did not ask, but he still had doubts in his heart. "I was grateful to have been praised by the imperial concubine before, but the child suffered from smallpox. This disease is dangerous and extremely contagious. The concubine had to postpone the love of the imperial concubine again and again. I hope that the concubine will not care about it in large numbers.

Shaohua's light polite words took back all four rejections, and in the name of "I'm thinking of you", which made people grateful.

"It's said that I'm abrupt and didn't think so much." Naturally, He Shaoqing also knew that Shaohua was playing Tai Chi.

But since she has the patience to endure her so many refusals, of course, she also accepts Shaohua's "explanation". In fact, as early as when the bell exclaimed, she had been as surprised as the bell, or even enlightened.

For Hongfang repeatedly sent things to the Marquis of Xingyong without telling the royal palace, but other people's families retreated. It is reasonable that Hongfang should be annoyed by this humiliation. However, He Qianqing heard another news that the reason why Hongfang gave gifts was not because he had a good relationship with Xing Yonghou. On the contrary, Hongfang and Yan Kai met on the narrow road and almost fought. Hongfang sent everything for one person, that is, Mrs. Xingyonghou.

When He Shaoqing first heard the news, he only felt that the rumormonger was very ridiculous. Would a son covet other people's wives? However, when she overheard Hongfang's sleep calling Shaohua's name, she had an idea in her heart. She wanted to meet this Mrs. Xingyonghou. She wanted to know what kind of person would make Hongfang shout out in her dream.

However, seeing the first side of Shaohua, He Qianqing's heart suddenly felt like being pricked, because Shaohua's appearance was very similar to Hongfang's favorite Yao's favorite, or Yao's appearance was extremely Shaohua. If you look at it carefully, you will find that these five pregnant concubines have a faint shadow of Shaohua, Lin's eyes, Bian's smile, Song's figure, and Yao's facial features. From the initial conster of consteration to the gradual awakening, she suddenly understood why Hongfang did not want to make her pregnant, or to let people other than these five pregnant, because he had another person hidden in his heart.

She didn't know whether Hongfang would think about Shaohua when holding these concubines, but she was sure that Hongfang didn't like her not just because of the marriage in the palace.

Looking at this rival who is not a rival, He Shaoqing felt that he was even a little reluctant to smile. Originally, she wanted to have a relationship with Shaohua, but she found that she didn't want to talk to Shaohua at all, and didn't even want to see her, as if she saw Shaohua and saw her failure.