famous son-in-law

Chapter 396 Tongming 2

Yan Kaizhi was distracted by his words and glanced over. Bagu was not embarrassed by his gaze.

"Wait a minute, what did you just call her? Mo'er?"

Bag smiled at him as if he was making fun of him. "Don't care, it's just a name. What's her name is not important. What's important is that although the co-life worm in her body can save her life, she is too weak to support the worm. If she doesn't wake up, she is afraid of being eaten back.

A belly problem was flooded into his chest and forced back by Bag's words. Yan Kaizhi had to admit that he cared more about the co-life.

"What should I do? He didn't tell me this, but said that she was of the same blood. If she was in danger, we would not live long.

Jun Wuxie didn't mention gu at all when he took action, and he was not in the mood to listen to him in detail. There was only one thought in his heart. Shaohua came to life, even if he was better than lying in bed all his life. Coupled with her rapid and strange illness, naturally she would not care about Jun's innocence to save her in the same strange way.

Bag restrained his smile, and his face similar to Youning almost made Yan Kaizhi look away. "Yes, the same fate, as the name implies, is to live and die with the same blood and vein. This was originally an extremely dangerous gird, but for Mo'er, it was the last life. If it hadn't been for the same fate, she wouldn't have been able to live long ago... I thought it was astrological mistake, so it was." In the end, Bagg couldn't help sighing to himself.

The old patriarch's astrological ability can be said to be the best among the patriarchs. If he bites out, he has never made a mistake. They are not fortune, but luck. If there is a god, there is luck, from rivers and mountains to all sentient beings. Naturally, they pay attention to their fate.

But people's hearts are made of flesh, especially the broken military star who knows that Shaohua has been reincarnated, which means that an unstoppable reincarnation is initiated. All they can do is to protect their safety as much as possible. As for the social turmoil, let it go.

"How did you know that she was wearing red?"

Yan Kai's heart was secretly surprised by Bag's words. Almost from the moment he stepped into the White Mountain, he was always in accidents and surprises. Because of this, he was more sure that Baishan was a blessed place and there must be a way to save Shaohua.

Looking at Shaohua with a gray face, Bagg took out something from the rough clay pot and stuck it on the tip of the needle, and then stabbed it in her palm, forehead, middle, back of her neck, chest and abdomen. Suddenly, the tip of the needle burned up somehow, and a faint blue fireworks jumped. It was said that the fireworks were just because of the shape of polished matches, but they soon disappeared, as if the tears of candles condensed into a drop of juice and disappeared along the tip of the needle. Yan Kaizhi stared at it with wide eyes, but when Bagg took out the silver needle, he suddenly had the illusion that he had just been dazzled. Fortunately, Shaohua's face slowly returned to rosy, and his tender face looked as if he had just fallen asleep.

Bag did not hide it. After receiving the silver needle, he said, "My father once occupied a gossip for her, saying that she must have a bloody disaster in northern Sichuan, because her soul is weak. Once she experiences it, she will save her life, and she will suffer a cold constitution in this life." His eyes fell on Shaohua's face, and Bagg exhaled a long breath, "Red, main fire, main blood, main heart, she has been fighting against the palace, and the two together form a fierce array."

If this hadn't been the case, it wouldn't have been so dangerous now.

"Did someone deliberately frame her?" Yan Kaizhi became a little nervous and regretted why he didn't listen to Shaohua's words.

Bag took everything lightly. He knew that his father was tired of it. The more he was, the more painful he suffered.

"That's not the case. There are some things that God has his own arrangement, whether it is gi, array or fate. Let it be and let nature take its course. What we could have done is to seek blessings and avoid disasters, but her luck is the same as the sky, and we can't change it. This master has the ability to turn the world around, why didn't he wake her up?

"He said that if there is another half-day book, it may be saved, but I don't know what Tianshu is and where the other half is." Yan Kaizhi has treated Bagu as a god in his heart, and his name has been changed. Is there really no way for you to save her?"

Bag thought for a moment and squeezed his lips and seemed a little hesitant. "It's not that there is no way. She is not lucky now... For example, it's like her heart and soul are frozen, and her blood weakness can't melt at all, so she can't wake up. Since she is of the same life, she can only rely on people of the same life to nourish her qi and blood.

Combined with all kinds of strange experiences since he entered the mountain, Yan Kaizhi has no doubt about his own opinions, because anything is possible here. You mean just let her drink my blood?"

Bag nodded, "That's probably what it means, but I don't understand gi, so I can't be completely sure."

Some hopeful joy finally appeared on Yan Kaizhi's tired face. At least he knew that Shaohua was really saved.

"If I get up to find the witches now, do you think they can do something?"

Bag was not so optimistic and shattered his hope in one sentence. "This same fate can't be used by everyone. Everyone can use it. Moreover, the witches, like our Rob, have now been hidden in the mountains. I'm afraid that Moer can't live before the governor finds them.

Yan Kaizhi punched the wall angrily. Because it was a stone wall, it would not crack, but his strength was known. You are innocent! He clearly told me that Shaohua was fine.

Bag touched Yan Kaizhi's feelings for Shaohua. He quickly advised: "Don't get me wrong. My life is saved, but if you don't wake up and drag it down like this, it will be useless for a good person to stay in bed all day long." Looking at the loose expression on Yan Kaizhi's face, he said, "You might as well live here first and let me figure it out."

"That's Mr. Lao." Yan Kaizhi held his fist to thank him.

"You're welcome, just call me Bag." Bagg refused softly. He didn't seem to inherit this false reputation, otherwise he would have been the patriarch.

"Then you don't have to call me the governor. Here I'm not the governor of northern Sichuan or the Marquis of Xingyong." Yan Kaizhi's admiration for him was even more. Maybe it was You Ning's own uncle, so he felt very kind when he looked at him. He just thought that he just shouted Shaohua to be Moer, but Yan Kai's stomach doubted but he didn't know how to say it.

Yan Kaizhi doesn't care about his identity, but Bagu can't regard it as indifferent. After all, the identity of the person in front of him is in front of him. Even if lying there is the adoptive daughter of his own sister, that is to say, the person in front of him should call him uncle, but Bago still shouted respectfully, "Yes, Master Yan."

At this time, Chunduo, who sent everything away, just came back, and Bagu told him, "Chunduo, you will be responsible for Master Yan's living in the future."

"Don't worry, Dr. Bagg." Chunduo is not the hairy teenager of that year. Over the years, he has learned a lot from Bagu, and he also has the same respect for him.

"Then I'll leave first. If there is anything, just ask Chunduo to do it."

After saying goodbye to Yan Kaizhi, Bagge left the cabin, and Yan Kaizhi looked around. This is a stone house with national characteristics. Because the Rob people are not short, Yan Kaizhi does not feel depressed when standing in the house. It's just that such a high house is piled up with stones but not afraid of collapse. He can't help admiring its magical architectural skills. And especially take care of their habits. Most of the decorations in the house are Middle-earth style. Except that the four walls are stone, they don't look worse than ordinary houses at the foot of the mountain.

"Captain, do you have any orders?" Chunduo saw Yan Kaizhi looking around and thought he was looking for something.

Yan Kaizhi looked at the young man in front of him. Because he knew that Shaohua was saved, he suddenly felt that he was kind and cute, and his voice was much gentler. "You can also change your name to Master Yan in the future. There is no governor here." Seeing Chunduo nodded in surprise, "What's the matter with me? If it's convenient for you, please help me get some hot water. I want to wipe my wife's face."

He sat next to Shaohua and straightened her hair. These days of bumps, he couldn't take care of them at all. He just wanted to come early. He didn't know if he would feel uncomfortable after lying down for so long.

"It has been prepared, and it will be ready soon."

Yan Kaizhi saw that Chunduo did not mean to leave. On the contrary, he was a little hesitant and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Chunduo thought for a long time before summoning up courage: "Master Yan, how is the princess?"

Yan Kaizhi thought for a moment before he realized that the princess in Chunduo's mouth refers to Lanzhi. Princess... You mean Lanzhi, do you know her?

Chunduo nodded honestly, looked at Shaohua, and his tone was also a little low. "I saw him a few years ago. My wife took them into the mountain, and Master Youning was seriously injured and unconscious. After Master Youning recovered from his injury, he would return to Beijing with the princess. However, it was Youning who was unconscious at that time, and now Shaohua is unconscious. Chunduo couldn't help but worry that if he had to pay the price every time, he would rather never see them.

Yan Kaizhi withdrew his sight from Chunduo and looked back at the sleeping person. With speculative eyes, his eyes were so deep that he seemed to see through her soul. "At the beginning, You were seriously injured and unconscious. Was it your wife who took them into the mountain?"

"Yes, the patriarch went to pick them up in person, and there was another wife." Chunduo didn't notice it, but asked carefully, "Is the princess... married?"

"It's almost time." Yan Kaizhi didn't look back at him, but answered softly.

"Oh, that's good." Chunduo's smile was a little stiff. Although he got an answer he knew, it was confirmed from others that it still made his heart tingle, so he found an excuse to escape. If Mr. Yan is all right, I'll check if the water is ready first.

When there were finally only two of them left in the room, Yan Kaizhi lowered his head and kissed Shaohua's forehead, as if to wake her up. His voice was gentle and touching: "Shaohua, we have arrived at Baishan. Don't worry, I will definitely wake you up." He paused and his smile became a little strange. "But why do I feel that I don't know you more and more?"