Ming Diary

Chapter 56: Chasing 3

"The strong wind can't blow, and the wind is over the grass."

Although the grass is small, it is not as delicate as other life on the grassland.

Especial people.

Cao Muwen looks from afar. He now feels that he is about to become a scout, but his eyesight is really good now! Is this the eye of the elves? Legras!"

This lake is not small or big. It is only because of the accumulation of rain that it has been on such a scale as it is now. Now the temperature is rising, and the vegetation such as wormwood and water grass are growing luxuriantly, swaying and staggering, which is just a good place for Tibetans.

Cao Muwen saw this lake from afar. Anyway, it is difficult to ride a tiger now (it should be difficult to ride a horse). Anyway, under the current situation, it will catch up with convenience soon.

Cao Muwen told Wu Zheng about his idea. After listening to this, Wu Zheng twisted his whole face. It's not that he disagrees with Cao Muwen's opinion, but a little melancholy. I don't know if he can get through this disaster!

"Be careful, don't wet the fire, gunpowder!" Wu Zhenglin didn't forget to tell him.

The four people hurriedly dismount and tied the horses together at will. Now they don't expect to escape on horseback. If there is hope, come back!

The four people's faces are full of killing, but they don't know whether they are killing the enemy or being killed by the enemy.

The horses have finally ushered in liberation. After a long manned run, no matter how strong the horse is, it will gasp and hiss. Now it is concentrically bowing its head to eat water weeds and licking the lake. The horses relieve their fatigue and pedal their horses' hoofs from time to time to relieve their tired legs. Nearby, the upcoming battle of human beings has nothing to do with them, and they are not even spectators. Wu Zheng looked serious and nervous; Batu and his party hurriedly came and got off at a certain distance from the shore of the lake. It seemed that they were worried that they would cheat if they were too close to the other party.

"These cunning Han people! It's unavoidable!" Batu's eyes narrowed, as if he smelled a breath of uneasiness. He hopes that this "uneasy" comes from the other party.

Compared with Wu Zheng's seriousness and nervousness; Cao Muwen's calmness, Wei Bingwen's heart is very "uneasy". If he is dead, he is also a little prepared, but who would have expected that this situation would be in this situation.

His hands slowly sweated and wiped them randomly. Now Wu Zheng and his party are still dressed as Mongolians. If they don't look at their faces and figures, some people may really regard this scene as a grassland "internal war".

Batu left four people to look at the horse and ordered it. Looking left and right, "There are a lot of water plants in this place. They are probably hidden in the shallow mud of the lake. It's really hard to find with these water plants."

Batu thought for a little, and there were only four people on the other side. He had just seen them running around here and discharged. The terrain here is low. Although there are water plants and vegetation around the lake, there is a grassland on the periphery, which can't hide people. Batu now believes that they have nowhere to escape, only hiding in the lush wormwood grass around the lake or lurking in the lake.

Batu's command is divided into two parts, some of which are seven people, led by himself and a suddenly centurion. Although the close bodyguard of the sudden cloth is not a high official position, it is very trusted by the side of the sudden cloth every day, which is well known to everyone. Therefore, although Batu was not as old as this hundred man, he obeyed his orders.

Two people, one left and one right, searched along the shore of the lake respectively. Batu tied up his ears and hit the wormwood with a knife. His narrow eyes squeezed into a slit, hoping to force people out of the grass.


The wildgulls naturally ignored the strange behavior of these strange creatures. This group of two-legged animals suddenly ran over and beat them according to the water plants, and the food ran away! Will they prey? You have to starve them to death!?

The predators in the sky couldn't see it. They wanted to catch their breakfast before the reckless "peers" on the ground scared their food away.

With a whist~~~, with the long sound of the head gull, several wild gulls became, turning into several arrows from the string. ~~ ~~ ~~~ squat down, followed by a ~~~ tong ~~~ tong sound came.

There was another sound from the surface of the water. The water is exciting, and the surface of the water is no longer calm. Instead, the wild gulls have opened their sharp beaks, their wings, and their fluttering wings are trying their best to get out of the shackles of the water, because they have succeeded. Wild gulls show their magical powers and pose different. Far away in the sky, they chose their own prey. With the boss's order, they were caught off guard. When the prey responded, it was too late. The sharp claws buckled tightly, and the sharp tip of the claws was deeply buckled into the body. The prey left the water, left their field, and were grabbed by the hunters and rose into the air to other people's territory. Water splash drifts, water waves tremble

Even Batu was attracted by this scene, and the knife in his hand stopped for the time being. Of course, what attracted him was not the good hunting scene just now, but the ripples stirred by water, which spread layer by layer to a wormwood grass on the shore of the lake in front of him. Under the ups and downs of the water, something was exposed, which was the sleeves. Batu knew that the other party was dressed as a Mongolian, and the color of the dress was almost the same as what he was wearing. The wormwood here is particularly dense, and one person is tall. If there are Tibetans in it~~~

Batu waved his muscular forearm, and all six people around him noticed this scene, and they immediately slowed down.

The "hunting" began. I hope that the prey haven't noticed it. Even if they find it, it's useless. Now they suddenly pull out the wormwood from the ground and run away. Batu is also sure to catch up with him in ten steps, and then kill him with a knife.

Even the centurion's people noticed Batu's action, and they made the same careful action, because there seemed to be something in the corner of the clothes not far from them.

Batu is now a few steps away from here.

"Do it!" Batu roared in his heart that it was time to end. He had gone so far to hunt down these lambs. Suddenly, Lord Bu may have to wait for it.

qiu jian's arm suddenly exerted force, and the sword rose in the air, and with the sound of the wind, it split forward. This knife sinks vigorously, and even a stone can cut a gap.

Batu was looking forward to hearing the sound as expected.

Bum! ~~ Bang! ~~~ Bang! ~~~~ Bang! ~~~~

Four loud noises came.

Batu was soft-handed and cut deep into the mud. The knife body goes deep into the mud, leaving only the knife handle outside.

Then there were four loud noises. This sound~~~~Batu has heard it, this is the sound of fire~~~

The direction of the sound is~~~

Batu woke up suddenly! Horse!" Batu was shocked and suddenly turned around and shouted.

"Quick! Hurry up!" Wu Zheng shouted, and the four of them got up from the hidden mud and hurriedly searched for the horses of Batu and others. Previously, Cao Muwen came up with a plan, hoping to have a fight.

Batu and others are unlikely to meet head-on. Although they have four hands, they really have only four opportunities to meet them. After that, there will be no chance to load them on the spot. Batu had more than a dozen people left to kill, and he could only wait to death. It's better to take advantage of your own advantages.

One by one fire gun has been loaded for a long time. Take off the Mongolian robe and hide it in the water grass to confuse Batu and divert their attention.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, Batu just left four people to guard the horse.

Wu Zheng shouted, and the four of them rushed up in three steps and two steps. At first sight, the four hurriedly pulled up the knife and sand. Unexpectedly, the other four took action.

The four heroic grassland warriors fell down in a stunned charge.

"Quick! Hurry up, cut off the horse's leg!" Cao Muwen quickly reminded at this time.

click, click, click. Needless to say, Cao Muwen went forward and grabbed a horse's leg and cut it down.

"Quick!" Wu Zheng turned his head and saw two people and horses running like crazy under the lake embankment. Batu, who took the lead, waved his arms, and his eyes were almost cracked and bloody. It was frightening to see.

"Come on, it's too late!" Wei Bingwen waved the embroidered spring knife and suddenly waved the knife down. The hissing sound of the horse came, and blood splashed out. With a bang, a steed can fall to the ground, and the horse is close to the ground and kicks four hoofs.

"Come on, come on, they're coming!" Cao Muwen saw Batu's expression from afar and was stunned. Shit, this guy is crazy~~~ Er~~~, what if he's not crazy?

Seeing that the other party is still more than 200 meters away from me, it's almost too late. Cao Muwen can't guarantee that they can easily ride and escape at a closer distance.

Cao Muwen intends to be unprepared and bypass Batu and others. His own side has a hand to ensure that he will kill the enemy at close range. Take down four horses, and the rest of the horses cut their legs as much as possible. It is impossible to kill the horse in a hurry, but if the horse wants to run, the horse's leg must not be injured. If the horse's leg has a wound, even if it can't run fast and run for a long time.

The four horses they rode before were still eating water grass leisurely there, as if they had not noticed what had happened at all. Cao Muwen himself did not intend to hurt the four horses. If he hurriedly cut the legs of the four horses when he got off the horse, he would definitely be seen by Batu, which would make him more suspicious. Maybe the future plan will be glimpsed by him.

Cao Muwen has also considered it before. He can't afford to take this risk. If the plan is discovered, they will pay the price of their lives. So he can't afford to take the risk, even if he leaves four horses behind, which shows that there are still four pursuers from the other side. And the rest of the pursuers will also do their best to catch up, which must be killing them.