Ming Diary

Chapter 61: Slave 1

When Khan's tent is stationed, the lush virgin forest on the west mountain is not gloomy. When the green begins to turn yellow, and then the yellow fades. When the first fallen leaf slowly fell down under the wind of the grassland, slowly~~~, slowly~~~~ floated into the camp and floated straight up the Khan tent on the hillside.

Finally, this fallen leaf is a touch of yellow. Yanran appeared on a powerful palm full of cocoon because she held a killing knife for a long time.

It's light and clever, and there is no sound.

The wolf on the grassland finally waited for this moment. Sheep not only fatten, but also have no vigilance.

Beryan knows that now is the time.

"It's time." Cao Muwen thought in his heart. But he still frowned and brushed a jujube-red horse with a horse. Ma'er hummed comfortably, but Cao Muwen's mind was not here at all. If he let Tu Fan see himself distracted like this, he would inevitably be flat.

Cao Muwen has observed carefully in the Boyan camp these days, and it is not expected that the Boyan army will definitely start in a few days. Recently, from time to time, there have been various scouts and scouts between the Khan camp and various tribal stations. He looked in a hurry, and Bo Yan was now mobilizing most of the troops under his account.

Although the Wula Department was conquered by Boyan, how could the four major capitals be so many people loyal to Boyan? It's just that if you want to see the Tatar and the two tigers fighting against each other, you can rest assured to watch the benefits from it. Once Boyan's power is weakened to control them, these robbers will betray themselves faster than turning over the book!

Just like now, I ordered messengers to inform the four major capitals a few months ago, when they have money, food to produce food, and someone. Bo Yan also considered that Wula could not really "generously" come to help. Wawa really didn't forget his disappointment, and the messenger's reply was nothing more than high-sounding nonsense. Boyan knew that her requirements were too high, but this was "repaid on the spot at a high price".

Boyan does not need them to send tribal warriors to join their own army, as long as Waku can send troops at the same time. The two sides cooperate to invade the Ming Dynasty, so as to achieve Boyan's demands. The Wula Department is in the west, and the Tatar Department is in the east; now he is the co-owner of the grassland, and this large-scale looting of the Ming Dynasty is not a small fight in the past.

The iron horse is full of mountains and fields, like a spring. They, who swept through the clear people's pass, towns, cities, and were as cowardly as sheep, they could only run around with their heads.

Boyan has a trace of pride in her heart, under her leadership over the years. The Mongolian grassland finally united under its strong dominance and prestige, although there are still many discordant voices. But these faces don't care, "Those who achieve great things are not informal." Ming people's words also apply to themselves.

This "small section" does not only refer to the appropriate "small means" of people living in temples and is not insurmountable*. This is still a philosophy of doing things. A leader has a large jurisdiction, and it is incredible that there are no different voices. Even if "husband and wife have different dreams in the same bed", Boyan thought of this sentence and was very proud. Even the husband and wife can't be monolithic. How can there be no gap between Tatari?

Boyan knows how to deal with these problems properly. What should be opened and closed, what should be ignored; what should never be allowed!

The four major capitals of Wara, Durbert, Zhuros, Turkut, and Shuate also died first and fell into the chaos of mutual attack. Boyan also took advantage of the God-given opportunity of the civil strife to conquer it. After this incident, Bo Yan knew more about the importance of "unity".

Fire sieve, the warrior and leader of Wara, now bows to himself. Boyan gave him enough self-owning, autonomy and dignity. Duo Boyan feels too much.

There are more than 100,000 tribes under my account. There is no need to pour out, Bo Yan has frequently mobilized his soldiers in recent days; countless Tatar knights who are absolutely loyal to him and believe that his Tatar knights come to report on horses. These knights are the sharpest swords on the grassland. They have experienced hundreds of battles and fought side by side with Bo Yan themselves. Waving a sword, he cut it into the enemy's body.

For several days, Boyan has been looking at the great plain in the southeast of the camp. After many warriors came to report, they gathered and stationed there. Boyan prepared Hulu early, delicious lambs; delicious cheese; as well as hand cakes and spirits. We must feed them full, and nourishing them was very important before the war.

Boyan has already appointed Hulu as her vanguard general, as her arm, the tip of her sharp knife, and will lead the fastest cavalry to the Ming territory first. Boyan is very reassured about him. Hulu is alert; he is thoughtful and suitable as a vanguard officer. Winning the flag can shock the morale of the whole army.

It is expected that Gundam's troops have reached the extreme. Boyan will not send most of her own forces alone before Waqi is fully advanced. This military mobilization. In addition to the necessary stay, garrison, and certain reserves, Boyan has a total of nearly 60,000 elite iron riders; coupled with a small number of reinforcements from Wa, 80,000 cavalry can be mobilized. Boyan's heartbeat is a little faster now. This is the first time she has commanded so many troops at the same time, or with her old enemy, the Ming Dynasty.

"Ah! God bless me, I'm not as good as this moment. There was a sharp and fierce light in Bo Yan's eyes.

"You! Hurry up, hurry up! Fuck! XX~~~~." With a crack, a leather whip came in the air and slapped Cao Muwen's back from top to bottom.

"Uh~~~." A tingling suddenly came, and Cao Muwen hummed in a low voice, resisting and didn't make a sound.

Fan shouted loudly, roaring at Cao Muwen and other slaves in a stiff and almost incomprehensible Mongolian language and all kinds of strange words.

"Bang!" There was another whip, and another person was whipped. You are fucking lazy again! Whoever is lazy to let me see it will punish him for not eating for a day!" Fan roared arrogantly.

"Bah, it's better if you don't eat your meal for a day. If you eat too much, I will make them vomit! Bah, son of a bitch~~~" On the side of Cao Muwen, a slave cursed in a low voice.

"Zhou Gang! Keep your voice low~~~ Don't let them hear it." Cao Muwen quickly turned around and whispered to Zhou Gang.

"Hmm! I can't take advantage of these people! Damn, I can't even talk about it!" Zhou Gang blushed and looked aggroned.

Zhou Gang blushed specifically, and Cao Muwen didn't know why. However, it is not angered by the current situation; it is either by the thing pulled behind it.

"Hu~~~~hu~~~~, ha~~ uh~~~" Cao Muwen was also gasping for breath, or staggering forward, pulling desperately with his hands and arms, pulling the scooter behind him. There are a lot of things in the car - this is supplies.

Zhou Gang was only met by Cao Muwen two days ago. At that time, Cao Muwen was nibbling his lunch in a dark corner - a piece of cold rough cake, while "opening up" with his front teeth with relish. At this time, Cao Muwen saw that he was also robbed as a slave when he encountered a sandstorm. Zhou Gang.

Because Zhou Gang is tall and thick, tall, and looks strong, so after catching it - this Zhou slave looks strong, he is a shining new star in the "slave" and a new force. However, there are always some concerns, and after Zhou Gang was arrested, he also ran away frequently like Cao Muwen, and it was essential to be beaten. However, Zhou Gang did not have the "special function" suddenly came by Cao Muwen. After being beaten several times, although he was strong, he was not strong enough. Once, a person escaped from the side wall in the dark. Before running a few steps, he was found by the owner's house and beaten again. The slave owner also saw that Zhou Gang was a valuable slave. It was a pity to kill him, so he saved his life and beat him without following his hands and feet, in case he was beaten and left disabled. In the future, it would be inconvenient to move, which would affect his work. But it was more than enough to make him half dead, and Zhou Gang was thrown into a mud pile in a remote corner to "recover" him.

Originally, Cao Muwen and Zhou Gang were not slaves together. Zhou Gang was still "healing" in the mud pile some time ago. After surviving these dozens of days, he basically recovered not long ago. In this compartment, the two met by chance while working in the stable.

Cao Muwen observed carefully in the past few days and found that there have been constant exchanges here recently. Soldiers, military horses, all kinds of food, and even weapons have been built all night. This face is not only a man, but also a woman in the tribe and even a child. The husbands are going south, and the women are also making all kinds of food, brewing delicious horse milk wine, drying cheese and dried meat; a pair of powerful big hands are also rubbing dough cakes "non-stop".

"The soldiers and horses go ahead without moving the grain and fodder." This old saying is clear to Bo Yan.

"Mongolian cavalry has always been light and simple, good at assault and attacking. For food, the demand for supplies is far from as complicated as the march of farming nations, but this time~~~" Cao Muwen thought to himself.

This looting is far from the same as before. Judging from various signs~~~ Cao Muwen recalled carefully. The number of troops, the number of horses, and food reserves observed in recent days are somewhat excessive. Because in the past few days, not only some renewable dairy products, but also many livestock, cattle and sheep have been slaughtered. Barbecue, air-dried meat and other meats.

The originally closed forging furnace has also been reopened. Cao Muwen was surprised by this.

"Tar cavalry generally fight with machetes, and also use long blades such as spears. Unlike the Han people, weapons such as long knives are rarely used. Because after all, Tartar's popularity is stronger than that of the Han people. In the Han people, Kong Wu is so powerful that the long blade is a big knife, a long gun and other things. On the grassland, people with infinite strength use mace. But this is a minority after all. Most of the forged are swords, arrows and other things.