Ming Diary

Chapter 68: survival

The black shadow suddenly accelerated, as if it were a shadow. At this time, the moonlight was shining on the ground where he had just stood, and a cloud left the moon. The shadow rose up, extremely fast and changing, like a flying eagle, crossing the lake. The only thing left is the wind around the body and the ripples on the lake.

"Shh! "Silight!" Batu looked at the wormwood around him warily and said in a low voice, "I heard someone's voice. It should be them." Not only him, but the rest of the people heard the whining sound from afar.

"Hmm!" Batu thought about it and was very proud. It seems that they are so bold and shouting because they really got rid of us. I'm afraid we can't hear it. Humph, this time I will kill you with a knife!

"Up!" Batu roared and wink at Bayan next to him. A group of six people immediately raised their knives and cut the figure on the ground.

Ah!? What!? Zhou Gang is gasping on the ground. I don't know what's going on? Suddenly, several huge figures came.

Batu took the lead, picked up the sword and cut it down. Zhou Gang didn't know where the power came from. He turned his head and just wanted to run away. Unfortunately, it was a step late after all. Batu's arms were strong. Although Zhou Gang reacted and turned around to run, Batu's sharp sword still scratched Zhou Gang's back. Poo! Suddenly, the skin opened, the blade entered the flesh about an inch, and the blood flew across.

I only heard a shout from Zhou Gang~~, and immediately fell to the ground again. The blood flowed non-stop. In an instant, it was full of my back, and there was only air, and there was no air in. After a few moments, he died.

It is expected that Zhou Gang is also unlucky, and he has diarrhea and pulls the soldiers alive, which is really amazing.

"Hmm! There is only one, what about the other one? Batu looked coldly at Zhou Gang, who was standing on the ground.

"Look, the direction he escaped." Bayan spoke at this time. Pointing to the direction of Zhou Gang's fall to the ground. Look, we are coming straight in his direction, but look. Here, he did not run in the opposite direction, but towards~~~" Bayan said and pointed along Zhou Gang's head to the ground, "Look. Haha." After saying that, he grinned.

There is the fault mountain where Cao Muwen hides.

"Well, let's take a break. At least we have been chasing all day. I think the rest of the person should be planning to spend the night there. I don't think we are in a hurry. I think that mountain is rugged, beneficial to Tibetans and not conducive to finding people. If we don't have enough strength, we can go up the mountain to find people. In case of shocking snakes, it is not beautiful. Batu thought for a moment and said.

"Well, it's up to you. Hey hey, when I came here, a few people and I brought dried meat and a few bags of hand-grabbing cakes, which learned your lesson last time, my Batu. Hey hey!" Bayan smiled proudly and took out a bag from his arms, which seemed to be dried meat.

"Come on, let's sit together and eat well, ah ha ha." Batu was also happy. He cracked his big mouth and threw a piece of dried meat into it, and his big mouth closed one by one. The rest of the people also sat on the ground, took out the food they carried and ate it. Bayan immediately untied the water bag and took a few sips into his mouth. Wow, haha, wow, wow." Bayan laughed in a low voice.

"Alas! Keep your voice down and don't be like the stupid man just now. Making such a sound at this time will attract the enemy. Even if you can't attract enemies and some wolves, you can't deal with them! Ha ha." Batlang laughed. Hi! You just said not to talk loudly, and you laughed!" Bayan did not abide by what Batu had said. The two of them started to make fun of each other. The four people behind looked straight and stared with small eyes.

"Hey! What does it smell like?" The numb Lal in the back smelled a smell. Er~~~, that's disgusting! I'm still eating! Damn it! Who pulled it! Ah!" After saying that, he looked back.

"Ah ha, this numb Lal's nose is really as sensitive as a dog!" At this time, Batu ridiculed, "I'm sick! I also asked a little, hey, it seems that the corpse guy over there did it! Hahaha." Batu raised his hand and pointed to Zhou Gang's position. Everyone burst into laughter again.

However, the danger is approaching. Those eyes, the black figure, are still staring at them quietly.

"Hmm! A bunch of annoying people. The shadow said this gently, as if it were a dream. The shadow gently slid his body, gradually moved, and gradually thought of Batu and his party moving forward. Under the cover of the night, they did not notice at all.

"I think we still have more important things to do. At that time, a voice suddenly came, like a ghost, clear and revering. Without any warning, another figure suddenly came beside the dark shadow. The same slender, ghost, the same quiet, but obviously, the second figure is obviously thinner than the first one, slightly shorter in height, which can be heard from the sound that this is a woman.

Huh? How's it going over there?" The first shadow asked.

"Well, it's about to start. Our stuff - are you ready?" The female shadow asked back.

"Hmm! In my place, everything is ready, sit and wait for the start. Hey hey." The first shadow looked very proud.

"So, have you found a target? And, there is another problem." The female shadow threw a problem at this time, "Does the 'macher' need to find the target? I remember that we suddenly received a signal more than a year ago. The female shadow thought for a moment and said, but her eyes kept looking at Batu and his party not far away. Well, I met the 'Mourage' before. He said that about three months ago, the 'stone' had a clear feeling again. It seems that he is also on this northern grassland. But..." The female shadow sighed slightly, "However, we don't have enough time. There are still many things to do. There is indeed not much time. We..."

"All right." The first obvious male figure hurriedly interrupted her and seemed to be a little impatient. You seem to be fully observed, so when will the war begin? We can't miss it!"

"Well, I think it's very close. In two days, the war will come." I've prepared the stone. This is another one, and I'll give it to you. Nuo! By way." After saying that, it seemed that something flew out of the female shadow. At this time, the moonlight finally lost the bondage of clouds. The cloud that had been hovering under the bright moon finally slowly moved away under the breeze. Under a round of moonlight, the two mysterious people became slightly clearer.

Both of them wear this dark robe, and the upper body is cut to fit, and the straight material can clearly set off the tall and slender figure of the two. The hem of the robe is quite loose, which seems to be to ensure the speed and comfort of action. The two stood quietly side by side in a piece of wormwood. At this time, the male shadow's right hand seemed to have grasped something like a dagger, and now he is slowly putting it in his robe.

"Hey!" The female shadow made a soft sound, and it seemed that she had something to ask.

Huh? What?"

"What do you think the 'Mourer' wants us to look for?"

"Some people are more eventable." A soft voice brings a word.

"What? What are you talking about? It seems that she didn't understand.

"It's eventful, get rid of it. That's it." The male shadow looked very relaxed and gently shook his body without wind blowing, but his robe was also fluttering left and right under his swaying posture, as if it was integrated with the surrounding wormwood.

"Hmm!" She snorted softly again, disapprovingly. Well, but our main task is not this matter. Well, the messenger said that we should mainly focus on our employees. It's just a balance."

"Well, I know. I didn't just feel here..." The male shadow's voice disappeared. He was quiet for a while and said, "I also saw a few targets in front of me, which are quite - annoying."

"These people? Uh-huh~~~." The female shadow looked meaningfully at Batu, who was trying to stuff a piece of meat into her mouth.

"Well, you regard them as mimic targets." She looks a little curious.

"Huh? I seem to be a little reluctant to listen to your tone! Do you disagree?"

"Aha! This is your business. What does it have to do with me? She smiled softly, and her voice was a little charming, but this feeling quickly faded away.

"Okay, I will also pay attention to it and won't let others pay attention. Humph! That's it. Since there is not much time, let's hurry up. I can't wait. Whoo!" The male shadow really can't wait. Now the 'stone' is enough to ensure that the mission is foolproof. Hey hey, I can't make a difference either. By the way, there is one more thing.' "What are the two of them doing now?"

"I don't know that contact is the responsibility of the 'macher', and well! - It's so big that there are only two of them, so they naturally don't have enough manpower. It should be the same as us, run around."

"Oh! I just asked casually." The male shadow also replied, "Okay, I'm starting. Please watch it!" After saying that, he took something out of his arms and gently raised it to his mouth with his dark, unclear hands...

"..." Cao Muwen looked shocked, and he had no other expressions. What's going on!? Cao Muwen can't believe his eyes. This is not self-deception, but... "What on earth happened last night!"