Ming Diary

Chapter 73: Start

"Well, good! I see. You go down first." Wang Xun was also overjoyed to hear this and hurriedly suppressed his joy. After all, as a general, he could not walk freely with joy and anger.

He tapped the table gently and fell into meditation. Now Datong, the troops of the two towns of Xuanfu, in addition to the current guardhouse, the troops of thousands of households have been almost transferred together to carry out this war, so..." Wang Xun thought for a moment and came to such a conclusion.

"Zhang Kun and Zhou Zheng led all the cavalry to follow each other on the east side, and your majesty will personally lead the army. How many troops are left in Datong City now? What about Xuanfu? Yanghe, Pingfu and Majiwu are now stationed only by anti-Xiong led troops, plus the local people, township bravery, regiment training, even with the third shift of the government office, there are not many miscellaneous servants, but they can still resist it. But what worries him most is Datong.

Yanghe, Pingfu, and the mighty three places live in Datong and between Xuanfu. At this time, these three places can be regarded as the defense of the barrier Xuanfu. If the Tart wants to fight Xuanfu, these three places will inevitably delay their time. The Tart cavalry is powerful because of their fast speed and come and go without a trace. If they are delayed and their own reinforcements arrive, they will certainly not be benefiting. Therefore, Xuanfu is not the most dangerous.

Wang Xun thought of the news he received before. Although he had reported it to the emperor, but...

Wang Xun doesn't know how many troops are left in Datong. He doesn't know how many people Zhengde left in his "nest". My family has a big business, and my wife, children and concubine are all in Datong! However, if Zhengde intends to take away all Datong's troops and empty Datong, Wang Xun will not dare to fart.

This is the only way to think, and now the sudden huge war roar has abruptly shorted his thinking. Listening to the sound of thousands of horses rushing down the mountain and the sound of arrows coming from the rain, it was expected that Wang Xun, who had experienced hundreds of battles, couldn't help but feel numb. He grabbed his blade, a long steel gun, tightened his waist with his sword, and stood up. He was also a seven-foot man. After a few big strides, he walked out of the tent and came to the bright sunshine. It was early in the morning. Wang Xun was furious, but there was nothing he could do. At this time, a lieutenant general came to report, "General, General Xiao and Shi Guerrilla have led their troops from the south and will arrive soon. Wang Xun was so angry that he hurriedly turned around and looked south. The black line had just expanded a lot, and he could see the military array from afar.

"Okay, although the reinforcements are all pawns, the obstruction of our hill is enough to ensure that the reinforcements can come to support smoothly. Even if the Tarats want to divide their armies to attack the reinforcements, they will be afraid of us going down the mountain to attack. Now, the war seems to have turned slightly to us.

Wang Xun knew that the battle had officially begun.


"Go quickly, the army is about to be pulled out. Haha, Your Majesty also wants us to fight with the army. Wu Zheng, fight with the emperor, this is a blessing that ordinary people can't cultivate in their lives..." Zheng Zhiliu looked at Wu Zheng with some ridiculence, and Ying Qianfu on one side. These two are looking at Zheng Zhiliu with entanglement.

"Okay, let's get on the horse." Zheng Zhiliu said, "Your Majesty's intention is to let all the brocade guards who came together participate in the exhibition. Huh?" Zheng Zhiliu said slightly.

The scolding of the brocade guards, including Wu Zheng! Fuck your grandma, you cheated us, but now I haven't caught a glimpse of any emperor. Instead, let us go to the battlefield and kill the Taros. Fuck, I'm a brocade guard! Is this our job to go to the battlefield? However, these people dare not be angry and dare not say anything, so they can only look directly at Zheng Zhiliu, hoping to see him to death.

"All the brothers in brocade guards here!" Zheng Zhiliu then spoke too loudly and said to them, "Now you are temporarily integrated into Your Majesty's own army, Longhua Zuowei, and all your official positions are according to the official positions of Jinyi Guard. Hey hey. Anyway, everyone is your majesty's own military guard! They are all a family." Zheng Zhiliu looked at them maliciously and said, "Look how much your majesty values you!" Ha! Think about it, 'respect the left'. Ha ha."

"Well, Lord Zheng, are you also going to go with the army?" Some people in the crowd asked maliciously. Uh-huh! Yes, all the brocade guards! Haha, I am no exception."

"Oh! OK! Hey hey, it seems that Lord Zheng is leading us. We don't have to be afraid to shoot the Taran to death, roar. This brother is very happy.

"Hey! That's wrong. I want to join the army, but I didn't say that I would also go to Longhua Zuowei!"

"Ah! Then where are you going?" When the man heard this, he was anxious. There is no respect in a hurry.

"Naturally, I'm still a servant around your majesty, waiting for the dispatch and escorting the holy driver! Haha," he said, very proudly and happily.

"I XX your grandma's legs!" There was a lot of anger in everyone's hearts.

Zhang Zhong, a general of Xuanfu, and Wei Bin led the soldiers and horses from Xuanfu, and now they have arrived. Zhengde ordered his own army to be in the right place. The two soldiers and horses converged. Among the twenty-two guards of the emperor's own army, he brought almost all the soldiers and horses of the left and right guards after Zhengde's departure from Juyong Pass, as well as half of the soldiers and horses of the other six guards. In addition, the soldiers and horses brought by the two generals and a few border soldiers from the two towns and surrounding areas, as well as the emperor's bodyguards, internal servants and attendants. Add the tragic brocade guards who were able to spy. In addition, Emperor Zhengde was really an "unpredicted prophet" this time. When he left Beijing, he even led the army of the Shenji Camp together. Lin Lin's totaled nearly 40,000 troops.

The man and horse are already equipped with ordnance. It is not that the knives and guns are sharp, the armor is bright, and the military is strong. The emperor personally defended the Beijing army, with the best equipment and food in the world. One by one, the dragons and tigers are fierce and imposing. The army brought by the two generals is only a veteran of Xuanfu. Although the armors and weapons of the border army are not as complete as the Beijing army, they have been stationed in the frontier fortress for a long time. Although the border army is serious, and not a few of them are soldiers. They look as powerful as the Beijing army, but the calmness in their eyes, the kind of looking at killing the enemy, the fierce and even ferocious eyes, the kind of evil spirit is lacking in the Beijing army, which has few battles. Haven't you ever eaten pork and haven't seen a pig run away? So, "Have you never killed a man?" Although there are a lot of people coming this time, there are also a lot of people on my side. Therefore, the Beijing army and the border army are comparable.

The army was launched, and all the soldiers were awe-inspiring. Although Wu Zheng and others had a feeling of being cheated, they had to accept their fate. Wu Zheng followed in the army. Fortunately, these brocade guards rode horses, at least to avoid the fatigue of pace.

Wu Zheng, an old acquaintance of Ying Qianfu and a group of brocade clothes, followed this vast army to Yingzhou.

Wu Zheng turned his head to look at Ying Qianfu, "Oh, hi! This bastard hasn't changed! After seeing me, he still ignored me and hasn't said a few words to me so far. X his X." Wu Zheng immediately took a closer look at Ying Qianfu from top to bottom. Um..." Wu Zheng gently repeated his beard, "It's still so fat! Just look at his big belly, even if the Tatar doesn't give him an arrow, this 'target' is too big!"

Wu Zheng knew that Ying Qianfu knew that he was looking at him, but the other party turned his head slightly to look at him. Wu Zheng smiled at him. Ying Qianfu did not respond and turned back.

Wu Zheng's two monks are confused. Has this boy lost his memory? Why do you completely ignore me?"

Thousands of cavalry crisscrossed under the hillside, one after another in the form of wandering soldiers. The Tatar knights used their superb horse riding and shooting, only using their legs to control the horse and let the horse continue to run to increase the threat of enemy arrows on the mountain, while pulling bows to hit each other. Flying arrows are full of arrows, and the rain of arrows can be said to be squirling. Mongolian knights are good at riding and shooting, and most of them can open three-stone bows, and there are many heavier four-stone bows that can be easily used. However, in formal battles, most of them use three-stone bows to reduce the shooting frequency and firing interval is the mainstream. But this is also much more powerful than the two stone bows used by the Ming army. Most Mongolians can shoot two arrows in a row, one of which is mostly a test and calibration arrow, and the second arrow can accurately kill the enemy. It is not sharp to understand one enemy with two arrows.

Several Tatas rode in groups on the flat ground under the hillside, just above the hillside not far away, which was the defense of the Ming army. The hillside here is not steep. Even if it is a horse, it is feasible to ride against the Tatar cavalry under the mountain. However, the Ming army has set up and placed various obstacles and obstacles at the main intersection of the hillside. Giant deer, horses, and even the boulders moved nearby have become effective cavalry defense walls, and the Ming army entered behind. OK, try your best to resist.

There is a thousand captain who is very good at riding and shooting under Boyan's tent. He is a deadly shooter under Boyan's tent. He is trying to play his role. He made four stone bows, and an arrow pot with 30 arrows on his back. A pair of thick arms looked strong and powerful. He raised his hand and pulled out an arrow from behind his back. His eyes were bright, and he had been staring at the Ming army archer who was dedicated to shooting arrows down the mountain. The latter made him a two-stone bow. Tuyu saw it very Dan, the Han people's arms are weak, and they were ashamed to use their bows and arrows when they were teenagers.