Ming Diary

Chapter 18: "Oneness of Knowledge and Action" 3

However, Wang Shouren did not avoid the embamity of his childhood at all. Cao Muwen suddenly had a deep sense of guilt, as if he had made a gentleman's belly with his own villain's heart. Thinking of this, my face is slightly shame. On the contrary, Cao Muwen lost his professional skills for many years. He not only noticed the unnaturalness in his expression, but also opened his smiling face in an instant to be natural, harmonious and silent.

Wang Shouren said, "Whther my father or Mr. Shushu always stared at me to death, but when I was a child, I was an dishonest person, not to mention that I couldn't get into this shaking sage book. Since the above mentioned, for the two reasons, one day I had a whim. When I saw the small bamboo forest next to my home, I thought, 'It's better to go and get a look.' You can find something less boring, and my father can't say anything.

Cao Muwen knows this. Wang Shouren has been extremely intelligent since he was a child, but he is not a short-lived magic power such as Zhong Yong in Hurt Zhongyong, but a child prodigy with a wide range of hobbies and erudite talents. Speaking of which, there is also a little myth. According to the Chronology, on the eve of his birth, his grandmother dreamed that someone had sent a son from the clouds. When he woke up, Wang Yangming was just born, and his grandfather named him Wang Yun. The villagers also called him the place where he was born is Ruiyun Tower. However, he still couldn't speak when he was five years old. One day, a eminent monk passed by, stroked his head and said, "What a pity, Tao is broken", which means that his name "Yun" Dao broke the secret of his birth. His grandfather suddenly woke up and changed his name to Shou Ren, and then he opened his mouth to speak. This sounds a little bullshit. It should be a lie fabricated by some stupid admirers in later generations, but this can prove the respect received by Wang Shouren from the side. After all, most people with "deification" experience in Chinese history are kings.

Wang Hua, his father's top student, is very strict with his son's family education. Wang Shouren studied literature and martial arts when he was a teenager and worked very hard, but he liked playing chess very much and often delayed his homework. Although his father repeatedly scolded him, he did not change it. In anger, he threw the chess into the river. Wang Shouren was shocked and suddenly realized that he actually wrote a poem to express his ambition. What is the most annoying thing about reciting poems? Cao Muwen can only reach the level of "fascient in 300 Tang poems, and he can't write poems", but he consciously can't even do it, so he has to learn from others.

Wang Shouren has been smart and easy to learn since he was a child, but he is not limited to four books and five classics, and he also likes other books very much. His thoughts are also weird and weird, which also explains his "prepar preference" for bamboo. When he was ten years old, his father was the champion in high school. Wang Yangming went to Beijing with his father. When he passed by Jinshan Temple, his father gathered with friends. At the banquet, someone proposed to make a poem about Jinshan Temple. Everyone was still thinking about it. Wang Yangming had completed it first: "Jinshan is as big as a fist, breaking the bottom of Weiyang. Drunk leaning on the wonderful high platform on the moon, Yuxiao blew through the cave and dragon sleep. All four marveled and asked him to make a poem about the moon mountain house. Wang Yangming casually recited: "The mountain is near and the moon is far away, and the moon is small, so it is said that this mountain is bigger than the moon. If people have eyes as big as the sky, they can see the mountains and the moon wider.

Wang Shouren belongs to the kind of person who is congenitally intelligent, hardworking, has a good family, has a good environment, is attentive to teachers, and has a magical personality. This kind of advantages seem to be concentrated on this "lucky" boy, which makes Cao Muwen jealous. Humph! The second generation of officials. Although he worships in learning, Cao Muwen has no good impression on this "ginseng ** family" in life. But now, his attitude has changed a lot.

Wang Shouren seemed to be still immersed in the good memories of his childhood and said, "My father was stunned by bamboo when he saw me. At first, he was also angry. As soon as he asked, I used Zhu Zi's words to prevaricate him. Naturally, there was no way. I fell down. That's why I was lazy. Not only did I not study, but in fact, I still slept on bamboo for several days..."

What! Cao Muwen suddenly heard an explosive news. Wang Shourenge bamboo is not for the pursuit of truth! It's to sleep lazily!?

"What's going on?" Cao Muwen looked at Wang Shouren, the only person involved, with lingering lingering heart. What's going on?

As a basically omnipotent Confucian scholar and the founder of "Psychology", Wang Shouren does not seem to be a god and a saint standing on the demigod altar. What's more, with the increasing popularity of Sinology, Wang Shouren's "Gzhu Incident" in his childhood almost confirmed his pursuit of truth and was used to explore So means, but no one really thought that it could be used to be lazy...

It's comfortable to sleep in the bamboo forest... The air is good...

Yes! With the passage of time, Wang Shouren himself admitted it, not to mention that there is also a part of the pursuit of truth...

Uh... Cao Muwen fought in his mind and thought about the words that could be explained, while Wang Shouren now turned his eyes to the two disciples who had been making soy sauce. The three seemed to be talking about something. Wang Shouren's face was relaxed, and Cao Muwen was right.

Because you can't force a ten-year-old boy to do the ideological work of "exploring the origin of the world" under any circumstances. Perhaps, changing some learning state is a better rest, which can well reflect Xiao Shouren's psychology at that time.

At this time, a sudden wind came, and a cool and slightly cold river wind blew violently from the north bank. The cold feeling suddenly interrupted Cao Muwen's imagination, and he came to his senses. The sparkling river was undulating by the sudden cool wind. Of course, this will not cause any danger, but if you want to look down from the position where the four people are sitting now in the Tengwang Pavilion, the river seems to be waves, constantly hitting the south bank of the river. The river surface, which was wrinkled by the wind, reflected the brilliant light more and more dazzlingly. Cao Muwen felt that someone was shooting his eyes from bottom to top with a mirror.

This is waiting. Wang Shouren straightened his body, sat down, and said, "In the first few days, I was secretly happy, but in the next few days, I was bored. After all, if I sat here for a few days, no matter how interesting it was, it would become more boring, but I didn't expect that it rained heavily that afternoon, which killed me. . If it doesn't rain, I plan to go home, but it rains, so I'm speechless. After all, my father still paid attention to me secretly. I went back, which was even more boring. So I made up my mind to go back at least after the rain stops. Wang Shouren's predecessor is slightly closer to Cao Muwen.

Cao Muwen noticed that Wang Shouren was a little drunk and talked to himself, but drank a few more glasses of water and wine.

"I didn't expect that I had a serious illness. It's really not worth the loss! Hahaha!" Wang Shouren said, laughing again and raising his hand to the wine pot. Xu Ai picked it up first and poured Wang Shouren a glass of wine.

Wang Shouren drank it all at once. Although it is a rural brew, drinking more will also make him drunk. After all, most of the wine drunk by the ancients is fermented wine, which is incomparable to the distilled wine that modern people drink more. In terms of alcohol consumption alone, Cao Muwen, who is still at a low level of "drunkard" can also completely blow up the teacher in front of him. Three apprentices.

Wang Shouren rarely showed his free and easy side. Maybe that's what his person is? Perhaps when later people were editing books, in order to keep the old Confucian hat, it was not good to make the Confucians who should be civil and disciplined too open?

Cao Muwen doesn't think so much now. Since Wang Shouren has told his childhood, he is embarrassed and doesn't know how to continue to ask.

"Haha, I've finished talking about it." Wang Shouren said, "But in the days of my illness, I began to think carefully about the true meaning of Zhu Zi's so-called 'knowledge' that I had learned before."

"Since this is why, will you no longer learn Zhu Zizhi?" Cao Muwen asked.

"No, but it's not."

"What?" This answer surprised Cao Muwen.

"That's why I not gave up Zhu Zi's study, but studied more attentively. After the second course of learning, Mr. Yuan Gong Lixi's words about the opening of science were even more attentive." Wuji and Taiji, "Taiji" moves and quietly, producing everything in yin and yang. Everything is born and changes endlessly, but people also get the most beautiful and spiritual "Taiji Picture" "Permanent" means "sincerity" and "sincerity" is the "wood of the five permanents" of "pure goodness" and the source of a hundred lines. The various kinds of forests under it are widely explored. Wang Shouren said this, which is completely different from Cao Muwen's vision.

Cao Muwen was greatly surprised by Wang Shouren's words. Unexpectedly, although Wang Shouren was a serious illness and was his responsibility, Mr. Zhu Xizhu also taught the child badly. However, this child not only did not throw away the book and stop learning. It seemed that the more frustrated he was, the more brave he was, and he insisted on all kinds of mysteries of this "reason".

"So, today..." Cao Muwen opened his conversation again and fell to the ground to ask how "knowledge and action" should be "united". I don't know that Wang Shouren opposite today has a definite answer. Instead, Cao Muwen provoked the conversation before, but he originally hoped to be a prophet of a later person (but he was a person hundreds of years later, so should also be a hindsight?) The ability is good to compete with Yang Mingzi. Instead, it fell into a situation where my original guess was completely wrong. Originally, I thought that Mr. Wang Da had been preaching for many years, and now he has disciples around him. He has to be more or less a teacher. After all, the ancients still attached great importance to this. But now Cao Muwen has a sense of self-shameness. Instead of covering it, he has a lot of feelings.

Cao Muwen was a little worried about whether he had bumped into Wang Shouren in words, so he wanted to ask. If so, he could apologize to him and hope to be forgiven. Cao Muwen asked cautiously, "Sir, the younger generation suddenly asked about bamboo, but wanted you to remember this childhood... the old days. If there is..."

Wang Shouren suddenly laughed, waved his hand gently, and said with a smile, "You are too worried. At this time, if you don't mention it, I will forget it. In retrospect, it is endless. If you really want to say it, I would like to thank you."