Ming Diary

Chapter 64: Big Hat Mountains, the so-called hero 2

Since Chi Zhongrong's uprising, it has been more than three months. He occupied several states and counties and defeated the ranks of officers and soldiers many times. And he fought head-on with the encirclement and suppressing army organized by the imperial court and defeated them, killing the officers and soldiers. What a pleasure!

Zhan Shifu sent Liu Jindao, his most trusted and powerful deputy, out for this matter. Zhan Shifu has been in contact with other insurgents in the four provinces since the beginning of the uprising. In addition to Zhan Shifu's more than 2,000 brothers in Damoshan and Chi Zhongrong's troops, there are also the remaining rebel forces in Jiangxi Dayuneng, who also fought with the Sichuan and Hebei uprising armies a few years ago, and the three rebel forces in the three villages of Annan Chongyi that have been round.

In addition, recently, after the Chi Zhongrong Uprising, there were also unqueezed people in two places who also followed the Tiandao Uprising. Because the time was too short, Zhan Shifu only learned about the location and leader of the uprising from a few words. First, Wang Xing from Fujiang, Guangdong, revolted two months ago. The Fujiang area is more than 2,000 miles wide, and the officers and soldiers are weak. It is said that Wang Gongxun led his Rebel brothers into a no-man's land, vertically and horizontally attacked the officers and soldiers many times, which is very admirable. In addition, an uprising army led by Gong Fuquan revolted from the Maolin area on the border between Hunan and Jiangxi. With the concealment of the mountains and forests, it also fought with the officers and soldiers for several months.

Chi Zhongrong has a big beard, with a black beard, which looks like a beautiful beard. Because of his excellent martial arts, his nickname is also known as "Chi Dayu". Guan Yu and Guan Yunchang like to read "Spring and Autumn" at night. Whether this Chi Daqi also likes to read "Spring and Autumn" or not, Zhan Shifu doesn't know, but everyone is rumored that he not only has the ability to command the Chinese army, but also has the ability to use troops, so let's just think that he likes to read "Spring and Autumn" at night as much as Guan Sheng.

Zhan Shifu returned to his village and saw an open land from the mountains and forests, surrounded by broken trees and stakes. It was originally a dense forest, but the terrain here is excellent. The altitude here is already the highest part of Damao Mountain. The two-week peaks are the two highest peaks of Damao Mountain. One is Hat Ridge, and the other is called Hunter Peak by the hunters here because of a long bow. It is really necessary to admire the magic of nature. There are so many peaks in the ups and downs of Big Hat Mountain. The two highest places alone gather together, and the gorge between them is where Zhan Shifu's main village is located. There are mountains on both sides, so there is no traffic. After several years of reclamation, the slope of the back mountain is now a hundred hectares of fertile land, but the original front mountain is difficult to walk. The front and back mountains of Big Hat Mountain are named after them, isn't they the same as other mountains? Generally, the mountain that is easier to walk is the most front mountain, and the more rugged and shady mountain is generally used as the back mountain. This place is different. Damao Mountain is one of the many peaks in the whole Lingnan hills, which is strictly the same source as Wuyi Mountain and other mountains. It is further south of Damao Mountain. Although the altitude is not as high as here, the terrain has been thousands of times and it is difficult to walk, so there have been very few residents, and the place facing the north is the Gan River Basin, which is the basin of the big river. The terrain is relatively flat, and naturally there are many residents. But the facing side is the shady side of the mountain, which is difficult to climb. Strictly speaking, Ruitan is not without a road up the mountain, but it is only limited to a few people walking along the path stepped on by the hunters into the mountain. In many places, it is necessary to use climbing and climbing tools. If the army goes up the mountain, it is completely impossible. Even if the army sneaks in, it is impossible to do it unconsciously. Zhan Shifu chose this place as his main village because of the advantage of the right time and place. The mountains on both sides can naturally block the enemy's attack and pile up the cliffs in the north (also the back mountain) of the area controlled by the government, which is difficult to climb. As long as you find someone to handle a few important roads into the mountain, you can make a foolproof. And the south side of the mountain (front mountain) is the farmland that the brothers in these stockades depend on for their living. Because of the protection of the mountain, even if the officers and soldiers bypass the mountain to attack here, they will first let the sentry on the mountain find that as long as they are aware of it in advance and be prepared, even if the court comes to suppress it, Zhan Shifu ordered everyone to retreat into the fortress on the mountain. The officers and soldiers have no choice but to attack, they dare not. Zhan Shifu has long figured out the minds of those bastards. They are all good at bullying the people, embezzling and taking bribes. Once they really want to march and fight on the battlefield, they will all wither. In recent years, Zhan Shifu has gained this understanding after making the suppressing government many times through the natural terrain of the Great Hat Mountain. Every time I listen to the officers and soldiers shout and scold at the foot of the mountain in order to anger the rebels on the mountain to make them go down the mountain to die, Zhan Shifu and his brothers will only smile contemptuously and won't even look at them, because those people at the foot of the mountain are not worth seeing. They are not human beings, they are just beasts!

They are just blood-sucking beasts! Whenever the words spit out from their already dirty mouths spread around through the vast hearts of the mountains and echoed in Zhan Shifu's ears again and again, there was no anger in his heart, but only contempt for the shameless beasts who went down the mountain. They don't dare to attack the mountain.

Every time he thought of this, Zhan Shifu showed his contempt for him, and a sense of uncontrollable ambition came to his heart, and he couldn't help clenching his fists. He knows that everyone here knows why they have given up their home and land to rebel. No one will give up a comfortable family life, but specializes in licking blood on the tip of a knife. In this industry, the mountain thief robbers are called "anti-thieves" and "giantfeis" by the imperial court. But how can Zhan Shifu and others recognize this title? They are not "thieves" and not "bandits"! They are just "people", just a mediocre and small "people", and they also want to be a "people". But they don't have a chance. It's not that they don't cherish it, but the government, but those landlords and rich families who don't let them! Their fields were occupied; they were robbed but had nowhere to complain. People have to live. It's not that they don't want to be a good citizen, but the court doesn't give them a chance. If they don't have a field, they will starve to death. How can there be anyone who can starve to death and be a "shun people"? Therefore, they "revolted", and of course, the court called it a "rebellion".

"Hmm! Make your mother's rebellion! I will do the opposite! The worst thing is death, death! Grandpas also have to pull a few dog officials with cushions. Since the official is a dog officer! Why can't the people be a moan?!" Zhan Shifu returned to his room. This is a townhouse high in a big village, next to a small hill, so a lighter wooden room has been built on top of this tile house. This place was opened as the owner's room. Although the place is not small, Zhan Shifu has maintained his simple life as an ordinary farmer before the uprising. Several large rooms look empty and there is no decoration on the walls. It turned out that someone in the village also sent him a few calligraphy and paintings, saying that they had been confiscated in a large family in the occupied county. When Zhan Shifu saw it, he just smiled and waved his hand and did not accept it. He just told someone to put it away first and put it under the box. Zhan Shifu can't understand these calligraphy and paintings. Although he knows some words, he doesn't know calligraphy, but he doesn't care about these literati.

Zhan Shifu is now sitting on the edge of a round table, grabbing the teapot and pouring a cup of tea, drinking it all. Until now, his heart is still beating suddenly. Some of the things he just thought of made him angry, while others made him excited.

At the thought of Chi Zhongrong's people, Zhan Shifu had a feeling of admiration in his heart. He has the ability and spirit that Zhan Shifu wants to do but dares not do it. Since he intends to contact the insurgents from all over the world, Zhan Shifu naturally agrees unconditionally. Although he may obey the command of Chi Zhongrong in some aspects, after his consideration, he believes that as long as he can strengthen the strength of the rebels, his personal interests are not the most important, and he can give up. Some time ago, a man who claimed to be Chi Zhongrong came to the bottom of the mountain and wanted to go up the mountain to meet Zhan Shifu, the leader of Damao Mountain. After the inspection of the sentry, this man did not bring a sharp blade, so he asked him to go up the mountain to see Zhan Shifu. When Zhan Shifu heard that Chi Zhongrong's people took the initiative to contact him, the excitement in his heart was also conducive to words, even if he laughed. Immediately invited the leaders of other cottages to come to the main village to meet the "liaison envoy". The man introduced in detail to Zhan Shifu and others the whole process of Chi Zhongrong's uprising and the recent trends and plans, and showed that the "Golden Dragon Overlord" was contacting the world's heroes at this moment to conspire major events and plan the world together. When Zhan Shifu heard what he said, it was no different from what he heard. Even if he believed him, he also said that his more than 2,000 brothers respected the "Golden Dragon Overlord". Since the "Overlord" has such ambition, we brothers naturally can't fall behind and must join! With the assurance of the village owner, the "contact envoy" naturally seemed to be reassured, so he put forward the hope that the village owner would send his own effective subordinates as his "contact envoy" to go back with him to visit Chi Zhongrong, and then explore the specific matters of the joint efforts of the two sides. After hearing this, Zhan Shifu agreed to let his deputy village owner Liu Jindao go with him as a "contact envoy" to follow the comer. In this way, I know that it has been a while now, which is the longest time for Zhan Shifu to come to this Big Hat Mountain in a few years. He will look at the back mountain every day. Although he must not be able to see it, he still hopes that in this way, he can slightly relieve the excitement and anxiety in his heart. After all, few people wait for this kind of "joint event" to be as stable as Mount Tai.

After drinking a cup of tea, Zhan Shifu sat at the table and thought quietly, "I should be back." He said to himself that Liu Jindao should have come back as soon as the day before yesterday.

"But..." Zhan Shifu thought again and comforted himself, "After all, the government is searching tight now, and they should be careful when they go out, so it's normal to go out later..." Although he thought so, he still had a faint uneasiness in his heart.