Ming God

Chapter 6 Ability and Assassination

When Tang Lin woke up again, he saw the third uncle's anxious face.

"Rin'er! How do you feel when you wake up? The third uncle frowned and asked, with a tone of anxiety that had never been seen before.

"I..." Tang Lin was about to speak, but suddenly felt a little pain in his forehead. When he touched it, he found that his forehead was wrapped in a circle of white cloth. I felt that there was nothing wrong with my body except that my head was a little uncomfortable. He said, "I'm fine, third uncle!"

The third uncle breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "What happened to you this morning? I heard Xiaoshan say that you were fine, but suddenly ran into the Dan room crazily, grabbed a stick from a clerk's hand and knocked him on his head. That's why I'm in a coma! What the hell is going on? Why did you do such a stupid thing?

Tang Lin opened his mouth, but was speechless. Could it be that I didn't mean it? I was controlled by a mysterious force to do that kind of stupid thing? Who believes this?

"I, I don't know what's going on? Maybe the injury of the previous two days has not recovered!" Tang Lin found a reason that was not a reason.

The third uncle looked at Tang Lin suspiciously, and then nodded and said, "This is the only possibility. Well, you can rest first. This is the ward of Changchun Hall. When you come home with me in the evening. I'll ask Xiaoshan to send some soup later. Remember to drink it.

At this time, a petite figure came into the door, Lingling.

"Dad, is the thirteenth brother awake? Ah, thirteenth brother, you finally woke up. Let me see. You were not knocked by a stick, did you? Lingling suddenly rushed to **, and two chubby little hands held Tang Lin's face and looked left and right, as if she could see his injury from Tang Lin's face.

Tang Lin felt that he was turned around by Lingling like a toy and knocked down Lingling's hand angrily. He stared and said, "Does your brother become stupid so easily?"

Lingling smiled and pointed to Tang Lin and said, "If you are not stupid, how can you hit yourself in the head with a wooden stick? I think you were beaten by Tang Biao last time and haven't recovered, and your head has been dumbfounded!"

The third uncle scolded, "Lingling, don't talk nonsense! All right, go out with me. Your thirteenth brother needs a rest.

After the two went out, Tang Lin stuck his head in ** and stared at the beam with a pair of eyes, but thinking about what happened in the morning.

"What the hell is that sound? Why can't I help going to the Danfang when I hear this sound, and what is that breath? Will it really control itself if it invades its own mind? Will I really be controlled by that breath? However, I clearly remember that there was a breath coming into my mind from the palm of my hand before I fell into a coma. Why didn't I feel anything now? He thought confusedly in his mind and sat in a daze.

"Squeak!" The door opened, and the clerk Xiaoshan came in with a bowl of steaming soup in his hand.

Tang Lin took the medicine bowl and drank it dry without saying a word. When he handed over the medicine bowl, he suddenly asked, "Brother Xiaoshan, can you take me to the Danfang again?"

Xiaoshan was shocked and shook his head repeatedly: "No, young master 13 don't embarrass me. You've become like this. You'd better have a good rest."

Tang Lin's eyes moved and grinned, "It's okay if you don't go to see it, but you have to bring me that wooden stick. Otherwise, even if you don't let me go now, I will sneak in. You choose it!"

Xiaoshan's face was so bitter that he had to agree: "Okay!"

After a while, Xiaoshan walked in with the black stick that had been broken into two. Looking at his sneaky appearance, it was obvious that he did not go in and take it openly. However, Tang Lin's attention was attracted by the black stick with a two-foot-long thumb. After taking it from his hand, he didn't notice that he then went out.

"I just knocked myself unconscious with this thing?" Tang Lin stroked the rough and cracked surface of the wooden stick and was puzzled. The wooden stick is nothing special, but it spreads a strong medicinal aroma. He has learned from the small mountain pass that this wooden stick is a burning stick used by the medicine boy to play with the charcoal fire of the elixir furnace, so it is not surprising to smell the fragrance of medicine.

"If someone really wants to control themselves or take away, there is no need to knock me unconscious with a small wooden stick! I still remember that when I finally fell into a coma, I felt a sharp pain in the palms of my hands. Why is there no trace now? Tang Lin touched the wooden stick in circles and fell into meditation.

Suddenly, his eyes noticed that there seemed to be a depression where the stick was broken. After carefully looking in front of him, he was surprised to find that there was a regular diamond-shaped hole in the broken place, as if there was a diamond-shaped object in this place. After the wooden stick broke, the object disappeared.

Then he thought of the pain and breath in the palms of his hands before he fell into a coma.

He jumped up from ** in horror: "That thing won't enter my body, will it?"

At this moment, his hands holding the stick suddenly numb, and a suction suddenly came out of the palm of his hand, and "pa" sucked the two broken black sticks. Tang Lin had already eaten, ah, and shook his hand to shake the wooden stick away, but the mysterious breath sucked the wooden stick tightly and couldn't get rid of it at all. It's like sticking to the palm of your hand.

"Daw! Damn it!" Tang Lin cursed and desperately wanted to get the two wooden sticks out of the palm of his hand, but the suction was getting stronger and stronger. In the end, Tang Lin even felt that the sticks were integrated with the breath. At this time, he felt a stream of heat flowing into his body from the wooden stick. And more and more.

"What the hell is this?" Tang Lin roared angrily, and suddenly raised his hands and smashed it on the wooden table next to him.

"Bang!" Pa!"

The expected crisp sound did not sound, but a muffled broken sound lingered around his ears. Under a pat, Tang Lin also felt that something was wrong. Looking down, he was shocked to see that the two wooden sticks were smashed by himself and turned into a piece of debris. How is this possible? The wooden stick was hard enough to knock itself out and turned into debris under his own beat. Damn it!

"Hu~~~" Tang Lin's palm suddenly flashed a green light, flashed by, and immediately disappeared.

With the disappearance of this green light, a vibrant breath suddenly spread to his palm and filled his body in an instant. The breath was full of vitality and soothed his body everywhere. It seemed that 10,000 palms were gently touching his meridians and flesh and blood, and the extremely comfortable feeling made his soul feel free and supreme. He has never had such a peak experience, which is even more enjoyable than a few days and nights of fighting with his schoolgirl Panchang.

This peak experience is endless.

After a long time, Tang Lin sat on the edge of the bed and looked at his hand in a daze. In the palm of his hand, there was a pile of wood stick residue that had turned into ash. The residue was not angry at all, and even the original strong medicinal fragrance disappeared.

"Did I absorb the medicine in this black stick?" Tang Lin muttered.

Suddenly he jumped up from **, opened the door crazily and rushed out.

"Hey, Master Thirteen, where are you going?" As soon as I went out, I saw the pharmacy man Xiaoshan coming to greet me. Tang Lin ignored it and rushed by.

Xiaoshan saw that Tang Lin was going to Danfang, and found that he was in a wrong state. He thought Tang Lin was going crazy again. He put down his things in his hand and chased him back. He shouted as he chased back, "Young master, stop. There is something to find. I can go for you!"

Tang Lin couldn't hear him at this time. His mind was full of confirming one thing.

In a few steps, Tang Lin came to the Danfang again. This time, he directly opened the door of the Danfang and rushed in. Without saying a word, he ignored the alchemists inside. He went straight to the place where he was in a coma last time and searched carefully on the floor.

Tang Lin's bold behavior made the people in the Dan room furious.

"Who are you? How dare you break into the Dan room? Ah, it's you again. What are you doing here? Even if you are Lord Tang's nephew, you can't fool around in Danfang like this. Get out of here!" Last time, Brother Zhao's angry face turned red. Obviously, he is extremely angry.

Tang Lin frowned at this time because he didn't find what he wanted on the floor. Suddenly, he looked up and said awe-inspiringly, "Tell you, I have an important gem here, so I came here to look for it. This gemstone is of great value and is a diamond-shaped gemstone. If you lose it, you can't afford to sell it. Hurry up and find it for me!"

Tang Lin's expression was solemn and strict, and suddenly a strong momentum bloomed, which made people dare not look directly at him.

Brother Zhao stared at Tang Lin, but saw the crazy posture in Tang Lin's eyes, and suddenly felt awe of his heart: Is this still the rumored Tang Dynasty waste? After thinking about it, he waved back and said, "Stop first and look around for me to see if there are such gems on the floor. Thirteenth young master, we can help you find something, but if you don't find it, please don't come to Danfang to make trouble in the future!"

Tang Lin said solemnly, "Of course!"

Seven or eight people in the Dan room acted together and quickly searched the Dan room, but no one found it. There is nothing in the Dan room. This result made Tang Lin frown even more.

Coming out of the Dan room, Tang Lin sat in the yard and looked at the herbs drying in the yard, but his heart was undulating: "I haven't found anything. Did the diamond-shaped object in the black wooden stick really enter my body? Perhaps, it is in this way that I suddenly have the ability to absorb medicine, and the wooden stick will be drained by the mysterious breath and turn into debris.

Suddenly, he took out a herb with three red fruits from the pile of herbs under his feet and held it tightly in the palm of his hand.

"Come out and suck it for me. Can't you absorb the essence of vegetation? Suck it quickly. Let me see what ability you have? What kind of change did you bring to me when you entered my body?" Tang Lin kept shouting in his mind.

Sure enough, after holding the herb tightly for a few seconds, a mysterious breath appeared again in his palm and began to absorb the power of the herbal medicine. This time, Tang Lin opened his palm and observed carefully. He opened his eyes wide and saw a very light green light in the palm of his hand. It was the green light that wrapped around the herb and swallowed the essence of the herb. But he only felt it for a few seconds, and the herbs in his hand had turned into a pile of ashes and been sucked dry by the essence of the vegetation.

At the same time, the same comfort as last time reappeared in his body, and the essence of vegetation flowed down his palm into his body. Slowly replenish his vitality. Strengthen his body.

Tang Lin tried a few more herbs, and each time it turned into ashes in a few seconds. The extreme pleasure even made Tang Lin linger and difficult to give up.

"What is the thing hidden in the black stick? Why did I get such an anti-sky ability? If I use this ability to refine the essence of vegetation, won't I be able to supplement the medicine every day and rapidly enhance it in the future? This is really unbelievable! How can there be such a magical thing in this world!" Tang Lin sighed deeply.

"Brother Thirteen, it's going to be dark. Dad asked me to go home with you first."

Tang Lin looked up and saw Lingling coming behind the buddy hill. Just now, Xiaoshan saw that Tang Lin was fine, so he quietly went busy. I didn't expect to be around them.

"What? Third uncle, won't you go together?" Tang Lin was a little surprised.

"That's right, young master thirteen. Just now, a few seriously injured people suddenly came here, so Dr. Tang may have to delay for a period of time. Let me send the two young masters and ladies back first. Xiaoshan said humbly.

Tang Lin nodded: "Well, I'm sorry to trouble you."

walked to the front yard and happened to see the third uncle who was treating several seriously injured numbers. After greeting, Tang Lin went on the road with Lingling Xiaoshan. It was sunrise when I came, but the sun was already setting when I left.

In the light of the sunset rainbow, the ancient street has a copper halo, walking on the marble-paved streets, with green scales and tile houses with wood and stone structures on both sides. The wine flags are beckoning, and the wind is warm, but there is a feeling of walking in ancient paintings. Changchun Hall is built by the bridge. The stream under the bridge is clear to the bottom, reflecting heavy light in the sunset, which is beautiful and touching.

Such beautiful scenery makes Tang Lin can't help but be happy. I feel completely relaxed.

Between Gu Pan, several people were about to walk across the bridge and step on the bluestone slab. Just as Tang Lin got off the bridge, a bright knife light reflected the afterglow of the sunset and flew out from under the bridge and rushed to Tang Lin by the bridge with lightning speed. The knife light was so cold and brilliant, so fast that no one reacted, and the knife light came to Tang Lin.

When Tang Lin saw the knife light, the long knife was less than one meter away from his neck. He could even see the strange patterns on the knife.

A cold murderous atmosphere came to his face. He was frightened, he was scared, and he was afraid, but it was too late. The tip of the knife is less than two meters away from his neck. He has no time to dodge, fail, or even think.

"Assassin! Did he come to kill me? This is Tang Lin's last thought in front of the knife.

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