Ming God

Chapter 15 Shenzhou No. 1

"Gagi!" Squeak!"

Walking on the dusty stairs, the weight of the body pressed down the wooden steps fiercely, and the stairs sighed unbearably.

Tang Lin wandered between rows of bookshelves and looked around. Most of the secrets on the first floor were miscellaneous books such as weapon casting and elixir refining. The second floor is a martial arts routine, swordsmanship and other skills. The third floor is the real core. Tangfu's high-level mental skills, top body skills and some advanced martial arts are all here. And Tang Lin is also here now.

However, after watching it for half an hour, Tang Lin didn't find what he wanted. There are many secrets, such as Mingyu Gong, Water Floating and Snow Mountain Palm. Many of them are high-level secrets, but they are not what he needs most. Now he hopes to find a quick secret book. After learning the strength of his enemy, he has no sense of security now. The third uncle can protect him, but he always It is impossible to follow the third uncle all the time. He always has to leave and go his own way. At that time, he can only resist the dangers he encounters by himself.

"Hmm?" When he passed the corner upstairs, he suddenly moved, because there was another touch of the mysterious heat in his mind just now.

This is the third time since he fell into a coma, the mysterious breath in his mind was touched. The first time was assassinated, and the second time was when he violently broke Tang Biao's arm on the martial arts stage. He is extremely concerned and wary of this mysterious breath that helped him overcome the difficulties twice. Although this mysterious breath has not done anything against himself so far, it will be the same if he does not keep it in the future. He needs to understand and control this breath. This mysterious power must also be mastered.

However, except for the two critical moments, no matter how Tang Lin calls for casting spells, he can't touch him at all.

But now this mysterious power has taken the initiative to change. This unexpected joy made Tang Lin excited and take a deep breath. He forcibly suppressed his excited mood and delicately sensed the change of breath in his mind, but immediately frowned and found that the breath was faintly sucked by something not far away. It was introduced. But it felt so vague that he was not even sure whether he was attracted.

"I can't let this opportunity go. I must find out the weakness of the real mysterious power." Tang Lin thought to himself, and he kept walking around.

Sure enough, as soon as he went far away, the attraction power weakened, and as soon as he retreated, the power appeared again.

He searched back and forth for a long time, and finally locked three books on the fifth floor of the bookshelf. One of these three books is Feiya Swordsmanship, one is the Flying Body Method and a black book called The First Exploration of Heaven and Earth Reiki. After several arguments, he determined that the mysterious power** in his mind was affirmed in these three books.

I picked up Feiya's swordsmanship and tried it, but there was no response. Put it down and pick up the second book, but there is still no response.

As soon as he bought the third book, Tang Lin found that there was a huge ** mysterious breath in his mind. He was excited and hurriedly opened the cover of the black wallet, and a line of vertical characters appeared in front of him: "Heaven and earth, big and simple, only spirit, detailed, only essence and god. The husband is mediocre and quiet and dust. Dezhao does not appear, and the spirit is destroyed. Heaven and earth have a vast spirit, but only the superior perceive it and people think about it. The husband's ambition is clear, to respond to the sun and the moon, to turn yin and yang, to distinguish the turbidity, and to break the universe. This is the work of heaven and earth!"

Reciting this paragraph in his heart, Tang Lin felt a fresh breath coming from his face, as if a gust of wind swept across his body and mind. He couldn't describe the feeling he felt at this moment, just like walking in the fields in spring. The cool but pleasant breeze under the sunset was drunk and dizzy. It's like countless warm hands comforting you. The feeling of comfort made him almost couldn't help shouting out.

At this time, the mysterious breath in his mind finally moved.

Tang Lin didn't know that when he held the third book, the skinny old man who had been dozed downstairs suddenly raised his head. A pair of gray and godless eyes suddenly shot out two long golden rays. He looked at the place where Tang Lin was staying on the third floor. The old man muttered, "How is it possible?" There was an unbelievably look in his eyes, which was obviously extremely shocking.

However, Tang Lin at this time had not noticed the surrounding things for a long time. As soon as the breath in his mind moved, he was completely closed. Then there was an encounter that affected his life, which also subverted all his cognition and worldview.

The spring breeze-like breath floated from the page and entered Tang Lin's body, and instantly flowed through Tang Lin's whole body. It came to Tang Lin's brain in an instant.


seemed to open a door. Tang Lin felt that his mind was suddenly impacted by a vast and great power. In an instant, a light appeared in front of him. Under the attraction of this light, Tang Lin's mind was involuntarily sucked in. It was like entering a new world, and countless pictures flashed in front of Tang Lin like moths. It's like going back in time, like going through time.

After a colorful light, Tang Lin found that he had reached an extremely wide world. He was suspended in a gray cloud. There was gray fog around him. He could not see the sky and the earth, there was no sound, no color and no other objects. What made Tang Lin more panicked was that he was connected. There is no body. Everything is just what he feels, and this is like a dead world.

Before he could be afraid, a severe headache irritated his brain.

"Ah, it hurts!" Tang Lin snorted bitterly and wanted to reach out and rub his head, but when he wanted to raise his hand, he found that he had no arms or body. He felt that the world was crowding out himself, as if to tell him that his strength was not enough to come here.

At this time, suddenly a strong suction came from above, and Tang Lin felt that he was dragged up by this suction. As the perspective rose, he was surprised to see a red sea of fire on the left side of the gray fog. The sea of fire was boundless, and the red waves of fire even made Tang Lin feel a scorching heat. On the right side of the gray fog is a water-blue ocean. Although he didn't really see it with his eyes, he still felt that it was a cold sea.

"What is that?"

His vision accelerated, and the top of him was like a black hole sucking him up. In that black hole, there is a faint connection with his body. He was stunned and realized that he should leave here and return to his body.

Just as he was about to enter the black hole and leave, Tang Lin suddenly noticed that there was an extremely large back standing in the depths of the gray fog. The back was so huge that Tang Lin could only feel a humanoid outline. He is like an ant looking up at the giant and can only feel his weakness. The back just stood quietly, emitting a magnificent momentum. Under the pressure of this momentum, Tang Lin felt that his heart was about to jump out.

At the moment he entered the black hole, I don't know if it was Tang Lin's illusion that the great back seemed to move a little.

Then, Tang Lin fell into darkness.

When he opened his eyes again, he still stood in front of the bookshelf, holding the book "First Exploration of Heaven and Earth Aura" in his hand. He stood in front of the bookshelf, with a shocked look in his eyes. He looked down at the black book in his hand, and his face was curious, frightened or doubtful. For a long time, he whispered, "What the hell is that?"

"Thirteenth brother, it's time. Choose it and come out!" On the second floor, the fourth sister Tang Lan shouted from afar.

Tang Lan was shocked and quickly closed the book, but as soon as his hand was hard, he only heard a muffled sound. The "First Exploration of Heaven and Earth Reiki" in his hand suddenly turned into a piece of ashes and leaked from his fingers. This change was not a small thing. Tang Lin was so scared that he hurriedly threw the ashes in his hand out. The ashes of the books floated down in the building, like a light snowfall, and a piece of dust was immediately added to the ground.

Tang Lin looked at his hands dullly and felt very uneasy and frightened. Contacting the mysterious space he had just entered, he felt that he seemed to have encountered such an incredible thing in mythology. Thinking of the story that the scholar he saw in the third uncle's book last time was taken away by the Taoist to cultivate immortals, he faintly felt that the story might not be false.

"What the hell is that?" Tang Lin cursed for the second time.

"You are the ghost, and your whole family is a ghost! Damn kid, how dare you abuse the glorious, bright, upright, valiant, honest and humble Lord Shenzhou No. 1 must accept punishment. I declare: As the glorious, bright, upright, brave, honest and humble Lord of Shenzhou No. 1 that you are guilty of insulting me. Since you have insulted me twice, as Lord Shenzhou No. 1, who is glorious, bright, upright, brave, kind, honest and humble, I will punish you with two electric shocks. Regards-salute!" A slightly sharp and childish voice suddenly sounded in Tang Lin's mind and said a lot of strange words.

Tang Lin was shocked, jumped up from the ground, stared around and shouted, "Who is talking? Come out!"

"Of course, I'm talking, kid, didn't you hear me? I'm Lord One of Shenzhou, who is glorious, bright, upright, brave, benevolent, honest and humble. If you see me, you don't quickly kneel down and plead for mercy. Maybe I will be soft-hearted and avoid punishment for you." The slightly sharp and tender voice sounded in Tang Lin's mind again.

Tang Lin looked around, but he couldn't see a ghost in the bookshelf. His cold sweaty skin was tight and his hair was pale and his face was bloodless, so he almost fainted.

"Who the hell is it? Come out!" Tang Lin gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Damn kid, if I can come out, will I still hide in your dirty and dilapidated body full of waste? If my ability hadn't been sealed by the master, the storage of Reiki would have dried up. How could I choose such a waste like you to live in fusion? Damn it! Damn it! As Lord Shenzhou No. 1, who is glorious, bright, upright, brave, benevolent, honest and humble, how can I come to this point! Master, why did you abandon me at the beginning? Whoo, Shenzhou 1 misses you so much, whoo-hoo!!!!!

This time, Tang Lin finally understood where the sound came from - it actually appeared directly in his brain.

"This, this, what are you? Why in my body?" Tang Lin said in shock that his face was still ugly. No matter who knew that there was something else in his body, his face would not look good.

But when Tang Lin asked this question, Lord Shenzhou No. 1 was decisively angry: "Damn kid, are you listening to me? How dare you despise Lord Shenzhou No. 1 who ignore the glory, greatness, integrity, bravery, kindness, honesty and humility? You are unforgivable. I will punish you!"

Tang Lin was still waiting to speak, but a slight electric current suddenly gushed out of his mind. In an instant, he walked all over his body. A painful, numb, sour and extremely complex feeling suddenly knocked down Tang Lin.

He wilted softly on the ground, and his face was facing the dust on the ground. He took a few mouthfuls of the ashes of the book "First Exploration of Heaven and Earth Reiki".

"What the hell are you!" Tang Lin thought with resentment.

"Kid, you insulted me in your heart. As Lord Shenzhou No. 1 who is glorious, bright, upright, heroic, benevolent, honest and humble, I declare that you must be punished again!"

Another electric current hit Tang Lin's whole body.

Tang Lin wants to cry without tears: "..."