Ming God

Chapter 18 Blessed by misfortune (red ticket)

"Hahaha! That old guy finally can't stand it. You can't imagine how funny he looks now. It's like a ball full of breath, flattened. Interesting, interesting!" As soon as he came out, Shenzhou No. 1 laughed in his head.

With two secrets, Tang Lin walked through the lush woods and went to the Yanwu Hall.

"Respected Lord Shenzhou No. 1, who is glorious, bright, upright, brave, benevolent, honest and humble, is finally quiet now. How about discussing one thing?" Tang Lin said in his heart. A respectful title was specially added. Several bloody lessons made him conclude that this strange spirit likes others to call him that. Although the title is long and disgusting.

"Okay, what do you want to discuss with me?" Lord Shenzhou No. 1 is obviously very satisfied with Tang Lin's respect for him.

After a few words, Tang Lin said, "Well, since we are in the same boat now, we should talk openly and explain our origins clearly, so that we can cooperate better in the future, right?"

"Kit, what do you want to say? Just say it and don't talk too much." Shenzhou 1 said impatiently.

Tang Lin raised a finger and said seriously, "First, I'm not a kid. I have a name. Second, we are in an equal position now. I don't owe you anything. Instead, you live in my body. You should owe me. As a bright and upright Lord Shenzhou No. 1, do you want to live in my body for free without paying the rent?

"This..." Lord Shenzhou No. 1 was obviously hesitant.

"What is this? You are the glorious, bright, upright, heroic, kind, honest and humble Lord Shenzhou No. 1 You are so bright, upright, great and kind. Do you want to repudiate the debt?" Tang Lin immediately blocked the words under it.

"You're right. I'm the most glorious, bright, upright, valiant, benevolent and humble Shenzhou No. 1? How can you rely on your account? Tell me, little... that Tang Lin, what do you want?" Shenzhou No. 1 said very proudly.

Tang Lin showed a triumphant smile on his face. In a short period of time, he had mastered the temperament of this mysterious guy. As long as he used it properly, he would gain unimaginable benefits.

"Very good, worthy of being the glorious, bright, upright, brave, honest and humble Lord Shenzhou No. 1 So let's go back to the topic. First of all, we have to figure out the origin and ability of the other party, and then we can talk about it. In this way, you are noble, let me come first. My name is Tang Lin. I am 14 years old this year. My parents have died, and my relatives and my third uncle Tang Sheng..." Next, Tang Lin began to talk endlessly. Introducing all kinds of people in Tangfu, even the seven aunts and eight aunts have moved out.

"Stop! What the hell are you reading? I'm dizzy. Forget it. I'm not interested in these things at all.

Tang Lin outlined a smile at the corners of his mouth: "Well, since you are not interested, it's time for you to introduce the origin kindly and honestly."

"This...all right! For the sake of your sincerity, it is difficult for me to introduce you. I am the only god in heaven and earth to block the gods and Buddhas to block and kill the Buddhas. Super invincible and lawless glory, great, bright, upright, brave, benevolent, honest and humble Lord I. I am omnipotent and invincible all over the world. I can reach out to pick the stars and stamp my feet to destroy the earth. Breath can turn into clouds and fog, and exhalation can turn into strong wind. I hold the sun and the moon in both hands, step on the yin and yang with both feet, distinguish the turbidity with both eyes, and set the universe with one thought. I am the chaotic fairy weapon Sun and Moon God Shuttle, Lord Shenzhou No. 1! How about it? Do you want to drag it?

Tang Lin opened his mouth and felt a crow flying over his head.

"Well, dare you ask the noble Shenzhou No. 1, what is the chaotic fairy artifact Sun and Moon God Shuttle?" Tang Lin keenly grasped the only useful thing in his nonsense and asked.

"Even the chaotic fairy Sun and Moon God Shuttle. You are really ignorant. Let me tell you, the Sun and Moon God Shuttle is... that is... that is..." The sound of Shenzhou 1 is getting smaller and smaller. So much so that I couldn't hear it at all later.

"What is it?" Tang Lin asked anxiously. He really wanted to know what the origin of this Shenzhou No. 1 weapon spirit was and whether it was a real fairy weapon spirit. He was so stimulated today that what he encountered almost completely subverted his simple understanding of the world. Originally, he thought it was just a world with many martial arts masters, but two monster-like guys popped up. This made him more and more curious about the truth of the world.

After listening for half a while, I finally heard the sound of Shenzhou No. 1, but at this time, Shenzhou No. 1 did not look a trace of arrogance, leaving only a strong irritation and doubt.

"Why? Why can't I remember? Obviously, I know? Why can't you remember? Master, have you sealed my memory? Why on earth? What happened at the beginning? Why can't I remember?" Shenzhou No. 1 is constantly self-torture, immersed in irritability and doubt.

Tang Lin frowned and had nothing to do with this nervous spirit. However, he also saw that there was indeed something wrong with the memory of this artifact.

"Dear Lord Shenzhou No. 1, let's skip this topic. Let's talk about your ability!" Tang Lin changed the topic and asked.

Shenzhou-1 woke up a little from the confusion: "My ability? What ability do I have?"

Tang Lin saw that it hadn't woken up yet, so he followed the temptation and said, "For example, since you entered my body, you have the ability to absorb the essence of vegetation, such as the ability to punish my electric current, you can think slowly!"

"Ah, by the way, my ability." Shenzhou No. 1 shouted, and his mood quickly became excited: "Little ghost, oh no, little Tang Lin. Let me tell you, I am an omnipotent chaotic fairy, sun and moon shuttle. There is no place in the world that I can't go, and there is nothing I can't do! Not to mention absorbing the essence of vegetation, even if you directly plunder the essence of other people's lives, it is a piece of cake. The magic power exerted by Freesia just now is just the most subtle spell. I haven't seen such an spell before. And the current you said, haha, that's my specialty. To tell you the truth, my body is formed by thunder and lightning. It's not a good deal for you, a mortal little guy!"

Tang Lin's eyes lit up and asked, "Do you think I'm a mortal world?" What is the mortal world? Is there any other realm? How are the realms divided?

"Well, in fact, the mortal realm is your lower world. In our upper world, for martial arts like you who have not even practiced magic power, they are collectively called Yuanqi mortals. There are ten layers of vitality mirror, which also corresponds to the ten levels of your warriors. Those who practice mana are no longer mortals, but practitioners. Those who reach this realm can be regarded as truly extraordinary and sanctified, out of the boundaries of mortals. Such people are collectively referred to as the realm of qi, also known as the realm of cultivation. There are also ten layers of energy. When the energy realm of cultivation reaches the peak and breaks through, it will be the fairyland. When it comes to the fairyland, the magic power is no longer what you can imagine. But those things are too far away for you. What you need to care about is how to improve your strength quickly.

Tang Lin's heart is surging: "Is it possible that there are really immortals in this world?" It's possible to think about it, but when you see the magic of Freesia and Shenzhou 1, you will know how crazy the world is.

"Immortal! Immortal! This is a world with immortals. It's crazy! It's so crazy!"

Tang Lin couldn't suppress his excitement and suddenly roared at the sky. Strive to vent the excitement in your heart.

"Hey, Tang Lin, what's your name!" A crisp voice came from a distance. Before the sound fell, a green figure fell from the tree.

"Ah, it's the fourth sister. Well, I think the weather is good today. Let's express my feelings." Seeing the person clearly, Tang Lin said awkwardly. Then he said, "Fourth sister, what can I do for you?"

Tang Lan pouted and said dissatisfiedly, "It's okay, but my father is worried and wants me to have a look."

Tang Lin instantly understood the intention of the fifth uncle. He smiled and said, "Ha ha, if you miss the fifth uncle, thank you for your concern. Let's go together!"

Tang Lan's big bright eyes suddenly stared at Tang Lin: "Thirteenth brother, I feel that you seem to be getting stronger."

"Real?" Tang Lin was shocked and also focused on his body, which could make Tang Lan's powerful martial artists sense that he had become stronger. It can be seen that there were indeed some obvious changes in his body, and he could not pay attention to it.

Tang Lin was suddenly a little surprised by this view, because his body did have a lot of changes. I don't know when the meridians in his body have opened up many veins, and his physical strength has also increased a lot. He can now practice the fifth level of the Heart Method of Mind. Such a result also surprised Tang Lin. I was in a state of mental tension just now, so I didn't notice it. Now I noticed it, but it made him a little worried.

"Could it be that Cang Lanzi has resorted to me?" This endless idea came to Tang Lin's mind.

"Ky, don't think about it. Your body can become stronger because it is refined and washed by the Xinghe God Ray. This time you made a lot of money. Originally, you absorbed a lot of grass and tree essences. If these essences remain in your body for a long time, they will cause changes. At that time, you will definitely be unlucky. However, after the quenching and washing of the invincible Xinghe God Thunder in the universe, it not only resolves those remaining essences, but also broadens your meridians. You boy will have fun!" Shenzhou-1 suddenly appeared to answer Tang Lin's question.

Tang Lin was overjoyed and said with a smile, "Then thank you, the most glorious, bright, upright, heroic, honest and humble Lord Shenzhou No. 1!"