Ming God

Chapter 21 Half-way Interception

The sky is dark, and light rain begins to rain on the streets. In this sea-facing city, the rain is frequent. The pattering rain slowly became bigger, and the dripping rain flowed on the slate, and then converged into a stream into the river under the stone bridge, and the pedestrians on the street began to disappear quickly.

The Changchun Hall, located by the river, was also covered by a rain curtain. The children who greeted the guests in front of the hall stood at the door, shrunk their shoulders to avoid the rain, and stared at the outside with a sad face. Because of the rain, some guests who came to buy medicine for treatment could not leave. They had to wait for the rain to stop in the building. It was also lively for people to sit in front of the hall and say this.

Unlike the bustle in front of the hall, the alchemy room in the backyard is still quiet as usual.

The alchemy room, which is shrouded in white smoke, is haunted by the smell of fog all year round, but these white fogs containing medicine have a strong effect on the human body. Those who work in the alchemy room all year round are ruddy and strong. At this time, the alchemy room was still shrouded in medicine fog, and the white fog overflowed from the room, and was instantly dampened and dissipated by the increasingly tight rain outside the room.

"Brother Tang, the elixir you practiced this time is much better than last time, at least it doesn't have that sour taste." A clear voice sounded in the alchemy room.

"Ha ha, Brother Zhao, this is thanks to your advice!" Tang Lin's voice also sounded.

In the room, Tang Lin fiddled with the fire of the Dan furnace with sweat. While keeping the fire stable at a certain temperature, he also paid attention to constantly adding herbs to the Dan furnace. The vigorous fire reflected his fancy black face, which looked particularly funny. A black and white face was glued together by sweat, and the clothes on his body were also wrinkled, sticky and wet. It looks a little awkward.

At his side, Brother Zhao stood there, but he didn't mean to help at all.

This is half a month after Tang Lin's promotion. Since that day, he has been studying medicine and alchemy with his third uncle. Learning alchemy is the requirement of Shenzhou No. 1, but learning medicine is Tang Lin's own idea. In this world where martial arts is respected, he will inevitably be hurt in the future. Now he can learn medicine and prepare for a rainy day.

The elixir he is refining now is an ordinary rejuvenation pill. In fact, it is an elixir that blindly gains qi and blood. The efficacy is very low, and the medicinal materials used are not worth much, so Tang Lin can use it to practice.

In more than ten days, his ability to refine medicine has become stronger and stronger, almost competing with Brother Zhao, a veteran of alchemy for more than ten years. During this period, we will also benefit from the credit of Shenzhou-1. For Shenzhou 1, a freak who can directly absorb the essence of vegetation, mastering the heat and making the state of the elixir in my furnace a piece of cake, not to mention that it has been in this alchemy room for many years.

"Hey, Shenzhou-1, why is your body hidden in a fire stick?" Tang Lin asked in his heart as he continued to refine the elixir.

"How do I know that I have been here since I woke up? If my aura hadn't been enough to parasit once, do you think I would stay here honestly? Do you know that I have been in this broken alchemy room for 20 years? He is a fairy and is poked into the charcoal pile every day. My glorious, bright, upright, heroic, kind, honest and humble Lord Shenzhou No. 1 has fallen to the point of a fire stick. That's not true! I'm very angry when I think of it!" Shenzhou No. 1 has a lot of resentment.

"No wonder you are so proficient in alchemy!" Tang Lin nodded.

"Kid, even if I haven't stayed here for 20 years, my alchemy is still very high. If you hadn't been promoted to the Yuanli Realm, there would have been no need to come in at all. As long as you have practiced true qi, you can directly refine the medicine with true qi. With the help of Lord Shenzhou No. 1, who is glorious, bright, upright, heroic, benevolent, honest and humble, can completely eliminate this elixir furnace. And the elixir practiced is much purer than that practiced by this elixir.

"All right, I can hear the cocoon in my ears. Isn't it that far yet? Take your time first!"

"Hey, kid, you're not in a hurry. Are you afraid that the old monster of Canglanzi will do it in advance?"

"Aren't you? Don't forget that you are not the invincible chaotic fairy that used to be the sun and moon god shuttled. If you meet the old ghost, you can't escape even if I die."

"Well, don't worry, as long as you reach the Yuanli state, I have the confidence to help you get out."

"Don't say it too much, you'd better be careful. It's just that this freesia is a little strange. Half a month has passed. Why hasn't he heard from him at all? I also plan to kill the patriarch with his prestige. Such an unfathomable old man must have a good number of patriarchs in Tangfu for so many years. As long as I release the news that I have become an old monster disciple, they will not dare to touch me.

"Hey, I guess the old guy spent too much energy last time. It will take some time to warm up! Oh, your third uncle is here!" Shenzhou No. 1 suddenly said.

Tang Lin moved away from the Dan furnace in front of him and listened carefully. Sure enough, he heard a slight footsteps coming from the front yard.

He put down his work and said to Brother Zhao beside him, "Brother, that's all for today. My third uncle is here."

Brother Zhao said "um" with a surprised expression on his face. He had been standing quietly beside him, but he did not hear anyone coming at all. Seeing that Tang Lin had taken off his work robe, opened the door and walked out. Only then did he hear Dr. Tang's unique voice from outside the door: "Lin'er, how did you learn today?"

Brother Zhao was shocked: Is Tang Lin, a little guy, even stronger than himself?

Outside the door, Tang Lin pushed the door out and happened to see the third uncle coming down the steps.

He wiped the sweat stains on his forehead and said, "It's okay. Huichun pills have been refined. Third uncle, it's time for the blacksmith's shop to reply today. The knife has been sent for several days! Even if it's time to fight again, it should be enough!"

The third uncle smiled and said, "Well, the sword has been sent, just upstairs. But you are mistakenly blamed by Wang Blacksmith. He not only returned the knife to the furnace for your sword, but also added a lot of precious metal. Make your sword sharper and more resilient. It's a step higher than your original knife. You took advantage of it this time!"

Tang Lin's eyes lit up: "Really?" He knew the sharpness of the knife, and he really couldn't imagine what a better weapon would be like.

This happened a few days ago. When the third uncle learned that he had selected two secrets of Feiya Swordsmanship and Flying Body Method, he persuaded Tang Lin to give up learning knives and practice swords instead. The two secrets of Feiya Swordsmanship and the Flying Body Method are very compatible and complement each other. Moreover, Tang Lin hasn't really learned swordsmanship, so he also listened to his third uncle's advice. But learning swordsmanship can't do anything without a sword, so there is a matter of refining the knife left by the assassin back to the furnace. And today is the day when the blacksmiths return weapons.

Hearing that the sword had been sent, Tang Lin jumped up the steps with an arrow, and then stepped lightly, and went up to the second floor lightly. Tang Lin put his right hand on the wooden ladder and flew into the corridor with great agility. The action is like flowing clouds, smooth and beautiful, like dancing. This is the effect of Tang Lin's practice of the figure.

"Squeak!" Opening the door, Tang Lin saw the brown-red carved wooden box on the table at a glance.

"Open it and have a look!" Behind him, the third uncle flew up at some point.

Tang Lin slowly opened the wooden box, and a rainbow light flowed out of the wooden box, shining his eyes. A snow-white sword lay there quietly, and the sword body like a mirror reflected the light outside the window. The three-foot-long sword is carved with curved patterns, and the body is about three fingers wide and about half an inch thick. The hilt of the sword is red brass, with a red ear on it. There is also a gorgeous scabbard next to the long sword.

He gently held the hilt of the sword and took out a sword flower out of thin air, and the sword body scratched the air, causing a slight sharp roar and sonorous sound.

Tang Lin suddenly waved his sword and cut the table under the wooden box. He saw a flash of rainbow light and almost no lag. The long sword had cut a corner of the table. With a poof, a corner of the wooden table fell on the floor, making a crisp sound. Looking at the place where the wooden table is cut off, the cut surface is smooth, like waxing.

"Good sword!" He couldn't help admiring.

Tang Sheng, the third uncle behind him, smiled and said, "Lin'er, with this sword, your flying swordsmanship can also exert its power. Now that you have reached a strong situation, you don't have to worry too much about safety. Today, I have a patient who needs to be treated all night, so I won't go back with you. Go back to Tangfu alone!"

Tang Lin frowned, looked at the dark sky outside, and then looked at his third uncle Tang Sheng. He saw some unusual meanings in the eyes of his third uncle Tang Sheng.

"Okay, then I'll go back first!"

Looking at Tang Lin's figure holding an umbrella disappearing by the bridge from afar, Tang Sheng's face was serious and sighed: "Lin'er, if you step on this road, you are doomed to suffer fighting and suffering. You can't survive under my protection all the time! There are some things that you must experience in person. I hope you can understand my painstaking efforts.

Tang Lin naturally can't hear Tang Sheng's words. He is now full of love to play with the newly obtained sword. Just now, he tried again and found that the blade of the sword could blow hair off. His hair fell on it and was cut off. It's exactly the same as the legendary magic soldier. He has never seen such a sharp weapon in these two generations.

While he was concentrating on admiring the sword, the voice of Shenzhou 1 suddenly sounded in his ear: "Tang Lin, be careful, murderous!"