Ming God

Chapter 26 Murder in Latent

The scenes of the past appeared in front of him, and Wu Zheng's simple laughter still haunted his ears, but now it has become a cold corpse.

Tang Lin's gloomy face grabbed Wu Zheng Tieqing's arm with both hands, and a raging appeared in his heart. Since he came to this world, his feelings for Wu Zheng are the deepest, because Wu Zheng is the most frank and pure person, with no hidden strength, no hidden stories, and no other begging for him. He regards Wu Zheng as his best friend in his heart. But now - Wu Zheng is dead!!!

He was brutally killed by others!

A man behind him came forward and said, "Thirteen, don't be sad. Let's send Wu Zheng's body to the mourning hall first!"

Tang Lin turned around and happened to see the serious and sad face of the fifth uncle. Wu was his subordinate, and after his years**, he also had a deep affection for Wu Zheng. Wu Zheng's tragic death made him extremely angry and sad. Next to the fifth uncle, a dignified and beautiful 30-year-old woman stood and snuggled beside the fifth uncle. After listening to the fifth uncle's words, the woman also said, "I know that Wu Zheng is simple and honest and never quarrels with others. How could he be killed? It's really a good person who can't be rewarded!"

Tang Lin looked at this woman fixedly. She was so beautiful and dignified, gentle and virtuous that she could not see that she would do such a thing at all. I regret: The fifth aunt is such a dignified and beautiful woman, usually looks gentle and weak, how can she have an affair with Chen Hu!

When the woman saw Tang Lin looking over, she hurriedly dodged Tang Lin's eyes. He whispered, "Sir, let's go to the mourning hall."

In the mourning hall, Wu Zheng's cold body was placed in the coffin, motionless.

Some people in the martial arts hall came to express their condolences and were extremely angry at Wu Zheng's tragic death. They asked the fifth uncle to investigate the murderer and must avenge Wu Zheng.

"I will investigate this matter in person. Don't worry, I will never let go of the thief who dares to do evil in the Tang Dynasty." The fifth uncle solemnly promised.

"Sir, this matter is very strange. If you can kill quietly in the Tang Mansion, there must be the cooperation of the traitors in the house. I'm afraid that the guards in the mansion need to assist in the investigation." The fifth aunt interrupted.

Uncle Wu nodded and said, "You're right. I will ask Chen Hu to assist in the investigation of this matter."

Tang Lin stood next to Wu Zheng's body and clenched his hands: Brother Wu, don't worry, I will definitely avenge you!

Suddenly, he keenly felt that someone was staring at him. He suddenly turned around and his eyes burst into a cold light. At a glance, he saw a man staring at him across the pond. When the man saw Tang Lin looking over, he smiled meaningfully, reached out and made a behead gesture around his neck, and then disappeared into the woods by the pond.

"Chen Hu!" Tang Lin gritted his teeth and said angrily, "You did it! I want you to die!"

With that, as soon as he moved, he would chase after him.

"Tang Lin, don't be impulsive. You can't beat him. If you go there, you will die in vain!" Shenzhou No. 1 was born at the critical moment to persuade.

Tang Lin roared in his heart: "Am I just watching my friend not kill him?"

"Of course not. Chen Hu did this obviously to provoke you and make you lose your mind to settle accounts with him. At that time, even if he kills you, no one will avenge you, because you provoked a fight with him first. Calm down and don't be overwhelmed by hatred. And he must have done it this time to warn you not to tell him what he saw last time. You must hold back."

"But, I'm all unwilling!"

"Don't worry, as long as you are promoted to Yuanlijing, we will kill him as soon as possible!"

Tang Lin took a few deep breaths, forcibly suppressed his desire to fight with Chen Hu, and said coldly, "Okay, let this beast live a few more days for the time being. When I am promoted, I must let him die a hundred times more painfully than Wu Zheng! Let's go!"

With a raging anger, Tang Lin buried his head in practice for the next ten days, and even kept eating and sleeping.

With the help of Shenzhou No.1, he ate Peiyuandan like fried beans, and soon melted into his body. His physique is getting stronger and stronger, and his strength penetrates every inch of his body. With one move, he can hit five or six layers of dark energy, and he can beat a stone the size of a grinding disc into pieces with one palm. It can be said that he is now a first-class master.

On the tenth day, Tang Lin came to the library again. Cang Lanzi was very satisfied with Tang Lin's cultivation progress, but this time he did not give Tang Lin anything more, but told him to practice diligently.

When he went back on the same day, Tang Lin swallowed a Xuanyuan elixir. Under the refining of the starry thunder of Shenzhou-1, the power of the elixir was quickly digested by Tang Lin, and immediately the first layer of the mysterious formula given to him by Freesia was successfully practiced. However, when Tang Lin was about to hit the second floor, Shenzhou 1 stopped him.

"Don't hit the second level first. Once you practice this second level of magic, you will be promoted to Yuanli in a few days."

"Isn't it good to get promoted early? I can't wait to avenge Chen Hu!"

"No, it's not the time yet. If you want to take revenge, you have to wait ten days after the second examination of your body. At that time, your body will have accumulated a lot. As long as you take a few Xuanyuan Dan together, you will be promoted immediately. Freesia checks you every ten days, and then you will have nine days to escape. If you attack now, I'm afraid that you will be taken away by Freesia in less than ten days. What else is there to talk about revenge?

"I understand what you mean. Well, let Chen Hu live two more days."

On the fifteenth day, Tang Lin put on makeup again and went to Baosheng Building, but what disappointed him was that the materials of the two runes had not been collected.

When he returned to Changchun Hall, he accidentally saw his third uncle sitting in the hall with a gloomy face and Tang Lin coming back. The third uncle stood up and said seriously, " Lin'er, from today on, don't go out without permission. Follow me no matter what."

Tang Lin asked strangely, "Uncle, what happened?"

The third uncle is still calm, "Don't ask more questions. In the past few days, you just need to follow me. Don't run out without permission like today. After saying that, he turned upstairs without waiting for Tang Lin to speak.

Tang Lin immediately knew that something had happened. Just looking at the third uncle's face, he didn't ask much. You can only think about finding the answer from other directions.

When Tang Lin returned to Tangfu with his third uncle in the evening, he immediately felt that the atmosphere of Tangfu was very strange.

Some servants hurriedly lowered their heads as if they were afraid of something, and those guards were also tight-faced, patrolling the house as quickly as facing a big enemy. In the past, some brothers who were familiar with Tang Lin did not dare to talk to Tang Lin, but gave him a vague look.

Tang Lin frowned and finally couldn't help asking the third uncle beside him: "Uncle, what's going on? Why is the house so nervous?

The third uncle paused and seemed to be thinking about whether to tell Tang Lin. His eyes brushed Tang Lin's serious face and suddenly realized that Tang Lin was no longer the child who knew nothing. So he sighed and said, "A guest came to the house. It is said that... it is said that he was from the mountain gate of your parents."

Tang Lin lost his voice and said, "What?"

The third uncle looked at Tang Lin's shocked face and nodded and said, "Yes, this person should be the person of Huaxian Sect, the mountain gate of your parents."

"Xianzong?" Tang Lin's eyes lit up. Just by listening to the name, he felt that this immortal sect was unusual.

The third uncle showed a memory on his face and slowly narrated, "Alas, I shouldn't hide you now. Your father reached a tempered state before the age of 20 and was very talented in cultivation. Until one day, a fairy who claimed to be a Huaxianzong passed by our Linhai City and happened to meet your father. He said that your father was a rare cultivation genius in a hundred years, so he took your father away from Linhai City. But I didn't expect your father to go here for ten years. Ten years later, your father suddenly came back from Huaxianzong. He not only brought back a beautiful wife, but also brought you.

When Tang Lin heard this, he couldn't help but get excited, "Uncle, did you just talk about immortals? Are there really immortals in the world?

The third uncle shook his head and said confusedly, "I don't know. I haven't seen the fairy at that time. These are all what the old master said. However, according to the old man, this immortal who claims to be a Huaxian Sect is very powerful and has incredible magical powers. It's completely different from our martial arts masters."

"So, what happened later?"

"Later, although your parents returned home, they only stayed for a short day and left again, and after leaving this time, they never came back. Until five years later, your uncle claimed to have received news from Huaxianzong that your parents had passed away. You already know what happened later.

Tang Lin was silent. After a moment, he asked, "Uncle, how do you think my parents died? Could it be that they are not dead but disappeared?

The third uncle sighed: "Maybe, but it will have to wait until you grow up, find the Huaxianzong, and find the answer in person. I believe that one day, everything will come to light.

Tang Lin had to comfort him and said, "Uncle, don't worry, one day I will find out the truth."

The third uncle was worried: "I'm afraid that this immortal is a helper found by your uncle. The means of immortals are not like us. I'm afraid it's hard to resist. If your uncle does it now, I'm afraid... Lin'er, you are now an apprentice of the elder of the library. Can you ask the senior to take action?

Tang Lin frowned: "Let me try!"

In the next few days, the atmosphere in the Tang Mansion became more and more strange and dull, and the whole mansion had a feeling of rain.

And Tang Lin is also stepping up his exercise and learning alchemy and medicine in Changchun Hall. On the 19th day, he finally got a good news. Baosheng Building worked hard and finally collected the materials he needed. For this reason, Tang Lin paid an extra Peiyuandan to Baosheng Building as a reward collected in advance.

After getting the materials, he did not do it immediately, but practiced silently under the guidance of Shenzhou-1.

On the 20th, Cang Lanzi once again recruited Tang Lin to the library and looked at the progress of Tang Lin's cultivation. Cang Lanzi frowned and did not say anything. Instead, she encouraged Tang Lin to continue to practice hard and gave Tang Lin a Xuanyuan elixir again.

In addition to the one used and the one paid to Baoshenglou, he still has four Xuanyuan Dan.

When he came back from the library, he began to hit the Yuanlijing that night.