Ming God

Chapter 34 Give me back my belly pocket

It is said that a woman's high decibel scream can break the glass, which may be impossible, but even so, Tang Lin's ears can no longer hold on.

When the owner of the white flowers towering twin peaks saw Tang Lin, he screamed in panic, threw away the things in his hand and ran to the depths of the cabin, leaving only a white flower back for Tang Lin. Tang Lin didn't even see the woman's face clearly.

Tang Lin covered his forehead and his head was a little dizzy. In his current situation, he really didn't appreciate the mood of the woman's body. After looking at it, he found that this was a warehouse-like cabin. The place he was in was a small compartment of the cabin, and there were more than ten square meters outside, full of all kinds of instrumental music. And costumes. There is a wooden basin on the floor, in which there is a lot of water and a white wipe. It seems that the wipes are still stained with blood.

He came out of the cubicle and listened. Suddenly, the sound of running water, the noisy dialogue of dozens of people, the friction of the oars and other sounds came to his ears.

"This is a ship, and it's still a big ship." Tang Lin analyzed in silence.

" Shenzhou No. 1! Speak up!" Tang Lin's mind moved and called out.

But there was no response, and everything was silent. Tang Lin's heart was silent.

"Shenzhou-1, stop playing. Come out and tell me where this is. Have I escaped from the pursuit of those two people?" Tang Lin paused and continued to call in his heart.

But there was still silence in response to him, nothing.

Tang Lin frowned and continued to say in his heart, "I know you're angry with me, but now I'm not out of danger. If you want to be angry, you have to take a time!"

There is still no response.

And this time, Tang Lin has noticed something wrong. In the past, although Shenzhou-1 was naughty, it was still unambiguous in major matters. But now, it seems that something really happened.

Tang Lin held the wooden bulkhead with an extremely pale and gloomy look.

"Oh! "Oh!" "W"!

A burst of footsteps interrupted his thinking. He looked up and saw a girl with wet hair running in. This girl is 16 or 17 years old, with bright eyes and teeth, and is extremely beautiful. Coupled with her lovely round face, she looks very fat. The girl was dressed in **-style clothes, revealing the curve of the girl's youth. However, the girl was very angry when she saw Tang Lin.

The girl's eyes widened and shouted fiercely, "Hey, kid, what are you doing? Give me back my belly pocket!"

Tang Lin's mouth grew up and was dull in an instant. This little girl's words were too tough! Besides, when did I take your belly pocket?

But following the girl's eyes, he suddenly found that his hand was just grasping a pink cloth on the bulkhead. The pink cloth seems to be just enough to wrap people's chest, but it feels slippery and soft. It feels really comfortable.

The girl stamped her feet: "You, you still touch it. Why don't you give me back my belly pocket?"

Tang Lin then had a clear understanding, and suddenly let go of the unknown objects on the wall like an electric shock.

"Cough!!" Tang Lin felt very embarrassed and coughed twice and said, "Well, dare you ask Miss, did you save me?"

The girl wrinkled her cute nose, crossed her arms in front of her large-scale chest, and gave Tang Lin a white look: "I know and asked, hey, kid, I warn you, don't tell me what happened just now. If I hear that someone else knows about this, I will throw you into the river. Feed the fish. Humph!"

Tang Lin suddenly realized: "So you were the one who took a shower here just now!"

The girl raised her eyebrows and pinched her waist and shouted, "I told you not to mention it! You still said!"

Seeing the girl's anxious and lovely appearance, Tang Lin felt funny. Just now, the girl ran away when she saw him. In fact, he didn't see anything clearly, but the girl's mind was also clear and smiled and staggered the topic.

"Ha ha, miss, thank you for saving me. Where is this place? Have we arrived at Jincheng?

The girl tilted her head: "Little guy, you have to go to Jincheng, but it's a pity that you missed it. Jincheng passed yesterday. Our ship is going to Kyoto. If you want to leave, you can only get off the ship and take another boat."

Tang Lin raised his eyebrows: "Oh, it turns out that Jincheng has passed. It seems that I have been in a coma for a long time this time."

The girl said, "Isn't it? You have been in a coma for three days. If I hadn't been feeding you water and food these days, you would have starved to death. Hurry up and thank my sister."

Tang Lin was suddenly moved. Not everyone has such a kind heart.

So he bowed to the end and said solemnly, "Then thank you for your kindness. Tang Lin will not dare to forget the kindness of saving my life."

Tang Lin was so solemn that the girl was a little embarrassed. She quickly helped Tang Lin up and blushed and said, "Well, you don't have to salute like this. In fact, it's not me alone. If it hadn't been for Mr. Chen and his sisters, how could I save you alone? You don't know, when Master Chen saw you How surprised he was when he carried the sword.

Tang Lin looked abruptly, and then found that his clothes had been changed, wearing only a white underwear, and the original clothes and accessories and personal belongings had been changed.

"Miss, where are my things?"

The girl pointed to the box in the corner of the room: "Well, it's all there. Sister Hong can't touch your things. They're all there. But I washed the clothes for you."

Tang Lin was at ease and said with a smile, "Thank you for your effort. I just woke up and was a little hungry alone. I don't know if my sister has anything to eat?

The girl nodded: "Okay, you wait here. I'll get you some food." After saying that, the girl ran out.

Watching the girl go out, Tang Lin's smile immediately became serious. He quickly turned back into the compartment, quickly checked the things, and breathed a sigh of relief: "For good, everything is there."

Hidden the Taoist Sutra close to his body, hung the sword on his waist, and Tang Lin went out.

Out of the door of the cabin, there is a long corridor outside. At the end of the corridor is an upward staircase. When Tang Lin stepped out of the cabin door, he saw several men and women in costumes coming out of the other cabins. A thin woman in her twenties saw Tang Lin and immediately said, "Ah, you finally woke up."

Tang Lin arched his hand and said, "Yes, thank you for your help."

The woman said, "Since you are awake, come with us to see Captain Chen!"

As the woman walked up the stairs, as soon as he got out of the hatch, he went to the deck of the big ship. The boat was very large, 70 or 80 meters long. At the end of the deck were some women performing operas, and several men were fishing for fish and shrimp. Yiyaya's voice is mixed with the sound of a man's horn, which is very lively.

The woman led Tang Lin up to the third floor, and the wooden board creaked under her feet.

"Master Chen, the child you saved a few days ago woke up." The woman shouted at a big man sitting at the window.

The big man turned his back to Tang Lin and was talking and laughing with two young men. Hearing the woman's voice, he turned around. Tang Lin took a look and shouted in his heart: What a big man.

This big man is more than two meters tall, and his muscles are straight and powerful. Bronze skin is full of healthy colors. Chinese face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, straight hair, and a small braid at the back. He was wearing a sweatshirt, revealing his strong chest muscles. The whole person gives people a sense of strength.

"Hahaha, little brother, you finally woke up. You've been in a coma for three days. I'm really afraid you can't sleep!" The big man said with a bright smile. As he came over.

Tang Lin smiled and saluted very unrestrainedly: "Thank you, Lord Chen, for saving my life. I'm sorry to bother you these days."

The man's eyes lit up and smiled, "Well, who doesn't have a hard time? I helped you today. Maybe I'll have you to come to save me in the future." The big man said and waved his hand to the people around him: "You all go down first. I'll say a few words to this little brother."

"Yes!" The two young people obeyed and left. And the woman who brought Tang Lin has just left first.

"Little brother, sit down!" The big man said politely and took the lead in sitting in the chair.

Tang Lin sat opposite him and saw the vast smoke outside the window. A vast white fog covered the wide river. In the white fog, the outline of the peaks was faintly visible. The ship is going up against the current.

"Little brother, my humble Chen Benlei is the owner of this ship. A few days ago, we found you on the beach. At that time, you fell into a coma and your breath was weak. So we saved you. But why are you unconscious on the beach? Was it hunted down by an enemy? Chen Benlei asked directly.

Tang Lin was silent and then said, "To be honest, I was indeed hunted down. Lord Chen, don't worry. Since you wake up, you will naturally leave here as soon as possible. It won't cause you any trouble."

Chen Benlei laughed and said, "My little brother is worried, but it's nothing. I've been drifting on the river all year round, and my whereabouts are uncertain. Even if you have enemies, you can't find it here. You can recover here, and it's not too late to recover from your injury. Oh, don't you know what to call the little brother?"

"My surname is Tang, and my single name is Lin."

At this time, a man came up the stairs. Before he arrived, he heard a crisp voice shouting, "Hey, little guy, why did you run out? I finally prepared some food for you, but you ran away. Why don't you come down quickly?"

Chen Benlei laughed loudly: "Oh, it's Xi Linger. Although this little girl is a little fierce, she has a good heart. We just rescued you, but she is the one who takes care of you. In the past few days, he has washed clothes and fed you. To say thank you, the best thing you should do is to thank her.

The girl rushed upstairs, "Uncle Chen, did you speak ill of me behind my back again?" Shui Ling's eyes glanced at Chen Benlei, as if he could speak.

Chen Benlei shook his hand: "How dare I? I'm telling you something nice."

The girl smiled and said, "It's almost the same." He said to Tang Lin, "Little guy, didn't you say you were hungry? Why don't you come down with my sister?"

When Tang Lin and the girl went downstairs, the two young men came up again.

A young man came to Chen Benlei and said, "Master, I don't think this boy is special. Why don't we take his things away? His sword is a sword that cuts iron like mud! It should be regarded as interest to save him.

Another young man also said, "Yes, Lord, if you want me to say that I shouldn't have rescued him at that time, just took something and threw him there and let him die."

Master Chen said with a serious face, "What do you know? We must not move this teenager. Not only can't move, but also treat him well and get him out of here. His sword is not just a good sword. You are young and have little knowledge. Let me tell you that I saw it when I got the sword. This sword is definitely a sword used by innate masters above Yuanlijing, with special lines after instilling true qi. If I guess correctly, this sword should have just been built. You should know how precious a weapon that can instill true qi is, and I don't even have one so far. That sword must have been cast by his elders. Think about how powerful it is to casually give the innate treasure to the younger generation. Can we provoke it?"

The two young people were shocked and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, that's what the master said."

At this moment, in the downstairs corridor across the deck, Tang Lin, who was laughing with the girl Xi Linger, raised a meaningful smile.