Ming God

Chapter 36 Happy to see the evil young and good family

When the guide sailor took Mr. Tan upstairs, Tang Lin also went down the deck with a group of young girls.

Tongzhou City is located in the south of Kyoto. It is a four-way place and a gateway to Kyoto. Its geographical location is very important. Geographical advantages and political tilt make Tongzhou City extremely prosperous, full of busy caravans and shops. Walking on the slate street where cars come and go, next to the crowded merchants, listening to the sound of bargaining, and smelling the aroma of the food in the nearby restaurant, revealing the most authentic taste of the world everywhere.

Several girls next to Xi Linger chatty, but Tang Lin suddenly felt very lonely. Since he came to this world, he has rarely thought of his relatives on earth. Many faces in memory gradually blurred their faces. He was panicked and afraid that one day he would forget all the people. Although he has only been here for a few months, he feels that it has been a century. An independent loneliness grabbed his heart. It makes it difficult for him to breathe.

Xi Linger was the first to find Tang Lin's distraction. She saw Tang Lin's expression, which was an expression she didn't understand. It seemed to be sad, regretful, silent, and seemed to be tired and see through everything in the world. At that moment, Xi Linger felt that her heart was deeply moved, and a passionate stream of love emerged from the bottom of her heart, which made her couldn't help but want to comfort the frustrated teenager.

"Your Excellency, what are you thinking about?"

Tang Lin came to his senses and forced a smile: "It's okay. Let's go!"

The place where Xilinger and they are going is the rouge gouache shop at Tongzhou City Pier, which is the favorite of girls. Almost every time they go, they have to spend their little salary to buy these expensive luxuries. Tang Lin really has no interest in their hobbies. He has something important to do when he disembarks this time.

Xi Linger seemed to see Tang Lin's abnormality and came to him and said, "Mr. Tang...do you have something to do?"

Tang Lin nodded: "Well, Xi Linger, you can stroll here first. I'm going to the pharmacy at the dock."

Xi Linger's eyes flashed and rushed to say, "Then I'll go with you. I'm familiar with the medicinal herbs here."

Tang Lin looked at her in surprise, but didn't think much about it. He just nodded: "Okay, since you are familiar with it, then go with me. This time I need to buy some medicinal herbs to gain qi and blood."

Xi Linger tilted her head and thought for a moment and said, "Sir, why are you buying medicinal materials? Is it used to make soup?

Tang Lin smiled and said, "Guess!"

After saying goodbye to several sisters, Xi Linger and Tang Lin walked to the pharmacy on the dock. Behind them, the sailors on the two ships did not speak, but did their duty.

However, Tang Lin was very keenly aware that in addition to the two bodyguards behind him, there were two groups of people secretly following him more than ten meters away. A group of people looking at the clothes are also people on the boat, and there are two. The appearance of the two is much more refined than the bodyguard behind him, with light steps, strong bodies and thick muscles and bones. I knew it was a good hand at a glance. There is another group of people, but only one. Tang Lin saw this man, who was a bodyguard of the thief Mr. Tan.

Seeing this situation, Tang Lin smiled in his heart: There is a good show below.

It is not difficult to find a medicinal shop on the dock. Ten minutes later, they came to a shop. This shop is not small. It enters the yard back and forth. Behind it is a place where medicinal herbs are piled up. Many herbs are placed on the ground to dry like Changchun Hall. As soon as you enter the door, you can smell a strong aroma of vegetation. This pharmacy also seems to have the function of a medical center.

"Two distinguished guests, I don't know what medicinal materials they want?" A little clerk saw that Tang Lin and Xi Linger were well dressed. As soon as they came in and looked around for some medicinal herbs in the counter, he knew the guest's intention.

Tang Lin said, "Man, I'll tell you the list. You wrap the herbs for me according to the list, and I'll wait here."

With that, he said more than a dozen herbs that solidify the cultivation of qi and blood.

The guy hurriedly took notes on paper, and then gave it to Tang Lin. After Tang Lin affirmed it, he went to the backyard to prepare herbs.

Before long, the guy came in from the backyard with a few guys. Because there were a lot of herbs, he used two large baskets to put them away. According to the order, Tang Lin paid the money one by one.

"You two bring something, let's go!"

The men on the two ships looked at each other in condescension. Although they were a little doubtful about Tang Lin's intention to ask for so many medicinal herbs, anyway, they didn't spend money, so they didn't say anything. Each person carried a basket and had to go out.

"Yo, isn't this Miss Xilinger? It's really predestined. I just met her on the boat, and now we meet again. We are so predestined!" An exaggerated laughter came from outside the door, and the three people came in in a hurry, just in the way Tang Lin and the others left. The first person was Mr. Tan.

As soon as Mr. Tan came in, a pair of triangular eyes fell on Xi Linger. A trace of **- wanted to pass through his eyes, and Mr. Tan came directly to Xi Linger.

"Bang!" With a sound, Mr. Tan opened the folding fan, shook the fan very proudly, bent down and said, "This beautiful lady, I wonder if I have the honor to treat you to a meal?"

Xi Linger took a step back and said with some fear, "I, I don't know you."

When Mr. Tan saw Xi Linger's poor appearance, his heart was even more itchy. He took a step forward and smiled and said, "Is it okay if I don't know him? We will become good friends in the future."

Xi Linger flashed and hid behind Tang Lin. She blushed and said, "Go away, I won't go to dinner with you."

Mr. Tan laughed and stretched out his hand to push Tang Lin away and bullied Xi Linger. But his outstretched hand seemed to move a mountain. Tang Lin was not moved by him, but he tilted to the side. After a while, Mr. Tan stabilized his balance. He looked at Tang Lin in surprise, but became angry: "Little devil, get out of here!"


What responded to him was a loud slap, which was so abrupt and violent that everyone couldn't react.

Tang Lin shook his palm and said with a sneer, "What did you call me just now? I didn't hear it clearly!"

Mr. Tan covered his face and looked angry. He pointed to Tang Lin: "You, how dare you hit me!!! Bastard, what are you still doing? Give it to me and beat him to death!"

The two fleshy bodyguards behind him woke up and roared. They circled one left and one right, and four fists waved and smashed over. Whether it was Chen Benlei's two bodyguards allocated to Tang Lin or the two secretly following masters on the ship, they had no time or deliberately did not have time to stop the attack of the two strong men. But the ending is often surprising.

"Bang!" Pa!"

Two clearer and louder slaps shocked their eyes. The two bodyguards flew out of Mr. Tan in a wonderful arc. When flying past Mr. Tan, the nearest Mr. Tan could even see the significant effect brought by slaps: six bloody alveolar teeth and a foot out. High blood.

"Bum!" Bang!" Then there was the muffled sound of two bodies hitting the slate. Looking at it again, the two fleshy bodyguards had passed out.

Mr. Tan opened his mouth wide, looked at the two motionless men on the ground, and then looked at Tang Lin, who was blowing his hand with an indifferent face. A cold rushed straight up from the tail vertebrae, and his scalp was about to explode. Once may be a coincidence, and twice was the truth. What's more, Mr. Tan has been rampant in Tongzhou City for so long, and he has a full understanding of the strength of his two bodyguards. Those who can knock them unconscious with two slaps are definitely not what the warriors can do.

"You, you..." Mr. Tan wanted to say something, but his voice was hoarse.

Tang Lin smiled faintly: "Mr. Tan, are you standing here to want me to treat you to dinner?"

Mr. Tan trembling, retreated repeatedly, and ran out of the door awkwardly. As he ran, he shouted, "You, don't leave here if you have the guts. I will definitely come back."

Tang Lin smiled and thought why this line was so familiar.

After Mr. Tan escaped, Tang Lin glanced at the two masters on the ship that had never come out in the dark. His eyes flashed and said to Xi Linger beside him, "Xi Linger, I have got the things. Now I'm going back with the medicinal materials first. Now you can go to your sisters and continue shopping. Remember Just come to me when you come back."

Xi Linger hesitated and said, "But..."

Tang Lin waved his hand: "It's okay. It's not easy for you to come out once. Anyway, you have to have fun with your sisters. You don't have to stay with me. And I have something else to do when I go back. Don't worry about playing!"

After sending Xi Linger to the Rouge Shop to meet his sisters, Tang Lin left the dock and returned to the boat. After he separated, he was very keenly aware that the two masters on the ship who had been secretly following him did not follow him, but although Xi Linger left, which further confirmed Tang Lin's speculation.

After returning to the ship, Chen Benlei has prepared a superior room for him, which is much larger than the cabin where things are placed below, and there are tables, chairs, potted plants and so on. It can be said that this room is comparable to the captain's room.

Tang Lin appreciates the favor, waved his hand to make the two sailors retreat, and began to measure the herbs he bought from the medicinal material shop.

He is going to alchemy and refine Peiyuan Dan!

In the past, he did not practice the innate innocence, so he could only borrow the elixir furnace to refine the elixir, but now he is already a master of Yuanlijing, and the congenital innocence is enough to complete the process of absorbing the medicinal power to purify the medicinal molten herbs. This will save him a lot of time. In fact, according to his original idea, he wanted to absorb a large amount of vegetation essence as before, which could quickly restore his body to its peak state. But this will also leave great hidden dangers. He has not forgotten what Shenzhou 1 once warned him.

After absorbing the drug power, he will also leave a lot of harmful scum in his body, and if he accumulates more, it will explode. At that time, without the refining power of the starry thunder of Shenzhou-1, he will be devoured.

Therefore, he must refine those herbs into elixir pills to remove the miscellaneous impulse power inside, so that he has no worries.

"shen zhou-1, don't worry, I will definitely wake you up."

[I was hit by a car two days ago and bled a lot. Now it hurts when I walk. Resting at home.]