Ming God

Chapter 40 I owe you a life

When Tang Lin woke up, there seemed to be no change around him. The ghost was still lying on the ground and looking at him resentful, and Chen Benlei was still trying to escape more than ten meters away. And Geng Qiu and his men are also hesitating whether to chase.

As soon as he woke up, Tang Lin felt dizzy. Fortunately, he was fine. He still stood still.

As soon as the old ghost saw Tang Lin recovering from Qingming, he immediately jumped up like a cat with a trampled tail, pointed to Tang Lin and screamed, "You, how can you wake up!" Impossible! Impossible! No one can escape the ecstasy of my soul bag, and no one can escape my master's devouring method. How can you wake up!"

He screamed hysterically, suddenly took out the dagger in his arms, cut the blood on his wrist again, and sprinkled blood on the gray bag on his waist. However, no matter how the blood was soaked, the gray bag did not move.

Tang Lin was shocked that he didn't want to experience the pain of soul separation again. So he rubbed up, and came to the ghost old man with lightning, and a sword stabbed out, which was right in the heart of the ghost old man.

And this time, without red light to save his life, the blade pierced the ghost's skin and penetrated his heart all the time. The ghost waited for his angry and inexplicable eyes, twitched and died.

Not far away, Geng Qiu was even more angry when he saw this scene. He waved his hand and shouted, "Don't be afraid. He must have been seriously injured by the ghost. Let's go together and kill him!"

The remaining six people came up from all directions and handed over their swords together.

Tang Lin turned around, swung his long sword, and swept it with his true energy, so he heard a series of sonorous impacts, and the blades of six people flew into the air. Just as Tang Lin was about to stab them again and send them on the road, a four-foot sword pierced through the crack between the two guards and hit Tang Lin's ribs.

"Hmm!" Tang Lin snorted coldly, slapped his left hand horizontally, and bombarded it out in real air. He tilted the sword and stabbed the sword, and a blood flower bloomed in the heart of the guard on the left.

The owner of the long sword was Geng Qiu. Seeing that the sneak attack was fruitless, Geng Qiu shouted, " retreat! Use a hidden weapon!"

The remaining five guards immediately retreated when they heard the sound, waved their hands together, and countless hidden weapons spread over. The sound was loud, and the awe-dled dark weapon flashed in the night.

Tang Lin laughed and stood up. His body rotated like a top. The long sword danced impenetrablely, and countless hidden weapons were jinglingly reflected back. For a moment, the cry of pain rose from all sides, and five guards were hit by the hidden weapons that splashed back. Blood splashed everywhere. They all hid their faces and fled in embarrassment.

"Bold!" Tang Lin soared into the air, and his sword flew out and penetrated the vest of another guard. The guard howled in pain and turned over and fell to death.

At first sight of the other four guards, their souls fled in confusion and dared not attack again.

When Geng Qiu saw it, he said angrily, "What are you doing? Come back!" How can the old man explain if he doesn't kill him?

A guard ran and shouted, "Gengtou, this man is a congenital strong man. Even if the brothers lose their lives, they can't resist it. Four of the eight brothers died, and we stayed here for nothing. If you want to kill it, just do it yourself. We won't accompany you!"

Geng Qiu was furious, roared red, grabbed his four-foot sword and rushed to Tang Lin.

Tang Lin saw Geng Qiu rushing up and sneered, "What a fool!"

The cold star sword swept away, and a true wind blew out. Before Geng Qiu was close to five meters, he felt a strong bombardment coming, as if facing a mountain.

Geng Qiu shouted loudly: "Eight waves!" His arms bulged and roared with swords in their hands. The true airflow and his sword burst into a strong collision. Even countless sparks erupted at the place of the sword blade. But Geng Qiu just shook twice, but was not bombarded.

"Oh!" Tang Lin was a little surprised that a warrior in an energetic state could resist the naive attack.

Geng Qiu's face turned red, flew to the ground and rolled over, and his long sword cut Tang Lin's lower plate. Although he was angry, he did not lose his instinct to fight. He knew that he would definitely be killed in the frontal battle with Tang Lin, so he chose to attack on the side. However, what he didn't expect was that even a side attack was useless under absolute strength.

"Hang!" "Oh!"

Geng Qiu's four-foot sword was cut off by Tang Lin, and then his body was kicked away by Tang Lin. He didn't even see how the other party's sword came out and when it came out. Geng Qiu felt desperate. Although he was only a little short of breaking through the innate, this was a world of difference. Looking at Tang Lin coming slowly, the picture of so many years appeared in Geng Qiu's mind.

Tang Lin walked coldly to Geng Qiu and wanted to send the crazy guard back to the west, but as soon as he took a step, his outstanding hearing heard a cry for help. He stopped - the voice was...

"It's Xi Linger!" Chen Benlei, not far away, woke up from the shock and heard the scream of Xi Linger. He ran to the stage in a hurry.

Tang Lin took a look at Geng Qiu and said, "Tell Mr. Tan that there are some things to be done before you think about. Don't give your life in vain to vent your anger for a moment. Tang Lin said that Mr. Tan was bullied by him, but Geng Qiu heard Tang Lin warning them that the plan had been leaked.

After saying that, Tang Lin unfolded his body, and Chen Benlei's figure passed between his breaths and quickly came to the theater. As soon as he came over, he saw that the stage had been controlled by more than a dozen guards. Five or six young girls in the troupe were trapped in the middle, and they dared not move. At their feet, two bodies fell to the ground, two men on the boat.

As soon as one of the 30-year-old women saw Chen Benlei coming, she cried and said, "Benlei, come and save us!" The woman is the leader of the troupe - Sister Hong, who is also Chen Benlei's lover.

Before Chen Benlei arrived, he shouted, "Let go of them. They are just a few women. If there is anything to come to me."

At this time, a young warrior ran to a leader who looked like a leader and whispered a word. The leader looked awe-hearted. He immediately shouted to his opponent, "The Lord said that things are on the boat, and these people don't have to stay. Kill!"

The guards shouted in unison, "Kill!" The swords are raised together, and the next moment will fall on the delicate necks of these young women.

Tang Lin could see clearly from more than ten meters away. The third one on the left was Xi Linger. When she saw Tang Lin coming to save her, her eyes were instantly full of water mist. She looked at Tang Lin with tears, but her face was full of sadness. Because the blade above her head is only dozens of centimeters away from her, she knows that Tang Lin is too late to kill her, and the next moment she will be beheaded.

Chen Benlei howled sadly: "Don't--"

The sword flashed with awe-inspiring light under the bright light of the stage, and the cold metal and hot white skin were about to touch in an in an flash, blooming bloody beauty. This beauty is not what they want.

Tang Lin was more than ten meters away. Seeing that Xi Linger was about to die under the knife, his eyes were red and he shouted, and his whole body was full of anger, turning into dozens of true airflows into the sword. The cold star sword buzzed and trembled, blooming with a blue light. More than a dozen sword lights flew out like fire from the tip of the sword. In less than a second, they crossed the night sky and came to Xi Linger and the others.

In a series of muffled sounds, more than a dozen guards were hit by a huge force at the same time and couldn't help flying out.

The next moment, Tang Lin fell from the sky, swinging his sword and roared, "Behead!"

The guard leader who ordered to kill was in panic, his head flew high and his blood spewed more than a foot. When the body and head of the guard leader landed, Tang Lin also landed on the ground.

"Are you all right?" Tang Lin picked up the rope that tied Xi Linger with his sword. He asked with a smile.

Xi Linger bit her lip and cried and rushed to Tang Lin's arms: "Sir!"

The soft jade is warm and fragrant, but Tang Lin can only push her away, "Okay, stay here and don't move. I'll get rid of those people!" After saying that, he walked to the dozens of guards who were really blown away by him with a long sword.

Since he just started, he has decided to intervene to the end. Now he is a member of the Shanhai Gang, and now it is a reputation to kill these people.

When the dozen guards saw that the leader was killed, they didn't care about anything else and shouted to kill in unison. They were together all year round and were good at besieging and killing. This formation was to cover each other and be tight. Ordinary people really want to drink and fall down. But they met Tang Lin. In the face of the siege of more than a dozen guard masters, Tang Lin stood freely, holding a long sword, pouring Zhenyuan, and the sword spirit at the tip of the sword was uncertain.


More than a dozen guards staggered, attacking and killing from around, long swords, blood knives, and iron and steel spears. The weapons of these dozens of people are different. However, the combination complemented each other, blocking Tang Lin's way up and down.

Tang Lin sneered, and his body flew. The strong true air guard hit a long knife of a guard with one blow, and then he bullied himself and rubbed himself into the middle of the guards. The long sword swept and killed everywhere. As soon as the formation was broken, the guards threw rats and did not dare to attack indiscriminately. Tang Lin faced only two or three guards. He was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, killing four guards in a few breaths.

At first sight, the other guards were scared and hurriedly dispersed with a whistle.

But it was too late. Under the sweep of Tang Lin's sword spirit, the guards died one after another. Whether they fled far or near, they could not escape his true spirit strangulation. Several guards couldn't escape and immediately began to fight to the death. However, the close battle with Tang Lin can only make them die faster.

When Tang Lin stabbed the last guard to death, a corpse had fallen on the ground.

On the other side, Chen Benlei has rescued the people of the troupe. He stood with Xi Linger, half shocked and half sighing: "I didn't expect that my cousin was a congenital strong man. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid we would die here this time."

Xi Linger looked at Tang Lin's unrestrained figure among the warriors and said to herself, "Yes, the prince is really powerful. Those people are not his enemies."

When Tang Lin killed the last guard, Chen Benlei took the crowd to Tang Lin. He arched his hand and said, "Brother Tang, thank you very much. Thanks to you this time. Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable. Lao Chen owes you a life.

[First update, there is another update tonight. In fact, each chapter is more than 3,000, more or less. If it is divided into 2,000 words, the number of chapters will be nearly doubled. That can indeed earn clicks, but it's not very good to read. The editor said that my click was bleak. If the results are not good, 500,000 words may be forced to end. I don't want to end like that. I just want everyone to support the south wind. Whether it's red tickets, clicks, collections, messages or rewards, please throw them all on me!]