Ming God

Chapter 46 Internal Traitor

In the dark night, two figures ran in the wilderness. The speed is very fast, and each step is three or four meters away.

"Master, do you think Brother Tang can escape smoothly?" The people behind asked with some worries.

The Angzang man in front of him was Chen Benlei. He and Li behind him waited by the river for an hour and found that they couldn't find Tang Lin and Tan, who didn't know where to go to fight, so they had no choice but to go to the Fengyu Pavilion in the north of the city.

Chen Benlei in front shouted, "I believe that the Tang brothers will return safely. Although the owner of the Tan family is also a strong man in the natural world, it is a dream to kill the Tang brothers. Let's go. Maybe when we arrived at the Fengyu Pavilion, the Tang brothers had already gone back. For some reason, Chen Benlei has extraordinary confidence in Tang Lin.

The two hurried on their way and soon came to the north of Tongzhou City. Far away, they saw a pavilion four or five feet high standing on the field. Dozens of people rested in the pavilion.

The sound of the two people stepping on the ground was very loud, and every step made a muffled sound. This is because there is no cultivation of true qi, and the warriors under the Yuanli realm rely on their own strength to drive their way. Their rush was found by the people in the pavilion, and some people stood up alertly and stared at them vigilantly. When he found that it was Master Chen and Li coming, there was a burst of cheers.

Chen Benlei came to the pavilion and asked with concern, "Is everyone okay?"

A beautiful 30-year-old woman came out and said, "Brother Chen, you are finally back. Everyone is fine. Not long after we came here, the sixth son and they came. You're not hurt, are you?"

Chen Benlei smiled and said to the woman, "A Hong, I'm fine. This time, thanks to Brother Tang, he saved us.

"What about Tang Lin? Why didn't he come back?" In the crowd, Xi Linger asked anxiously.

Chen Benlei shook his head and said, "After he saved his brother on the ship, he fought with the owner of the Tan family. Their speed was so fast that we lost them. However, the Tang brothers have their own appearance and must return safely.


Li Du behind him said, "Miss Xi Linger, don't worry, Brother Tang will be fine. Although he is young, he is also a congenital warrior and will not die so easily."

There was an exclamation in the crowd, and some people who were not sure before finally knew that the person they had been despised was really a congenital strong man.

At this time, Sister Hong took out a gourd and handed it over and said, "Brother Chen, drink some water first!"

Chen Benlei took it, drank the water in the gourd in one breath, and then said to everyone, "Everyone must know that today we were ambushed by the Tan family. If I don't expect it, the owner of the Tan family is likely to be from the Fulong Gang.

"What, is it from the Fulong Gang? Damn, it's them. I said why a few people look so familiar."

"Master, Fulong Gang must have been premeditated. You must avenge your dead brothers! The three sons died so miserably!"

"Yes, Lord, the three sons died really miserably. Those beasts are not human! I saw that the third son was cut off his body one by one, and they also took it to drink. I just hate that I'm not good at learning and can't beat them!"

A group of people were excited and tearfully complained about the despicable and cruelty of the Tan family. Those who spoke were those who escaped from the boat.

Chen Benlei also moved his feelings and said with tears in his eyes, "Brothers, I will never forget my dead brothers. Today, I, Lao Chen, swore here that one day he would avenge his dead brothers. Break those beasts into pieces and ashes. However, now we are still in danger. For the sake of our dead brothers, we must also live. Only by living can we avenge them.

Li all answered next to him and said, "Brothers, keep the green mountains without worrying about firewood. We will definitely come back to revenge in the future. But now, our top priority is to return to the general forum first. Report the Tan family's sneak attack on us to the elders. As long as we return to the general altar, we can take the brothers back to avenge the dead three sons.

"Brother Li is right. Let's go back to the general forum to move rescuers!"

"Yes, call the brothers in the gang to avenge the third son!"

"Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!"

Chen Benlei looked at it and frowned. His original intention was to wait for Tang Lin to come back and then return to the general altar, but looking at the appearance of the brothers below, it was obviously not easy to stop him.

So he said, "Li Du, take your brothers and women back first. I'll wait for Brother Tang here."

Xi Linger rushed to him and said, "Uncle Chen, I'm waiting here too!"

Chen Benlei said angrily, "Nonsense! Don't you know how dangerous it is here? You can only cause chaos if you stay here.

Xi Linger looked at Chen Benlei stubbornly, her eyes full of tears but did not retreat at all.

Li Du's eyes flashed and came out and smiled, "Master, I'd better stay. You are the master. You must take the lead when you go back this time, otherwise many things can't be explained. I can stay and take care of Xilinger. Don't worry, I promise I won't let Miss Xilinger lose a hair.

Chen Benlei looked at him, thought for a moment, and said, "Well, Liuzi and Han Xiao, you two will also stay and wait for the Tang brothers together. Remember, once the wind blows, you have to evacuate. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Lord!" The two men on the boat nodded and promised to come down.

At this time, there are four people left, Xi Linger, Li Du, Liuzi and Han Xiao. After confirming that they stayed, Chen Benlei did not delay and took others to the general altar in the northeast.

After they left, the wind and rain pavilion suddenly calmed down. Xi Linger stood outside the pavilion and walked around the ground anxiously. In the pavilion, the three of them began to chat without incident.

Li Du asked with a smile, "Six son, Han Xiao, do you think the Tang brothers can leave the owner of the Tan family smoothly?"

Liuzi said carelessly, "Brother Li, it goesless to say that the Tang brothers reached the innate realm at a young age and must have unique skills, and there are always been ways to sign up. I think he will be able to escape."

Han smiled and said, "I think so too. You didn't see it because you were on the boat. At the Tan family, more than a dozen energetic warriors besieged the Tang brothers and were killed by the Tang brothers effortlessly. Brother Tang's methods are clean and neat, and they are basically solved by one move. I'm afraid when I think about it now.

Li Du's face changed and said unnaturally, "Really? Is he really so powerful?

Han Xiao turned his head and looked at the night: "Of course, if you don't believe it, you can ask him in person when the Tang brothers come back. If it weren't for today's incident, I really can't see that the Tang brothers look thin and small, but their strength is so strong. I'm really envious..." Han Xiao sighed.

Suddenly, he heard a hissing sound behind him, accompanied by the sound of physical collision. He looked back doubtfully.

"Ah!" Han Xiao was frightened to see that Li Du was strangling Liuzi's neck, and a sharp knife in his right hand was pulling out of Liuzi's neck. A blood arrow shot out of the blood mouth, and blood surged like a spring. And the hissing sound is the sound of blood splashing. Liuzi's desperate struggle was firmly strangled by Li Du and couldn't move. The splashed blood stained Li Du's face, making him look particularly ferocious.

Li Du pulled out the sharp knife in Liuzi's neck and threw Liuzi's body to the ground, allowing Liuzi to make his last dying struggle.

Li Du grinned at Han Xiao: "You don't have to envy him. I'll send you to see him right away!"

Han Xiao stepped back in horror and pointed to him: "You...you..."

The changes here also attracted the attention of Xi Linger outside the pavilion. When she saw Liuzi falling to the ground covered with blood, she screamed in horror. Her screams cut through the night sky like a knife and spread to the endless distance.

Han Xiao shouted fiercely, "Xi Linger, go quickly! Go and report to Brother Chen! Li is a traitor!"

Li Du laughed, and his bloody face was particularly ferocious: "Neither of you want to leave!"