Ming God

Chapter 56 Fishing in Muddy Water

Tang Lin stood at the door, staring at the three people inside. Especially after hearing Mr. Zhang's words, a trace of murder in his eyes flashed.

Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at the door of the treasure room, looking puzzled. However, his hesitation lasted only three seconds, and then immediately set out to dodge and hide in a secret place behind the secret room.

In less than a minute, a group of people swarmed through the gate with torches, swept up the platform, and soon came to the floor where the treasure room was located.

"Look, master, the door of the treasure room has been opened. It must be the door opened by the traitor of the wolf elder. The speaker was Chen Benlei, but at this time Chen Benlei was already an innate martial artist with a very different status. Standing beside him were Deputy Master Yao and Blood Knife.

Deputy Master Yao said coldly, "Let's go!"

When a group of people came to the door of the treasure room, they happened to meet the wolf minister and his son who heard that there was a movement outside. As soon as the two saw Deputy Master Yao, their faces turned pale and their teeth trembled.

"Okay, it turns out that you two traitors are really. The treasure room is a forbidden place for help. You opened it without permission and led outsiders in. You are ignoring the rules and ignoring the rules. Ben Lei, blood knife, go up and take them down. As soon as Master Yao saw the Wolf Minister and his son, he immediately asked Chen Benlei and the blood knife to arrest people without asking anything. It seemed that he had known that the Wolf Minister and his son were here for a long time.

The wolf elder probably also thought of it. He said angrily, "Master Yao, you have known that we have come here for a long time, right? This is your trap. You want to start me!"

The wolf minister beside him pulled the clothes of the elder wolf and whispered, "Father, Brother Zhang is still in there."

As soon as his son reminded him, the wolf elder raised his hand and shouted, "Wait, Master Yao, there is nothing to say if you want to arrest us, but Mr. Zhang in it is an apprentice of Fengshen. Do you dare to touch him? Let me tell you, Mr. Zhang has expressed his support for Master Fan on behalf of the Fengshen Martial Arts Museum. If you know each other, leave quickly, or you will die if Mr. Zhang is lively.

The blood knife and Chen Benlei were shocked when they heard the words, stopped suddenly, and looked back at Master Yao's reaction.

At this time, Mr. Zhang came out of the secret room. He was disgusted to look at the wolf elder father and son, but said lightly, "Master Yao, I was just invited to visit the treasure room of your gang. There is nothing else. We will not participate in the internal affairs of your gang.

The wolf elder said angrily, "Mr. Zhang, how can you go back on your word? You promised Master Fan."

At this time, Mr. Zhang was extremely disgusted with this stupid wolf elder. He really didn't expect that the wolf elder had a pig-like head. Doesn't he know that this can only worsen the current situation and put himself in danger? He regretted the transaction for the first time.

"Master Yao, this matter has nothing to do with me. You can deal with your internal affairs."

Seeing Mr. Zhang taking the initiative to stand aside, Master Yao laughed and said, "Then thank Mr. Zhang for his deep understanding of justice, blood and thunder, and take them down for me."

This time, Blood Knife and Chen Benlei no longer hesitated and rushed to one person in order to take down the wolf minister and his son as soon as possible.

Naturally, the wolf elder would not sit back and wait for death. He roared, rose to the blood-red true qi and fought with the blood knife. The wolf elder is also a warrior in the innate realm. Naturally, he will not be defeated by the blood knife. Instead, because of his long practice, he is much more powerful than the blood sword. The two played ping-pong together, but he had the upper hand.

Suddenly, Elder Wolf saw his son being held hostage by Chen Benlei. Chen Benlei held a knife and forced him around the wolf minister's neck and shouted, "Wolf Elder, you can be captured if you don't give up. If you persist, your son will die in front of you."


The wolf elder roared, forced the blood knife with one palm, and jumped at Chen Benlei. He wanted to save his only son.

But Chen Benlei's blade was horizontal, and a wisp of blood was immediately left on the wolf minister's neck. He said coldly, "Wolf Elder, I advise you to calm down. My hands are very nervous. If you accidentally cut your son's throat, don't blame me.

"You!" The wolf elder's face turned red, gasping for breath and standing on the spot speechless.

At this tense moment, there was a sudden burst of laughter at the entrance of the giant tower below. With laughter, another group of people came in with torches. Before a fat figure arrived, the voice came.

"Ha ha, why is it so lively here? Did I miss something? Yo, isn't this Lao Yao? Why don't you call me when it's lively? It's not interesting enough!" Master Fan came up with a smile on his face, followed by several people who favored him in the Presbyterians, as well as dozens of elite gangs in the powerful gang.

When Elder Wolf saw Master Fan coming, he shouted in surprise, "Master Fan, save my son quickly. They took my son hostage."

Deputy Fan's sharp eyes flashed over the faces of the people in the audience, and finally fell on Mr. Zhang of the Fengshen Martial Arts Museum. He smiled gently and said, "Mr. Zhang, I don't know if you have got anything?"

This time, Mr. Zhang was not as cold to the wolf elder just now, but smiled faintly and said, "Master Fan, this is different from what you said. Isn't it too early?"

Master Fan seemed to know what Mr. Zhang was referring to, but he stroked his beard on his chin and said with a smile, "It's a little early, but is the result the same? You just need to make a statement. Can you add more if you don't have enough things?"

Mr. Zhang thought for a moment and said, "Oh? In fact, I really need someone, but I don't know whether Master Fan will give up his love or not.

"Ha ha, say it!"

"I want your master of the refining hall - Tang Lin."


In the secret room, Tang Lin searched in a dense pile of items and didn't know anything about what happened outside. What's more, I didn't know that the man from the Fengshen Martial Arts Museum actually proposed to take him away.

"shen zhou-1, where is the thing? Why can't you feel it when you get here?

"I don't know about this. Except for being taken away by Mr. Zhang, the other five auras seem to have disappeared."

"It's so weird!"

"Oh, they're fighting!"

"Well, this is normal. These days, they have been secretly preparing. The old master of the Shanhai Gang has just died, but they have not designated the next master. Master Yao and Fan are both martial artists in a hardened state. Each of them has a group of people, so naturally they have to compete. I have already found out that we were ambushed in the Tan family in Tongzhou because Master Fan secretly sent someone to inform Fulong Gang.

"Then why don't you help a group of masters Yao?"

"What do you want to help? I have returned the life-saving grace to Chen Benlei, and my joining the Shanhai Gang is just a stopgap measure. Moreover, Mr. Zhang is obviously Tang Feiling's brother. If I appear, my identity will be more exposed. So I can't participate in this matter. Hey, do you think Mr. Zhang will know that the bowl is a spiritual weapon?

"very likely. Well, that Mr. Zhang seems to have slipped away! No, isn't this person a helper invited by Master Fan? Why did he sneak away? Ah - oh no, we've been fooled. Hurry up and chase it. It must be in his hands.