Ming God

Chapter 60 quenching

When Tang Lin returned to the general altar, the battle in the general altar had settled. Deputy Master Fan absconded with serious injuries, and Deputy Master Yao won the victory.

Deputy Master Yao didn't say anything about Tang Lin's return, but his face was a little ugly. I guess he thought Tang Lin was afraid of being implicated, so he escaped, but considering Tang Lin's identity as a pharmacist, he was also very helpless.

As soon as he returned to the giant tower, Tang Lin immediately swallowed the medicine to recuperate. Although Ling Shuangxue cured his internal injury, when he was blown away by the demon Xiu, he broke two ribs and fractured one side of the lock. The injury was not serious. After this incident, Tang Lin had an intuitive understanding of the power of the monk, and his desire to become a monk also expanded rapidly. That's a strong ambition.

After a night of cultivation, with the help of Shenzhou 1, he finally recuperated his injury.

The next morning, Tang Lin came to the medicine hall. Yesterday, the arrival of Zhang prisoner made him realize that this place was no longer safe. Especially when he heard the news that Tang Feiling was searching for him from Zhang prisoner, he was a little uneasy.

"Tang Lin, we lost a lot yesterday. The golden lotus holy cloud bowl has been lost. You have to find another spiritual weapon."

Tang Lin's face changed slightly: "Do you want me to grab Xi Linger's ring?" He really doesn't want to pay attention to the cute and kind little girl,

Shenzhou No. 1 smiled and explained, "I'm afraid that Shi Kunjie is no longer on that little girl. Have you forgotten that that ring is the treasure of the Shanhai Gang and the inheritance of the throne, and now that Yao has inherited the position of the master, I'm afraid that the ring has already fallen into the hands of Yao."

Tang Lin breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, but Master Yao is a quenching warrior. I need you to help me reach the quenching period as soon as possible."

"Of course there is no problem with this. I promise I can help you improve today. But then again, you are really soft on that little girl. I told you that Shi Kunjie is a spiritual weapon, but you haven't done it for a long time. Wouldn't you be moved by that little girl? If you are moved, just grab her. You are the owner of Lord Shenzhou No. 1. In the future, women can form three palaces and six courtyards. A little girl is nothing. Let him be your maid."

Tang Lin's expression moved, but the unparalleled face of Ling Shuangxue suddenly appeared in his heart, and some of his thoughts immediately disappeared.

After a whole day of cultivation, after Tang Lin fully recovered from his injury, he locked himself in the tower and began to hit the quenching environment.

The transition of Yuanlijing is much easier than the strength of Yuanli. As long as it is thick and thin, it can be smoothly promoted after the impact of drugs. However, ordinary people need decades of accumulation to refine the whole body Zhenyuan, but Tang Lin directly broke through with the help of Shenzhou 1. In the middle of the night, he successfully broke through the quenching environment.

When the night came, a thick fog enveloped the whole mountain and sea gang altar. From time to time, there was a night owl in the valley, and the voice was sad and made people goose bumps.

After last night's bloody battle, Yao, who won the victory, held a grand celebration banquet. Some gangsters had been drunk for a long time, and snored everywhere. On the way to the back mountain, they were full of drunken gangs. On the ground, broken wine cans, messy dishes, and colorful blankets dyed with wine and vegetable juice are still casually on one side, and the air exudes a strong smell of wine and vomiting.

On the top of a tree, a breeze suddenly brushed. A branch of more than a dozen leaves was pushed away by an invisible force. The branch was pushed to an angle of 180 degrees, and then the branch suddenly bounced back, and the leaves made a hula. The next moment, this phenomenon occurred one after another on trees more than ten meters away, like a leopard-like creature sneaking on the tree late at night.

The forbidden place in the back mountain is a resting place for the masters.

Tang Lin felt the surging power from the true qi in his body, and his heart was full of pride. After entering the quenching environment, he felt that the true qi in his body had a sense of perfection, and his heart moved at will, like an arm pointing. It is much more powerful. He jumped and flew on the tree like a roc, cleverly and cleverly escape into the night, quickly approaching the back mountain.

"Master Yao, I have helped you, and you have also taken the position of master. Now is the time for you to repay me." Tang Lin squinted at a brightly lit hall in the back mountain, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Although he was attached to the invisible charm, Tang Lin still walked carefully through the woods with his waist. When he was running, he suddenly stopped and looked awe-inspiringly under a low wall.

On the marble road more than ten meters away, five people were walking to the master's hall under the guidance of a gray coat. The guide was very respectful. With the bright light of the lantern on the wooden pole in the distance, Tang Lin suddenly found that the man in gray was actually a blood knife, but the blood knife at this time was no longer proud and indifferent. , but with a respectful and careful look. This made Tang Lin very curious.

"Who is the person who can make the blood knife so respectful?"

By the light, you can see clearly that the five people are wearing uniform purple silk shirts, strong and tall. Obviously, they are all martial arts practitioners. However, they all turned their backs to Tang Lin, so they couldn't see their faces clearly. However, Tang Lin felt that the back of the first person was a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

The six people left here quickly. When they saw the direction they left, Tang Lin frowned.

"Do these people also want to go to Master Yao?" With a trace of doubt, Tang Lin walked invisibility and followed closely behind.

The hall was located in the most dense place in the back mountain. The blood knife led the five people to the outside of the hall. The blood knife said a few words to the leader. The leader seemed to be a little dissatisfied, but he still nodded. Then the leader said something to the four people behind him and followed the bloody knife into the hall.

Tang Lin looked around and found that there was only one entrance and exit in the hall, which was only blocked by the four people, but it was difficult to enter through the door. In desperation, Tang Lin had to sneak under the window and listen.

The amplification of the hall was very good. As soon as Tang Lin stopped, he heard the sound inside.

"Tang, I haven't seen you for a long time. Is your father always in good health?" A loud voice echoed in the hall. This is Yao Tianba's voice.

Next, a young voice familiar to Tang Lin sounded in the hall. Hearing this sound, Tang Lin's face immediately became ugly.

"With the care of Master Yao, Master is in good health. It's just that when he came, Master was very worried about the safety of my brother Zhang's prisoner, hoping that Master Yao could raise his hand and let my brother go?

"Tang Feiling!" Tang Lin was shocked. He was not unfamiliar with this voice at all, but quite familiar with it, but it was also arousing anger in his heart.