Ming God

Chapter 64 The Battle of Spirit Beast

"Bum!" The giant toad suddenly pounced on the giant civet cat beast with its huge size, and the two beasts collided and made a loud roar. The earth trembled under them.

"Wow!" The wild roar of the giant civet cat beast opened its mouth and bit the giant toad's neck. At this time, the back of the giant toad slammed, and a gray bulge suddenly burst, and a thick black mucus sprayed on the face of the civet cat beast. With a "thorn" sound, it was like being poured on the face by sulfuric acid, and the nose and chin of the civet giant beast quickly rotted. Benson's sharp teeth and red upper jaw were suddenly exposed in the air, and even the mucus and saliva in his mouth were scarlet.

Under such corrosion, the civet cat and beast did not retreat at all, and the mutilated giant mouth still bit the giant toad's neck. The sharp teeth cut into the toad's meat without any hindrance. Bai Sensen's sharp teeth cut into the colorful flesh of the toad, and the green blood splashed as if pressed out by a high-pressure spray gun. As soon as the green blood spread in the air, there was a fishy smell around.

The two giant beasts fought selflessly, so the environment around the pond was completely ruined. As the saying goes, the fire of the city gate affected the fish in the pond. The surrounding trees and insects were all corroded and killed.

When Tang Lin emerged from the jungle, he happened to see Tang Feiling, who was wailing painfully on the edge of the pond. At this time, Tang Feiling described it as bleakly. From below his waist, he seemed to be splashed with sulfuric acid. Not only was his flesh and blood blurred, but also exposed his thigh bones in some places. It must have been spilled with the corroded blood of the giant toad, and both legs were corroded.

Tang Feiling spread out on the ground. As soon as he saw Tang Lin coming in, he immediately shouted, "Tang Lin, help me, please help me." I will do whatever you want me to do, as long as you save me."

Tang Lin ignored him, but narrowed his eyes and paid attention to the fight between the two giant beasts in the pond.

At this time, the two giant beasts had already fought to the death. Obviously, the purple red red fruit in the center of the pond was very important to them, and the more important it was to them, Tang Lin felt that he wanted to get it more. When his eyes fell on the Zhuguo, the voice of Shenzhou No. 1 sounded in his mind.

"Tang Lin, you are lucky. Zhu Guo is a spirit of heaven and earth, and ordinary monks may not meet it in their lifetime. I didn't expect there to be one in this place.

"What is that?" Tang Lin asked cautiously.

"Opening fruit. This is a kind of fruit that can open the spiritual orifice of the heavenly door. These two giant beasts have reached the peak of the body. As long as they eat this fruit, they can open the spiritual orifice and give birth to the yuan god. At that time, you can call for wind and rain and fly away from the sky. Become a real spirit beast. Hey hey, but these two giant beasts are of equal strength, and I'm afraid they will both lose.

"That's not better. I'll be a yellow finch."

"You have a good idea, but you'd better leave for a while. These two giant beasts are not very ugly, but they already have wisdom. You will only make them vigilant here. When both of them are defeated, I can kill them with my strength.

"Oh? It seems that you have absorbed Shi Kunjie's aura?

"Of course, don't look at who I am. I am the glorious, bright, upright, brave, kind, honest and humble Lord Shenzhou No. 1..."

Tang Lin sighed helplessly and was really speechless about this extremely narcissistic living treasure.

"Tang Lin, don't go, don't go!" Seeing that Tang Lin was about to leave, Tang Feiling collapsed in the pond and begged for mercy in horror. His legs were completely rotten at this time, and even his leg bones made a nourishing melting sound. It can be predicted that he would die miserably below.

Tang Lin smiled and said, "Tang Feiling, you told me how my third uncle was tortured miserably. Did you think that you would be worse than him?"

Tang Feiling realized something, and he roared angrily and panicked, "Tang Lin, no, you can't do this to me. The person who wants to deal with you is my father. I have never done anything to my third uncle. You can't leave me alone."

There was a trace of sneer and a trace of confusion in Tang Lin's eyes. Is that right? I really can't. What I can't do is to save you."

After saying that, Tang Lin stared at the two giant beasts warily and quickly retreated, disappearing like a black forest. It's just that Tang Feiling's sad howl came from afar: "Tang Lin, I curse you to die. I curse the people you care about will never die. I curse you that you will never go on the road of practice..."

Tang Lin silently disappeared into the black mist, and his face was extremely calm.

And just after he retreated and left, the two giant beasts suddenly paused slightly, and then a more fierce struggle began.

A quarter of an hour later, Tang Lin, who was hiding three kilometers away, suddenly felt that the earth was no longer shaking, and the roar of the two giant beasts gradually weakened. He said in his heart: Here comes the opportunity!

He ran under his feet, and soon came to the pond again. Looking up, the two giant beasts were indeed injured. The winning party was not the giant toad that Tang Lin guessed, but the civet cat beast. The giant toad fell to the ground, and his whole body was covered with bloody wounds. A bloody pool had formed under it. . The thick wound on his thigh was densely covered with his body, and Tang Lin noticed that he had no longer breathed. More than 30 meters away from it, the civet cat beast was also corroded by the venom of the giant toad and was dying. But it didn't die. Instead, it moved to Zhu Guo in the middle of the pond little by little.

"Haha, these two idiots are really defeated. Tang Lin, come on, we need to get the red fruit before the civet cat spirit beast. Once the fruit is picked, it will wither. If you don't grab it, it will be gone." Shenzhou 1 shouted excitedly.

Tang Lin was also very excited. When he hid just now, Shenzhou No. 1 had already told him the beauty of this spiritual fruit. As long as he ate this fruit, it would be easy for him to practice qi and become qi in the future. It can be said that this fruit is the golden step for him to cultivate immortals. It is of great significance and cannot be lost.

Just before he was about to start, a painful moan suddenly came from his side. He raised his eyes and saw Tang Feiling looking at himself with resentful eyes 20 steps away from his right.

The part below Tang Feiling's waist has disappeared, and his waist is naked - revealing the bloody internal organs. Some large intestines and small intestines flow out of the abdominal cavity and are stained by the black mud in the pond. The flesh and blood are mixed with sludge, which is particularly desolate. Tang Feiling's ability to not die is already the result of his naiveness to protect his upper body function. However, this can only prolong his death and only increase his pain.

Tang Feiling's resentful eyes made Tang Lin feel awe-hearted. Suddenly, he noticed a place beside Tang Feiling, and his expression changed. The foot he was about to raise stopped in mid-air, but he took it back.

"What a vicious plan, I almost got fooled."