Ming God

Chapter 66 The Obscene Old Man Second Update

Remindered by Shenzhou No. 1, Tang Lin quickly came to the Kailing fruit, but he did not pick off the Kailing fruit at the first time, but began to take off all the leaves on the dried three shareholders and put them into the bag. Then he held the spirit fruit in his hand. It's like holding a warm head, soft and warm.

The fragrance of Kailingguo came from his nose. Tang Lin no longer hesitated and took it immediately after taking it off.

Kailing fruit melted in the mouth. After taking it, a strange breath flowed along the stomach into all parts of Tang Lin's body. The breath was as cool as a stream, as if he had drunk a bucket of cold water in summer. Tang Lin was full of excitement. Then he felt that the muscle organs and skin of his body seemed to have been ironed to death. Finally, the breath stayed in his mind, making him refreshed.

That feeling is like eating*, which makes people flutter, like flying away.

At the moment when the Kailing fruit was picked, the three stems immediately withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a dried fruit without water, which turned into ashes in one breath. Just as the trunk completely turned into ashes, the land under the trunk suddenly collapsed, and a breath became a round pit of more than three meters, and it continued to expand out.

Tang Lin was shocked and immediately retreated, while the ground under his feet quickly collapsed and extended outward.

When Tang Lin retreated to the edge of the pond, the pond had completely collapsed and turned into a huge pit several kilometers. The deep pit looks like a funnel, and the water flowing down because of the collapse fills the most central place and becomes a curved pool. At this time, Tang Lin seemed to understand that perhaps it was because this red fruit grew here that it became a dead place. After the spirit fruit was picked by him, the stems and stems withered, and there must be an extremely huge root system below. This can also confirm the reason why Kailingguo, a wonder of heaven and earth, can thrive.

One drink and one peck has its own destiny.

The bodies of the two giant beasts and Tang Feiling also sank into the soil and disappeared into the world forever.

"Oh, it's a pity that there may be demon elixir in the bodies of those two giant beasts."

Tang Lin smiled and said, "You can be satisfied. It's an extra joy to get this fruit."

"Tang Lin, let's go. While you have just taken the spiritual fruit, make a pot of soup with these leaves, which can speed up your absorption."

The swamp smelled bad, so Tang Lin left as quickly as possible. Out of the swamp area, he rested next to a stream in the woods. As he took out some seasonings and pots from the universe ring, he began to pick up firewood. In his ring, he was stuffed with all kinds of essentials for travel, and even some meat.

On the way, he also picked some wild fruits by the way. Soon, he raised a fire, then set up an iron pot with a wooden shelf and boiled boiling water.

The clear stream soon began to bubble. Tang Lin began to put some bacon in, then vegetables, green onions, ginger, cooking wine, and finally put in the leaves he picked from the Kailing fruit tree. He had asked Shenzhou No. 1 in advance, which could be cooked together. These leaves taste very astringent, but they contain a lot of aura and must be cooked for a long time before they can be eaten.

Time passed slowly and the sky began to brighten, but the sky was cloudy and it seemed that it was going to rain. The air is also very damp.

In the iron pot, the meat porridge and pulp have completely melted into the water. The white lean meat trembles in the water, some grease floats on the soup surface, and those spiritual fruit leaves full of aura. Soon, a strong aroma permeated the woods. Just smelling it makes people's taste buds secrete saliva.

Tang Lin took out a pair of chopsticks from the space, picked up a piece of mutton and put it in his mouth. The soft fibers rolled over the tip of his tongue. The unique aroma of mutton rippled between his mouth and nose. After a bite, the fresh and fragrant mutton squeezed out the delicious juice between his teeth. Because the leaves of the Kailing fruit tree are added, this juice has abundant aura, which makes people feel refreshed and fresh in the mouth. After tasting, Tang Lin took out another spoon and drank the soup beautifully.

The delicious soup rolled into my throat, and my whole body became lazy.

"It's really delicious!" Tang Lin took out a bowl and filled a bowl of soup to taste delicious. Suddenly, my hand was empty, and the bowl disappeared.

I don't know when a thin old man about 50 years old appeared under a big tree more than ten meters away. The old man was even lower than Tang Lin. He was dry, wearing a dirty and broken Taoist robe and a stain on his chest. I don't know if he was stained with any grease or other dirty things. His hair on the top of his head was sparse, and he only tied a bun at the back of his head, with wrinkles on his face, but with a smile. At this time, the broth bowl that disappeared in Tang Lin's hand was in his hand.

When Tang Lin looked over, he just finished the bowl of hot broth in one go. After drinking, he actually licked the bottom of the bowl without hesitation, squeaked his mouth and praised, "It's really delicious!"

Although this old man looks obscene and thin, Tang Lin doesn't dare to underestimate it at all. How can a guy who can hide the things in his hand silently be an ordinary person?

"Who are you?" Tang Lin asked vigilantly, with a slightly stiff body and vigilance.

The old man smiled and said, "Little guy, there is aura in your soup. Although there is little aura, does it still taste good? It seems that you must use some spiritual fruit to make soup, right? But I don't care about these. How about not inviting the old man to drink with me?

Tang Lin's heart turned around and said politely, "Senior, please, I can't finish these soups alone."

The old man stepped forward rudely, but raised his leg more than ten meters away. In the blink of an eye, he came to the iron pot. He was not polite to Tang Lin. He picked up the spoon and added a new bowl of soup to himself.

Tang Lin's pupils shrank, "shrinking into an inch!" He was very surprised, but on the surface, he pretended to be nothing to collect firewood and add fire.

"Well, what a delicious broth. I haven't had such a good soup for a long time, old man!" The old man finished his broth in one breath, and his face was full of satisfaction.

"Since you like to drink, drink more!" Tang Lin lowered his head and added fire below, and suddenly saw a bowl thrown down. He looked up and found that the old man had abandoned the soup bowl and directly scooped up the soup in the pot with a spoon.

The old man didn't seem to care about the hot temperature in the pot at all. He poured a spoon into his mouth like a starving ghost. Although the old man was thin, the speed of drinking soup was not slow at all. He always drinks one spoon after another. The steam made the old man's face red, and the expression on the old man's face became more and more intoxicated, as if he were drunk.

Tang Lin stared at the old man pouring into his mouth spoon by spoon, and the broth in the iron pot disappeared at a very fast speed.

When the old man drank the last spoonful of broth into his stomach, the old man finally stopped the wooden spoon in his hand.

"hiccup!" The old man burped heavily, and a strong smell of meat spewed out of his mouth. He said with an intoxicated expression, "It's so powerful that it tastes much better than the Linghe ginseng soup cooked by Lao Fan."

Tang Lin: "..."