Ming God

Chapter 79 Night

Although he saw someone following him, Tang Lin also pretended not to see it until Tang Lin returned to the place where the convoy lived in Tangzhuang Town. Behind the open-air stone platform are several houses built by Xianchi City for convoys from all over the world, each village and town has it.

When Tang Lin and the others came, the empty house had been neatly arranged, with a total of four houses. Taotao lived with several girls, the town chief Zhanhu and Tang Lin Xiaopang, and the other two other young men moved in. The market will be open for more than ten days. Therefore, the place where you live must not be sloppy.

Tang Lin, who walked to the place, found that only one of the five people who followed him were left, and the others left. Tang Lin suddenly became interested. He wanted to know where the people who were not Xianchi's family were. What is the purpose of monitoring yourself?

told Xiao Pang to leave for a while, and flashed up light kung fu to chase the direction the group of people left. This is a huge market, with roads separating rows of houses. Tang Lin, who flew on the roof, easily found the few people who had left. Several people are walking fast on a road, just in front of them, and three people are far behind. Tang Lin stood on the house and looked at several people on the ground in the distance, feeling strange.

At this time, several people had arrived at a relatively secluded alley, and the three people behind suddenly chased the people in front of them, and the person in front of them also ran like crazy. The alleys here are very dense. After a few turns, the man in front of him has disappeared.

One of the three people behind suddenly raised his hand and whispered to the other two, and the three immediately dispersed and chased after them. Tang Lin looked at this scene coldly on the roof. Of course, he knew where the man in front was, but the strange behavior of these people greatly increased his interest.

"It's getting more and more interesting. I said why it was strange everywhere from the way to Xianchi to the city. I'd like to see what conspiracy you are playing. Tang Lin looked at it with a sneer. After coming to the alien world, he gradually understood that if he wanted to live safely, he had to be more cautious and careful. Since this matter affects you, you must figure it out.

Sure enough, the people behind are more familiar with the road of Xianchi. In a small alley, the man who escaped in front of him was blocked by the three people behind.

The three slowly approached, and one of the ordinary and thin middle-aged man looked at the man and said, "Tell me who sent you here. I won't die!" His voice was cold in his indifference.

"Sorry, I don't understand what you said. I just came to Xianchi to go to the market. What do you want to do? Is there no royal law in Xianchi City? This is a very young man. In addition to having more beards, he is obviously a scholar. He is also wearing a thick shirt that is not cheap. There was no fear in his expression, only a little tension in his calmness.

The leading middle-aged man sneered and said, "Okay, since you don't say it, we have to ask." Saying that, the three took out daggers from their arms and approached together. The middle-aged man is on one side and the other two are on the other side. But the young man's attention is all on the middle-aged man. Don't move in front of him.

The young man suddenly rushed back behind his back. This behavior was really surprising. The two were caught off guard and were about to raise their knives to stab, but they heard "bang!" With a sound, I don't know what the young man threw on the ground, and a burst of green smoke suddenly broke out, covering all three people in.

A few muffled hums came out of the smoke, and there was a "thorn" sound. I don't know whose clothes were cut. A figure ran out first. It was the young man! As soon as he ran out of the smoke, he staggered to the ground, then struggled to stand up, covered his shoulder and ran out of the alley. A few drops of blood dripped from the ground.

When the middle-aged man saw something wrong, he immediately rushed into the green smoke and pulled out the two people trapped inside. But the young man is gone. The middle-aged man saw that the two people had a blue nose and a swollen face and several scars on their bodies. They didn't know whether they were beaten by their opponents or their own people. His face turned blue.

"Idiot, don't chase it!" The middle-aged man roared with bad popularity. Run out of the alley first. The two behind hurriedly followed.

Middle-aged people are even more angry when they see them following themselves: "Idiot, chase separately, why are you following me?"

Yes! Yes!" The two quickly bowed their heads and left separately.

Tang Lin laughed on the roof here. It's really interesting! However, the young man was injured, and it seems that he may not be able to escape! Tang Lin thought about the probability of the young man's escape. Thinking about whether to wish him a helping hand.

"Oh!" Tang Lin suddenly looked at the direction in surprise. It turned out to be the direction of Xianchi Lake. Didn't he know that it was the closest to the Safu and the Sa family had the most people? With the cleverness of that young man, he doesn't even know this, does he?

There must be something wrong!

Tang Lin quietly followed the young man on the roof. As for the three pursuers, they were still looking around on the ground. Docking on the corner of the eaves on a three-story building, Tang Lin frowned and looked at the young man.

has arrived at Xianchi Lake. The man ran all the way, and the wound on his shoulder was wrapped in silk cloth torn from his body. He went to the lake and directly ran to a long weed bush to push out a boat, jumped up, pulled off the cable, and raised the oars with his unhurt arm and rowed to the lake.

Looking helplessly as the man slowly walked farther and farther on the lake, Tang Lin thought to think that he had already had a good way out, and this man was really good at it. It seems that this is the end of the day.

It was not until the man came out of the distance that the three of the house rushed to the lake. Looking at the boat on the lake, the leader's middle-aged man shook his sleeves angrily and shouted, "Go, get a boat. That direction is to Fengyuelin. He must have a fellow in the city. This man's origin is mysterious. We must catch him."

"Yes, boss!" Several people soon found a boat and brought a boatman. He jumped on the boat and several people followed him away. It quickly disappeared on the misty lake.

At this time, the sky was already dim and the lights were on. Tang Lin was unwilling to continue tracking, but he was surprised to see a person sneaking across the corner. Although it was only for a moment, Tang Lin had seen the man clearly, who was the head of Sichuan Township that he met on the road.

What is he doing here? So careful, what is he hiding from? Tang Lin was suspicious. Seeing that the village head was about to disappear, he sighed slightly: It seems that today is destined to be a sleepless night. Tang Lin raised his eyebrows and flew away from the roof with a smile. The evening breeze swept Tang Lin's clothes.

The head of Chuanxiang Township carefully walked along some alleys and streets along the lake. Tang Lin followed him all the way. With Tang Lin's current cultivation, the eaves and walls were like flat, and there was no wind between the vertical leaps.

The head of Chuanxiang is a 40 or 50-year-old middle-aged man with a slightly convex belly and a rich face. I felt very ordinary when I saw it during the day, but now he walks between the alleyways, quickly and quickly, and doesn't look like the clumsy a fat man should be.

Tang Lin saw it in the back, knowing that his clumsy appearance during the day was all pretended. He became more and more curious. Xianchi City doesn't look as calm as it looks! After walking for a long time, the township head began to come to a downtown area.

The township head disappeared as soon as he drilled into the crowd. Many houses here were also very beautiful. Lanterns were hung in front of the doors, and the streets were as bright as the day. The street vendors selling goods one by one. All kinds of noise are intertwined into a noise. From time to time, some people are shouting "Open!"

Tang Lin guessed that this should be Bao Yuelin. He stood motionless on the roof, just staring at the crowd below. Sure enough, in an inconspicuous corner next to a vendor, the middle-aged village head dodged out again, looked left and right, and quickly bypassed a path and left.

Another seven turns and eight turns. Until Tang Lin was about to feel dizzy on the roof, the middle-aged village head finally stopped in front of a rather prosperous four-story wooden building. He took a keen look around and walked to the building.

Tang Lin took a look and saw three big words on the four floors: Shuangxi Building. Looking at it again, there were two pink-carved 16- or 17-year-old twins at the door. When they saw the people coming, they came forward and pulled the middle-aged township head in with a smile. Next to them were also a beautiful boy in their teens standing by the door. I am receiving guests. Dozens of carriages in front of the building have been discharged on the street. It seems that Shuangxi Building is doing well.

Secretly: It turns out that Shuangxi Building means this, which is really a wonderful thing. Touching the golden ticket robbed from the golden evil young master, Tang Lin said to himself, "Today, I will also visit the brothel."

Tang Lin, who was about to go down, suddenly saw two people coming out of a carriage in front of the building. When the light shone, Tang Lin found that he knew him. It was Sa Jirong and the evil young man he met today. He saw the two of them entering the Double Happiness Building side by side. Now, Tangcheng is a little hesitant. He has just embarrassed the huge amount of money. Isn't it more embarrassing to spend his money here now? And after all, this is the territory of the family. After all, there is something wrong.

Hesitating whether to go down or not, Tang Lin suddenly faintly heard the pain and hiss, and his voice was very low. If it hadn't been for Tang Lin's high skills and strong ears, I'm afraid he wouldn't hear it. The sound came from the side of the Double Happiness Building, which should also be the place of the Double Happiness Building, but it was quieter. Tang Lin suddenly thought of the young man who escaped from injury. Thinking of what the middle-aged man in Safu said by the lake, he looked happy.

quickly followed the direction of the sound, crossed a street, climbed over the wall, and jumped silently in the night. Tang Lin stopped in front of a small building. It was a two-story embroidery building, which was very unique. It should be the place where Miss Red Card of Shuangxi Building lived. The sound came from here. It is a little far from the main building of Shuangxi Building, and the place is secluded and no one walks around. The voice of the person who cried in pain was very depressed, and there was no sound for a while. So no one will notice here.

There was a tree in front of the building, which leaned high over the roof. The second floor was brightly lit, and there was a faint voice from the window. Although it was very small, Tang Lin still heard it. Tang Lin climbed up a branch and hid his figure in the shadow of the leaves. Tang Lin looked in through the window.

Sure enough, it was the young man who escaped from injury. He was sitting in a chair in the hall, facing the window, with bandages on his shoulders, and putting on his coat. Opposite him was a man in black, slightly fat, and he was talking to the young man.

Tang Lin listened hard, and the dialogue between the two gradually became clearer. Dang Xian asked in a low voice, "You just said that the man only used one move, and the guards were blown away without even room to fight back?"

"Yes, Rat King. The man was very young and made a move like electricity. Before everyone could react, the guards of Jin Yuan fell down. I'm afraid that man is a top master. The young man recalled.

"You don't need to say. I've seen that person. Although I haven't dealt with him, that man's power is not something you and I can deal with." The man in black opposite said.

"Has the Rat King seen it?"

"Yes! On the way to Xianchi, we met him when we robbed the convoy of Tangzhuang Town, and also knocked over Lao Qi with only one move. At that time, I was not convinced, and Lord Qiying could do it. But later, Lord Qiying came, but he was chased and killed by a young girl and fled in confusion. When the girl left, she said that even if we and Lord Qiying were together, they were not opponents of that person. She said that she was afraid that man was almost to the seventh grade!"

"Seven products!!!" The young man was shocked and jumped up from his chair with horror on his face.

"It's surprising! At that time, I was the same. In today's world, which of the people who have reached the seven-grade martial arts realm is not a martial artist who has practiced for decades after half a hundred years. Such a person is a famous person in the martial arts court. This person is so young that he already has such cultivation. His origin is absolutely not simple, and the girl surnamed Tang is also very powerful, at least a master of six grades. She said that she was from the Flower Sword Gate, but I had never heard of this sect. I don't know where it is." The man opposite sighed.