Ming God

Chapter 82

Gradually, Tang Lin sensed the obscure and huge aura in the sword, and slowly protruded a trace of aura from the palm of his hand into the sword, driving the aura in the sword to slowly enter Tang Lin's body. At first, it entered wisps of wisps, and then gradually increased. Slowly, the aura in the sword was stimulated out and began to a large number of It flows into Tang Lin's body.

Tang Lin said to Taotao sitting in front of him, "I'm going to start. Don't be nervous." With that, he put his other hand on Taotao's back. Suddenly, Taotao felt a warm current flowing into his body, but this time it was obviously bigger and faster than last time. The airflow quickly swam through Taotao's body.

At this time, Tang Lin's voice came: "Concentrate, focus on the aura I input, and follow it." Taotao quickly calmed down and walked at will. The aura was vast and broad, and after wandering in Taotao's body, it began to flow down from Taotao's chest under the control of Tang Lin. I have to say that this is a very detailed work. Tang Lin had to control the massive aura gushing out of the sword, while guiding the aura to flow from his body to Taotao's body. Then sort out the meridians little by little.

Tang Lin, who guided Reiki to open up the meridians in Taotao's body, found that Taotao's meridians were not blocked at all, which surprised Tang Lin. You should know that even Xiaopang, the best meridians in the town, are not so smooth. And the speed is very fast. However, Taotao's meridians are relatively thin, which was naturally blamed by Tang Lin on Taotao's daughter. It was not until many years later that he realized how stupid his thoughts were at that time.

Under the guidance of Tang Lin, Reiki thoroughly combed the meridians of Taotao all the way. Here, Tang Lin's attention is highly concentrated and sweating nervously. Taotao blushed shyly. Reiki flowed through Taotao's body. Taotao only felt the warm haoshufu, and waves of aura came to bring waves of kuaigan. This tide of kuaigan made Taotao feel dizzy and intoxicated. It's like floating in the clouds. This strange taste is so attractive to uninvited Tao Tao, and I just want it to never stop.

Maybe after a long time, maybe just for a moment, Tang Lin slowly pulled out the aura from Taotao's back, took a deep breath, and Tang Lin put down his hand. Taotao, sweating with his back to himself, said, "Ok, Taotao, that's all for today!" Unexpectedly, Taotao's body softened and collapsed on Tang Lin.

Tang Lin thought that something had happened to Taotao. He quickly hugged her and looked down. He saw Taotao's face red and his eyes were blurred. He was looking at Tang Lin with watery eyes. His rosy lips opened slightly and seemed to say something. The beauty of Taotao at this moment shocked Tang Lin, holding his soft and boneless body, and his hands were full of Soft jade warm fragrance, looking at the watery eyes, the full and rosy lips. Tang Lin got out of control for the first time, and he had an uncontrollable male reaction.

"Father!" Taotao's weak moans came into Tang Lin's ears. Tang Lin's body shook violently. He hurriedly helped Taotao up and sat down and asked, "What's wrong with you? Taotao?"

Taotao lowered his head and said, "I'm fine, son, but I'm a little tired. The body is not at his disposal.

"Oh," Tang Lin didn't dare to look at Tao Tao, "Then I'll help you to rest!"

At this time, Xiao Pang came over and asked, " boss, is it over?"

"It's over. Taotao is a little tired. I'll help her have a rest." Tang Lin replied, and then helped Tao Tao, who had recovered some strength, and walked to the house.

Put Taotao in **, and Tang Lin asked again, "Are you really all right?" If there is anything uncomfortable, just say it."

Taotao's rosy lips opened slightly: "I'm fine, son, just take a break. Don't worry, son." How can you tell such a shy thing to the prince? Taotao said secretly.

"Well, I'm going out. Have a good rest."

Seeing Tang Lin coming out of the room, Xiao Pang jumped in front of Tang Lin, quite chic and elegant. With a happy laugh, "Haha, boss, really, I will also do light work."

Tang Lin's eyes lit up and he was also happy, "Oh, Xiao Pang, when did you feel it?" You know, although Xiaopang has the best foundation, it will take some time for him to practice martial arts in this world.

Xiao Pang jumped more than four meters high and fell to the ground and said happily, "Just after you injected that aura into my body today, I found that it was a little different this time. I could actually feel the operation of that aura. Moreover, the aura did not dissipate as usual. It stopped in my body for a long time, and I slowly mobilized the aura in my body. Who knew that it succeeded. Haha, so I will also do light work. In this way, I will also fly around in the future."

Little fat ran and jumped in the yard with a smile, laughing. The voice came from afar, and several young men who heard Xiao Pang's laughter outside ran over and saw Xiao Pang's agile figure. They understood what it meant and came forward to congratulate Xiao Pang. There will be another master in the town this time.

In this way, in the laughter of the young men in the town, it was evening. In the afternoon, Tang Lin has been practicing in the house, and Taotao also experienced his brand-new body under the guidance of Tang Lin. Xiao Pang is still performing his light skills.

When it was almost dark, Tang Lin, who was practicing in the house, suddenly heard a noise outside and opened his eyes. Listen and know that someone is coming. He didn't want to pay attention. But the heavy footsteps of the war tiger came from time to time, and he immediately heard his unique loud voice and said, " boss, the young master of the Sa family has come to you. Come out quickly."

"Spirong?! Unexpectedly, it's him. You also need to know about the rebellion of the Sa family, so that you can make preparations at that time. Tang Lin thought to himself. He replied loudly, "I know." He jumped from his bed and dodged out of the room.

When he came out of the door with the war tiger, he saw Sa Jirong standing in front of the stall of Tangzhuang Town with several burly men, greeting the mayor of Zhan Town. As soon as Sa Jirong saw Tang Lin's appearance, he immediately smiled and punched Tang Lin far away: "Tang Shaoxia, don't be okay."

The mayor, who was left aside, didn't care and quickly said to Tang Lin, "Sir, young master Sa came to visit you today and said he would invite you to dinner. I hope you don't refuse." These words should not have been said by the mayor, but he just said them, which was a little strange, especially when he squeezed his eyes at Tang Lin after he finished speaking.

Tang Lin pretended not to see his movements and smiled at Sa Jirong, "How dare you bother Master Sa to invite him in person? After a few days, young master Sa didn't know if he had found the snow shadow leopard?

When Sa Jirong heard this, he looked a little strange and said, "We didn't find the courage of the snow shadow leopard, but we found something that could replace the courage of the snow shadow leopard." What he said was reluctant, as if there was something difficult to say. Tang Lin can't ask any more questions.

However, Tang Lin didn't say anything, but Sa Jirong was rude. He said solemnly: "I left in a hurry last time, and I didn't have time to get close to the young heroes. Tonight, I will hold a banquet in Shuangxi Tower to entertain the young heroes, and I hope Tang Shaoxia will go with me. It also allows me to fulfill my friendship as a landlord.

"Double Happiness Building?" Tang Lin couldn't help smiling when he heard this.

"Does the young man also know this place?" Sa Jirong looked at the words and asked after seeing Tang Lin's strange reaction. There was also a smile on his face.

Tang Lin smiled and said, "I've just heard of it. Since it's the beauty of Master Sa, it's better to obey than to respect." Then regardless of the mayor's wink, he walked to Sa Jirong's side, but he turned around and said to Xiao Pang beside the mayor, "Xiao Pang, come with me."

When the mayor of Zhan saw that Tang Lin ignored him, he also said quickly, "War Tiger, you can also go together!" The prince is not familiar with the city. You have to take good care of him!" With that, he pushed the war tiger.

The war tiger was pushed by his father and didn't understand until the war mayor winced at him. Busy walking beside Tang Lin with Xiaopang.

Tang Lin smiled and said nothing. He just said to Sa Jirong, "Master Sa, it doesn't matter if we go together?"

Of course, Sa Jirong will not have any objection. Even if there is an objection, you can't say it. He said quickly, "It's okay, as long as the young man is happy." With that, he glanced at the mayor and said, "Young hero, it's getting late. Why don't we set off now?"

"Okay, let's go!" Tang Lin said meaninglessly.

Sa Jirong waved his hand back and saw a strong man behind him holding a gorgeous carriage. When the carriage came to Tang Lin, he stretched out his hand and said, "Please!" Tang Lin and the little fat war tiger got into the carriage.

The carriage sounded on the bluestone street and gradually disappeared.

Tang Lin, who was walking on the road, kept his eyes closed, and he was calculating how to knock out some useful information. The Sa family must have been prepared for a long time and prepared for everything, but it is not something that can be done quietly to control Xianchi City and the surrounding army in one fell swoop. They must have an excuse to do these things.

Tang Lin didn't say anything, and Xiao Pang and Zhanhu also muffled their heads. Until the carriage stops. The carriage is still unusually quiet.

"Big, we've arrived." Finally, Xiao Pang opened his mouth to remind Tang Lin. Xiaopang didn't understand why Tang Lin went to the young master's banquet. He only understood that Tang Lin always did things for a reason. He just needs to follow.

At this time, Sa Jirong's voice came: "Young man, it has arrived."

Tang Lin jumped out of the car. Sure enough, it was the first lantern and the lively Shuangxi Building. But today, there are not four people standing at the door, but twenty people, five pairs of twin beauties, three pairs of boys, and two pairs of twins. They look exactly the same and wear the same clothes. Ten people on both sides saw Tang Lin get out of the car and said in unison, "Welcome Mr. Tang. Mr. Tang, please come in."

This arrangement immediately satisfied the vanity of Tang Lin, a pure young man. A woman in her thirties snatched out of the door and saw Sa Jirong and Tang Lin standing at the door. She hurried over and laughed and said, "Mr. Sa is here. Is this Mr. Tang, who is going to have a big banquet tonight? Sure enough, his appearance is outstanding and heroic! Please come in quickly."

Master Sa said to the woman, "Sister Yan, are you ready? Mr. Tang is my important guest. You must treat him well tonight. Don't you know that there is no difference?"

"Master Sa's instructions, when will we smash it, you just let 120 hearts go. Tonight, our water rhyme and water lotus have not come out, just waiting for you to come." The woman said to Master Sa in a coquettish voice.

"Good!" Sa Jirong got back and smiled at Tang Lin and said, "Tang Shaoxia, let's go to the third floor. Sister Yan has prepared a big play tonight, which can make Shaoxia worthwhile." Tang Lin then followed Sa Jirong into the Shuangxi Building.

As soon as you enter the door, the excitement and noise in the hall come towards you. This is a huge hall, with an elegant room upstairs. Below is the place where guests sit, and there is also a stage opposite. At present, there is no one on the stage, and it should not have been staged yet. But the bustle in the building is not bad at all. The drinkers were drinking and shouting one by one, holding a pair of identical sisters. However, Sister Yan was very thoughtful and immediately led Sa Jirong and Tang Lin through a side road.

This is a side hall. With a compartment, it will be much quieter. Sister Yan led Sa Shao and Tang Lin straight up the stairs of the side hall to three floors. The third floor is a hall, which is elegantly decorated, and the furniture decoration has been carefully carved and described. It doesn't look like a brothel, but it looks like it's in a bookstore.

Sister Yan smiled and said, "Master Tang, please wait a moment. I'll come as soon as I go. Come on, hurry up and drink for all of you." She ordered the two little maids who followed her.

Unexpectedly, Sa Jirong suddenly said, "Sister Yan, you go down first. I'll call you to come up later. I have something to talk about with Mr. Tang."

Sister Yan is worthy of being a happy person. Without saying a word, she went down with two little maids. At this time, everyone had already sat down. Tang Lin looked at Sa Jirong and guessed what he was going to say. Xiao Pang and the War Tiger became serious, but they didn't like Sa Jirong.

Sa Jirong waited for Sister Yan to go down, turned around and said something to the person around him. The people around him immediately went to the table in front of Tang Lin and put down a fist-sized box.

Sai Jirong said, "Please open the box and have a look. This is a gift for Shaoxia. I hope the young hero can like it." After saying that, he stared at Tang Lin with bright eyes. Tang Lin saw that the box on the table looked very ordinary and had no carvings. It was just a black wooden box.

Tang Lin took a look at Sa Jirong and didn't say anything. He reached out and opened the box. As a result...

There was no result. There was only a shiny green stone in it, and it was opaque, which was relatively ugly. Tang Lin gently picked up the stone. Unexpectedly, the stone was cool and quite felt. Suddenly, Tang Lin felt a messy aura flowing in the stone.

For a while, Tang Lin suddenly understood a lot of things. It turns out that all the sources are here. Looking at the inconspicuous green stone in his hand, Tang Lin nodded repeatedly: "Not bad! Not bad!"