Ming God

Chapter 99 Pursuit Order

In the clear sky, a dark shadow passed through the clouds, like wind and electricity, quickly passing through the clouds. Looking up, I could only see a vague shadow soaring in the sky.

On this continent, it covers an area of hundreds of millions of square meters, and Hulan Linjiang is just two small countries in the southwest corner of the mainland. It is really a remote area. If it is not the place where good and evil roads meet, maybe there are not many people with six grades and seven grades, let alone eight grades. The warrior.

The night eagle soared thousands of miles in the sky and hurried to the northeast. From the sky, the night eagle that came all the way to the east flew from the steep mountains to the gentle grassland, and from the grassland to the plains with many rivers. There are countless swamps, caves, mountains, forests, water and lakes passing by the road, but their mountains and rivers are hundreds of magnificence than the earth.

The high mountains stop, and the flowing water does not return. After thousands of miles of flight, the night eagle finally stopped at a huge mountaintop and looked down its eyes. At the foot of the mountain was a huge basin surrounded by mountains, leaving only a narrow canyon on both sides.

And a huge city stands resolutely on the middle basin. Building a city in such a place is really a wonderful idea. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there is a large area of plain arable land around the city. As long as you guard the entrance of the canyons on both sides, this place will be a closed and safe world at that time.

The night eagle stood on the top of the towering mountain, as if it was determining the direction. Then it spread its wings and flew in the direction of the city. Behind the high wall, majestic buildings were built one after another, and the huge palace in the middle looked the most spectacular, in the same format as the Potala Palace in Tibet. It's just that the palace four or five times bigger than the Potala Palace looks more magnificent in this world.

There are countless four well-developed roads around the palace. The palace is surrounded by some slightly lower buildings. The farther away from the palace, the buildings are getting lower and lower, while the place where our nighthawks fly is the lowest area of houses in the city. This area also has a name - the civilian area.

In an inconspicuous wooden house, there is a small house. The square house is quite like a Beijing quadrangle. In the atrium, there are two fruit trees, the main room in the north, and two low cabins on both sides. There is no gate tower, and only a tree of five or six meters is working as a doorman.

At this time, there were two children playing in the yard. The old man with white hair under the eaves was watching them play with a smile. Sometimes he shook the fan twice, and his wrinkled face was full of kind smiles.

Suddenly, a sharp cry sounded over the yard. The old man's expression changed and immediately looked at the sky. The two children were also attracted by the cry of the sky and looked up at the sky. As soon as they raised their heads, they saw a dark shadow blocking the sun and came down. The child was shocked and hurried to hide, but the shadow came down too fast. Before they could avoid it, the dark shadow fell down. The two children covered their eyes in horror and dared not look.

As a result, they waited for a long time, and the dark shadow did not fall. Only the wind in their ears reminded them that the dark shadow had flown past them. One of the children secretly looked outside through his fingers, but found nothing. He immediately pushed a dead guy next to him. The two looked around together, but found nothing.

One of the boys suddenly said, "Where's Grandpa Lu? Where is Grandpa Lu?

In a small dark room in the yard, the nighthawk was obediently enjoying the old man's finger touching, and his round head rubbed, as if it was relieving the itching. At this time, the yellow scroll on its legs was held in the old man's hand.

Less than a minute after opening the scroll, the old man exclaimed, "The people of the sect reappeared on the mainland! This is really shocking news. No wonder the little guy actually used an emergency edict. It seems that the little guy is running in time. Well, let's report to the general forum quickly!"

The old man first copied a copy of the yellow scroll in secret, then spread out a piece of paper, picked up a special pen and wrote some words on it, and then put the paper together with the small scroll and tied it back to the nighthawk.

So the night eagle flew back into the sky and sent the message to another place.

This time it didn't fly far. On a big mountain, it stopped. This is a very ordinary peak, neither high nor beautiful, and even a little ugly, because this peak looks bare and there is no stream flowing down. It can be said that it is really an inconspicuous peak. However, when the night eagle stopped on a huge rock on the peak, it strangely disappeared.

At the same time, the night eagle suddenly appeared in a huge cave. The height of 40 to 50 meters made the cave not feel depressed at all, but would have a relaxed and pleasant experience. The cave is not dark, but bright.

The surrounding stone walls are covered with green plants, adding some natural interest to the cave. Many square stone rooms have been chiseled on the stone wall, some of which are for people and some for things. In the highest place, there is a huge stone room, which is particularly beautifully decorated and in a good location, overlooking the cave hall below.

There are several spiral staircases in the cave for everyone to use. Many fist-sized glowing stones are embedded in the wall, which look a little like the night pearl on the earth, but these beads are much brighter than the night pearl, otherwise it is not enough to illuminate this huge mountain cave.

Soon, a shady middle-aged man in a transparent white windbreaker began to walk up the stairs, and his hand was a small yellow scroll. Stepping on the steps carved from stone, the middle-aged man walked up with a cold white face. His footsteps seemed to be very slow, but every time he raised his legs, there were several steps, just like stepping up in the air. If someone was watching, he would definitely feel very strange.

The middle-aged man walked slowly to the beautiful stone room above. Then he knocked on the carved door made of wood. Just walk in like that.

In the stone room is a hall, and a man is sitting behind the table with his head down. I don't know what he is looking at. The middle-aged man was not surprised. He walked to the man and put the yellow scroll in front of the man.

The man still didn't look up, just took the scroll and opened it directly, a minute later. A deep voice sounded in the stone room: "It seems that our second chance has come. The era of warrants? Finally came again!!!"

In the bright stone room, the man carefully read the contents of the yellow scroll in his seat, and finally looked up at the middle-aged man standing quietly opposite.

Like a shining gem in the bright stone room, the man actually has a face with a jade-like luster, soft lines outline a handsome appearance, and the delicate skin perfectly emits warm white light. It's unbelievable that a deep and magnetic voice comes from such a person's mouth.

He is so beautiful that women may not be able to compare with him.

"Luo Xiu, you can't change your face and make a impermanent face every day, so that the younger generation dare not approach you!" The handsome man finally said to the gloomy man with a smile.

Luo Xiu, a gloomy man, did not change his face at all. He still had a gloomy face, as if someone had killed his family. He looked up at the handsome man opposite, with a cold breath in his eyes: "Master, it's time to give the order!"

"Okay, okay, there's nothing I can do about you, Nuo, take it! Copy it and send one to each sect, and those who can find a place in the practice world will also send one. Hey hey, let's see what price these old ghosts will pay!" The handsome doorkeeper said with a smile. Hand over the scroll you signed.

Luo Xiu silently took the scroll and was about to leave, but the handsome door owner suddenly stopped him and said, "Yes, the one who called Yu Xiao has made great contributions this time. You can promote him to be a deacon when you go back!"

A cold voice came out: "Yes!"

Watching Luo Xiu walk out of the stone room, the handsome door owner sighed slightly and muttered to himself, "Luo Xiu, Luo Xiu, you still can't let her go after so many years!"

After walking out of the stone room, Luo Xiu jumped from the air without any hesitation. The stone room was 30 to 40 meters from the ground of the cave, but Luo Xiu jumped from above without any hesitation. Luo Xiu suddenly burst into a burst of energy, and his clothes were bulging. He stepped on the void and walked seven steps, as if something was under his feet. Instead, he stepped on the air and walked down a few meters in a few steps.

Some people below looked up at Luo Xiu's magical performance and stared at Luo Xiu's pace with their eyes wide open.

"Lao Li, how long has it been since Mr. Luo did this?" The speaker is a man in his forties. He asked a man next to him.

The man also looked up at Luo Xiu, who fell from the air, and sighed, "It's been more than ten years. The last time he did this when the door owner was overjoyed. It seems that something big is going to happen again today!"

Luo Xiu fell from the air and said loudly, "Where is the captain of the communication team?"

A middle-aged man in the crowd came out and bowed: "See the master!"

Luo Xiu took a look at him and said, "Assemble the personnel and go to the magpie platform to wait!"

"Yes!" The man bowed and answered and called the team members.

Half an hour later, looking down at the continuous mountains below the sky, hundreds of giant birds suddenly flew out of the empty mountain and went in all directions. Each giant bird was gray, like an eagle-like owl, with wings spread five meters long, and each giant bird sat a man in brown clothes.

Xiongguan is a long road, with vast mountains on the ground, and countless lakes and rivers. In the mainland, there are hundreds of beautiful places, mountains, rivers and Zhong Ling Yuxiu, and among which 300 and ten mountains and spiritual orifices are occupied by sects. For thousands of years, these caves are blessed Developed by people. Nowadays, countless sectarian sects have formed.

and it is divided into the size of the spiritual vein and the thickness of the concentration. It is a match for power.

The news conveyed by hundreds of people from Xunyingmen to various sects, like a boulder, threw themselves into the quiet water of the river and lakes for too long, and suddenly made huge waves. Although Xunyingmen, a small faction sandwiched between secular sects and Xiuzhen sects, cannot make friends with those real leaders, the customer base he has is already very large, covering almost 30% of the sects in the world.

Don't underestimate these 30% of sects. You should know how vast the continent is. On hundreds of millions of square kilometers of land, thousands of sects are listed on it, and several people can make friends with so many factions. Only these 30% are enough to cause the most violent waves on the mainland.

A few days later, some forces couldn't stand it and finally got specific information after paying some costs, while other sects were unwilling to lag behind and also bought the news with a lot of money. After that, without knowing the reason, the news about Tang Lin spread from the world at the same time. It spread immediately. The sect that bought it with a lot of money was very angry, but so far, they had to pinch their noses and admit it.

For a while, the news about Tang Lin, a patriarch, spread all over the world, and this remote place in the southwest instantly became famous. A few days later, the news about Tang Lin flooded, but the news became more and more outrageous. Later, Tang Lin became not only a descendant of the Xiuzhen sect, but also a person with a strange treasure and a certain treasure. What's more, Tang Lin turned out to be just a nobody, but after getting a peerless weapon, he suddenly became a six-level master. Rumors are becoming more and more widespread, causing many people who don't know the truth to move and join the pursuit of Tang Lin.

Finally, some warriors, ronin, small sects, gate factions, court messengers, etc. on the rivers and lakes came to this small city in the southwest. Among them, there are some demonic characters, and there are also cultivation sects mixed with them. An action against Tang Lin began slowly.

While the owner of Xunying Gate happily counted the wealth earned from this news, Tang Lin was still on his way back to Qiliping.