
[Chapter 3 Missing]

"Jijiu, Jiujiu"

Qin Yun was thinking about his sister and didn't have time to care about everything around him. His footsteps were very fast, and he only felt that the strength in his body was flowing and he had endless strength.

But when he stood on the edge of the ruins, there was no sign of Jiu Jiu? Only the jade pendant of Feng Feilong and a string of bracelet worn by Jiu Jiu, which wears crystal clear diamond beads together.

"Jiou, Jiujiu... Jiujiu..." Qin Yun picked up the jade pendant and bracelet and shouted loudly. He hoped that Jiu Jiu was just missing and nothing happened. He hoped that Jiu Jiu was just really hungry and went to find food by himself.

"Jijiu, Jiujiu..." Qin Yun is about to go crazy. Jiujiu is the only relative he lives in the world. Without her, how can Qin Yun have the courage to live?

He was so distressed that he looked like a miser who lost all his belongings, which was more uncomfortable than death. But where the hell did Jiujiu go?

Qin Yun did not stop, searched all the places where people could be hidden in the surrounding ruins, and even dug out three feet of the ruins on the other side of the broken wall, but there was still no shadow of Jiujiu.

"Is Jiujiu... Jiujiu captured by... the wolf demon and forced to ask that underworld book?" Qin Yun's heart is cold. If so, what should he do?

This is not the result he wants, because if Jiu Jiu falls into the hands of the wolf demon, he will definitely die. At that time, what courage does Qin Yun have to live again? There is no one to protect, no one to depend on each other, no relatives worthy of his nostalgia, and even he doesn't know what will happen to him.

Of course, he didn't want to see this result, so he would rather believe that Jiu Jiu was just missing than be captured by the wolf demon.

"What should I do? What should I do? Dad...mother...if Jiujiu is not here, I...I...how could this year Feng Village become like this? Aren't we... not always good? Why did it become like this... Everyone is dead, and Jiujiu is gone..."

"No, no... But where is Jiujiu? ...I, I'm really useless... I'm really useless, even Jiu Jiu has not been protected... I... I..."

Qin Yun suddenly roared, and he began to abandon himself. His fists were on the ground, and the skin on his hands had cracked. His heart was too depressed, and suddenly, he was angry, "Wow..." He actually spit out a mouthful of blood, and the blood suddenly turned red.

But Qin Yun did not stop his roar and heartbreaking. It's like the end of the world, as if the flood has been cut off, as if all the stars have lost their color, and everything has turned into a ferocious ridicule.

"Jijiu is gone..." Qin Yun's voice has roared hoarsely, and he doesn't even have the last strength. With trembling legs, he couldn't help kneeling on the ground and staring blankly in front of him.

"My parents, the child is unfilial, and I didn't take good care of Jiujiu. I failed to live up to your expectations. I... I..."

Qin Yun lay on the ground and finally cried loudly.

After all, he is just a child.

After suffering for a while, Qin Yun finally felt better. He stared at the ground in a daze and didn't know where to go.

I don't know how long it took, the black gas covering the village became stronger, and Qin Yun's mind suddenly flashed: "That tree root? If the tree root comes to save me, will it also save Jiujiu? So...that seems to be the root of a rich tree?"

Qin Yun suddenly came to some energy, and he no longer looked for some clues around him regardless of his injuries.

"Is this a feather?" His eyes paused and remained on a pinch of feathers: "Here, how can there be feathers here? Whose feather is this? Is it also a monster? Are you with that wolf demon? Have they already come to Jiujiu?

"Tree roots, roots... Are there any traces of tree roots scratching?" Qin Yun clenched the feather and the jade pendant at the same time. Because it was too hard, he almost crushed the piece of jade.

"Yes...Yes..." He suddenly found a hole. "This is exactly the same as what was left when the tree root appeared. Jiujiu... Jiujiu was really saved by the tree root?"

There was a touch of joy on Qin Yun's face, but suddenly thought, "If the tree root is also going to force you to ask that underworld book, then Jiu Jiu?"

His voice suddenly became sharp. If the tree root saved him only for the sake of Mingshu, wouldn't Jiu Jiu be more dangerous? Thinking of this, Qin Yun clenched his fists tighter and his nails were deeply pinched into the meat.

"What should I do? What should I do... By the way, calm down, calm down... I want to calm down... I, I will take a look at the square of Fengshu last year, and there must be some clues..."

Qin Yun has made up his mind that he is already familiar with Nianfeng Village. There are no living people in this village, and those messy bodies have turned into white bones.

He finally came to the square in the center of the former village.

This square is a nearly 100 mu square paved with stones. Qin Yun remembered that the annual harvest celebration was held here when he was a child. At that time, I and my sister would put on brand-new clothes and dance with the villagers, with indescribable joy and happiness.

But now Qin Yun stands here, but it is indescribably sad and desolate. Is this the feeling you can only feel when you are alone?

He recalled the hustle and bustle of the square, and his dry tears fell again. According to the time, the annual celebration is approaching, but at this moment, things are wrong. Last year and today, it has become a thing of the past.

"New Year's Tree, New Year's Tree... Where are you? Damn..."

Qin Yun scanned the square with gloomy eyes. A towering tree stood in the middle of the square. The tree was at least dozens of feet high and had thick branches, and it may not be surrounded by ten people.

The rich tree has survived for many years, and I don't know how many wind and waves it has experienced. There are potholes on its torso, which is proof of its rings and the course of its life.

Countless wind and rain, countless years are engraved, but he still stands still.

It is the symbol of Nianfeng Village.

Next to the tree is a temple, which is dedicated to the god of this tree. The villagers worship year after year, and the incense continues. The trees seem to have spiritual knowledge. Every time they fall down, there are countless newcomers who have achieved a hundred years of good under this tree. Qin Yun's parents also formed a union under this tree and made an unswerving vow to die.

But at this moment, Qin Yun frowned, and there was such sadness at a young age. His eyes stared at the branches of the New Year's tree.

Sure enough, it should be this rich tree that saved him, but what about Jiujiu? Now that Jiu Jiu has been taken away, where has she gone?

"Damn..." Qin Yun punched the tree, and the leaves floated between his fists. He couldn't tell whether the tree was a friend or an enemy.

He used a lot of force, because there was too much resentment in his heart and nowhere to vent, but his wound torn by the wolf demon cracked again at this moment, and the jade pendant in his hand was also dyed red.

The jade pendant oozed blood and suddenly glowed a faint fluorescence. The faint light was like a phosphorus fire, so strange and unfathomable.

Qin Yun stared at the fluorescence emitted by the hanging jade in his hand, and suddenly found that time was still at this moment.

Yes, time is still.

The wind did not blow, and the shadow of the tree no longer shook. He actually found that his breath was gone.

"What is this? ..." Qin Yun looked down at the hanging jade in his hand, as if he were in a warm spring.

While Qin Yun was in surprise, the light on the hanging jade suddenly shot out and shone on the towering tree.

The body of the tree actually concave into a round hole, and the shape of the round hole is exactly the shape of the jade pendant. Qin Yun was curious and hesitated to inlay the hanging jade.

At the same time, there is a slight change around the round hole.

A spell engraved with ancient characters appeared around the round hole, surrounding the rich trees and Qin Yun. Qin Yun only felt that he was in the warm sunshine at this moment, and the abrupt scratches on his hand also healed in an instant.

How can the Nian Fengshu have such magical power? And he found that the strength in his body suddenly returned to his heart, but his whole body was still very comfortable.

"Have I recovered from my injury?" Qin Yun opened his eyes wide.

His injury was healed by the treatment of Nian Fengshu, and he himself was healthier than his previous self. His head suddenly became very sober, and this sobriety brought him a lot of questions.

"What's the matter with the abundance of trees this year? Why did my injury suddenly heal? Underworld book, what is the underworld book? I... Why don't I know anything... What's going on here? The people are dead, and I'm the only one... Corpse, corpse..."

Qin Yun's thoughts are very clear, but the more he thinks about it, the more scared he becomes. He is afraid that he will never know, and he is also afraid of living alone in the world from then on.

This kind of taste can't be tolerated by anyone.

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