
[Chapter 12]

Fifteen seemed to understand. He asked, "What do you mean, Bai Xue? What if the two women pick it up?"

Bai Xue paused slightly. Her original intention was to make fun of 15th, but 15 didn't seem to eat this trick. She could only say with a wry smile, "Then one of them will not recognize the Lord... And the two people with conch are destined, and you will see each other soon..."

Her voice fell, but the expression on her face was gone.

"Can I see her? Haha, she must be as beautiful as Bai Xue... I will also like her as much as I like Bai Xue..." 15 is very excited, but it's really blunt.

When Bai Xue heard him say "like", she couldn't help but panic and said hesitantly, "Happy...like? You...you...like...me?"

Her voice was almost inaudible, and the blush on her cheeks was like fire.

"I like it, a good person like Bai Xue, I would like to be together all my life..." 15 blinked his eyes, as if it was a very common thing.

"A lifetime? Do you...do you really like me that much? Would you like to stay with me all your life?" Bai Xue stared at fifteen's eyes, allowing her cheeks to become redder and redder, but her heart was also becoming more and more firm when she looked at fifteen.

Since she was praised for her beautiful and cute eyes, her heart has also had an unspeakable feeling, and a girl's heart has also belonged at that moment.

"I like it, but I like it. Doesn't Bai Xue like me?" 15# asked puzzledly, and his innocent eyes also stared at the white snow.

"I, I, I mean... I mean... I, I also... like you..." In a word, stammered and intermittently.

Her head was also deeply lowered, and the evening breeze blew up her hair. Her delicate face was almost bleeding, and the glowing elves fell on her body, extraordinary, vulgar and indescribably beautiful.

"Bai Xue, why did you... your face turn red..." 15 is not a joke, but it sounds like a joke.

Bai Xue was finally so ashamed that he rushed to 15 and buried his head in his chest.

15 was stunned, and he didn't know where to put his hands. After a while, there was a burst of birds cheering in the sky, as if they were playing, but Bai Xue's cheeks became redder.

When she was caught off guard on the 15th, she suddenly turned around and ran away.

15? 15 stayed in place and scratched his head and said to himself, "Bai Xue... What's wrong with Bai Xue?"

He had no choice but to sigh and return to the thatched hut.

However, the moment he turned around, his chest suddenly seemed to be burned by something.

"It's so hot..." 15 reached into his arms and saw that the broken jade hanging on his chest was like a burning charcoal.

He pinched the hanging jade in his hand, and the temperature of the jade suddenly dropped. Fifteen looked at it doubtfully. The broken jade seemed to be spiritual, and the green of the whole body gradually turned blood red.

The light suddenly appeared, and the broken jade turned into blood jade?

The whole body is transparent, blood red and blood red, and the real light begins to flow like **.


In an instant, the sound of water flow has come from the blood jade. In fifteen surprised eyes, the light has suddenly rotated into a huge whirlpool. In this valley of flowers, thunder roared in the whirlpool.

There was another gust of wind between the lightning. The wind blew gently, and in the blink of an eye, the violent force that almost broke through the world burst out of the whirlpool. The subtle breeze suddenly turned into a dense wind blade, cutting everything, even time and space, Memory...

"What's going on?" Fifteen's face was full of incredible.

His eyes turned, and he saw that the wind and thunder did not diminish. On the contrary, it became stronger and stronger with the rotation of the whirlpool. This strong power fluctuation made 15 feel that something was ready to move.



The wind and thunder suddenly gathered, and the whirlpool seemed to be tired and stagnated. When the wind was calm, cracks appeared on it.

At a certain moment, the whirlpool broke and turned into thousands of fragments, and the wind and thunder dissipated, and the world returned to clarity.

But just as 15 breathed a sigh of relief, something more incredible happened. The hundreds of fragments began to reorganize again, and the time seemed to last as long as millions of years.

The shadow of a giant book appeared in the center of the whirlpool. It is a book, a book composed of space and time.

No one can see it seriously, including 15 himself, and his thoughts are full of doubts.

15 looked at the shadow of the book above his head, and there were streams of color in his pupils, which were emitted from the book.

His eyes have widened, because there are two words written on the page, which are a kind of text from ancient times. It is not so much a text as a graphic. This figure is the first sound and the first syllable.

"The sky is against?" Fifteen said two words obscurely, and the book seemed to be very surprised. In a flash, a vast text appeared in front of him.

Fifteen is stunned. This text is the same as the word "heavenly rebellion". Although I don't know what the word is, the fifteenth seems to have been seen, and I read it word by word obscurely.

"The creation of heaven and earth has become yin and yang, the founding god annihilated the life source, the gods of all things show the achievements of creation, and the flood and famine incarnate the way of heaven..."

"What do you mean, it seems to be very serious..." 15 has to scratch your head when you don't understand something.

He doesn't understand the meaning of the above text at all, but it is a miracle that he can understand this kind of text that is not a text. If Bai Xue stands here now and looks at those graphic words, she must be confused. Maybe she will look at the fifteenth like an animal.

"There is an end of everything, the world is like this, the way of heaven is like this, and the cycle is for reincarnation, that is, the person who responds, or gods or demons or people or the world or the way of heaven, and there is also a fixed number of reincarnation..."

"The person who changes his life is rebellious, if the man is against the sky, if the god is against the devil, if the devil is against the sky, if the devil is against the sky, if the sky is against the sky, the three worlds dominate the pursuit of detachment, detachment, delusion in the world; the way of heaven is chasing detachment, delusion... The way of heaven is not benevolence, and the heaven is born. The flood and famine cut off the current, and the sky was born against the earth, subverting the way of heaven..."

What does this mean? I don't understand at all. It seems that it is said that the birth of the sky is against the sky? Why is it so complicated... huh? Is this? "Decisive?" When the fifteenth mind moved, he saw another vast text behind that text, and before the text of the text, the three words written were "ming tian jue".

"The beginning of heaven and earth are born against the sky, the fate of the underworld is predestined, thousands of miles of wind and thunder gather in the void, and there is no life forever..."

"What a strange formula, is this... a kind of skill? I don't understand..." After seeing such words, the only feeling of 15 is "What is this?"

"Ah! ......”

In the middle of 15 full of questions, he found that his whole body suddenly became hot, as if he had been boiled in boiling water.

He found a breath circulating in his body, which seemed to be very thin, like a newborn baby, crying, but making 15 extremely irritable.

He is almost going crazy.

He sweated like rain all over his body. It didn't come back until the evening, but the fifteenth irritability seemed to have decreased a little, but God did not let him go because of this. The fifteen felt numbness all over his body, and his hands and feet had lost consciousness in an instant. His body began to hurt to the bone, every The bones are about to break, and every piece of skin has turned purple.

After a while, the purple sauce of his skin became thicker and thicker, and began to bleed, but the blood was dark, as if poisoned.

There was another crack in his body. The original injury had not yet healed, and his interior had become a mess.

He could only grit his teeth, and his face began to twist.

In an instant, his body became bloody and miserable.

Is this the horror of heavenly rebellion?

Heaven is rebellious, and the sky is rebellious in the world. There is a doom in the dark. Predestined people can read the heavenly rebellious, but they can't practice according to the skills recorded above. Predestined people, predestined people? No one knows how strong the power of heavenly rebellion is. Now the fifteenth felt something after seeing Ming Tianjue, and his body immediately became strange.

Isn't 15th a predestined person?

The so-called fate must have a cause, and there must be consequences.

What keeps lingling in the body of the fifteenth is a spirit of heavenly rebellion. It is like a playful child and a strong resentment bursting from a helpless person.

However, the fifteenth can't be controlled at all, allowing it to circulate in the body, every inch of the meridians is cut off, and every nerve has a difference.

A person's last lifeline is in his heart, and the spirit of heavenly rebellion also penetrated without hesitation.


The body of the fifteen suddenly burst, and the blood mist spread all over the sky, but a heart beat and rotated in the air... The spirit of heaven is still in the heart of the fifteen. Why?

There is no wind at night, the stars are bright, and the silver moon is bright.

"I didn't expect you to finally start practicing the underworld decision, child, the future depends on you..." A low voice floated in the air, which seemed to be a cloud.

In the fifteenth body, just as soon as the qi of heavenly rebellion entered the heart, a stronger force emanated from his heart and directly burst his body, and the baby-like qi of celestial rebellion seemed to have met serious parents, met a strict teacher, and stopped there motionless.

This is simply appalling, unprecedented. What is Master Yan hovering in front of the spirit of the sky, but a stronger breath, and this breath is the power contained in 15 itself and the power to bounce off the white snow spell.

But the breath is the same as the rebellious spirit in front of us, but it is more powerful and pure. The baby-like true spirit in front of it is like an ant, and only one rotation is integrated into the true spirit as big as Panlong.

PS: Please collect, red tickets, please...