
[Chapter 18 Can Fight Again]


The vast chapter of Ming Tianjue flowed in the mind of 15. Suddenly, he felt a force in his body and was ready to move.

"Is this... the wind blade? Could it be..."

That is the power of the wind, which is the power absorbed from the wind blade of the horse. At this moment, it was actually used by theming tian decision. What is the effect of thisming tianjue's skill?


The power of the wind was raised from the body by 15, and suddenly, "Oh..."

There was a strong wind around him.

"Isn't this the storm of Dalan? ..." The sharp-eyed person has screamed, and this shout is also stunned by everyone present.

"Dalan Wind Roll? The blade of the wind? How could he? Did the stinging envoy teach him? Everyone's eyes are unbelievable.

After a while, a strong storm has formed, and a vacuum was formed in an instant around 15 feet. At this moment, the sound of the wind is like a cry from hell, which makes everyone frightened.

Heiyuan's heart is still full of relief, but the arrows transformed from murderous spirit still have no tendency to relax.

"Diao Bug Skills..."

He roared, and a blue light suddenly appeared on the sharp blades of those flying arrows. The light was like lightning before the thunderstorm, with the energy constantly converging, and had a close contact with the strong wind created by 15.


It was like a thunderous sound, bringing a layer of energy ripples spreading outward, and the whole ring was instantly covered with smoke and dust.

At this moment, everyone's hearts were raised. Judging from the energy fluctuations on the field, the strength of the two people was probably between them.

After a while, the smoke slowly drifted away. On the ring, the figures of the two appeared. One of them stood straight, lowered his head slightly, and his face was full of sarcastic smiles...

At this moment, the sunset has aged, and the light red afterglow has turned red to the square. The white snow standing under the field is already burning anxious, because the half-kling man is the fifteenth. Her beautiful eyes moved slightly, and the worry on her cheeks is difficult to hide.

"It's really vulnerable, even if you will be in the storm, in front of me, no matter what power you have, it's useless..." Heiyuan smiled coldly, the kind of complady and contempt for everything...

I almost burst out laughing.

"Wow..." 15 slowly exhaled a breath of turbid breath and quickly stood up in the gradually strong smile of Heiyuan.

Seeing such a scene, Heiyuan's expression couldn't help but stag down and said in a low voice, "It's really an invincible cockroach..."

With that, he took a step and stood on the spot. Between his clothes, there seemed to be a slow flow of energy from heaven and earth. Fifteen's heart suddenly felt a little solemn and muttered, "Very strong..."

Heiyuan's smile suddenly intensified. At a certain moment, his hand pointed to the sky, and then he slipped down fiercely and shouted, "The earth is thunderous..."


Energy surges like water.

In front of the fifteenth, suddenly flashed a thunder towering into the clouds, straight down, like a giant dragon, accompanied by the most violent howling, hitting the fifteenth...

As the thunder fell, a trace of folds continued to appear in the surrounding space, and waves of flowing energy isolated the last afterglow of the sky.

All the people present were in an uproar. The moment the thunder appeared, it drove a strong airflow and made everyone suffer strong oppression, not to mention the fifteenth in the center.

Lightning crossed the sky and smashed fiercely at the 15th, just like the thousand waves stirred up by the east of the river...

The whole ring was suddenly turned into flying ash. No one could see the situation on the ring. Lightning covered the sky, and dust also covered the whole square.

With such a big movement, the masters of the jade clan soon began to stare at this battlefield. After all, the devastating power should not be underestimated.

After a long time, the smoke gradually dissipated. On the ring, the upper body clothes of the 15 have been blown into powder by the thunder, and his body has been dyed red with blood.

It's just that he didn't fall down. He still held on, and his eyes flashed with unprecedented perseverance.

"Cough..." Blood spit out, fifteen felt that his throat was sweet and his body was numb.

However, the thunder did not seem to be over. In the frightened eyes, light blue arcs suddenly appeared and kept spinning around his body.

Each arc is like a sharp sword, and every time it touches the skin of 15, it will leave a blood mouth.

The awkward appearance at this moment of 15th can't be said in detail, but Bai Xue suddenly shouted.

" Stop..."

Her pretty face was already cold. Her voice full of tears and anger made everyone present wake up from the tight scene in the ring. Then she looked at the quiet and elegant third lady of the jade clan. She seemed to be about to collapse.

Is this appearance still the noble third lady in their hearts? It's just a widow who has just died of her husband, and only such a heartbreaking cry can make such a heartbreaking cry.

At this moment...


One hand gently pressed on Bai Xue's shoulder, and a majestic and kind voice came into Bai Xue's ears, making Bai Xue, who was about to attack, calm down in an instant and slowly turned back to show a very sad smile.

"Mother..." She spit out two words with difficulty, but her whole body stood there stiffly.

Hearing Bai Xue's call to his mother, everyone present became serious and bowed slightly, "The patriarch..."

Unexpectedly, the person who stopped Bai Xue's attack was the patriarch of the Yu clan and Bai Xue's mother Bai Qiong.

At this time, Bai Qiong, dressed in a gorgeous coat, exudes her noble breath all the time. Her hair is high, bringing people a momentum of not being angry and self-righteous.

"It doesn't matter..." Bai Qiong whispered, and then she glanced at Heiyuan and said harshly, "Heiyuan, the earth's thunder should be used on the enemy. Do you want to tear down the whole jade clan..."

Heiyuan was stunned. When he came to Bai Qiong's eyes, his heart was cold and he couldn't help retreating a few steps. This leader of the young generation of the jade clan is still like a weak child in front of the patriarch.

"Pear, this... this man also used Dalan to kill me, so... his subordinates had to..." Heiyuan looked solemn and solemn. In front of this patriarch, he did not dare to be arrogant at all.

"How dare you to argue, you instruct the black jade guard to embarrass the guests of our jade clan, which is also why he embarrass you first..."

Hearing this, Heiyuan couldn't help showing panic. He did ask the black jade guard to take action against 15. At this moment, there is no solution.

"Take him down..." Bai Qiong waved her hand, and suddenly there were four broken winds. Four figures had quickly swept up the ring and detained Heiyuan with their backhand...

Not far ahead of the black far away, 15 is now wrapped in the electric arc like a spiritual snake, but he still insists on not falling.

Bai Qiong glanced at 15 and frowned slightly. She couldn't help praising the teenager's perseverance, so she tried her best to save the human, but before she could take action, an old voice came.

"Yo, patriarch Bai, how did the competition between the younger generations startle you..." Bai Qiong's face suddenly became gloomy and she heard that the person was the elder of the jade clan.

Bai Qiong is so disgusted with this elder. The old woman, who has stepped into the coffin with half a foot, has been thinking about how to pull her down from the position of the patriarch, and how to seize power and call for the wind and rain.

Of course, she ignored the elder and waved her jade hand, and a red light wrapped around the fifteenth, but unexpectedly, at the moment when the light reached the fifteenth body, it was rebounded away.

"Ha ha ha, patriarch Bai, it seems that the human being doesn't appreciate it?" Seeing that Bai Qiong's kindness was rejected thousands of miles away, the sarcasm on the elder's face was as bright as her false smile.

Of course, only Bai Xue understands this scene in her heart. In fact, it is only the retrograde caused by the protection of the body in fifteen bodies...

"I don't know what's going on with the elder..." Bai Qiong said quietly. She didn't like the elder. In public, it was impossible for Bai Qiong to tear her face with the elder, so she maintained her consistent indifference.

The elder did not answer Bai Qiong's words, but waved to the four guards with Heiyuan and motioned them to retreat, but the four guards stood there like four stone statues, indifferently, ignoring the instructions of the elder.

"Huh, damn slave, you lowly people, why don't let go..." The elder was furious. Although the words were said to the four bodyguards, his eyes stayed on Bai Qiong.

This suddenly refers to the mulberry scolding locust.

"It's common for young people to fight in the ring. I don't know how the patriarch can capture Yuan'er?" The old woman's tone was pruous and came straight to the point.

Bai Qiong's face did not change, but she also had some patriarchal posture and said, "Fifth is the guest of my jade clan. Heiyuan instructed the black jade guard to take action against him. What do you think should we do with this?"

The elder frowned and said quietly, "Long Bai, this is just a small fight between the younger generation. What's the crime? What's more, at this moment, the two juniors are standing on the ring and competing fairly... Does the white patriarch want to interfere in this competition... I heard that there seems to be a rule in this competition, and anyone has a chance to challenge..."

"Of course, if the white patriarch cancels this test in front of the people, no one will object..."

The old witch smiled, and there was a low light in her eyes.

"You don't have to provoke me with words..." Bai Qiong glanced at the elder coldly and said loudly, "The fifteenth is the guest of my jade family. If anyone else wants to trouble him, don't blame me for using ethnic rules..."

With that, her jade hand waved, and suddenly the sound of air being crushed resounded around, and everyone present was terrified...

Bai Qiong's eyes were cold, and the elder was stared at with a cold sweat. Finally, she could no longer hide her hypocrisy and said angrily, "Bai Qiong, what do you mean? Don't you know that the arrival of the alien will put my jade clan in a dilemma?"

"Huh... Elder, I just want to remind you that I am the patriarch. Moreover, the entry of human monks plays a decisive role in the war between our alliance and the wolves, so this human, at least within the scope of our jade clan, cannot be hurt, otherwise this matter is not only related to me and you. It's about the survival of the demon clan..." Bai Qiong said loudly, and her eyes suddenly became extremely fierce.

When everyone heard the words, they didn't expect that there was still this layer of obscurity in it. Fifteen is the key to the war between the jade clan and the wolf clan. Because he is a human being, and this world of gods is also a monk who has entered human beings. In order to please them, it can't harm the fifteenth...

"Huh, Bai Qiong, don't think that if you are the patriarch, you can go your own way. What if human monks join? What if you don't join? Are you afraid that their wolf clan will fail..." The elder is also unwilling to show weakness. Her momentum is the same, and she has the intention to take action if she doesn't agree with each other. .

"Noise..." Bai Qiong's eyes condensed, and suddenly, a surging momentum hit the elder like a wave.

The elder was impacted by the wave of momentum, and the old man's face was full of shock. She knew that if she fought with each other, she would definitely not be Bai Qiong's opponent, and now she could only grit her teeth with hatred.

"What's more, elder, I warn you that I'm doing something about the survival of my jade clan. Don't always use your reliance on the old man to put pressure on me. At that time, if... hum..." Bai Qiong didn't go on, she just sneered.

But the elder really felt murderous. She had no doubt that if she crossed the bottom line of the patriarch again, she would not mind killing this annoying wife.

Although the dialogue between Bai Qiong and the elders is short, the people of the jade clan are not fools. The clan still learned an urgent form from their words, that is, at this time, the jade clan may have reached the verge of life and death, and the key or hope of turning the universe is in the fifteenth. .

Everyone's eyes slowly moved from the two high-level officials to the fifteen who knelt on one knee on the court. His face was so painful that his face was completely twisted, and no one could not take a breath of cool breath.

"Mother, save fifteen..." Bai Xue's voice was eager and anxious, and she pulled Bai Qiong's arm with her slender hand.

"This human called Fifteen has a strange power. If I forcibly break those lightnings to help him heal his wounds, he may be more seriously injured..." Bai Qiong was surprised.

Originally, 15 was bombarded so heavily that even if he didn't die, he would definitely be seriously injured, but at this moment he actually fought against the electric arc, which is really puzzling.

Of course, outsiders don't know the situation at this moment. Looking at him, at this moment...

Two situations have appeared in my mind, one is wind and the other is thunder. At the beginning, when I first practiced the underworld decision, the two situations of wind and thunder appeared, and finally formed a whirlpool. After the whirlpool broke up, an illusory book of heavenly rebellion appeared.

At this time, 15 also saw the huge whirlpool composed of wind and thunder, but this whirlpool was not in reality, but existed in the mind of 15.

With the emergence of this whirlpool, the lightning around it penetrated into his body like a river into the sea.

Such a strange scene is not only the Heiyuan and the people, but also Bai Qiong. After seeing such a scene, the most powerful patriarch of the jade clan also kept waves in his heart. "First, he absorbed the wind blade, and now he absorbs the power of thunder. Is this still human? Has the human world become incredible?

Bai Qiong's heart is full of ups and downs. It is more firm to want to attract 15's thoughts, and at this moment, she also fully believes that the addition of this human being will definitely turn the whole situation around.

"Mother, mother, what's wrong with the fifteenth... How did those lightning get into his body?" Bai Xue asked puzzledly, and her beautiful eyes were full of doubts.

Bai Qiong looked up slightly and looked at Bai Xue kindly. Her eyes were facing each other, and her pink eyes were facing her pink eyes. In just a moment, the old-fashioned Bai Qiong had read out her daughter's thoughts and said, "He is fine. When this game is over, he will become more powerful..."


After 15 was arrested, Bai Xue also told Bai Qiong that 15 was saved by her and lost her memory. With the recent emergence of human monks, Bai Qiong also rushed to this matter.

Bai Qiong thought that this 15th must be one of those human monks, but she was injured and lost her memory for some reason, so if she can win over this perverted guy this time, she must also win the favor of other members. In this way, the alliance has the greatest guarantee against the wolf clan. .

Thinking of this, Bai Qiong should have been happy, but she still locked her eyebrows deeply. It seemed that there was something else that worried her.

The force that stands faintly behind the wolf clan, except for some extreme speculation, the force behind the wolf clan is definitely not simple, and it may be called a demon clan that can compete with the Protoss.

"Demon clan?" Bai Qiong's face was full of bitterness. She ignored the people in the square and turned around and was about to go back, but when she was about to flash away, the whole quiet square also showed a sound of surprise.

I only saw 15 knee kneeling on the ring, which had absorbed the last arc into his body.

He stood up, and in everyone's stunned eyes, the wounds all over his body gradually healed the moment he stood up.

Bai Qiong, including the previous elder, couldn't believe her eyes at this time. First, she absorbed the power of lightning, and at this time, her body's wounds automatically healed. This physique has left all people.

The eyes glanced at the people present, and finally stopped on the black far, wiped the remaining blood on his face, and there was a rolling thunder sound in his throat: "I... can still fight again..."

PS: Please, please...