
[Chapter 40 The centipede is coming]

"Hunlei Tianjing..."

Lao Lin smiled faintly and waved his hand. A light blue light appeared in front of the fifteenth, illuminating the dusk sky. With the disappearance of the blue light, a diamond-shaped crystal body appeared.

Looking at the crystal in surprise, he raised his head in a daze, but Mr. Lin's figure disappeared, and his last voice also came from the flowing air: "Old man, I was guided by this crystal to meet you here. It's really an opportunity... Hahaha, this crystal is up to you. There is a big secret on it. I hope you can unlock it... And the little guy, look forward to seeing you again..."

"Old man, old man..." 15 shouted, but Mr. Lin had disappeared without a trace, and I don't know if he could hear his words.

For Mr. Lin, who has never been masked, he has a feeling of being extremely close. After hearing his words, he did not hesitate to choose to be close, but isn't Mr. Lin? Otherwise, they would not help each other, and in the end, they would not hand over the important thunder crystal to the fifteenth.

Reaching out and holding the crystal floating in the air, he turned it up and down and looked at the crystal clear crystal containing a big secret.

Among them, there seems to be a thin thunder arc flashing, but the slightest thunder is so incredible that even the most powerful thunder controller can't divide the thunder so small.

15's surprise is difficult to hide. Compared with the small thunder, the three short horizontals on the crystal belly were directly ignored. After a glance, the whole attention was focused on the thunder.

Thunder sounded, and a faint sound made the whole crystal beat, like a playful child, with no more joy.

Looking at the crystal in his hand, I don't know when the sunset has been. 15 stood up and stretched out and muttered, "It's time to go back..."


Walking on the path when he came, the sky was a little gray. The faint light reflected the outline of the whole forest extremely ferocious, and there seemed to be a trace of unusual breath, but 15 did not feel any abnormality. He looked up at the jade lights not far away and accelerated his pace.

"Dudu..." The forest is very quiet, especially at night. The sky, which should have been starry and the moon is high, is being covered by dark clouds, and occasionally the sound of a nightingale comes into his ears.

Walking, I don't know how long it took. Finally, 15 finally found something wrong, because even it didn't take so much time to get to the jade clan on the other side of the forest, and now the fifteenth heart is like a mirror. Looking at the jade clan still brightly lit in front of me, I was surprised, "Am I lost? But doesn't this road lead to the jade clan?

15 looked at the back in surprise. I didn't know. I was shocked. My position was still in the center of the forest, and the towering tree behind me was like a ghost, always behind me.

15 opened his mouth in surprise and suddenly stepped out of four or five feet. Since practicing the mortal decision, after entering the battle, his strength has also increased a little, so it is not difficult to take four or five feet in one step.

But strange things happened after 15th, and the forest behind him seemed to have legs, actually following him.

15 was stunned on the spot and stepped forward step by step. When he looked behind him, the big tree had never been a foot away from him. When the big tree followed him, a pale blue breath suddenly floated in the air, easily and happily in the air against the wind, and then mixed The unique smell of mixed trees rushed towards the 15th.

The whole person seems to be wrapped in a green space, full of trees, ethereal blue smoke, thin branches and green branches and leaves.

The way back seems to be longer, and no matter how far the 15th sweeps forward, it can't get rid of the entanglement of the big tree and can't see the end, although the bright lights of the jade clan still exist not far in front of them.

"What's going on? Why can't I go back?" This is the only doubt of Fifteen. For the strange forest, Fifteen did not deliberately think about anything, or in such a strange scene, the nervous Fifteen was not afraid of it.

"Oh... Is Mr. Lin kidding me?" Suddenly, there were some eyebrows, and 15 also came to cheer up and shouted at the place where I didn't know where to shout, "Hey! Old Lin, I know you're playing tricks. Please let me back..."

A crisp voice sounded around, and the same voice as 15 resounded in his ears, as if he was in a secret room at the moment, and his echo was clearly audible.

After a while, 15 found that nothing had changed around him, but there was a strange sound.

"Haw, bang..." Then there was a small sound of approaching, and when he saw that Mr. Lin did not speak, he shouted, "Old Lin, I won't play anymore. Can't I be your disciple? ......”

Before the words fell, a burst of coolness suddenly appeared in his heart. At this moment, he found that something rushed to his right rear. He subconsciously turned to the left and glanced back slightly. A monster about four or five feet high was biting at him crazily.

"So big, what is that?"

There was a trace of shock in his fifteen eyes. It was the first time he saw such a big guy, and his disgusting appearance was really disgusting.

I dodged the blow of the monster, and fell to the side and took a cold breath. I saw that the monster was a long creature with a flat body, but it stood up like a spirit snake, but it was not a spirit snake, because under its body, it kept shaking a pair of touching feet. At first glance, this big guy It is a mutant centipede.

" centipede?"

There was a dullness in the heart of the fifteenth, and I saw the centipede's body lean back slightly and leaning forward. Its huge mouth that could swallow life mercilessly bit towards the fifteenth.

Coming on his face, fifteen felt the fishy wind blowing, which made him pause a little.

The centipede's mouth is very big, with scarlet blood, and rows of teeth are dark and chilling. Feeling the attack, 15 has to use all his strength to avoid it.

But 15 seemed to be shocked by this huge centipede, and did not expect to take the initiative to attack, but let the centipede play with 15 in the palm of its hand like a prey.

"Kang, chirp..."

Then, another sound sounded from the left side of 15th, and another centipede of the same head came out of 15's heart.

"Why so many? The maid didn't seem to tell me that there were centipede here, and it was so big, and there were two..." 15 dodged and shouted, still didn't expect that she had full room for a counterattack.

In this way, he kept dodging, and two huge centipedes bite violently. Such a strange picture can't connect cruelty and blood, because while avoiding centipedes, 15 also seemed to have realized something. After a dodge, he could pause for a while and then smile at the centipede.

He seems to be more and more relaxed


Two centipede continued to attack 15 and seemed to be happy.

It's strange that the existence of such a big centipede itself is an appalling monster. At this moment, two centipede appeared, but no one in the jade clan has ever found it.

This point can't be figured out on 15.

However, when the fifteenth swimmer was able to avoid, there was a sound again, but this time it was not a centipede, but a person, but it was not appropriate to say that it was a human being, because it was dead.

"Dead people? Why is there everything in this place? He was also shocked when the body full of maggots appeared in front of him.

The body slowly moved his pace, and pieces of carrion kept falling from his body, revealing the whole bloody torso. His pale eyes stared at the fifteenth. When he walked towards him, its blood basin cracked to his neck opened, and a black smoke like a The sword generally shoots at the fifteenth.

"Touch..." narrowly dodged the shooting of the sharp sword, but when the fifteenth looked back at the hit tree, the shock in his heart was like a huge wave hitting the rocky coast.

The black smoke curled up and burned the tree into nothingness in an instant. The fifteen eyes widened, and the originally indifferent face twitched, and then swallowed a mouthful of foam, thinking in his heart, "Don't be beaten..."

He quickly recovered and dodged the attack of a centipede, but because he had been staring at the body that would spewing black smoke, 15 did not expect that a third centipede would appear behind him, and with the appearance of the third centipede, even though his heart was filled with cold, his reaction was It's not faster than the centipede's attack.

The huge blood bites. Look at this momentum. If it is bitten, it is a sure thing to lack arms and legs, but in addition to danger, 15 instinctively gathered his hands to protect his chest, and when the centipede's head approached, a shocking thunder suddenly came out of his hand.

Thunder appeared and dispersed some of the cyan smoke around it. A graceful woman stood on the branch, but this was just a glimpse, and the smoke gathered like a tide.

Although the thunder did not dispel the green smoke around him, he woke up to the fifteenth. It turned out that he had the power to fight back.