
[Chapter 70 Yin and Yang Aggregation]

Hearing what Fei Heng said, Yi Yi stopped, stopped, and then looked at Fei Heng together.

"Brother Feiheng, what are you talking about?" Fu Yao saw Feiheng's happy expression and hurriedly asked.

"Yes, brother, what do you mean by the day and night demon? Are you talking about this statue of the god?" Yiyi also asked with a smile.

"Sun fairy and night demons, yin and yang converge... Haha, so it is, so..." He was excited and made others puzzled.

The art of yin and yang aggregation? Feiheng, what's going on?" Feiling turned around and looked at Fei Heng.

Hearing Feiling's words, Feiheng came to his senses. Then he was stunned. Yifuyao was looking at him with a strange look. Feiheng felt embarrassed and immediately said, "Big brother, the master is an elder of the collection. I have the honor to enter the library with the permission of the master, and I read the classics in the library. When I was born, I found a strange book called Yin and Yang..."

"Yin and Yang"? I have also heard from the master about this book. This book was written by a senior I sent..." Fei Ling said.

"It's true... At that time, I was curious and looked through it, but the content was very strange... At the beginning of heaven and earth, the world was divided into yin and yang. There is a spell called yin and yang, which can gather energy with the help of heaven and earth, and then reconcile and hide it in the body. It can not only strengthen the body, but also purify the inner spirit, and The most prominent feature of this operation is that the light is yang, showing a positive appearance, and the dark is yin, showing a negative appearance. The absorption of the energy of heaven and earth is greater, which can be said to be several times the ordinary absorption. The appearance of the statue just saw from yin to yang should be similar to this situation... But The ancient book I saw called "Yin and Yang" is just a remnant book. I'm really ashamed. I just know a little..."

"The harmony of yin and yang, from yin to yang..." Fei Ling thought about it, and then said, "Then how does the yin and yang here converge?"

"Big brother, this Cangshen Mountain is full of evil spirits. It is not difficult to see that someone has made a boundary here for the leakage of evil spirits and harm the world, but the source of evil spirits just takes advantage of this. The evil spirits here cannot be dispersed, but yang can reach here through the boundary. At this time, the yin and yang phases Collision, the two people in the middle absorb each other, converge and reconcile, thus forming today's yin and yang aggregation..."

"And this evil qi will be hidden when the yang is at its peak, and the performer only absorbs yang qi, which may also be a situation that Snow White has not encountered during the day. But at night, when the yang qi weakens and the yin qi is strong, the person who casts the spell reconciles yin and yang. Therefore, due to the harmony of yin and yang, the energy of heaven and earth around will become slow, which will affect the operation of the inner spirits in our bodies... I don't think the reason why the spirits in our bodies will be bound is not because of the space constraints. It should be caused by the evil spirit here... but the fifteen brothers are not controlled at all..."

Non-horizontally looked at the fifteenth, which has always been facing the door. He thought of two possibilities. One is that the inner spirit of fifteen is extremely powerful and can ignore the bondage of this evil spirit. The other is that fifteen has some special skill that can restrain this evil spirit. If so, then non-horizontal feels that it is necessary to ask fifteen for advice to himself. The cultivation will be of great help.

"Internal spirit? What is that? ......”


"Fifteen brothers, don't you know the inner spirit? ..." Fei Ling was also shocked. Even if he lost his memory, it was impossible to forget the most basic things of this practicing person.

Non-Ling and his party are practitioners, and Taoism is also a kind of cultivation. They laugh and ask why they practice swords, but no matter how they change the noun, their fundamental is the inner spirit, practicing martial arts, magic, and the power of gods and demons. The most basic is this inner spirit...

But what is the inner spirit? Fifteen is a human, not a demon clan or something. If it is a demon, it may only know the demon spirit, but it must also know one or two of the inner spirit, because this demon spirit is the unique inner spirit of the demon, but the name is different, which is the most basic common sense...

But 15* doesn't know that there is no such concept in his mind.

The loss of memory on 15th seems to be a little stunned...

According to common sense, some of the most basic principles and common sense are deeply rooted, and even if you lose your memory, you will have a slight impression.

"What is the inner spirit? ..." 15 still asked puzzledly. Looking at the doubtful look of everyone, he couldn't help smiling.

"15, don't you really know what the inner spirit is?" Bai Xue opened her eyes wide, and a little light loomed in her pink eyes.

15 shook her head, and Bai Xue was stunned. For a long time, Bai Xue thought that although 15 had lost her memory, she should know about these most basic things.

Whether it is the battle between 15 and Heiyuan or the later battle with the left and right ministers of Green Wolf, there is no doubt that 15 is already a master, but now she has found that this master does not even know the most basic inner spirit.

Bai Xue's own is a demon spirit. The carrots she irrigated with demon holy water can increase her demon spirit. As a half-human and half-god, the silk demon spirit does not have much impact on him. However, 15 does not know whether the inner spirit or he does not have an inner spirit at all, which is extremely shocking to everyone.

However, Yiyi and Bai Xue know that from the previous battle of 15th, his power is extremely powerful. If it does not belong to the category of inner spirits, what is the power of gods and demons? Or something else that I don't know what it is...

Between this world, the inner spirit is owned by human beings, demons are possessed by demons, and the power of gods and demons is possessed by gods and demons, but obviously, the power of gods and demons is higher than that of inner spirits and demons. When a person cultivates into gods and demons, the inner spirit on his body will transform into the power of gods and demons.

"What is the power you use on the 15th?" Yiyi asked in his voice.

"The power I used should be..." 15 wanted to say the power of heavenly rebellion, but he suddenly remembered Lin Lao's words. Lin Lao warned himself not to say the power of heavenly rebellion, otherwise it would cause endless trouble.

So, he could only shake his head and said vaguely, "I'm not very clear..."

He really doesn't know anything about his rebellious power, so the answer at this moment is also true.

"This should be a strange force, and I don't know how it is different from our inner spirit..." Fei Ling pondered for a moment and said, "The fifteen brothers are indeed a little different. Your power should not be an inner spirit, right?"

The power of heavenly rebellion, a power that is above gods and demons, of course, does not belong to the inner spirit, but if one day Feiling knows the source of power on the fifteen body, it is unknown whether his mouth will fall down in horror.

Ling may not know the power of heavenly rebellion. Even if he listens to it, it doesn't matter, but the future number is difficult to determine. If Ling informs the sect about this matter, someone must know something, just like the mysterious Lin Lao, who is not a person of Tianshan.

Since Lin Lao knows the power of 15, it means that at least someone in the Tianshan faction still knows it.


"Maybe the power of the fifteen brothers is special. By the way, who is the person who reconciles yin and yang? Is it the god? ..." Feicheng asked.

"It is very likely..." Feiheng continued to say, "The trend of yin and yang here is not a natural place, and sometimes there are more yang and less yin, and sometimes the momentum of yin and yang is absolutely uncoordinated. The most likely is that the person who reconciles yin and yang is the person who exudes evil spirits. If so, there should be another one around here. A very powerful seal seals the person who reconciles yin and yang, and the boundary is to prevent evil spirits from overflowing. When the daytime yang is at its peak, it can suppress some evil spirits. Therefore, there is no other abnormality in Cangshen Mountain except that it cannot fly, but when night comes, it will be covered by yin and evil qi, and the original boundary will appear. It's chaotic, so when we enter here, we can't go out until we find the boundary here, or wait until dawn..."

"At dawn? This is impossible. We don't have so much time at all, and the devil is completely resurrected at that time. If it really comes, how can we have time to find an outlet..." Fei Ling immediately retorted.

"So that's it. So non-heng brother, do you know where the god is sealed?" Fu Yao opened his eyes wide and looked at Fei Heng.

The sealed person should be the god, and the mysterious woman in white who sealed him in those years.

The spatial bondage should also be left by the mysterious woman, and the others may be left by the god for the gathering of yin and yang today.

You can't fly to Cangshen Mountain, which is a formation similar to blocking, and this array continues the boundary of the whole Cangshen altar. In order not to be found, the sun fairy night demon moved some tamp and feet on Cangshen Mountain, and this Cangshen is also a mechanism.

However, he was still disturbed, because Feiling had raised his sword and cut off the statue of the god.

PS: Ask for red tickets... Give me a little motivation... All kinds of beggings...