
[Chapter 85 Reverse Reproduction]

(first update)

"The reverse of the sky..." The man in the first seat trembled, holding his chin with one hand, leaning against the seat, and his face was gloomy. Then he waved his hand and suddenly shouted, "Spell, use the divine mirror, and monitor the collapse of Tianshuo at all times... In addition, Wuling God, Cangnan God, Shangyang God, Qihai Shener and other lower worlds to look for the underworld, in There must be no mistake in erasing it before it grows up. General Tianmeng asks you to strengthen the defense of the heavenly world. As soon as something happens, others will do their respective duties and strengthen the defense to prevent attacks from the demon world and the alien world..."


A group of people said in unison, and then the middle-aged man waved his hand, and everyone began to be busy. At this moment, the originally light people were replaced by a touch of solemnity: "Will the inheritor of heavenly rebellion appear again after tens of millions of years? I'd like to see what you can look like. The ancient gods can't fight against a witch..."

There is another world that is also chaotic, which is different from the heavenly world where those gods live, because in terms of the color and atmosphere of the world, there is a suffocating taste, dark, gloomy and evil.

This world is called the demon world, which corresponds to the heavenly world. In a heavily defended place in the demon world, there is a palace that is no less than the heavenly palace, but the tone of this palace gives people a gloomy feeling, and the boundless evil spirit is like a wind blade that breaks through the sky, constantly crossing every corner of the world. .

In the demon world, the demon clan is not suitable for weak people to live in.

In the dark palace, there was a pair of strange eyes shining, but when a voice sounded among them, the strange breath became warm: "The sky reappeared, and the world collapsed... Hahahaha, interesting, interesting..."

"Demon king, are we going to find the underworld before heaven?" A negative sound sounded, but he couldn't see his face clearly. Instead, his eyes were as red as blood.

"No, as long as you follow those gods, and help the underworld if necessary..." The man known as the demon king smiled faintly. The whole person stood there without any magic, but like a lotus flower out of the mud, which is out of the mud, which is incompatible with the breath around, but no one will It is suspected that this person's strength is enough to cause panic in the world.

"I don't understand?" The man who was negatively tested did not speak, but another person's voice sounded.

"For no reason, the world is better to be chaotic... I have only taken over the demon world for less than ten thousand years. Since that war, those guys are still waiting for their masters to appear! If I want to surpass the previous demon emperor, I must have a chaotic world to prove myself... Humph, this is good..." After saying that, I smiled ferociously.

But the power of the day? If we can get..." The negative test man said.

"I have my own proportion, so I don't need you to remind me..." The demon king's eyes suddenly cold, and a faint cold light emanated from his body, directly forcing the insidious man to kneel to the ground.

"Yes, yes... I know my mistakes, and I hope the devil will forgive me..."

"It's good to know..." The demon king snorted coldly, and his whole body disappeared.


Does it appear? Did it finally appear again? At that time, the owner shocked the heavens and the world. If it weren't for..." A man's voice resounded, but there was no one in the whole cave, only a huge stone statue.

At one moment, the stone statue clicked crisply, and a slight crack abruptly appeared on the smooth jade-like rock, and the crack continued to expand. At one moment, the stone statue exploded with a bang, and a gray-haired old man appeared.

Although his hair is gray, his face is white and clean, and his voice is like a young man, without the superficial old age. What's going on?

"Finally, I have something to do, and it's not in vain for me to sleep for so many years... How many years has it been? Those guys should also have sensed the tremor of the collapse of Tianshuo, hahahaha, is that moment finally coming? The only thing that can shake the collapse of Tianshuo is the day..." The young old man smiled faintly and suddenly raised his head. First, he was stunned, and then said ecstaticly, "Gan Wu, I didn't expect you to find it so soon... Hahahaha, okay..."

"Old man Gu Shang, are all right..." A slightly cold voice sounded, and then a figure appeared in front of the young old man.

The man came to a middle-aged man, dressed in dark clothes, with cold and gloomy eyes.

"Gan Wu, after so many years, I didn't expect you to still look this cold..." Gu Shang sighed and said, "Is it just you? What about Piao Su and Yang?

"The collapse of the sky and the sky trembled, and the sky reappeared. Those guys in the sky and the demon world should not be able to sit still... The two of them are being entangled by the two sides..." There was no expression on Gan Wu's face, as if the floating and Yang had nothing to do with him at all, but it was better for them to die.

"The heaven and the demon world have begun to act, so we should also act quickly, otherwise it will be bad if they will do it first..." Gu Shang frowned, as if he was very disdainful of heaven and demon world.

But how do we find it? The power of heavenly rebellion appeared, and the collapse of Tianshuo began to tremble. This can only confirm the appearance of the underworld, but there are thousands of people in the world. How can we find the underworld? Ganwu asked.

"Don't forget the key that the alliance leader gave us?" Gu Shangdao.

Gan Wu suddenly realized and said, "The key of Yuming?"

"Yes, since the alliance leader has explained it so, there must be a way to find Mingzi... There are four keys of Yuming, each of which you and I hold one, and two are at Piao Su and Yang... You can understand when you open the jade box..." Gu Shang said.

Gan Wu nodded, and then a trace of fierceness suddenly flashed in his eyes: "Those gods and demons served our headquarters... Where is the jade box?"

"Hmm! The shame of that year must be repaid with blood. The gods and demons destroyed my non-Taoist alliance. Now that the underworld appears, it will be returned a hundred times..." Gan Wu's expression is cold, and he is more fierce at this moment.

"Now let's go to find them. When we collect the key of Yuming and go to the headquarters, there should be clues..." Gu Shang's face also had a murderous atmosphere. With a wave of his sleeves, his whole body disappeared.

In the world of God, with the emergence of the book of heavenly rebellion, the destruction of the whole space begins at fifteen, and the fifteen in the center is protected by a layer of light film. The appearance of heavenly rebellion is incredibly powerful. Even if fifteen is powerful, it is protected by an energy light film. It is impossible to survive.

The world of Cangshen is just a space floating world. The world is surrounded by void turbulence. Ordinary people will be cut into pieces as long as they touch a little. When the snow rescued the fifteenth, the ferocious wounds on his body are the best proof.

The void turbulence that can cut people into pieces has poured in from all directions, and the holes left by the 15th battle with the god also began to collapse at the moment the book of heavenly rebellion appeared.

The unprecedented power of emptiness is like an impergable water flow. As long as there is still a little gap in this world of God, the void turbulence will cover it without hesitation.

The more powerful the power is, the more serious the consequences will be. The space begins to collapse, and a huge whirlpool appears in the original book of heavenly rebellion, absorbing all the things that can be seen in the world of Cangshen.

And the void whirlpool is also getting bigger and bigger, expanding directly towards Cangshen Mountain.

At this moment, Cangshen Mountain has become very lively, and many demons in the Cangshen world have gathered on Cangshen Mountain.

The exit of the world of God is at the altar of God, but due to the fluctuation of the energy of the whole world of God, the exit has been automatically hidden. If you want to open it again, someone must break the stone pillar.

In the world of the god, except for several patriarchs and Bai Xue, they did not know that the god was a human and demon stone wilderness. In their eyes, the altar of the god was left by their ancestors, and it was impossible to break the stone pillar in any case.

watched the space in the distance keep collapsing, and then the irresistible turbulent whirlpool rushed towards this side. All the demons opened their eyes wide. They all hoped that the gods who guarded the world could appear and save them from water and fire.

However, the most ironic thing is that the source of the collapse of the god world is actually the god they regard as their hero.

The whirlpool in the distance continues to expand, and the patriarchs of these demon clans are not present, and they are anxious.

And this is also a good time to fish in troubled waters. In the crowd, he is standing this young man with gloomy eyes, a white robe and slightly upturned corners of his mouth.

This man is the messenger of the demon clan, Tianqing.

Tianqing stood in the crowd and carefully observed the altar of God. When he saw the black stone pillar, he was slightly stunned and said to himself, "This stone pillar? Is this the exit?"

I glanced around and turned to think: "If I break the stone pillar now, even if I find the exit, I will be attacked. Many people have seen me..."

The name of Tianqing may be strange to the demon people, but some people had a relationship with Tianqing when they visited the wolf clan. What's more headache for him is that the jade people are also on this Cangshen Mountain.

Tianqing is confident that these demons are not enough to stand for. With his ability, who can stop him?

However, Tianqing's calculation is also quite deep. The collapse power in the distance has hit. If he is tripped by these people, he can't escape death no matter how capable he can.

The corners of his mouth cracked slightly, and without everyone's awareness, an invisible momentum rushed towards the black stone pillar, "Cock..." with a sound, deep cracks appeared on the pillar.