
[Chapter 109 Whereabouts of the elixir]

The noon sun poured down, stroking everyone's faces like soft palms, and fifteen or four people were looking for a way out on the mountain road.

Ape is an acquaintance in this area. He leads the way, which can also avoid some forks and wrong roads, and some lurking beasts have also given up their plans to attack when they see the ferocious faces of the white demon ape. All the beasts who are afraid of the fierce power of the giant apes are lurking away.

"Can Sister Liu Yuan really go out here?" Xiaowu was a little puzzled. After hiking for nearly an hour, she couldn't even find any trace of human smoke.

"It should be okay... Didn't you also hear what the ape said? This is a closer mountain road. As long as you walk along this forest, you can go out..." Liu Yuan pointed to the red leafy forest in front of him and explained.

"Well, okay... But Sister Liu Yuan, you came to find herbs to save your mother's life this time, but now you have gone back, isn't it..." Xiaowu didn't go on, because Liu Yuan's gaze made her lower her head.

Before that, Liu Yuan told Xiaowu that she was looking for herbs to treat her mother's illness, but because the herb is too difficult to find, another reason is that even if she finds no specific tool, she can't pick it, because the herb will turn into soot as soon as she touches people's bodies, so Liu Yuan decided Go back, and then gather everyone to come out again to look for it.

"It doesn't matter. My tools have been lost. Even if I find them, I can't pick them. Besides, I have no clue about the herb. When I go back, gather some experienced people to look for them in the mountains..." She bowed her head and said nothing, but her eyes were full of a trace of eyes. Helplessness and regret.

"Does Sister Liu Yuan want to ask the big man? He is an acquaintance here and should know the whereabouts of some rare grass..." Xiaowu didn't seem to give up yet. She looked at Liu Yuan and looked at the ape walking in front of her.

"Well, well, let's find out now, and it will be much more convenient to find it at that time..." Liu Yuan nodded, and then Xiaowu stopped Yuan Dahe 15 and asked Yuan Dadao: "Hey, big man, Sister Liu Yuan is looking for a kind of herb to treat her mother, which makes you more familiar with and should be able to provide some affection. Did you report it?"

The ape nodded slowly instead of roaring, and then heard Liu Yuan say, "I'm looking for a herb called Millennium Spiritual Root..."

"Millennium spiritual root? ..." After hearing Liu Yuan say it, Xiaowu and Yuandu looked at Liu Yuan with a surprised look. The latter was okay, but the former shouted out.

"Sister Liu Yuan, are you... Are you sure it's a thousand-year-old spiritual root, nothing else?" Xiaowu asked in a low voice, which made Liu Yuan at a loss, and the fifteenth just frowned beside him, and only heard Xiaowu continue to say, "Thousand-year-old spiritual root, it is rumored that mortals can become immortals as long as they eat..."

"To become an immortal?" Xiaowu's words shocked Liu Yuan, and the latter's face was slightly white, but there was a trace of surprise and puzzlement in his eyes.

"Although this is just a rumor that it is not so easy to become an immortal, eating it can indeed prolong life and greatly increase its magic power. If people take it, it has the effect of rebirth, and can also increase their own cultivation. If demons take it, they can still greatly increase their magic power and practice thousands of miles a day... This is a must-have for demons and immortals. Wu, how could Sister Liu Yuan know this magical herb?

Xiaowu smacks his tongue, because ordinary people can't know this kind of rare grass about monasteries. Even if they know it, they can't pick and eat them. Almost every kind of herbs in heaven and earth has spirituality. Demons are fine. If mortals want to take this kind of herbs, they must use it. There are supernatural artifacts, and if you want to take it, you need to go through a series of steps such as refining, purification, and injecting to make people take them.

"How do you know?" Liu Yuan thought about it and suddenly knocked on the head with his hand, and then slowly said, "I can't remember how to know..."

"Can't remember?" Xiaowu and 15 were shocked at the same time. They looked at each other and nodded to each other. 15 took the lead and said to Liu Yuan, "If you don't remember, forget it. Shall we go back first?"

With one hand holding Liu Yuan's hand knocking on her head, 15th thought to herself: "It seems that it still has something to do with that grimace. Has she affected Liu Yuan's consciousness? What should I do? The master's ancient book is almost uncontrollable... I don't know where the master is. If I can find him, it would be good, but..." 15 frowned, waved to Xiaowu and the ape, and then walked forward quickly.

When the fifteenth pulled Liu Yuan forward quickly, the ape stood there, as if thinking about Liu Yuan's words. After a while, when everyone looked at him, the body of the snow-white hairy shivered and roared in a low voice. As soon as his voice fell, Xiaowu covered his rosy lips with his right hand. Translation: "The big man said that he knew the whereabouts of the thousand-year-old spiritual root is on Baiqiu Mountain near Baiqiu Town, but it is the territory of the old demon of Montenegro. If it is almost impossible to steal the millennium spiritual root under its nose. The old monster has lived for nearly a thousand years, which is estimated to be older than the thousand-year-year-old spiritual root. It will take a long time..."

"Baiqiu Town, isn't it the nearby town? It's not far from Anhe Town where I am. If you go from here, you should be able to reach it at night..." Liu Yuan kept thinking, as if he was measuring something.

"The big man said that you can also go to Baiqiu Town from here, as long as you go north from a fork in front of you, but he said that we'd better not go, because the old demon of Montenegro is a cruel character. He is like a rich man guarding Baiqiu Mountain... It's not peaceful..." Xiaowu continued to explain that she He looked at 15.

"Really?" Hearing that there was a thousand-year-old monster living in the mountain, Liu Yuan also looked dark, shook his head slightly, and casually said, "No matter how difficult it is, I will find it..."

"Why don't we inquire about the situation first? If not, forget it. If you can take it, you can't find another way..." 15 touched his forehead. He has his idea. For Liu Yuan, it is inevitable to find the thousand-year spiritual root, whether there is hope or not.

Although 15 also knows that this is extremely dangerous, he also has a strong feeling that he may meet the person he wants to see. Although this intuition alone cannot be used as a reference, the current situation always calms Liu Yuan's mood, which lurks in her body. The resentment seemed to be able to find her spiritual fragility, and then gradually eroded her whole person.

Xiaowu was slightly stunned and looked at 15 worriedly, and 15 also knew the danger of doing this, so he still said it, of course, with his subjective ideas.

Because of Liu Yuan's matter, he can't do it now. Even the resentment on her body can't be dispelled. Only by finding the wine fairy road can he do it.

Moreover, there are still many questions to ask him on the 15th. Since he has a strong feeling in his heart, why don't he take a risk to try it? Just like he also took a risk to find Bai Xue in the world of God. Although he did not know the whereabouts of Bai Xue, he still decided to take a risk. The results showed that he did not Anything.

"Um..." After a long time, Xiaowu nodded and turned to Liu Yuan and said, "Yes, Sister Liu Yuan, we have nothing to do anyway. Let's go to Baiqiu Town. If you find the thousand-year-old spiritual root, I can also help collect it. Don't forget, I'm a little demon, and I still have a little spiritual power..."

"This..." Liu Yuan was a little undecisive. He looked at Xiaowu again, and finally nodded slowly, "Well, I hope the thousand-year-old spiritual root really exists..."


After everyone discussed, Yuanda also roared and agreed, but there was also a warning in his roar.

"The big man said that the old demon of Montenegro is very sinister and vicious, but I like it very much... I like that beautiful woman..." Xiaowu looked at Liu Yuan with a smile and looked at Liu Yuan, "And we are not the opponents of the old black mountain demon at all. If we want to enter the mountain to find medicinal herbs, we may still need the help of the people in Baiqiu Town. So he suggested that we go to Baiqiu Town first and then to Baiqiu Mountain..."

When 15 and Liu Yuan heard it, although the white demon giant ape was huge and could not speak, these words showed his extremely high wisdom. Anyway, he was also a descendant of a mythical beast who had lived for decades.

"Ha ha, it seems that you are really a great guide..." Liu Yuan laughed, and the white demon giant ape really shocked her.

The ape touched his head, and he grinned with a smile, but it didn't look like it. Instead, it made everyone laugh.

"Okay, let's go... The ape leads the way..." 15 smiled slightly. He took the lead, but he prayed secretly in his heart: "Master, I hope to see you there. I still have a lot of questions to ask you..."

15 thought in his heart, and at the same time, he raised his head and looked deeply at the yellow color in the distance. The color was like an old man who had experienced the vicissitudes of life, almost reaching the end of his life.

A group of birds in the sky also skimmed the sky and flew towards the same unknown front, but it was a little different from the direction of the fifteen people, or the opposite. The fifteen people were heading north, but the birds in the sky were heading south.

PS: Please collect, ask for red tickets...