
[Chapter 138 Baiqiu Mountain]

Baiqiu Mountain is located in the north of Baiqiu Town, stretching for thousands of miles. The green color is like a watercolor ink painting, lush, and there is no disgrace to Baiqiu Mountain with such scenery.

On a path in Baiqiu Mountain, 15 people walked on foot, and everyone was worried. At the exit of Baiqiu Town, Laibo said that the thousand-year maturity of the spiritual root is today, and there are not many people coveting this spiritual root, so I'm afraid this Baiqiu Mountain will not be deserted.

The path is a way to the old demon territory of Montenegro, which was pointed out by the young man led by the five mercenaries. The young man's name is Tiehu, who is the nephew of Tie Mo, the leader of the Tiehan Mercenary League. Among the five mercenaries this time, he has the best martial arts.

The iron tiger is upright and does not smile. There is a sense of killing and decisiveness in him, which is also the temperament cultivated from the mountains. The strength of the iron tiger is indeed strong, almost comparable to the white demon giant ape, which can't help but make 15 admire the training of the Iron Han Mercenary League on its subordinates. I'm afraid these five people are all top-notch people.

15 nodded secretly and thought about what Laibo said. How precious the thousand-year-old spiritual root is. If the fifteen people want to get this spiritual root under the circumstances of being coveted by many people, I'm afraid it's unrealistic, unless their luck is really good.

However, all genius treasures are obtained by predestined people, so there are many demons who come to this mountain to try their luck, but they are all hindered by the strength of the old demons of Montenegro and dare not act rashly. However, when the thousand-year-old spiritual root is finally born, there must be some demons, people and beasts that do not blink their eyes to grab them. Who will eventually fall into the thousand-year spiritual root? There is no conclusion.

Along the path, fifteen people quickly entered an open space. At this time, the scorching sun was high, and I'm afraid it was close to noon. Tiehu suggested that everyone sit down and rest for a while. They nodded at 15 o'clock to preserve their physical strength. After all, the maturity of this thousand-year spiritual roots is today. Maybe they have been picked by maturity, or those coveling people are robbing them.

15 casually found a place to sit down and was about to speak, but the open space suddenly became dark. Be careful, everyone..." 15 immediately stood up, frowned and shouted.

He is still extremely sensitive to the perception of the fifteen around him, and he is also very familiar with this pervasive breath.

"What's the matter, 15th brother?" When Liu Yuan saw 15's reaction, he suddenly felt nervous and looked around with vigilance, but did not find anything strange.

"There is a demon spirit..." Xiaowu said behind Liu Yuan. She is a demon, and she is also very familiar with this demon spirit, and the reason why 15 is familiar with this demon spirit is because of the demon clan in the world of God.

When he was in the world of Cangshen, 15 did not understand what demon spirit was at all, so at that time, he could not distinguish between others and demons in the world of Cangshen, and he was also contaminated with demon spirit, so Yiyi mistook him for a demon.

"There should be a demon nearby, and his strength is not weak. Be careful..." 15 frowned more and more tightly. In terms of perception, he is not weak. Although he can't perceive some people stronger than him, and the range of perception is also very small, the sensitivity of his perception is extremely high. He can feel the movement.

But since this demonic spirit pervade, his perception seems to have disappeared.

Murong Yuheng said that the so-called perception is the ability to understand heaven and earth. 15 is confident that if he can understand the book of rebellion, then no one's perception in the world can surpass him, and even the gods and demons are beyond his reach.

It is not a good thing that perception disappears. Murong Yuheng also said that when the soul power reaches a certain level, covering one side can stop the perception of others. If it can make 15 feel no movement, that is to say, more than 15 people at this moment are being killed by an extremely powerful demon with soul power. The monster was surrounded by the lock.

The teacher is not good. After only a long time, I met a strong monster. It seems that this trip to Baiqiu Mountain is difficult.

"Sprinkle demon powder..." Tiehu shouted.

Before he finished his words, a middle-aged man beside him took out a bottle of powder from his arms and spread it out in the air. And with the spilling of the powder, the demon spirit did converged a little.

Demon repellent powder, as the name implies, is a kind of demon repellent powder. This Baiqiu Mountain is full of genius treasures, but it is also full of demons. It is almost impossible to survive without the protection of mercenaries if you want to find medicinal minerals in Baiqiu Mountain. On the one hand, the mercenaries are vigorous and powerful, and the other is the existence of demon fans.

Everything in heaven and earth competes with each other. Where there are monsters, there must be things that compete with them.

White Qiucao is a herb that restrains demons. The smell of this herb is not strong, but if the demons smell it, it is easy to cause their disgust and stay away.

Therefore, the town's employment alliance used those herbs as medicinal herbs, then added other irritating medicinal stones, and finally grinded them into this powder-shaped exorcism powder.

Generally speaking, Baiqiu grass grows in Baiqiu Mountain, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people to get that. No one is willing to spend a lot of money to hire mercenaries to make huge profits from Baiqiu grass.

Of course, Bai Qiucao is just the name given around Baiqiu Mountain. In different places, the name is different, but the effect is the same.

"Demon-repel powder?" Fifteen doubted.

"Well, this is what mercenaries will wear, but this kind of powder is only effective for weak demons, and it only disgusts those powerful monsters..." Tiehu only explained slightly and said nothing more, but for 15th, it is enough to know this.

The combat effectiveness of Iron Tiger is not as good as 15, but he is very familiar with Baiqiu Mountain. After all, he has been fighting here since childhood, and he is also quite well aware of the actions and timing of some monsters.

The demon-repel powder spilled out, and the open space gradually regained a trace of clarity, but Tiehu knew in his heart that this demon-repel powder only made the demon disgusted for a while and could not make it retreat. However, he grabbed the moment when the monster felt disgusted and shouted to everyone, "Now, let's go..."

The group rushed out of this demonic open space. Among the fifteen or 19 people, Liu Yuan did not know any martial arts, so she naturally fell to the end.

When Liu Yuan looked back and his cheeks were slightly red, he picked her up. Liu Yuan was still stunned, and the surroundings finally began to light up.

"Fifteenth Brother? ...You... let me down quickly..." Liu Yuan said with a shy face.

15 quickly ran forward and took two feet in one step. The speed was so fast, the wind in his ear roared, and the sound was surprisingly loud. Of course, he could not hear Liu Yuan's words.

Huh? Didn't the monster catch up?" Fifteen stopped, and the iron tiger and the ape behind him also stopped.

"It's true that they didn't catch up. Why is this? According to reason, this battle is inevitable..." A mercenary said. The mercenary's name is Lu Bin, and his strength is second only to Tiehu.

Although the monsters in Baiqiu Mountain are alone, they are also persistent. Since the previous demon has taken action, it must not be possible for it to easily let go of 15 people. However, what surprised everyone was that the demon did not chase it.

The perception of 15 has recovered. Close your eyes and feel the fluctuation of the wind around you. Sure enough, the monsters on Baiqiu Mountain are everywhere.

There is a little breeze in the mountains, and those demons will not restrain their breath, so at this moment, with their sensitive perception, they can distinguish the evil spirit in the breeze blowing.

The demon spirit of each demon is different, and in that breeze, 15 senses no less than ten kinds of demon spirit, but this is only the tip of the iceberg.

As usual, the mercenary alliance only came to Baiqiu Mountain to move south of the mountain, so there are not many monsters encountered, and if it goes deeper into Baiqiu Mountain, even if thegu yong alliances in Baiqiu Town add up, it will be difficult to move.

There are not many monsters encountered, but they also embarrass the employment alliance, let alone enter deeper. Today, the fifteenth group of people are going to enter the depths of Baiqiu Mountain to find the thousand-year-old spiritual root of the man, demons and beasts.

"This is the way we came." Tiehu said, with a cold voice. Although he doesn't look lull or hot, his leadership is still extremely amazing. From the command of scattering demon fans just now, he can know a little.

This is also one of the reasons why Tiemo chose Tiehu's trip to Baiqiu Mountain.

"Brother Fifteen, I found that the monster seemed to be blocking us from moving forward..." Xiaowu said in shock. Xiaowu is a little demon. The blocking monster gave her a strong sense of oppression, and now she has not come out of the panic just now.

"Well...it seems that we have to find a way..." At 15 o'clock, he nodded, but forgot to put Liu Yuan down, which made Liu Yuan blush with urgency and said, "Ten...Fifteenth Brother... Can you put me down first..."

Huh? OK...O..." Only then did he remember that he had been holding Liu Yuan. He smiled awkwardly and didn't say much. Liu Yuan immediately flashed aside and avoided everyone's eyes.

In Baiqiu Mountain, most demons are alone, but why does the demon who suddenly take action just want to stop the way of 15 people or kill those who want to break through?

This is too strange to make a demon only be an interceptor and does not require pursuit. In this way, there is only one possibility that the blocking demon is instructed by a more powerful monster.

In Baiqiu Mountain, the birth of the thousand-year-old spiritual root is bound to attract many people's coveted. Since the roadblocking demon has been instructed to intercept the person or demon going up the mountain, it also reflects from the side that the thousand-year-old spiritual root still exists on this Baiqiu Mountain, and it may not have been born yet.

I'm afraid this is the only good news for 15 people.

PS: Ask for red tickets...