
[Chapter 142 Worship]

15 ran back from the open space, turning back step by step, and the speed was extremely fast.

The sheep intestine path can't see the end at a glance. On this side of the path, Liu Yuan Xiaowu and his party were very anxious. It took half an hour to explore on the 15th.

In Baiqiu Mountain, the breeze blows, and the sea of trees in the distance is like waves, with layers of forest flavor, rushing towards Liuyuan and others, but the forest flavor has an extremely strong demonic spirit, faintly, a bloody smell mixed in it, like embellishment, and like rendering.

"What a strong demon..." Xiaowu covered her red lips, looked a little scared, and said, "It seems that many powerful monsters have gathered in Baiqiu Mountain. When the thousand-year-old spiritual root comes out, a competition must be inevitable... At that time, a lot of demons or people will die..."

As a goldfinch, Xiaowu has just taken shape and has human emotions. It can be seen that she is also a kind-hearted person, but her compassionate feelings are superfluous. People die for money and birds die for food. But who is not a cruel person who flocks to grab the spiritual root of this millennium? It's better for them to die, which can reduce a few harms to the world.

However, speaking, on the 15th, they are also people who rob the spiritual root, but unlike other demons, people and beasts, they do not have the mentality of fighting desperately, but a lively mentality. Presumably, as long as they don't grab them, those who cove the spiritual roots will disdain to fight with them.

The speed of 15 is very fast, which is many times faster than in the competition with the white demon giant ape. If the ape fights again at this moment, he can't even see the back of 15.

The jungle was slightly shrugged, and the 15th did not return according to the original way. He was careful and drilled into the jungle. In this way, even if the bat demon chased him, he would not meet Liu Yuan and others.

It took about half an hour to run away in the jungle, and then slowly leaned towards Liu Yuan and others.

"Is there movement there?" Tiehu pointed to the towering grass not far away. His weapon was a sword behind him, which was pulled out by him, and the cold light suddenly loomed out.

When everyone heard the words, they looked in the direction of the grass in horror, but everywhere, there was a trace of joy on their faces. Half of their heads had been exposed in the grass, and then their whole body came out. It was fifteen.

"Fifteenth Brother..."

"Fifteen Brothers..."

I don't know why, I always felt that everyone's eyes were too nervous. When I looked at myself, I was also shocked. It turned out that when I was in the grass, my clothes were already tattered, and no matter how I looked at it, I looked extremely embarrassed.

"Wow... I'm fine..." 15 slowed down his disordered breath, took a big breath of air, and a trace of energy was also sucked into his body.

Running around in the jungle needs to consume its own inner spirit. The colorful Holy Spirit in the fifteen body is not very full. Even if it is pure and powerful, it can't withstand such consumption. Therefore, the fifteenth day will be exhausted when running, otherwise the clothes will not be cut by those weed branches.

15's Mingtianjue has the effect of pure earth energy. As he inhales and sucks, the seven-color inner spirits in the underworld also have a little precipitation. Everyone looked at him quietly like this. After a quarter of an hour, 15 recovered a little and said, "It was a little demon who intercepted us in the open space, just a The magic array arranged by the powerful monster, I can go if I break it... But another demon has arrived..."

15 came slowly. Although it was not coherent, everyone also listened very carefully. When 15 said that Xuan Ye was willing to risk drag the bat demon in order to save him, everyone's hearts were awe-hearted. Unexpectedly, there were really such good people in the world.

Bat demon, as one of the four guardians of the old demon of Montenegro, how can the people of the Iron Man Mercenary League not hear of it? Since Xuanye confronts him, he will definitely die, so they all feel sorry for Xuanye. If such a kind person can make friends, it will not be worth this trip to Baiqiu Mountain. However, the most enthusiastic mercenaries of the Iron Han League is the name of the Fire Clan.

The Huo clan has also been passed down for a long time and is as famous as the Feng clan. It would be a great honor to make friends with the Huo clan. Even Tie Mo, the leader of the alliance, knew that he should also treat them with some etiquette and respect. It can be seen that the fire clan has too much energy.

"It's a pity..." Tiehu sighed and said that he had come step by step from the experience of fighting, and he was also a strong and bold person. When he heard about Xuanye on the 15th, he was also greatly moved.

"Don't worry, the Xuanye brothers will be fine..." 15 said in a loud voice. Xuanye's level and strength were far beyond 15th, and at that time, 15th ran away not because of fear, but because he saw the confidence flashed in Xuanye's eyes, and he expected that Xuan Ye would be able to escape, but he didn't know when he could Enough to meet.

Suddenly, the spirit of the fifteenth moved, and his eyes quickly looked into the air. He was greatly surprised. He only felt that a master was deceiving himself, but when the fifteenth was about to do something, a person had already appeared in the sky. The fifteenth was overjoyed, and the person who came was Xuanye.

"Brother Xuanye..." 15 greeted him and looked extremely happy. The two were originally married. Xuan Ye was also very bold. He was happy at the moment he appeared on 15th, but he didn't know where the happiness came from.

"Haha, haha... Fifteen brothers, we meet again. How about celebrating with a glass of wine?" Xuan Ye fell from the air with a smile and stepped on a long sword under his feet. The sword had a hot breath overflowed all the time. When the perception of the fifteenth touched the sword, he only felt a tingling soul. It was thought that the heat on the sword had penetrated into the depths of the fifteen souls through his perception.

Fifteen's body moved and felt an unspeakable severe pain in his soul. He tried to calm down, and the tingling pain gradually faded.

Xuanye stood in front of the fifteenth, saw the body trembling, and guessed it. He also explained to the fifteenth, "Brother, this sword is a sacred object of my fire clan. It is extremely hot. If it hadn't been for the people of my fire clan, it would have been impossible to control it at will. First, its fire attributes are extremely strong, and second, it is because of its blood boundaries... And perception is also impenetrable. Once it is perceived with perception, the heat of fire will enter the soul of the perceiver..."

"No wonder, no wonder..." 15 is not a greedy person, so he will not have any envy. On the contrary, he suddenly realized that he understood.

However, all powerful weapons and magic weapons must have full spirituality and strength, and it is common to prevent others from peeping. 15 is not confused by this. After Xuanye's little bit of breaking, he can also guess one or two.

"Come... Brother Xuanye, let me introduce you. This is Liu Yuan, this is Xiaowu..." 15 pulled Xuanye over and pointed to Liu Yuan Xiaowu and others.

"This lineup is really rare, a monster, a little..." Xuanye was about to break the fact that Xiaowu was a demon, but when he saw the strange eyes of the fifteenth people, he also guessed seven or eight out of ten in his heart and changed his words, "Little girl, it's rare to come to this Baiqiu Mountain, and I don't know that the fifteen brothers came to Baiqiu Mountain. What to do?"

Xuan Ye was going to say the word "little demon", but he read a trace of pleading from the eyes of 1545 people, so he changed his words.

All the way from Baiqiu Town, the five Iron Tigers didn't know how to walk with a little demon at all.

In Baiqiu Town, mercenaries are protecting people for their livelihood in Baiqiu Mountain. It can almost be said that they do not coexist with demons. Each life is jealous of hatred and hates demons. If they let them know that Xiaowu is a demon, it's okay? And Xuanye is also well treasoned, so he changed his words.

Xuan Ye's inquiry was obviously to change the topic, but the matter of finding the thousand-year-old spiritual root in the mountain was quite **. Liu Yuan was afraid that Xuanye would also grab it after knowing it, and only said vaguely, "We went up the mountain to find medicine..."

Looking for medicine? What medicine are you looking for?" Xuanye asked with a smile. Obviously, he just asked casually, but this embarrassed Liu Yuan. He didn't know how to deal with it. He turned his head and looked at 15th, but 15 didn't do anything. He didn't think he could tell Xuanye about the millennium spiritual root, so he was puzzled by Liu Yuan's eyes.

Liu Yuan looked bitter and was about to open his mouth when he heard Xuan Ye say, "Fifteen brothers, this mountain is extremely dangerous, and there are many monsters gathered in this mountain, but be careful..."

Before Liu Yuan opened her mouth, she was interrupted by Xuan Ye's words and secretly exhaled. She somehow suddenly became a little **. In fact, it doesn't matter whether Xuan Ye knows it or not. Thinking about his fire clan, this precious medicinal material is not lacking.

"Thank you, Xuanye brothers... Previously, Xuanye brothers said they would walk with us, so now let's go with us..." 15 said with a smile. Xuanye's friendship and the love of sacrificing his life have long penetrated into his heart, and they have long been regarded Xuanye as a real brother.

"Haha... Okay, fifteen brothers, you and I are predestined to meet today. Why don't we worship as brothers here?" Xuanye laughed and laughed happily.

"Worship as a brother?" Fifteenth was stunned. This word didn't seem to be in his mind, and the problem also blurted out without thinking, which shocked Xuanye's laughter.

"Fifteen brothers, are you kidding?" Xuan Ye looked at 15 in disbelief, but his handsome face was full of surprise at this moment.

15 shook his head and said, "Sorry, Brother Xuanye, I lost my memory, so I can't remember some things..." 15 thought that the reason why he couldn't understand some things was caused by the loss of memory. Bai Xue said whether he liked it or not, the fox spirit... I don't know what Xuan Ye said at this moment.

"Fifteen brothers, it turns out that you have lost your memory..." Xuanye's heart was stunned. When he looked at the fifteenth again, there was an indescribable feeling in his heart. Just because 15 gave him a strange feeling, he had the meaning of closeness, but 15's personality was also quite liked by him, so he also rose up and wanted to make friends with 15.

PS: No words...